scribblesofagoonerr · 15 days
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— don't forget about us, will you?
pairings: beth mead x reader, vivianne miedema x reader
summary: reader finds out that vivs' leaving the club and isn't too happy about the decision
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"Hey, kid. Can we talk?" Beth hesistates to ask as the three of you arrive home from the training grounds, you were more than grateful to be home after a grueling rehab session and all you want to right now is lounge on the sofa.
"Uh huh sure," You flop down on the sofa cautiously, aware of hurting your knee as you briefly glance at the couple standing in front of you, "What's up?" You question as you aimessly start to scroll through your Instagram newsfeed.
"Put the phone down, kleintje. There's something that I... I need to tell you," Viv swallows the lump in her throat as she settles on the other side of the sofa.
You can't help but furrow your eyebrows in confusion, "What's going on?" You wonder.
"Y/N, there's something that you should know," Viv begins to speak, biting her bottom lipn as she hesistantly looks at Beth who nods in encouragement for her to go on, perching on the sofa beside the Dutch and holding her hand comfortingly.
"Oh? That sounds serious-- Is it serious?" You still continue to glance between the two of them while you try and figure out what the news might be without knowing any further context yet, "If its' about something that I did then, well, you have no proof that I even did it," You joke, holding your hands up in surrender and trying to keep the topic light hearted.
"Y/N," Beth speaks in a gentle voice, but still held a tone of firmness that you're not quite used to hearing.
"Oh, this is serious," You frown in realisation when you note the faltered smile on both of their faces, "Is it bad news? Cos' neither of you are smiling or joking like usual," You add.
"Kid, just... just listen," Beth stammers her words.
"O... Okay," You mumble, confused.
"The thing is kleintje," Viv begins as her voice quivers.
"What's going on?" You question as you can feel your heart skip a beat, dreading whatever news is about to be given, "Viv? Beth? Tell me what it is, please!" You plead, although it makes you sound desperate with the way that you say it.
"You have to tell her, Viv," Beth chimes in, sharing a knowing look with the Dutch woman.
"Tell me what? What's going on?!" You feel like your repeating yourself and you can't help but raise your voice, wanting answers.
Viv slowly nods in agreement and clears her throat, "The... The club doesn't want to renew my contract at the end of the season. I'm... I'm leaving Arsenal," She breaks the news to you.
"What? You... You're leaving?" The words leave a bitter taste in your mouth and it feels like the ground is slowly being ripped out from underneath you, "You can't... You can't leave,"
"I know, I'm sorry kleintje. I wish that things could be different," Viv's own eyes brim with tears as she speaks to you honestly.
"Wha... What do you mean they won't renew it? That's not... That's not fair!" Your quick to lash out directly in anger, nothing seems to be making sense anymore, "You... You can't!" You repeat, angrily.
How can she leave the club? 7 years being there with 173 appearances in an Arsenal shirt, scoring 126 goals and the club are just willing to let her go, just like that?
None of that makes any sense at all.
"Beth, you have to do something! You can't-- We can't just let her go!" You demand, turning your attention to the blonde whos' been silent ever since you were told, "Surely, the club has just made a mistake!"
Beth gives you a sympathetic smile and shakes her head, "I wish there was something that I could do to the help the situation, but its' out of my hands, kid," The blonde admits, her own feelings were very clear about the situation and she wasn't happy either.
"Its' not fair, none of this is fair!" You mumble, shaking your head in disbelief before you slowly begin to get up from the sofa, "What about... What about you being there to see my return? That's not gonna happen now!" The sudden realisation of that hits and you can't help but feel sadness about that truth of it.
"I'll still be there, you try and stop me," Viv winks at you, trying to keep the mood light as she tries to reach you to envelope you in a hug, "I'll be there when you your return back on the pitch, Y/N. It's going to be okay," She adds.
You shrug her off and shake your head, "You don't know that? You don't-- You'll go to a new club, you'll leave and forget about us!" Your initial sadness turns back into anger, you were mainly angry at the club and at Jonas for his stupid decision, "I'm going to my room. I want to be alone!" You tell them before you start to sulk off.
"Wait, Y/N," Viv begins to call after you.
"Just let her go, Leifje. She just needs the time to take in the news and she'll come back out when shes' ready," Beth reassures her girlfriend, squeezing her hand gently in reassurance, "This news is a shock to us all, but its' going to be okay," She adds.
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Despite with the fact that you are currently out with an ACL injury for the remainder of the season, you still want to be there and support the girls as they play their final game in the 23/2024 season against Brighton.
Your there to watch as Viv officially plays her final game as a Gunner, and you're not ashamed to admit that you probably will end up crying throughout most of the game.
"How're you holdin' up, kid?" Lotte glances in your direction, noting the tears that you're fighting to hold back as you join her in the stands.
