efinnx · 4 years
[ danielle campbell, female , she/her ] do you hear [ VEGAS GIRL BY CONNOR MAYNARD] coming from the beach ? oh, that has to be [ EDEN FINNIGAN  ]. they are a [ TWENTY ONE ] year old [ BEACH ATTENDANT ] from the outer banks, and they’ve been living there for [TWENTY ONE YEARS ]. they were chosen to be on the show because they are a [ POGUE ], but really , i heard it’s because they can be [ INSATIABLE & NAIVE ]. if you get to know them though , they’re pretty [ SPIRITED & CURIOUS ] . they might become a quick audience favorite due to their [starfish earrings, flannels tied around short denim skirts, & crimson stained pout ]
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Ally here again :) this time with the rebellious nerd Eden Finnigan affectionately known as Lil’ Finn. Message me if you’d like to plot. Her bio is below the cut. 
Full name;  Eden Diana Finnigan 
Age; 21
Birthday; January 31th 
Height; 5’3
Siblings; Noah & Wiley (step brother) 
Occupation; beach attendant, aspiring marine biologist 
Location; the cut
Sign;  aquarius
(+) ; spirited & curious
(-) ; insatiable & naive
Sexuality; bisexual, but doesn’t realize or recogzine it yet 
Pogue or Kook; pogue
Character Inspiration; octavia blake (the 100), seth cohen (the oc), lany boogs (she’s all that), anne marie (blue crush), moana of motunui (moana)
Eden was certainly born in the outer banks, and lived there all her life. Raised, however, that’s an entirely different story, a term used very loosely in the small Finnigan bungalow nestled in the cut. Her father ditched before Eden was born and she only remembers fleeting moments with her mother. It was her brother, Noah, who practically raised her; the only person she could ever really count on. 
Her childhood may have been difficult and certainly unconventional to say the least, but it wasn’t a total bust. Eden found ways to adapt and entertain herself, falling in love with the beach, the sand between her toes and the salty air in her tangles. She loved to splash around in the tidepools collecting shells and learning about all the small organisms she could get her little fingers on. It was the only thing that kept her busy while her parents were nowhere to be found and big brother was off teaching tourists how to surf. 
Academics came easily to Eden. She was a naturally curious student and read anything and everything she could get her hands on. Much to her surprise, she made friends easily, her curious and oftentimes blunt demeanor somehow managing to charm her classmates. It also helped that Noah was her big brother. She took it in stride and wore her association as Noah’s little sister as a badge of honor, even earning the nickname “Lil’ Finn.”
As Eden entered her teen years, she began to realize that her natural abilities came with tremendous pressure, everyone always seeming to remind her of her potential and that if she played her cards right she could get out of this town and achieve great things. The pressure surmounted, and Eden couldn’t shake the feeling that no matter what she was bound to be stuck in the OBX forever destined to repeat her mother’s mistakes.
It was only a matter of time before the youngest Finnigan began her rebellious phase out to prove that she was no longer a little girl. New attitude, new style, new curfew, new string of lovers, oftentimes disappearing to stretches of time (like mother, like daughter). But somewhere beneath her bold lipstick and short denim skirts lies the curious little girl who wore starfish for earrings and splashed around in tidepools. She is a hopeless romantic at heart who wants the fairytale and craves to quench her growing hunger for knowledge. 
After graduation, Eden took a year off to find herself and save up some money before getting her act together and applying to college. She managed to get into the local community college while balancing her job as a beach attendant with the hopes of someday becoming a marine biologist. After a year of study, she has decided to put her education on hold again, unable to keep up with the cost of school even with the help of financial aid. She hasn’t mentioned this decision to anyone yet, especially not to Noah.
When the opportunity to make a few appearances on a reality TV show presented itself, Eden couldn’t pass it up. If she made a little extra cash, she may be able to continue her education and realize her dreams of becoming a marine biologist. Besides, anything was better than checking badges and managing rentals for kooks and tourists at the beach all summer long. 
Eden only had a short stint on the show for season 1. She was brought on to make a few cameo appearances at the end of the summer in hopes of stirring up drama for her brothers Finn and Wiley. 
