ambivalent-auguries · 2 years
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devilstaste · 9 months
the cliche plot of a big mean gang member becoming obsessed with the soft good girl except the gang member is also some kind of monster/supernatural :-))
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survivoirs · 11 months
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carnagebled · 1 year
okay but natalie and charlie being two ghostfaces I need it !!
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bruz3r · 1 month
been binge watching crim.inal minds and have the strongest urge to make a hotch with a lee p.ace fc. don't know if the rp fandom is even alive. but ahh well. will try to be on once work is more chill!
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@kunitart is the artist Yandere fae prince 2
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Yandere Aaron Z
Just head cannons for my fae prince of the 🌙 🌉 🌃 night
•When she tried to escape Aaron Z was a step ahead ... literally he was in the shadows waiting for her to arrive at the gate and there he caught her "My starlight my love why are running away? " "Why? Have I not been good to you? Loving you as tenderly and sweetly as I can?"
•He locks her away in a dungeon to keep her from ever leaving him of course it pains him to see her like that but it hurts worse when she leaves. He has gaurds watching her every move, from her getting up to her getting dressed for the day.
•He ask her to marry him and she said yes and the whole night court plans the wedding big, fancy, and noble. He's killed the naysayers taking his sword and killed them cutting off their heads and cutting their hearts out.
He placed their heads and stakes smiling as he sees his bride.
•SHE WAS A LOVELY VISION! He saw her I'm her beautiful dress and he felt his heart and soul Warm up at the sight of her.
Her dress, necklace, shoes,and a crown that was p.aced on her head.
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•"King Aaron Z and Queen Ruby! The king and queen of the night court!" They walked amongst the court and the people of the court. He held her hand and smiled at her as shd had a smile on hers she felt her heart skip a beat as Z looked at her "I cannot wait til our honeymoon after."
He said as she blushed.
•For her he has killed and she didn't know a thing "My starlight my love I've missed deeply so deeply that I longed to hold you, touch you, make love to you my love for you is as bright as the moon light." She tries to leave him but he refuse to let her go especially when she's pregnant.
"Moonlight why are leaving? " "You..hate me? Why? My love please please don't leave me I've done everything for you." "Please don't take my unborn child your carrying my baby please! "
•After that she stays with him as she gives birth to their twins Zarr and Luna a son and daughter he holds them with joy and pride "My starlight you've added two new stars in my life and that I am grateful and I love you so much my star."
He loves his babies so much and is very protective of them they grow older and before long another heir is born another son who they named Aaron Zeke . Then she has more of his Children "I love seeing you baring my children meaning that no one else not even another man or fae prince can have you for you are mine and mine alone starlight. " he saids rubbing her baby bump "Soon my possible next son will be born. And after that I will give my next heir ."
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strmfury · 2 years
so basically i’ll never be happy with a fc for this guy ( nothing new ) despite generally leaning towards m.ark s.trong — but you might also find mostly faceless icons/aesthetics taken from roles of j.ude l.aw / l.ee p.ace / r.ufus s.ewell / there’s probably more
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leafsoared · 2 years
so in a new interview, l.ee p.ace described being married as having an endless sleepover with your weirdest friend and i just.... if that’s not big zoe-about-wash energy idk what is...
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bitemescftly · 11 months
yall someone should give anna their ch.arlie hu.nnam / le.e p.ace / jo.el kin.naman / hen.ry cav.ill / m.ads mi.kkelsen muses for her to sit on their pretty faces. just sayin'
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carnagebled-a · 3 years
okay real talk. d.aisy e.dgar j.ones, l.ily j.ames, b.riane h.owley, or m.argot r.obbie for a.lice liddell?
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kiissme · 6 years
can you believe it’s taken me 224245234 years to watch g.uardians of the g.al.axy??? my blue daughter
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wakepie · 6 years
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the piemaker !   1 / ?
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survivoirs · 2 years
Me trying to decide between a tiny ram.i Mal.ek or a Tol gentle giant Lee P.ace OFMD ship doctor OC. On one hand I love rami and have had him as a fc for three muses in the past. But on the other hand I’ve never used Lee and none of my muses here are over 6 foot 😂 would also give him a far cry and walking dead verse of course.
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nclled · 4 years
[ updates ] - ace’s fc changed to lee p.ace & i’m redoing.. a very similar theme, but the links are down for now
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bitemescftly · 2 years
if you have any of these fcs & would like to write some tab*o & disgustingly naughty plots - lemme know!
cill*an mur.phy, tom h*ddleston, lee p.ace, charlie h*nnam, luke ev*ns, osca.r is*ac, p*dro pasc*l, mad.ds mikk*lsen, tom h*rdy, jo.el kinn*man, seb*stian st*n, br*d pitt, chris ev*ns, chris h*msworth, ke*nu reeves
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rrivendell · 3 years
This blog is really for the 3 of you who were already reblogging or liking every T.om H.iddleston post I reblogged and without missing a beat started liking or reblogging every L.ee P.ace post I reblogged
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