#over potentially years?? what a goldmine of character interaction!
umbrellacam · 2 years
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Penpal anon- in an earlier ask you mentioned floo powder calls and that gave me the idea for there to be cutscenes focused on the different penpals at their schools. For Alanza, it could show her interacting with Rakepick bc I wanna know what Rakepick is like when she’s away from the mc. For Aurelie, her interacting with her brother or her practicing alchemy. All four noticing strange occurrences at their schools since r is an international organization.
I’m living for this whole concept. There is seriously a goldmine of potential to be found in ideas like these, that all come back to one central idea, if Jam City was willing to implement it: Scenes that do not include MC. The game has always followed their perspective and on the rare occasion a conversation did not include them at all, they would always be listening in. For the most part, this was also true in the books, with Harry...but later on, we got scenes like Snape swearing the Unbreakable Vow. And that was a damn important scene. We’re into Year 7 now, so I think the game could benefit from something like this.
Though that said, I think I can guess why they don’t ever do this. Hogwarts Mystery is...well, it’s right there in the name. This story focuses on the mystery aspect more than the books did, and they don’t want to ruin the whole investigation concept by having information become available without the MC learning it. Maybe, that’s just a guess. Kind of like how Whodunits don’t reveal the identity of the murderer until the protagonist/detective works it out. 
But the great thing about HPHM is that it has a vast and expansive subplot system. They have side-quests about creatures, about quidditch, about clubs...the entire TLSQ system allows them to tell any story they want at any time during the game’s duration. Why couldn’t we have a TLSQ that focused on other characters? It would be all too easy, just mention in the opening teaser that the story will follow another character while MC is “away” for whatever reason. It could be done! And it would be, at the very least, a fun experiment. You listening, Jam City? 
I’m all over the place, but the bottom line is that I love your idea. I want to see the other school campuses. I want to hear about the signs, the whispers and shadows of R in other countries. We learn in Year 6 that they’re a worldwide organization, but we don’t ever feel that sense of scale...and how could we? The story takes place in just Britain. Hell, I’m really wondering about that. I don’t think there’s any way for MC to feasibly defeat R by the end of Year 7. Maybe they’ll defeat the British branch, but there’s no way the entire organization goes down...
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sigurdjarlson · 4 years
That last post is about Carol and Zeke by the way
They screwed they up royally (HAH!) by having 90% of their relationship happen in a time jump v
And look I liked them together. Caryl is my #1 but I was down for these two. I thought they were cute and had an interesting dynamic. “can’t bullshit a bullshitter”
And look it’s not that I don’t get why they had to do a time jump after Rick’s “death” (and Carl’s actual death) They wrote themselves into a corner with that so they had to age up Judith because we don’t have any Grimes family members left except her and RJ.
I just wish they would have maybe not made it so long and given us more about the time jump at the very least? Like it’s hard to be emotionally invested when 80% of a relationship happened off screen.
And I think it should have been impactful. Yes, as I said before Caryl is my #1 but if you’re gonna do a storyline with Carol getting with someone else and Daryl pining after her at least do it right.
Her and Ezekiel could still have ultimately gone their separate ways at the end of their storyline together. But it would have hurt more if..well, they had an actual story.
Their dynamic was cute. I still smile when they’re on screen together but..I wish they would have gotten me more invested.
It never would have taken over my Caryl feels but that’s the thing. It was the perfect opportunity to do something with that too. With Daryl’s canon buried jealousy.
Like we have this information in canon
Carol and Ezekiel raised Henry and were fairly happy. As Carol put it they were living a fairy tale. She seemingly loves Ezekiel but not the way she should. (She’s already in love) but she’s trying for Henry. She wants Henry to have a family and it’s been heavily implied that’s why she said yes to his proposal.
Daryl is jealous but does not quite understand or realize what it is he’s feeling. It’s possible his choice to live by himself and distance himself from Carol has something to do with that (on top of his grief for Rick)
Ezekiel loves Carol. Undeniably.
Annnnd..we don’t get much otherwise? Did Zeke ever pick up on the fact her heart wasn’t 100% in it? Did his suspicion about Daryl start before Henry’s death? Was there always doubt nagging at the back of his mind when he saw them interact because..just friends don’t act like that.
