#outlaw Robin Buckley
Okay okay okay I am THINKING about the Wild West Ronance confrontation scene
Yet again pushing the “Hell’s Coming With Me” by Poor Man’s Poison agenda
For background, Robin and Nancy have finally started to set aside their differences. They’re dancing around each other because they’re both too stubborn to admit they’re in love
And Nancy is finally believing Robin’s innocence—but something happens. Someone tells Nancy they were there and Robin killed Barb or I’m toying with vampire Robin because y’all know I’m just a sucker for vampires and werewolves. Regardless of how, a seed of doubt has been planted in Nancy’s mind.
We begin at a saloon. Robin is laughing and dancing, while Nancy is having a drink at the bar
The song begins
Picture with me, a slow build up
Nancy watches Robin, fist clenched around her glass
Then she gets up and goes upstairs to a balcony, looking out over the town
Robin creeps up behind her, a gentle hand on Nancy’s shoulder
A zoomed in flash of gold fury in Nancy’s eyes
She spins on Robin, eyes blazing
Robin is surprised and steps back
They argue. Nancy accuses Robin of lying to her this whole time
As the song intensifies, so does their rage. Nancy pulls a gun.
Robin stops. Her expression drops, careful, saddened. She drops to her knees, a silent plea
Nancy lifts her chin with the barrel of her gun. She’s seething
“I am the righteous hand of god,” she spits (a callback from an argument that happens earlier where Robin mockingly calls her that). She cocks the gun
Robin is calm. There’s a sadness on her face as she makes her final plea. She takes the gun and presses it point blank to her chest, meeting Nancy’s gaze
The music dulls, but is still there. The few people around are watching with fear and rapt attention
Nancy closes her eyes. She takes a deep breath
The screen goes to black with the bang of a gunshot
I’m still building an outline for this, so that last gunshot could have multiple possibilities. I’m enjoying the idea that maybe Nancy herself killed Barb and doesn’t know it—And Robin KNOWS, because she was there, but after spending more time with Nancy, she realizes the girl doesn’t know (Do Revenge Eleanor style secret keeping ensues) and so she lets herself take the fall because she doesn’t want Nancy to live with that guilt. But some part of Nancy knows, and she realizes it. Maybe she pulls the gun away and shoots the ceiling instead of Robin, idk. But I’m just thinking about this poignant moment where she’s ready for the kill, and she’s staring into the eyes of the girl she believes is a monster—but all that she sees is her own contorted reflection, eyes ablaze, and she realizes—oh god, it was her. She’s the monster. She always has been. She’s always known, deep down.
Or someone else is hunting them both and shoots one of them before Nancy can pull the trigger 👀
But I like the first idea more
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More quick thoughts I had while heading to class
Robin is a sort of “Robin Hood” figure. Like she’s an outlaw but she mostly steals from corrupt banks and whatnot. This is what she’s doing in town when she meets Nancy—she’s planning on taking down the corrupt mayor and redistributing his wealth (but supernatural plots occur and make this hard)
Also thinking about a badass cinematic confrontation set to “Hell’s Coming With Me” by Poor Man’s Poison where Nancy corners Robin, eyes blazing gold with fury, shotgun to Robin’s chest, something something righteous hand of god, ready to strike down a supposed murderer while Robin tries to convince her of her innocence
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