#overuse of the emoji 😭 but its really the only way to describe my struggle
otwdfanfic · 3 months
I’ve been sick for days and am finally recovering and feeling motivated to write, and I was really in the groove on itpn when I suddenly spilled tea all over my laptop like an idiot 😭 it’s not looking good for my laptop so far, please pray for me because I really do not want to replace it😭
Anyways now I’m stuck writing on my ipad which is both annoying and also more painful because the Bluetooth keyboard I have is really tiny and my wrist is already in a brace from overuse in the past month (between writing, typing, drawing and filing papers all day) 😭😭 I’m endeavoring on but hopefully my laptop will miraculously live so I can edit and post a chapter next week bc I have no idea how’d I’d manage that on an ipad
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