#owo your url makes the header look like a letter opening
kiyeons · 2 years
the existence of (formal capitalization implied) The Cave had been something kiyeon overheard during a conversation between a few locals and other foreigners at the market earlier that day. from the bits he understood through the three-way language barrier, there was apparently a certain cave at the end of the very beach that the bonfire was being held at that night. this cave was either cursed or intriguing -- kiyeon’s limited vocabulary hadn’t allowed him to translate the word properly, but both were compelling enough for him to set aside some time before the bonfire to go looking for it. the whole reason he’d pushed himself into going on the tour -- apart from it being a job requirement, of course -- was to “broaden his horizons” like his sister was telling him to all the time, but spending all of this time in venues and hotel rooms and busy cities turned out to feel like a different kind of adventure than he’d come to expect. 
but a mysterious and possibly cursed cave, just waiting to be found? that sounded more like it.
as soon as he’s actually staring down the mouth of the cave, however, he’s quickly reminded that he has very limited experience with cave exploration outside of that one horror movie about being stuck in a cave. all he has is a measly flashlight -- he hadn’t even remembered to bring batteries -- decent sneakers, and his wallet, which meant that the only map he technically had was the one tucked in there, torn in half, and not even of thailand. what if he somehow gets lost? what if there are biologically forsaken creatures down here too?
yet kiyeon walks in anyway. the flashlight beam is strong, but he doesn’t think it’s strong enough to reach the end of the cave, because it just illuminates complete darkness. heart pounding in his throat, he takes another step in, and then-- his flashlight beam lands on something. someone? kiyeon gasps, the sound echoing sharply against the rocks, quickly drowned out by the much louder, nearly thunderous crack of his flashlight slipping out of his hand and hitting the ground.
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