They could have explored that more.
Like he loves Carol and Daryl is her best friend. He knows how much he means to her so he smiles (it doesn’t quite meet his eyes) and ignores the feeling to the best of his ability but we still get glimpses of his doubts.
And he tries to like Daryl and vice versa but it never quite works out that way. They respect each other and are civil of course but they never can actually bond for “some reason.”
There’s just enough tension and the occasional slip of the tongue that tells us something deeper and more complicated is going on here with the three of them.
And having Daryl run off after Rick and..not really interact with anyone for years was ??? It’s implied Carol saw him a couple times I think but?? Like I get it he’s mourning Rick and we know Daryl shuts people out but..
There’s a lot of lost potential there they just dropped Ezekiel and Daryl interacting is always hilarious too so that’s a shame.
I’d have adored to see Daryl trying to deal with his jealousy. He’s happy for her truly but seeing her with him hurts and he doesn’t understand why.
And the tension that arises from that buried jealousy. Because while Daryl would never purposefully sabatoge or harm the relationship I’d love to see him slip a few times and have an uncomfortably tense scene with Zeke for example. That makes the audience wonder..hmmm..is Daryl..jealous? (Yes)
What I wanted is the tension between the two that Daryl doesn’t understand but Zeke does understand. He chooses blatantly to pretend otherwise (because that’s what he does) but you can’t ignore and suppress something like that.
I’m not asking for a blatant love triangle because neither Carol or Daryl are aware of their own feelings for each other anyway lmao. Just some good ol pining and jealousy. And use the relationship to actually explore all three of their characters more in depth??
Mind you Carol has been Daryl’s person for a very long time and now hed attention is elsewhere. How would that not cause jealousy and hurt?
Zeke is in love with a woman who’d already in love with someone else. That’s painful. Make us feel for him (without demonizing any of them)
Carol is trying to be happy, she should be happy and she is to some degree but..it’s never quite enough. It’s never quite right. It’s a fairy tale that’s destined to end eventually.
It’s been made clear she goes to Daryl for comfort instead of Zeke even while she was married to him. (After Henry’s death before they divorced) That’s..uh well the fact he knew she’d be at Daryl’s camp for comfort after the cave incident tells us enough. (To be fair they are divorced now)
What a tangled web they could have weaved us.
And not to mention Carol herself.
This is her first relationship (does Tobin really count lmao) since Ed. That’s a goldmine. You can explore so much of her character through this.
Let’s see her trying to learn to trust, to let herself be loved. The underlying insecurities she must have (and canonically does have) because of Ed’s abuse. Her trying to grapple with being a mother again to Henry. Her own buried feelings for Daryl.
And Ezekiel who loves her and tries so hard for her but he never quite gets it the way Daryl does because he’s never been through it (presumably).
And I also would have loved me some overprotective BFF Daryl who threatens to kill him if he breaks her heart lmao and Zeke is just like.. “that’s fair”
And Daryl who naturally avoids getting involved in other people’s business but we can see him bristling when Ezekiel just isn’t getting it.
He’s too defensive of her. God I can imagine her and Zeke arguing and Daryl is like okay I’m not gonna get involved. But Zeke unknowingly hits a sore spot Daryl knows Carol has and he buts in like don’t you fucking dare-
And Zeke who bristles right back because (1) it’s not Daryl’s business (2) he doesn’t like the implication Daryl knows her so much better than he does (but he does)
And Carol who’s just like..what is happening ?? Stop arguing. Daryl go take a walk or something lmao. Ezekiel what the hell?
Ohh...Ezekiel snapping at Daryl and Carol immediately and instinctively defending him which is just salt on a wound for Zeke. Ouch.
And she always takes Daryl’s side and it’s understandably frustrating for Zeke because he’s her husband.
And just ahh..such a painful situation for them all.
It all builds up to him telling Daryl to leave after Henry’s death.
But *fart noise* we didn’t get any of that.
