anastpaul · 6 years
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Our Morning Offering – 22 January – The Memorial of St Vincent of Saragossa (Died 304) – Deacon and Martyr – The Protomartyr of Spain
Prayer of St Vincent of Saragossa (Died 304)
Everlasting God, to whom all hidden things are revealed, who sent into the world Your Only Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, conceived through the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, that He might take on Himself the punishment of our sins and by His resurrection, snatch us from the gates of hell, grant to our hearts such steadfastness of faith that confessing Christ, Your Son, we may not perish but may be joined to Him in the confession of Your Holy Name. Amen
(via Our Morning Offering - 22 January - The Prayer of St Vincent of Saragossa)
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anastpaul · 7 years
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Our Morning Offering – 22 January – The Memorial of St Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850)
Prayer of St Vincent Pallotti
My God, in every moment You nourish me with Your Wisdom and You destroy my ignorance. You nourish me with Your inaccessible Light and You destroy all my shadows. You nourish me with Your infinite Perfection and you destroy my life which is a monstrosity of imperfections. You nourish me with Your infinite Being and you destroy my brutish life, my loathsome self, a sinful man and by a miracle of Your Mercy, even though I have merited infinite times. to lose God forever, God Himself, with all of His Nature, Person and Attributes made Himself all mine, He becomes my nourishment and He nourishes me always, so as to transform me into Himself and make me one with Him. Therefore, I am all in God and God is all in me and with His eternal nature He brings me to all times and in His immensity, He brings me to all places and I experience myself as eternal and am immersed in Him. Oh Wondrous God, oh Infinite Mercy. Amen
(via AnaStpaul – Page 2 – Breathing Catholic)
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