sparks-can-shine-blog · 10 years
If Not For You || Becca and Yuna || V7 W1 Late Wednesday Night.
Yuna had to get a car. Too many times had she been left out in the cold by faulty bus service and too little money to get a cab. It wasn't as if her apartment building was too far away, but it was enough to not want to have to walk there in the dead of night. Of course, she could always just fly, but that took a lot of effort, and it would probably lead to her neighbors thinking ill of her.
Determined to get off the street, Yuna walked quickly and held her coat close around her, very aware of the other set of footsteps someway behind her. Logically, she told herself that there was no way that they were following her, lots of people lived down this way. However, he brief glances behind her had revealed nothing. Against her will, Yuna started to glow faintly, as she often did when she was nervous, and decided just to confront it - whatever 'it' was. "H-hello? Sorry, is-is someone there?"
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