humanbeta · 6 years
* / closed plotted starter for @packgenius   ( she didn’t ask for it but here it is anyways )
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           Any second now. It should happen any second now. It’s not as if he’d waited too long – no, that cheeky demon he’d met assured him that it was well within a reachable goal. She wasn’t gone for too long – she couldn’t have been. Stiles wouldn’t have waited too long to find some kind of viable way to bring her back. After all ; it’s his fault how she ended up this way. Isn’t this the price he deserves to pay ?   He’s waiting anxiously, knee bouncing   &   gnawing at the skin on his fingertips.   WHEN’S IT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN ?   When that stupid demon said he’d bring her back, he didn’t tell him it’d take   3 – 5 BUSINESS DAYS.   Stiles is becoming more and more riled up. As if his emotions couldn’t be any more unbalanced, tears collect in his eyes when he realizes this whole thing might’ve been a dud to begin with. Feeling his mind slipping, the brunet reaches out for her hand and tightly grasps it.   COLD.   Not even a tendril of warmth. He bites back a sob and it rocks him to his core. If she was alive right now, she’d be absolutely in shock of how unglued he is. His freehand moves from his lips to scrub at his face, trying to wipe away the bags that have deepened under sullen eyes.      “ Come on, Lydia … ”     He mutters, voice a broken whine. It’s only a few moments of holding his breath later that she seems to gasp for air, and Stiles is startled out of his pitiful breakdown. He’s quick by her side, hands framing her face and thumbing at pale cheeks that he notices are growing   WARMER.     “ Lydia – hey, hey, Lydia, it’s okay, I’m here. I’m here. ”
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themythscometolife · 6 years
@packgenius liked for a scott starter
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“You want to go where?”
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theoriginalbadass · 6 years
?? / ✘
Send a symbol for a text - accepting!
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
( ✉ → lydia @ 12:57 am ) Wassup, gf?!? Im soooo wsated right nowww! :D
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
( ✉ → lydia @ 1:20 pm ) Stop looking at Jackson like that. You’re mine, not his!
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inundantem · 6 years
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mahr-tin - of war
“We’ll always FIGHT, but we’ll always make up as well. That’s what SISTERS do: we argue, we point out each other’s frailties, mistakes, and bad judgment, we flash the insecurities we’ve had since CHILDHOOD, and then we come back together. Until the next time. ”
lydia and scarlett ( written by emily )・skye and lydia ( written by beth )
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ofnoblehunt · 6 years
8. A frustrated text
{ Text; Lyds } ;; How can you say it’s going to be okay when okay hasn’t existed for so long?
{ Text; Lyds } ;; I’m sorry.
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humanbeta · 6 years
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revived!stiles & lydia aesthetic ; for @packgenius  ♥
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bitterdeadguy · 6 years
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sometimes a SOULMATE isn’t about love;        sometimes it can be friendship, too
                         lydia    &    shane     →     @packgenius
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themythscometolife · 6 years
@packgenius liked for a jordan starter
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“Don’t you get tired of spending time at the police station?”
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werekanima · 6 years
“who knew you’d be here?”
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“No one. That was kind of the point.”
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haleontheprowl · 6 years
@packgenius​ liked for a starter
     ‘ Psychic, I heard you’ve become quite useful since I last saw you. ’ The backhanded compliment lingered with a bitter taste across the she wolf’s sharp tongue. 
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humanbeta · 6 years
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        The past few months have been very stressful in Quantico. Stiles was starting to grow homesick ; he hadn’t seen his father in a while & he often found his thoughts travelling back to their pack and how everyone was doing. As strange as it was, there were times where the brunet reminisced about the supernatural events that drove them together as a group rather than apart. But everyone still had to grow into an adult, even if their high school years hadn’t been ideal. Maybe it was the nostalgia talking – but he kind of wished that they were back in high school. Even though things were gloomy in Beacon Hills, he missed his family & friends.
That’s what drove him to take a small mini-vacation. It was granted to him graciously, and Stiles took no time in returning to his hometown. Thankfully, things had been relatively quiet and steady in supernaturally-heightened Beacon Hills – his father rarely had any animal-attack related calls. That was relieving to the brunet & part of the reason as to why he was so quick to return home. The worry of something happening while he wasn’t there was one that lingered in his mind often. Some days, Stiles would become so paranoid with intrusive thoughts that it drove him into panic attacks. His high anxiety still remained & probably worsened after everything they’d went through.
