thefemalepath · 6 years
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((Ay should be more active here but ay haven’t been feeling my muse on here... even though I’m watching Shippuden and almost finished with it.))
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oncexfutureking · 6 years
hear ye hear ye one and all
I would like to present you with the first new true addition to the english language in nearly a century, a language of the mind
courtesy of our dear @imperterritus 
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i m a g i n e s e
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oncexfutureking · 6 years
Me: -sees there’s color options to make Summer BB not tanned-
Me: but why would you ever
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oncexfutureking · 6 years
Keks into infinity @ kinkshaming the tiny waifu king
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oncexfutureking · 6 years
I think at this point I p much have to make @reginaofcamelot Arthur’s canon Guin XD Like regardless of verse or ship
I’ve dug myself into this hole and boy howdy the only way out is digging deeper in
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oncexfutureking · 6 years
Mun venting below the cut
If you want nothing to do with IRL drama, don’t click
I’ve given you the most direct warning physically possible here
You know what’s fantastic? Good ol’ corporate greed
“Gee, the deli closers aren’t getting enough time to complete their work! They have to constantly work overtime!”
“Well, let’s extend the shifts an additional hour so they have time within standard pay!”
“Awww but I don’t WANNA have to lawfully pay ALL of these people for an extra hour!”
“New guy’s still in 90 day probation, right?”
“Let’s put him on closing! That way, when he can’t complete everything without working overtime, we can let him go for either leaving tasks incomplete to leave on time or taking too long to fully complete them!”
“That way we can extend the shifts and pay less people! Brilliant!”
My manager didn’t talk to me about any perceived problems, and when I called that gangly fucker out on having talks of extending deli shifts conveniently before I had all closings heaped on me without any spotters for several hours prior, I couldn’t get a direct answer out of him.
I feel absolutely fucking violated. I can’t believe those scrooging bastards actually fucking set me up.
Instead of taking responsibility for hiring someone just before you change your minds and keeping the full payroll, you do him the dirtiest way possible.
And since they can officially regard it as “probationary separation” rather than a hard firing, there’s nothing I can do about it.
Now I have to scrounge up a job again to help me through school without having been given any due notice.
Fucking shoot me.
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oncexfutureking · 6 years
Playing Mario Odyssey again as I unwind from doctor’s appointment
Standing Mario next to Pauline, it occurs to me
Mario’s officially 5′1.  Peach is little past a head taller, and Daisy and her are roughly equal, so they’re like six feet tall. Mario comes up to Pauline’s midriff, so she’s gotta be like seven feet tall. Then there’s Rosalina, whom an infamous model calc found to be ~8 feet.
//deep breath// //“BOI” motion//
Why is every woman in Mario’s world a frickle-frakkin’ Amazon--?
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oncexfutureking · 7 years
How to Kill an RP with Me Really Damn Quick
Me: //Writes an intricate paragraph or two that carries from the previous action, provides direct window of opportunity to continue from, and fleshes out the interaction even if by a small degree.
You: //"And then my guy did a thing"
Me: Bye
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oncexfutureking · 7 years
Both Manaka and Morgan are lookin’ Altthur’s way this can only mean good things :D
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oncexfutureking · 7 years
So I was just made to imagine a fangame concept of a Castlevania-style title featuring the Fate/Prototype Servants--
--and now I can’t get the idea out of my head.
Arthur could be the Belmont, Gil could be the Alucard, Cu could be the obligatory third playstyle and the bosses could be the altered Fragments Servants with Manaka as the Dracula at the end
Help I’ve hyped myself for something that will never exist
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oncexfutureking · 7 years
Random Thought: Apocrypha Flashback
So, I’ve been seeing a lot of, in my own opinion, pretty needless scrutiny of the scene of Mordred’s past in the Apocrypha anime. Namely, there’s a whole lot of flack thrown either the studio’s way, or Artoria’s way.
To put it simply, either the studio is wrong and dumb and retconning and etc., or Artoria is the horrible emotionless Ron the Death Eater and poor babbu Mordred, and so on.
Ignoring the overreacting nature of such responses, I feel they miss the point. Yes, there are two different versions we have seen. One from Artoria’s memory, where she’s broken down over the loss of her people and kingdom, and one from Mordred’s memory, where she’s the bold rebel confronting a cold and uncaring ruler.
However, I don’t think either of these are “incorrect”, per say.
If we’re going by objectivity, Artoria’s version would logically be the true to life one. Unlike Mordred, she doesn’t flaunt the tragedy of her past; she bottles it in and tries to avoid letting people get too close to it, so she has no reason to remember it incorrectly except for perhaps seeing herself as having done more wrong than she actually did.
Mordred, meanwhile, wears her past rebellion on her sleeve. It’s her entire MO, that which she allows to define her as an individual. No matter how things went down in reality, she has to interpret her father in the most villainous light possible to justify to herself her own actions. Mordred isn’t ignorant; in fact she’s on the record as being among the Round Table’s most capable. She can’t let herself contemplate any other side of Artoria, because if she does, she’d have to accept that the issue wasn’t black and white. If she did that, then her entire drive falls apart.
There’s a key visual cue here -- in Mordred’s memory of events, we never see Artoria’s whole face. It’s kept in shadow. I believe if it wasn’t, if we saw Artoria’s eyes, we’d see the same verge of breakdown we saw in her memory, but we don’t.
Mordred’s memory of her final confrontation with Artoria is perfect -- save for that one detail. And, wouldn’t you know it, it’s the one facial feature that holds the most expression, and holds the truth of how she was taking it all.
I believe, then, that Mordred either didn’t see Artoria’s face, refused to see it, or blocked it out of her memory. However, given her character, it’d probably be pointless to convey to her that she didn’t see the entire situation. She remembers enough with pinpoint accuracy that she’d probably never accept having overlooked that detail.
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oncexfutureking · 7 years
Someone needs to heavily edit the Kermit and Cookie Monster Mystery Box clip with Arthur and Mordred, only Mordred keeps guessing “crown” instead of cookie
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oncexfutureking · 7 years
//Like I said before, since I missed Sinday on account of work, we’ll just be regulating that to today! (And yesterday, but it was a bit late for that.)
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oncexfutureking · 7 years
Work has been leaving me drained ;v; I just wanna finally be able to do stuff--
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oncexfutureking · 7 years
Wonky subs aside, take a look at the combat ability on display here.
The strength, the speed and the proficiency. Now, obviously Mordred’s a fair share more brutish than her father in either form, but this is a Knight of the Round Table at B+ Strength and B Agility.
Arthur’s at the same Agility and A-Rank Strength, and there’s no B++. Take the destructive potential and raise it to the next rung on the ladder, and this serves as a pretty excellent visual aid for the kind of things Arthur’s capable of.
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oncexfutureking · 7 years
"Enough expository banter! Now we fight like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men! For Gilgamesh... it is morphing time!"
You there
you you glorious meme
I don’t know who you are
but I will find you
and I will give you one whole interwebs for that reference
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