#ox - farina 4
m-tribs · 5 months
Oxford had lost track of the cannons and the fireworks. He had lost track of the faces in the sky and of the locations in the park. He had lost track of the last time he had eaten, of the last time he had water, and - most of all - the number of Tributes he had killed with the machete still clenched tight in his fist.
His leg was in rough shape. His foot had gone numb from the lack of shoes, or the snake's attack, or from something different altogether. He could feel the numbness working its way up his leg, but for now, it was still functional. And that was all he needed - to keep moving forward.
Sparks were flying through the air, briefly illuminating the otherwise dark night. Lamps flashed on and off, fires were building. And all Ox could do was move forward. A figure appeared ahead of him. He slowly raised his machete, but then he clocked who it was. "FARINA!" He roared, dropping the blade to his side and rushing forward.
"Farina, we have to move! The fire is -- the fire --" He indicated behind him, where hazards abounded. He pointed forward over her shoulder, where a roller coaster thundered along. "We gotta get to the queue!" An inclined ramp led up towards the coaster, where the flames wouldn't be able to reach them.
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