#ouuuuuuuuuu i love and miss him sm....
fourteenth-seat · 2 years
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god ok. paion's childhood in amaurot is sooo naruto-esque…he was ostracized by many people who blamed them for the loss of maiming of their loved ones due to him losing control of his powers as a child. amaurotine child-rearing and learning systems aren't equipped to handle or teach aeolian children how to master their specific abilities, and little is known about the aeolians by the world at large simply because they are (and always have been) a very secretive people. 11 of the convocation's seats at the time were present for the incident where he full transformed at the tender age of 13 and began to spawn terrible final days-esque monsters that also lashed out and attacked people at will because they born of the pain, confusion, sorrow and fear paion that was experiencing at the time (and one of these monsters got loose and was tracked down and destroyed by venat, which is part of her canon lore of "taking down a towering monstrosity born of a child's errant imagination.") when this happened, paion was having a really bad day and was full of pent-up feelings of abandonment and he'd been quiet for so long, he'd neither sang nor spoken to anyone since he'd arrived, and everything just sort of exploded and poured out of him all at once. the convocation, athena, and a lot of of other people essentially sealed paion's voice for both his own safety and that of others, because they couldnt bear the thought of imprisoning him in pandaemonium, since that would be very fucked up and inhumane (and he was, or seemed to be, a person after all, and a CHILD at that, although many admittedly came to question his personhood after this.) he is and always has been immensely powerful, in a way that can all too easily become destructive. there's also a number of people who treated paion with respect and reverence out of fear, referring to him as 'master paion' when he was all of like. 14, at some point after The Incident. ofc, paion did not transform or kill anybody intentionally, as he is not and never has been a violent or malicious person. (summarily, paion's voice is used to manipulate aether, and can invoke certian moods within the listener, and since paion possesses exception hearing to the point of having the ability to hear aether and sense its vibrations in a way that rivals hyth's soulsight, essentially what happenend is that he way trying to sing in order to vent, but he got caught in his own feedback loop of despair.)
it's not even really something that i think negatively reflects on amaurot or laha and athena's parenting skills tbh, it was just an unfortunate combination of circumstances nobody was well-equipped to handle. the convocation forbade anyone from speaking abt this, especially to paion…but that didn't stop certain people who knew what had happened from holding it against him anyways. an unintended side effect paion experienced as a result of the partial sealing of his voice, he was unable to use his sound-based equivalent of creation magic to great effect, causing him to struggle with some of the basics (and thats on top of the fact that his method of creation is a different beast altogether than way that the ancients of etheirys channel and manipulate aether, although there is some level of commonality/overlap.) while he excelled at book-learning, he struggled with the application aspects.
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