Day 185 – Jambo Kenya
Guess what, raining again. We grabbed some ‘Mexican’ food from a casual restaurant next door, Culiacan. It is the same place S took his kids 9 years ago. We then hung out in the spa’s outdoor hot tub (no bubbles). It rained on and off, but we stuck it out as it was perfectly pleasant in the hot tub. In fact, the last time we were in Iceland we were in another outdoor hot tub in the cold wind and the rain. It was great fun.
Afterwards, we headed downtown for happy hour as the sun had come out again. We went back to Kaldi, which was not very crowded. Our regular bartender, Christine, apologised as due to celebrations of the relaxation in COVID restrictions this weekend, many of the beers were out. She therefore let S have a special beer for happy hour prices. When S went to the bar to order, two guys asked him if he was Kenyan. They were Cyppie and Pablo and they are both Kenyan. They were intrigued by S’ bracelet and beads.They were intrigued by S’ authentic Samburu bracelet and beads. Cyppie showed us his Maasai bracelet, which was beaded onto his wrist and in the design of the Kenyan flag. Shockingly, J got to sing the Jambo song with Cyppie. Cyppie also shared this nugget of wisdom. In all his travels, everyone he has met has known: (1) Michael Jackson, (2) Bob Marley and (3) Coca Cola.
We got into a very long conversation with them and exchanged numbers. Hopefully we will hook up again before we leave. Cyppie even said he could help get S more braids if he wants them in Iceland. We also finally met the owner of the bar, the guy who flies around the world collecting gins. He is a Brazilian guy named George, and he is friends with Pablo and Cyppie. Apparently everyone loves them. J gave George some suggestions for new gins that he might want to think about adding to the collection. As Kaldi had one of J’s favourite gins, G-vine, she requested a Bramble. They did not have any blackberry liqueur, but they did have crowberry liqueur. Apparently crowberries are tarter than blackberries and more like currants. The fruit is found wild in Iceland. S decided to dub this new cocktail the ‘Cramble’.
We headed back to the hotel for dinner and saw a double rainbow (see picture below and yes, that is a hot pink petrol station). At the hotel, we had a couple of bowls of soup and our usual, free Executive Lounge drinks.
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