diivergence · 8 months
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[ So. Let's say. Hypothetically. If I were to add a muse from Pizza Tower to this blog. Who do y'all picture me writing? ]
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Started writing my first prompt today. Hopefully it will go as follow:
Today and Tomorrow: finishing writing scene
Tomorrow: edit scene
Weekend's end: post it to here and medium.
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irunabusiness · 10 years
What's your favorite thing about Boone?
You know how at his funeral, angel baby Sayid says “I remember his courage”? That’s what’s so great about Boone. He’s not special, he doesn’t have a grand destiny, but he’s brave and he tries, even when it’s to his detriment, even when it’s terribly ill-advised. Like, when Jack rescues him from drowning and the first thing he says is “did you get her?” He’s barely even conscious and his first thought is to ask whether or not Jack saved the woman he almost died trying to save, a woman he hardly knew.
So even though he’s arrogant and hot-headed and self-involved, I think Boone could have been - would have been - a great man.
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profilerlizkeen-blog · 10 years
//Hi hello. I've decided to revamp this blog due to the recent Blacklist episodes.
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twofacedauthor · 11 years
((ohmyfuck i forgot this blog existed I AM SO SORRY))
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diivergence · 1 year
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I have the sudden urge to write Daisy Fitzroy out of pure love for the character. I am... so offended but the white liberal bullshit that they tried to pull in Bioshock infinate and I’m so glad that people are finally seeing that game for the crock of horseshit it actually is. Better late than never in my opinion. I just... don’t know where to begin if I did start rewriting her if I did get the spoons to write her? Plus iconing (editing isn’t a problem, finding icons is. I’m not subjecting myself to infinate AGAIN.)
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diivergence · 2 years
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On the topic of the fandom being trash, can I just find it so fucking tiring that people CONSTANTLY infantilize Velvet? Especially when the reasoning is her hair and the way she dresses. Like BRO. She’s a grown as woman. STOP IT.
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diivergence · 2 years
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Bonnie: YOU LIED TO ME!! Monty: I did...
Monty: I did.
Monty: I DO!
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diivergence · 2 years
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I’m honestly never one to get like really angry at the idea of someone having a different opinion when it comes to media that I particularly love. At most, I get hella annoyed, rant about it and continue on with my day. I don’t have the time or life energy to fret about someone having like a different opinion about something. So that being said, it really just... butters my biscuit when people say shit like this about Corpse Bride.
"Victor van Dort Sucks!!" "He should've had married Emily" "Victor is a jerk"
Like, I’m sorry bitch, but did we watch the same damn movie??
First of all, people making Victor out to be just as bad, if not worse than Barkis. Kindly stop. Victor deadass had the most realistic reactions to pretty much the entire situation. Like you’re gonna sit there and tell me that if you accidentally married a dead woman when you’re kicking it with someone else, you wouldn’t freak the fuck out and try to get back to the one you love no matter what? If you say yes, I’mma look at your ass sideways. Victor loved Victoria. He wasn’t just gonna drop her for Emily. I’m sorry. He stayed loyal to her till her heard she was marrying someone else and instead of trying to win her back, he lamented, but respected that, and agreed to marry Emily just to make her happy. He was going to throw away his happiness and his life so that he could make Emily happy, because he felt bad for hurting her feelings. He’s a good dude, dammit. Y’all leave my boy alone. He didn’t do anything wrong.
Ya know, on the topic of Victoria, STOP CALLING HER BORING. Kindly check your misogyny at the door, please and thank you. Victoria adored him. Their initial meeting, she fell for him playing for the piano and instead of interrupting him; she let him play. She tried to help and support him during the practice ceremony. When Emily takes him back to The Land of The Dead, she tries to rescue him, and escape so she can save him. She loves Victor to death (pun intended) and would do whatever it takes to protect him. I could honestly write pages about her as a character, but we’d be here all damn day... Point is, stop dissing her. Honestly, Emily's simps are like, so fucking annoying, and this coming from someone adoring the ground Emily walks on...No. He should not have thrown his life away to marry her. Victor should’ve had a happy and healthy marriage with a lovely woman that he adores.