"Alright, I guess. It just doesn't seem real that she's leaving," You shrug your shoulders and look to the bench where you can see that Viv looks like she's been crying, "It's not fair, it's so wrong. Can't they just say they've made a mistake?" You find it hard to understand the reasoning behind the clubs decision.
Lotte smiles sympathetically and pulls you into her arms as you rest your head on her shoulder, "I know that it doesn't kid," she mumbles in agreement.
"It'll be okay, kid," Lia see's your upset and squeezes your hand gently.
"It doesn't feel like it," You shake your head in disagreement and try to focus on the game, although its' hard to do that when your sad that your team mum would be leaving the club after this game today.
The whole thing left a bitter taste in your mouth. How can it be?
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"Come on kid," Lotte gestures you to follow her onto the pitch to join the rest of the team after the final whistle is blown after the 5 nil victory, "Lets' go see the rest of the girls," She adds.
You nod solmely in agreement and slump over to the pitch where you immediatly rush over to your 2 team mums, "Vivi!" You all but jump into the older women's arms.
"Kleintje!" Viv's taken back by your sudden change of attitude, considering the last week you have been sulking about it since you found out.
"Viv, be careful of her knee!" Beth scolds her girlfriend gently as the Dutch women spins you around on the spot.
"She'll be fine," Viv chuckles and shakes her head, placing you back down on the ground.
"I'm fine," You repeat, rolling your eyes.
Viv gives her girlfriend an amused smirk, "See? She's fine, liefje," She states.
"Says' the one that's been the most worried about her throughout her rehab, hm?" Beth teases her partner amusedly and shakes her head before she looks in your direction, "Just be careful, kid. You don't want to knock it and aggitate it," She adds.
"Yes mum, don't worry. I'll be fine," You remark sarcastically and roll her eyes, resisting the urge to say anything further.
"Aye, aye, non of that," Beth playfully swats the back of your head, "Just be careful, okay? I'm serious, kid!"
You huff and begrudingly nod your head in agreement before you turn your attention back to Viv, "That was an amazing goal, Vivi! One touch on the ball and its' in the back of the net, it was awesome!" You mention.
"Thank you, kleintje," Viv presses a light kiss to the top of your head and wraps her arm around your shoulder, guiding you in the direction of the rest of the girls where hugs are exchanged with each other.
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The most emotional part soon came around where you're stood alongside your team mates, listening to Vivs' speech and you can't help the tears that spill down your cheeks.
You also can't help but feel angry hearing the fans' shout out loud and interrupt the speech. If you were being honest, you did sort of agree with them, however, it seems like the wrong time and place right now.
"Hey, come here," You feel yourself pulled into someone's arms and you recognise the familiar voice of your fellow Lioness team mate, "You okay?" She questions, concerned.
"This... This isn't fair, its' not right!" You mumble, crying into her chest as you can still hear the speech as background noise, "The fans... Why are they shouting this stuff? Its' not right, Vivi doesn't deserve this!"
"I know its' hard to heart, Y/N," Alessia comforts you and pulls you into her embrace, sympathsising how difficult it was for the ones' closest to Viv.
"Its' so wrong and disrespectful," You murmer, shaking your head and keeping it buried in Alessias' chest.
"Hey, kid," You hear the familiar voice of your Irish team mate as you feel her hand rest on your back in comfort.
You spin around and look at Katie, trying to keep from further tears spilling down your cheeks when you see how distraught Katie looks as well, "They're making... They're making a mistake, aren't they, Katie? I mean you saw her goal-- How... How can they just let her go?" You question in disbelief.
"I... I don't know, kid," Katie answers honestly, "Be honest with me, how are you? I know its' a lot and you're bound to be upset today," She states.
You can't help but shrug your shoulders as you feel numb to certain emotions now, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just sad, you know?" You mumble.
"Aw kid, come here," Katie envelopes you into her arms, "It's a lot to handle today, it's okay to let your emotions out in the open," She reassures you.
"I just... Its' not fair though, is it?" Your sadness is quick to turn into anger, "How can she just leave, how can they let her go-- Just like that?" She questions.
"I know it's hard to understand, but it'll be okay," Katie smiles at you sympathetically.
You shake your head in disagreement, "No, no it's not! How is it okay? Vivs' abandoning us-- Shes' abandoning me!" Your cover up to act fine is a complete front as you let your true feelings out in the open.
"Hey, calm down, kid. Its' okay!" Katie tries to calm you down before anyone else can catch on to what's going on.
"No, no, it's not! Its' not fair-- None of this is even fuckin' fair!" You shout loudly in disagreement, your just too upset to even realise that you're causing a scene in front of the team, the whole club and even the fans that were stood in the stands.
