#p2ep tamaki
ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
Tamaki, are you mad at Tatsuya for destroying a universe? He really didn’t mean to and things got out of his control FAST!
I...I can't say. My other self, the one from that world, knows only of her fate because of you all. She hasn't experienced it. And I never will. I don't think I could ever fully comprehend what led to that point, or why Tatsuya Suou himself is the source of the blame, but what I do know is that its not fair to judge things unless I've experienced it myself. But I'm sure you're right; he didn't mean to. Because no one who would do that would ever work so hard to right their wrongs like he has.
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
@if... tamaki and @EP tamaki, what is your favorite condiment to eat with your food?
Oh wow, this is weird! Tell me about it. I'm so small. You're not that much bigger! Yes, but I don't look like a puppy. So does this mean I succeed? ...Spoilers. Oh come on! Okay, fine. Um, anyways, my favorite condiment is...probably Tenkasu, on some ramen! It really adds a nice texture that mixes really well. Also, I'm craving ramen because all I've had to eat are stale snacks from the school cupboard and demon food, which is icky. I really like ponzu shoyo, because its a perfect dipping sauce! Goes well with a lot of things, and it's not expensive.
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
@IS/EP Tamaki, do you know Kyouji Kuzunoha?
We do!
Oh hello, Dead Me! Hi, Not Dead Me!
Okay, so basically, he didn't tell us for a while, but after the Coffee Pot Incident, it was pretty clear. Kinda weird my boss is a ghost, but I can't judge. Not to mention the fact that he doesn't really hide it. I mean, I still call him Chief Todoroki in public when I have to, because that's the name I associate with his face, but to make things easier, I just stick to Boss. It's easier that way, and I'm less likely to mess up! To summarize my unluckier counterpart, yes. Yes we do. But will we ever tell anyone? No. Besides, its fun messing with Tadashi. I thought you got rid of him? Exactly! Oh.
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ask-tamaki-uchida · 3 years
hey tamaki what do you like to do to relax(EP tamaki just so you can finally have a post in that tag)
(ooc: Thank you anon its been bothering me SO much u don't understand) Hrm. That's a great question! Let's see... Well, I like to go out for drinks with the boss. He's not a lightweight, but he also doesn't pressure me to drink more than I can handle. Its a good time usually, and I know that even if he's a bit mean, he really cares. I also like talking to Boss #2, Ms. Reiho. She's really cool and strong, and I really look up to her. Not only that, but some of her stories sound too unreal to be possible, but I know they are! It's crazy.
But I also like to relax with a good spa day. Cliche answer, I know, but it feels really, really good when I can just unwind, take a nice, long, hot bath, and not have to worry about paperwork or demons or the Clan. Just me, myself, and I. I also enjoy watching sports! Baseball's my favorite, but I also like watching Soccer and Tennis!
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