“Victor and Emily had such good chemistry!! They should’ve gotten together!!” ...Yeah no. Not the point of the movie. Emily wanted to be a bride, but she also wants peace and happiness. Victor gave her that by keeping his promise to her. She doesn’t need marriage and a romantic relationship to be happy or have peace in her afterlife. Victor cares for her, and Victoria has sympathy and care for her as well by the end of the movie. Her memory will live on through platonic love from a happy couple that’ll get to live the dream she never got to have. Honestly? I would argue that Emily didn’t really want a relationship or marriage. She wanted happiness, she wanted freedom, and through her character arc she found that by herself. She found closure. The man that destroyed her is dead and won’t hurt any other woman again. The people she cares for a safe and will live a long happy life. She can find peace. The implications of slapping a forced love interest on that character would give them "happiness" is so allo it hurts....
“Emily DESERVES!! Victor!! Victor didn’t DESERVE Victoria or Emily!!” Shut the fuck up and stop acting like people are prizes. Holy shit, I hate this argument. So Victor is a bit of an anxious and nervous wreck. Some of y’all ain’t any fucking better, let's be honest! At worst, he’s clumsy and a coward, and the worst man in this movie literally prays on innocent and vulnerable women in order to still all of their money. Victor isn’t perfect, but he’s a decent guy who deserves to marry the girl he loves. Y’all stop being hateful. 
So yeah. Stop misrepresenting the main three please. The literal tag line of the movie is, “There has been a grave misunderstanding.” The key word being, “misunderstanding.” Emily, Victor & Victoria deserve better than their shitty parents gave them, and I want nothing but happiness for my babies.
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diivergence · 2 years
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[Little Bi Angel~!!]
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diivergence · 2 years
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Ya know. Now that I think about it. If it weren’t for the fact that he fell for Victoria first, Victor would dead ass fall in love with Emily. It would take a little time getting over the initial shock, but I can totally see Victor and Emily being a legit couple. They have a lot in common; they have good chemistry, and whether they truly loved each other or not, they did genuinely care about her. Hell, homeboy was willing to legit die just to make her happy. 
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diivergence · 2 years
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[ . . . Not me thinking about a Poppy Playtime!AU for Bonnie.]
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diivergence · 2 years
[ Mfers bad mouthing my boy Victor really make me wanna pick up him as a muse again.]
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diivergence · 2 years
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Okay! Time for some basic characterization!
My Velvet is black (because I’m bias, shut up)
Back when she was human she was the daughter of an infamous kingpin that controlled a huge drug ring. Her parents mostly ignored that she exists, mostly focusing on their own endeavors, leaving Velvet to fend for herself. 
She was mostly raised by her lesbian governess until said governess died during a shootout.
She was your classic Regina George when she was in school, burn book and all.... Only a tad bit more violent. And by a tad bit, of course I mean a lot. 
In high school, Velvet fell in love with a boy, but both cheated on and broke up with her during prom season. He also started dating her “best friend.” So after she graduated she handled like any reasonable person would... She killed her dad, took over his empire and had them both killed right in front of her.
Velvet died about 28 at the hands of a rival gang.
When she got to hell she had to start from scratch building her drug empire, but with her experience in the land of the living, she quickly made her way to the top and joined the triple Vs.
Vox & Valentino are... light amusement to her. She’s mostly buddy-buddy with them cause she wants what they have. Sometimes, you catch more flies with honey than with Vinegar.
She lowkey hates Valentino. She thinks he’s an immature spoiled baby that’s never been told “No” his entire life. Most pimps are in her experience.
She’s bi-bi-bi bisexuals, baby!! Her type includes gnc women, High femme ladies, and submissive men. 
Dominate men are a huge turn off for her and she’ll often laugh in their faces. Unless they’re service tops. She’ll make an exception for them.
You bet her ass she’s the one with the Kleenex while scrolling through her phone, listening to Val cry like a little bitch about breaking up with Vox... for the 314th time. She’ll even livestream it sometimes and post it online. Vox & Val’s relationship is like a bad telenovela for her. 
While she mostly controls the drug ring, fashioning her drugs into little candies and super cute packaging, you bet your ass she’s a huge ass E-girl.
She Loves attracting and stringing along yandere boys. Watching them squirm and anguish over the fact that they can’t “catch” her is so fun to her.
She’s extremely flexible and is a talented spellcaster/potion-maker.
She has a ton of living doll servants that tend to her ever beck and call. 
Her weapon of choice is a purse she likes to call “Her Toybox.” It’s pretty much a purse with a bunch of pastel/pink weapons/guns/potions inside. 
She loves to gossip. 
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diivergence · 2 years
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[Like this post for a starter with either one of these two~!!]
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diivergence · 2 years
Below the cut is the credit for my Bonnie icons!! If you see your art here, please shoot me a PM and I’ll swiftly remove it~!!
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