"What's going on?" Leah wonders over after she hears the commotion from you on the other side of the pitch, "Hey, Y/N-- Whoa, what's the matter, baby England?" Shes' confused when you literally throw yourself into her arms.
"Eh, I think the kids' just a bit upset," Katie tries to explain, frowning at the blonde, "Should I find Beth?" She wonders.
"No, no, let me see if I can calm her down first," Leah shakes her head in disagreement, glancing over to Beth who is sharing a moment with Viv after the speeches have been given and she doesn't want to worry her.
"Its' just not fuckin fair!" You continue to shout, loud enough for others to hear.
"Hey, Y/N, you need to calm down," Leah tells you firmly as she wraps her arms tightly around you, "I know you're upset, but you can't make a scene like this on the pitch. Now, do you want to talk about what's going on?" She asks.`
"Vivs' leaving," You broke down into tears all over again after trying to keep it together for so long, "Vivs' leaving and we're never gonna see her again!" You cry, letting out your emotions out.
"Whoa, whoa, that's not true," Leah chuckles, shaking her head in disagreement, "You'll still see Viv because you live with them, don't you? That's not going to change," She tells you.
You nod faintly, but then the panic only seems to escalate when you realise that there's a possobility of Viv moving to another club abroad, "But... But what if she goes to a different club, like another one in a different country?" You question, worriedly.
"Alright, hey, listen to me, baby England," Leah turns her attention fully to you as she pulls you aside, "Talk to me, what's this really about?" She questions, concerned.
"W... What about when I make my return to the pitch? She won't be there then," You exhale a sigh and let your own fears out in the open.
The realisation suddenly dawns on Leahs' face, "Is that what your so upset about, hm? Cos' you know that whatever happens, Viv will be there for you and support you. That still won't change, no matter what," She explains, gently.
Katie nods in agreement, "Exactly, just because Viv is at another club, when it comes to the time where you make your return to the pitch then I'm sure she'll be there, yeah?" She reassures you, squeezing your shoulder gently.
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"Ready to head back home now?" Beth questions, spotting you slowly walk over in the direction of them after the last few moments on the pitch.
"Guess so," You mumble in agreeement.
Viv takes in your appearance and her smile falters, "Hey, kleintje. You okay-- You've been crying, huh?" She notes.
You numbly nod in agreement and hang your head down glumily, "I'm... I'm sorry, I'm just sad. I can't believe you're leaving the club," You murmer, sadly.
"I know, Y/N. It's a lot of change, isn't it?" Viv replies with the same tone of sadness in her voice as she wraps her free arm around you.
You willingly allow yourself to be pulled into her embrace and exhale a sigh, "Its' okay if you move to a new club, but you won't forget about me, will you?" You question, worriedly.
Viv chuckles lightly and shakes her head, "Forget about you? Kleintje, you're my kid, I'm still going to be there and watch your achievements, when you make your return to the pitch-- I'll be there, I won't ever forget about you," She tells you honestly.
"Really?" You ask in surprise.
"Of course, I love you so much, kleintje. You will always be important to me," Viv nods in agreement.
Beth furrows her eyebrows in concern, "Is that why you've been so upset about things, kid?" She wonders.
You shrug your shoulders in response to her question, "Maybe, I let my fears get inside my head," You admit.
Beth exhales a sigh and smiles sympathetically, "Oh kid, you should have just spoke to us. I heard you got upset on the pitch," She notes, waiting for your reaction.
You quirk your eyebrow in confusion, "Who told you?" You can't help but ask, although your stupid to not think somebody would've seen that when you were practically screaming.
"Leah," Beth states.
"Tattle-tail," You mumble, turning to scowl at the blonde who you see out the corner of your eye.
"Aye, non of that," Beth chides, shaking her head. "You know that she only told me because she cares. But listen, no matter what happens, we're always gonna be a family, different clubs or not. Yeah?" She reassures you.
"Yeah, 'spose so," You huff and slump your shoulders in defeat.
Viv nods in agreement with her girlfriend, "Beths' right," She speaks quietly, as a matter of fact.
"I love you both lots," You mumble, feeling them both envelope you in their arms to share a hug.
"We love you too," They both speak at the same time.
"Whatever happens, we're always gonna be a family, kleintje. Remember?" Viv presses a light kiss on the top of your head.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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scribblesofagoonerr · 10 days
Could I make a request??
I loved the fic about Viv leaving! It was so well written and I was wondering if you would write about R coming back from the injury with Viv surprising R since she couldn't go because of travel issues or something but manages to make it to her return game??
I love this idea, added to ones' I'll be working to write up as soon as I can!
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scribblesofagoonerr · 2 months
Help a gal out... 🫠
That being said, I still need to write out the next part before it can be updated 🥴🫣
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