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cblgblog · 5 years
So, I just need to...I just need to, okay? Item of interest on the FFH home release:
“Thank You, Mrs. Parker” Featurette: A look at Marisa Tomei’s reimagining of Aunt May, from Homecoming to Far From Home.
This is cool. You know how you could actually thank May/Marisa? Maybe try giving her more than 10 minutes of accumulated screentime across 4 MCU appearances.
Did we see any of her actual reaction to finding out Peter’s identity, besides an admittedly amazing ending shot in Homecoming? Did we see any of what it was like for her knowing that she and Peter both lost 5 years? Oh wait, we got a comedic scene where she talks about the madcap hijinx of being Snapped back into her apartment. Again, funny but also skipping over a lot of relevant stuff. Did we ever see anything about the impact of Peter being Spider-man, and how she apparently made her peace with the crippling fear that must come with that? Nope just, skipped right on over. 
She’s had some good moments, okay? When she is actually allowed to interact with Peter in a meaningful way that isn’t just played for comedy? Awesome. I absolutely buy her and Tom in these roles. That is, again, when she’s allowed to do something other than get hit on by Tony, be a prop at Tony’s funeral, and then get hit on by Happy.
There was so much potential to her character, man. Most of which was wasted, much like Marisa herself. But, but don’t worry, they gave her a 5 minute featurette on the Blu Ray, so it’s fine.
Sony, can you fix this, please? I know you potentially can, because Spider-verse gave May a more important role in one animated movie than MCU May’s ever had. Even the Garfield films, which frankly wasted Sally Field in a similar manner, even those were a goldmine of May and Peter interaction compared to the MCU. And it’s been a long time since the TMAS films, with Spider-verse to show that May can be a fun, comedic character who also has a pivotal role in Peter’s life/the story.
Honestly, the amount of disregard the MCU has shown May so that they could focus on an, at best dysfunctional, relationship with Peter and Tony? Gross.
You have the keys back, Sony. Can’t screw it up much more than the MCU did. Help us out here.
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I’ve been thinking about reverse harem anime a lot lately
More specifically, why it tends to be such a consistently bad genre, and why I still keep watching it and loving it regardless. Absolutely no one follows me for this content but is that gonna stop me from geeking out about it? No. It will not.
So in case someone decides to read this even though they have no clue what I’m talking about, brief definitions. Harem anime is a genre where some super average guy meets a bunch of hot chicks, and trips on their boobs and gets smacked a bunch of times. That’s my understanding anyway, I don’t really watch those. Reverse harem, then, is a genre where a female character stumbles into some super contrived scenario, like being the key to saving the world as a war breaks out between vampires and demons, while a bunch of hot guys happen to be the only people she needs to interact with to achieve that end. In this context I’m talking about the stuff that’s come out over the last few years (i. e. Diabolik Lovers, Dance With Devils, Amnesia, Brother’s Conflict, UtaPri, you get the idea), the older stuff is formatted slightly differently and Ouran Highschool Host Club is a genuine masterpiece that deserves its own wannabe thinkpiece.
So, hot take, obviously it’s a wish fulfilment genre for young girls who want to experience the fantasy of being pursued by a bunch of hot guys without actually having to deal with hormonal, awkward teenage boys in real life. There’s nothing wrong with that, that’s not what makes it a bad genre quality-wise. In my opinion, the problems with reverse harem anime are more built-in to the production. More specifically, the problem is that they’re by-products, rather than the product itself. They’re made to either sell a dating sim (a game where the player dates each of the guys in turn while the plot plays out), or as an extra for the fans of the game. Nowadays it’s very rare for it to just be a story that some studio wants to tell independently of a game.
So, as a result, it’s bad. The plot is barely communicated in a way that makes sense because it’s assumed the viewer has played the game and knows what’s going on (watch the last few episodes of Diabolik Lovers S1 and tell me I’m wrong), characters and plot points suddenly become the full focus for an episode and are then forgotten about, no individual character gets to develop outside of their respective episode or two. That’s just what happens when you squeeze hours and hours of gameplay into 12 roughly 20-minute long episodes; it’s going to happen by design. And maybe most importantly, the guys are the focus and the point of the whole show (or rather, the game it’s based on), which leaves us with a nothing-protagonist. We’re so busy watching the guys warm up to her and come to terms with their pasts that she barely gets to grow, to change, to learn. There’s just no time for it when we have the clusterfuck of a plot and all these tortured guys and their sub-plots to run through. And girls just want a generic blank slate to project onto anyway, right?
