rosiestweasley · 11 years
Two Hearts Detained || Scorpius and Rose
     It was probably one of her least favorite days of the year. Most certainly. Although she didn't go around outwardly detesting the holiday like some people felt the need to do, the whole idea of a day dedicated to love was a bit absurd. It wasn't much different from any other day of the year, as far she was concerned. However this might have been the best Valentine's Day yet. It would be spent watching Scorpius suffer in detention while she sat back and smiled. For one maybe she would wipe that smug smirk off of his face. If only he hadn't already gotten on her nerves when she awoke to a beautiful bouqet of white lilies. It irked her, that somehow, he had gotten it right. No roses. Never a rose for Rose.
     However Rose, stubborn as her father, twisted her ginger waves up atop her head and slid one lily into her bun, wearing the gift around instead of hiding it. Somewhere in her head, Rose managed to convince herself that this would show Scorpius that she was unbothered by it, but the logic was lacking. Still, there she sat in the trophy room dressed no different than any other day, waiting for that blonde haired Slytherin boy to show is face. While other girls snuck around the castle for illicit dates or cried over their lack of love, the Lioness waited to administer the detention, her own smirk sitting on her face.
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rosiestweasley · 11 years
Beginning of the End || Rose and Scorpius
Rose held her head high as she walked through the halls of Hogwarts, her Head Girl badge glistening on her puffed out chest. After hard work and dedication, Rose Weasley was now at the top of her class in grades and held the highest title for a student in the school. Now that she was here, Rose had to admit there was sort of an emptiness in her life that certainly needed feeling. Rose always needed something to strive for, and for a girl who seemed to have everything worked out, her future looked oddly frightening. She hadn't a single career in mind and her course load reflected that. Instead of choosing classes she liked, Rose had taken nearly everything just to be safe. By this point, it almost left her sort of tired and worn down, even after the long summer away from the stress of work, grades, and everything else she took the time to consume her life with.
These thoughts and many more swirled through her mind as she walked through the nearly empty halls, curfew for the night edging closer. The red haired lioness furrowed her brow as she saw two students dash out of a classroom here on the fourth floor where she was on patrol. Rose opened her lips to protest, but decided that just for tonight, maybe rules were not the most important thing. Tonight she would enjoy this school on the first night back for her very last year. The melancholy thought only made her pretty face look more unpleasant as she frowned. This was her home and the thought of leaving was unsettling. Tonight really was the beginning of the end.
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