Now, Stiles laid comfortably in his bed while sleep allures him to unconsciousness. His eyes had just fluttered closed, and the comforting & welcoming darkness was just about to slip him under when an abrupt buzz drives it away. Amber hues flip to his phone laying on the bedside table with an accusatory glare. Of course he’d have to receive a text right as he was about to cross the threshold of consciousness. Figuring that since he’d already been woken up, he might as well look at whatever video or picture Scott had sent him. A reluctant hand reaches out and pulls the device from where it’d been charging, and he trains his blurred vision on the screen. It wasn’t Scott trying to get a hold of him – it was Lydia. There wasn’t a day that has gone by where Stiles didn’t think of Lydia. He’d had a special connection to her the way that none of their other friends did. She was his first love & probably one of the best friends he could’ve ever hoped to make. Even if they hadn’t spoken much since they left for college, his thoughts often drifted back to her. There’d been plenty of times where he’d almost sent a message just checking in with her, but something made him hesitate every time. Maybe he was under the impression that there was more to their lack of communication these days. He hopes that’s not the case, and that they were both just too busy with education. He opens her message and furrows his brow at the spelling and grammatical errors. Lydia definitely wasn’t one to send a message with a hundred different typos – he knows that she reads over everything she writes two or three times before submitting it, even if it was something as simple as a text message. From what he could decipher, she needed a ride home from a friend’s house. That, alone, makes the worried & concerned brunet sit up in his bed, glancing at the clock. It was past midnight. Was this one of those banshee things? He never really understood what those were, even after she attempted to explain them to him over and over again. Stiles wasn’t as supernaturally in-tune as she was, so it was hard to relate to visions. He doesn’t even really bother with changing into representable clothes, leaning him in his sweatpants & a red shirt. Stiles returns a quick text in response :
[ Text : Lydia ] I’m on my way, just hang tight.
After grabbing his keys and slipping on an old pair of converse, he slips out of the door of his room and heads to his Jeep. His mind is reeling – he doesn’t even know if she’s in trouble. If she wasn’t, though, then why would she reach out to him specifically? The fact that her message was incorrectly typed only adds more confusion & concern to Stiles’ conscious. He hops into the Jeep quickly & speeds down the road. He just prays that whatever was going on won’t be as dire as he’s expecting it to be, or else his father’s going to kick his ass for running right past him out of the front door. He’s going to demand an explanation later ; there was no doubting it. In what seemed like forever ( to Stiles ), he finally pulls into the driveway. He throws the Jeep into park and climbs out of it with a rush to his movements. Anxiety was racing through his veins & stealing his breath – Lydia’s car was still here. That was good, right? But hers wasn’t the only one – he notices that there were quite a few cars parked around the house. What the hell was this? He didn’t have much time to think on it before his body moves on it’s own and he’s knocking on the door.
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slightlybrcken-a · 6 years
@packgenius + sorry...
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   lydia would have some idea about what this meant. after all, she was the one who helped him work stuff out. normally, he’d go to scott for this. but with how stuff was going right now he didn’t want to bother the alpha if this was just him going crazy. which it still could be. lydia at least would tell him he was crazy. “i mean, you do love them even if you say you don’t. but no. it’s more a...i’m gonna come out and just say it cause this is probably bad whether i draw it out or not. basically, i had a weird ass nightmare and woke up on the nemeton. i don’t know how i got here. i think i might have sleptwalked? but i’m here and could really use a lift home.”
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themythscometolife · 6 years
@packgenius liked for a melissa starter
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“I’m really hoping this is just a social call. I hate seeing you come in here hurt.”
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shadowedstilinski · 6 years
[text] It’s all fun and games till someone says you’re so pretty they could punch you and they, you know, punch you
[TEXT] - holy shit
[TEXT] - did someone punch you? For being pretty??
[TEXT] - because I can’t exactly guess why you’d send me this otherwise...
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ofnoblehunt · 6 years
@packgenius​ liked for a starter.
       ‘ You might be in control of most things Lydia, but you’re not doing a very good job of controlling your blush around him, ’ her best friend poked her lightly, a smug smirk etching into porcelain features.
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