I’ve realized that this is also what makes it so good. Here’s the thing; high quality, well-crafted media is, well, good. It’s pleasant to watch, even inspiring, but there’s not that much you can do with it, not easily anyway. Sure, you can use your imagination to fill in gaps and expand on it, but you don’t need to do that to enjoy it.
Credit where it’s due: reverse harems usually do have creative, outrageous and indulgent premises. Vampire-demon war. A religious girl gets tossed into a house full of vampires. A bunch of forgotten gods need to learn to love. A girl’s father marries a woman with a gazillion sons and they keep sexually harassing her when all she wants is to experience having a loving family after growing up alone (yeah Brother’s Conflict is an interesting one). I was just watching a show where the protagonist’s brother attempts suicide because of a cursed book and she joins an organization that hunts down these books. By episode two she firmly believes the books should be preserved rather than outright destroyed despite of her trauma and the show never explains why and it’s never discussed again. How amazing it that?
What makes me return to these awful shows again and again is that they make me think. They’re basically goldmines of wasted potential. Even when actively watching the show is kind of a chore, it lingers with me in a way that good, well-rounded shows just don’t. I go take a shower to wash the cringe off and I think about it. Like, what if the heroine had a substantial backstory that impacted the plot, her own emotional baggage the guys would help her come to terms with? What if she had a personality that had an impact on how she interacts with different guys, rather than have her blush in embarrassment and confusion when they make their advances, again and again? What if she was allowed to actively do things rather than stumble into every situation, be in control every once in a while? What if she was allowed to figure things out without having the plot spoon-fed to her by other characters and the stuff happening to her? What if she was cunning, self-serving, resentful sometimes? What if the guys appreciated her on a level that goes beyond “omg she’s kind and brave even when I treat her like shit”?
Watching badly constructed, poorly thought-out shows feels like a collaborative, creative effort because it leaves me with stuff to do with it. And isn’t that kind of the point of the whole genre? Fostering escapism for the viewer? Despite of all the contrived plots and half-baked characters, maybe it’s secretly made by geniuses because even when I hate it, the show does exactly what it’s supposed to do and makes me forget about my miserable life for a bit?
(Except for UtaPri, that one’s just a snoozefest all around and several hours of my life I’ll never get back.)
Well, that’s all I had to say about that.
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didsbumeare-blog · 5 years
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tigerlover16-uk · 7 years
What do you think the overall consensus will be on Dragon Ball Super by the time it's done?
That’s very difficult to predict, and a lot of it depends on how the rest of the show turns out. But assuming the rest of this current saga and everything after it is at least good, if not great, then I think the overall consensus for the fandom will be something along the lines of “Well, it’s not as good as Z, but it’s still a pretty good show”
Because that’s what Super is. It’s a good show, not a masterpiece like the Dragon Ball manga and it’s two adaptions and it certainly has it’s problems, but it’s an entertaining experience that does a lot of good things for the franchise. And really, that meets my expectations more or less, I never thought that it was going to be as good as Z because that was borderline impossible. Dragon Ball is one of those lightning in a bottle miracles that only happens when you have just the right creator in just the right place at the right time. You can never fully recapture all the little details that made it work, the series really did hit the peak of quality it could reach around it’s second half I think. The most a new show following up on the series should do is just be good and entertaining in it’s own right. And personally, I think they’ve done a decent job at that. Mostly.
And overall, Super has done a ton of things right. It’s given us tons of great slice of life moments and good character building moments for a lot of the supporting cast, tons of great shipping moments for all the canon couples (Something that Z really skimped out on), it’s given us an arc where a character besides Goku was the main hero (Future Trunks), it’s given some good development to Gohan where he’s now finding a balance between being a fighter (And actually wanting to get stronger for the sake of it) While also striving to be a scholar and a good family man, which means both fans who love Gohan’s character development from the end of the Buu Saga to EoZ and people who were for so long disappointed that Gohan decided fighting wasn’t for him can be happy.
