#p bowen is still around too but she doesn't come in to this storyline at all hence why she isnt mentioned
vanquishedmelon · 9 months
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P. Baxter and the birth of Penny Halliwell.
"Where was I born?"
"Boston. Hotel room. Breech."
(Penny & Prue, 1x17)
Prudence Johnson, née Baxter, grew up with her cousin, Pearl Russell, on Prescott Street following the death of Pearl's mother defeating the Nexus unleashed in the 1906 earthquake. Despite having a happy childhood together, Prudence was forced to kill Pearl in 1924 in order to protect her from evil.
Not coping well with the trauma, Prudence and her husband, Gordon, decide to leave San Francisco and return to the beginnings of Prudence's wiccan heritage: Salem, Massachusetts. Here, the couple finally get to spend a few years of blissful married life together, and Prudence falls pregnant in the fall of 1926.
Deciding she wants her child to be born in the presence of the powerful Nexus her family reclaimed for good, Prudence and Gordon prepare to return to Prescott Street, traveling to Boston in order to board the train to Chicago, then to San Francisco. Their return is delayed, and during their stay in Boston, Prudence, despite her advanced pregnancy, can't help but save an innocent, named Penelope.
Penelope decides to visit Prudence to thank her for saving her life, and finds her alone in her hotel room, in labor. Penelope, fortunately a midwife-in-training, recognizes the baby is presenting breech and is able to help Prudence safely deliver the baby. While Prudence would never conceive again due to the difficult birth, she is grateful to Penelope for saving her baby's life, and names her daughter after her - Penelope Johnson.
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