#outing myself as having an affinity for big gross men sorry everyone everywhere
comfortless · 5 months
I come to ur blog at the end of a long day like a lumberjack resting by the fireplace, the vibes here are so warm and cozy and nasty sometimes I have not forgotten about the König using ur toothbrush without asking thing which no one mentions for some reason
it’s like… have you seen those videos of people stumbling across cozy looking homes in the middle of the woods? totally abandoned but filled to the brim with cute letters and soft things. that’s this blog except inside we’re all dancing in a circle around this toothbrush stealing behemoth. ^^ flowers in our hair and a weapon in his hand!
in his mind.. well you kiss him, feed him with your utensils… how is sharing a toothbrush nasty? (i’m rubbing my hands together like a little fiend wondering how i can make him worse.) how often do we think he cleans his bedsheets, everyone? does he even bother to floss? actually wash his feet or is he one of those guys that’s like stepping into the shower is enough? he growls too much to not be leashed or kenneled… maybe we should all take the garden hose to him one day like a smelly stray….
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