Krillin not only gets his own character arc that actually explores how the series infamous power gaps and the constant beatings and worfing non-saiyan character go through might affect them, overcoming ptsd and self doubts and actually deciding to start training and be a martial artist again, after Z had him give up training at the end of the Cell Saga (Now if we could just get the same for Yamcha. Oh well, can’t have everything). He got an awesome fight with Goku, and helped take down multiple opponents in the tournament of power, which includes FINALLY letting us see him and Android 18 work together as a battle couple after all this time.
Frieza gets an opportunity to come back and has been masterfully written in this arc so far, reminding us all why he’s the most iconic villain in anime. The majority of the Z fighters get to have roles helping out in this current saga. Android 17 FINALLY makes a comeback as an ally to the Z fighters, and we finally get to see him interacting with Krillin as brother in laws and some cute uncle 17 moments with Marron (Who is adorable in this show, by the way).
We’ve got loads of cool and interesting new characters. Hit is one of the coolest characters in the franchise, and one of the best and most unique rivals Goku has had. Goku Black was a delightfully glorious ba####d that’s a joy to watch (Even if he got a kinda weak sendoff). Vados is a delightfully classy snarker. Beerus and Whis are now fully integrated into the supporting cast, so we get to see plenty more of them, and they’re consistent fan favourites. And oh yeah, WE FINALLY HAVE SOME SUPER SAIYAN WOMEN IN THIS FRANCHISE! That’s a milestone that we’ve all been waiting for I can’t remember how many years to see reached.
Speaking of which, the franchise now has a way to bring in more saiyan characters thanks to universe 6. Heck, the whole multiverse is a goldmine for new ideas and story potential that we’ve only just scraped the tip of the iceberg of it. The expanded mythology of the series in general has been pretty fun, and provides literally countless opportunities for new future stories, when by the end of the Buu Saga it looked like we’d reached the limits in terms of scope the series could reach.
While we have our bad jokes here or there (And for the record looking back on it recently, the original dragon ball had a number of terrible and even offensive jokes in it that have aged BADLY. Do I have to bring up General Blue again?), but overall the show has a lot of good humour and I can honestly say I’ve laughed more watching it than perhaps any of the other Dragon Ball series. That may just be my sense of humour though, but I know plenty of people who find it really funny too so I’m not alone.
And while the animation started less than impressive in the first saga and was lackluster for a lot of the Resurrection F saga, it’s thankfully improved drastically, especially with the current saga where we’ve had some of the best animated scenes and episodes in the franchise. Still a bit rough around the edges especially with the first two tournament episodes reusing old shots to save time for animating the really big fights coming up, but the show looks pretty good now all things considered, even if the previous subpar animation in places is still a problem I honestly find it bearable and not as big a deal as some people make it out to be.
I could really go on, but overall what I’m trying to say is that Super has a lot to offer, and for all it’s faults it’s a pretty good show with more good than bad. It’s something that I certainly look forward to watching every week, some weeks with how miserable life can get at times it feels like the only thing I can look forward to.
So, as long as it can keep a consistent quality for the rest of the current arc, and have whatever comes next be good, then I think by the time it’s over and especially when it’s fully dubbed (Important note, a lot of people who haven’t been enjoying it have been saying they’ve actually had a lot more fun watching episodes dubbed and most agree that a lot of line changes and additional jokes help improve the experience) that, while there will definitely be still people who don’t like it (Because you can’t please everyone. Heck, there are still plenty of people who don’t like DBZ or the original Dragon Ball), overall I believe most people will like it. Or at least, they’ll think that it’s good overall.
At the very least, I definitely see it being better received than GT by the time it’s done.
Of course a lot of that is wishful thinking. We don’t really know where Super is going or how everyone’s going to feel a few years from now. But time and reflection are important factors in helping people figure out how they feel about things, and it can often lead to greater appreciation of something they might not have liked initially. Heck, look at how many people are coming around to admitting that the Star Wars prequels were better than people gave them credit for when they came out nowadays.
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