Season 1 ended rather amicably for Eden, gaining her a handful of new friends in addition to a very small level of celebrity in the Outer Banks. People began to recognize her more as “Finn’s little sister from that show” and her social media following also began to increase. She used this growing platform to promote her love for the ocean, often posting about her aquatic discoveries and how to keep the ocean waters clean.  
Despite the small perks that came along with being on the show, Eden remained in the Outer Banks once it ended. While everyone was off traveling the world and enjoying their new lives outside the show, she continued to work at the beach and picked up odd jobs here and there. She only made guest appearances and therefore didn’t receive as large of a payday as she had hopped. And besides, who else was going to make sure that Finn had his Coco Berries? She kept in touch with a few of her friends from the show and constantly texted her “big sister” Naomi about her travels.
Eden was asked back for season 2 and this time as a season regular. She agreed again not only for the money, her ambitions to get herself back in college still very much alive and well, but also to spend more time with her new boyfriend, Connor. The relationship, when put to the test outside in the real world, ended in disaster playing out publicly for the nation to see. He went back to his ex, and Eden was left heartbroken taking out her anguish on those closest to her. MTV was quick to capitalize on her moments of weakness, even airing her screaming match with her older brother who had been right the whole time. 
Upon watching the play back of her first full season on the show, Eden couldn’t stomach the person she was made out to be. Too whiny, too naive, too much of a pushover, and the one thing she begged her ex not to make of her: a fool. Instead of staying in the Outer Banks sulking like a beached whale, Eden decided to make the most of her break from the show, trading in her ocean awareness updates and donations to local “clean up our beach” charities for bikini selfies, skinny dipping, and wild nights out she couldn’t remember in the morning.
When Eden found out that season 3 was going to be held in Australia, the youngest Finnigan practically started packing for the trip the moment she found out. She had never been out of the country let alone across the world and a new city would also give her the perfect chance to start fresh, meet new people, and maybe find an Aussie or two to shack up with. God, how she loves their accents.  
This season Eden is determined to reinvent herself even if it means putting her dreams of going back to school and studying marine biology on the back burner and not being true to her naturally curious and dorky herself. This time, she would not be taken as some lovesick teenager any and she sure as hell would not become another carbon copy of her mother.  
Eden doesn’t get directly involved in the pogues vs kooks drama, but she can’t help but feel jealous of the kooks and their wealth. It bothers her that even the slackers get accepted into the fanciest colleges while she has to struggle just to make ends meet. That’s not to say Eden will simply turn the other cheek and she’s not afraid to stand up for herself in front of the kooks. Push her too far, and that famous Finnigan temper is bound to explode.
(i suck at coming up with connection names so bare with me lmao)
the nerd friend -;- Though Eden wants nothing more than to reinvent herself this season, she has also wanted to become a marine biologist her whole life and what a more perfect place to study marine life than Australia. This person helps her get back in touch with that side of herself, and they share a connection for something other than drinking and partying. What happens between them after that is totally open!  Psssst take her to the Great Barrier Reef, and she’ll love you forever. [OPEN]
the bestie-;-  Eden and this person go way back and they’ve practically known each other for as long as they can remember. Sure, they bicker and tease each other but no matter what they are practically family and they will always have each other's backs. [OPEN]
the on again/off again-;- Eden and this person never made things official though whenever they are together they manage to find some time to sneak off and fool around. Eden recently went through a very public break-up on the show and is honestly just looking for some fun, a good time, and a distraction. Where it goes from there is flexible!  [OPEN]
the crush-;-  Eden is a hopeless romantic at heart. She’ll never admit it but she’s the girl who doodles your name in hearts all over her notebook. Eden thinks this person is the ultimate eye candy and gets all shy and bashful whenever they are around. Whatever happens after that is tbd!  [OPEN]
the new friends -;-  Eden is looking for a fresh start, and to have some fun, so anyone whether it be acquaintances, friends, hooking up, or more [OPEN]
And as always if you have any ideas lay ‘em on me!
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