jasmancer · 1 month
the gang's all here
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mezmer · 6 months
Brah they took this down from youtube it's the recording of this song where Toshi has tears streaming down his face while he sings the intro. Wtach it its amazeballs. I always gotta go find it on some japanese website cuz its not on youtube anymore
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wondereads · 8 months
Weekly Reading Update (01/29/24)
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Reviews and thoughts under the cut
The Realms of the Gods by Tamora Pierce (9/10)
This concludes my reread of the Immortals Quartet! I'd probably place this series as my second favorite of the Tortall books; I feel like it gets overlooked, which is quite unfair because Daine's magic is just so interesting. This particular book completes the story very well, and it also involves the main romantic pairing getting together, which I enjoyed far more than I thought. Things fell into place a little too easily for my tastes, but it's overall a very good conclusion.
Year of the Reaper by Makiia Lucier (8/10)
This book started off very slow, so I wasn’t sure if I would like it. However, once we got into the meat of the story, I enjoyed it! I think there’s a particularly good plot twist in this one, and I actually really liked the main character. He feels like if the typical, tortured YA love interest were the protagonist instead, and seeing him be a little foolish or impulsive was refreshing. Like I said, it takes a while to get into it, I wasn’t even sure what the main plot was going to be for a while, but it’s pretty well-paced after that.
The Past Is Red by Catherynne M. Valente (9/10)
This was an incredibly intriguing novella about waste and global warming. It's a bit shocking and unique with the plethora of cursing and a very unreliable narrator. After I finished this book I felt hollow inside, and it makes you think about the issues of pollution and what it could mean for the future, especially the people who will live then and don't deserve that kind of world. The main character and narrator, Tetley, has a very distinctive voice, and she will often admit to lying to the reader about various things. The only thing I disliked was that at some points it felt like Tetley was going through terrible things just to make her go through terrible things.
Crystal Dark by Julie E. Kramer (2/10)
This is the lowest I have ever rated a book I finished. This is a YA fantasy romance novella, and it is self-published. It shows. I truly believe absolutely no editing went into this book. Most of the writing is either overly simplistic or worded in the most convoluted, backwards way that I simply could not tell what the author meant. There are basic grammar mistakes, typos, and a major side character's name is misspelled at one point. The plot is rushed to the extreme and makes absolutely no sense; why Ceia wouldn't use her magic to flee from an incredibly dangerous situation is never explained. The romance, if you could call it that, is forced and has no build-up, and the "villain" is so cartoonishly evil and defeated with a flick of the main character's hand. There is no explanation for the worldbuilding, and things are just spontaneously introduced to make sure the protagonists always have what they need. It is lazy, poorly constructed, and I can't believe someone put this into the world in this state.
The Absinthe Underground by Jamie Paction (6/10)
Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed by this book. It has a great premise, the aesthetics really come through, and it's got a cute sapphic romance. The execution falls short with just the lack of space for the story. Things happen far too quickly when there are many scenes that really need space to breathe. It affects the tension and doesn't give much room for the side characters to show their personalities. The writing tends to tell instead of show, which may contribute to the rushed nature of this book. This book could have been quite good, but it ends up being somewhat mediocre.
Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor (36%)
The last Nnedi Okorafor book I read was Binti, which I wasn't a huge fan of, but I'm liking this one a lot more. Sankofa is a very intriguing protagonist, and I'm very interested to see where the story is going. It seems to skirt the line between fantasy and sci-fi, especially when it comes to Sankofa's backstory. This book is a whole 100 pages longer than Binti, and I think it's much better for it.
Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman (30%)
I'm really enjoying this so far. The way of storytelling, told through mission reports, chat records, and not-Wikipedia pages is very interesting and utilizes all kinds of unconventional, visual methods. There's some great humor in it too; the characters definitely feel like teenagers.
Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas (19%)
I've been pretty lukewarm on Throne of Glass for the most part. I hear this book is where most people really start to like the series, so I hope it's the same for me. I will say it's moving at a good pace so far, and I really like where the plot is going. The rescue mission angle brings a lot of suspense, especially since it's a character I actually care about. On the other side, Chaol is being so annoying and it makes his perspective drag for me.
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gemini526sdumptruck · 2 years
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Lately I've been working on revamping/updating my little Paction universe
It's been almost a year since I created it and I felt it was time to do a "take 2" on the story and all that stuff. Starting with thee designs
Specifically giving the ghosts bigger hands, because I think that just works better for em
So I started with Pinky, because I don't think there's much I'll be changing about her lol
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ardenrosegarden · 1 year
Hi! I'm not familiar with high medieval history but seeing your posts have made me super interested in certain historical figures of 11th century Brittany (specifically Hawise of Normandy, Bertha of Blois and Hawise of Rennes!!! Icons, all three of them)
It's really difficult to find information on their personal lives tho, so I wanted to ask: What kind of marriages did Geoffrey of Rennes & Hawise of Normandy and Hawise of Rennes & Hoel II have? I know that Bertha and Alan's seems to have been very loving, but I can't figure our anything for the other two.
Maybe I'm searching in the wrong places, so if there are any specific books that elaborate on them, please recommend! Thanks :)
Thanks so much <3 and I agree! Those three lived in a really interesting period and their lives add really interesting context that I think makes them compelling to learn about :)
Unfortunately, historical evidence surrounding 11th century Brittany has a lot of gaps and omitted/lost information that makes it hard to tell for sure what certain relationships would have looked like and a lot of it has to be reconstructed with best guesses with the limited information we have.
I can only speak for what I've read, so if anyone has more resources or info they'd like to share feel free!
Regarding Hawise of Normandy and Geoffrey I, we don't really know a whole lot about their relationship as they were married in 996 and Geoffrey died in 1008 on pilgrimage to Rome. Joëlle Quaghebeur brings up an interesting angle regarding the double marriage of Hawise and Geoffrey and Richard II to Judith of Rennes as having marked differences in culture between the Bretons and Normans that affected how the two regions viewed the alliance, and my speculation is that it probably wouldn't be surprising if it bled into how the respective brides and grooms also viewed/interacted with each other. We're given a pretty rosy image of their marriage: "This was the maiden, very beautiful in body and agreeable in morals and honesty: and why, after the paction of their friendships, Geoffrey asked that she be given to him, at Richard's will which Richard granted himself with agreeable courage and by assent of the Norman Princes gives her to him as a wife in the Christian manner." One of the difficult things about trying to figure even the events of the marriage though is that a lot of the finer details of it mostly come from Guillaume de Jumièges- a Norman chronicler- so we're left with a mainly one-sided narrative that is predisposed to the opinion that Normandy has suzerainty over Brittany which also needs to be taken into account when trying to parse things out. That being said, the marriage did do what it was intended to do: during Hawise's lifetime, Normandy and Brittany were bound in much closer defensive alliance against Anjou, so in that regard it's hard to consider it an unsuccessful one. Some more resources on Hawise of Normandy: Amy Livingstone, Pious Women in a “Den of Scorpions” The Piety and Patronage of the Eleventh-Century Countesses of Brittany Joëlle Quaghebeur, Havoise, Constance, et Mathilde, princesses de Normandie et duchesses de Bretagne Pierre Le Baud, Histoire de Bretagne, avec les Chroniques des maisons de Vitré et de Laval
Historical consensus on Hoël II and Hawise seems to be a lot more straightforwardly confident on calling it a genuinely affectionate marriage. Laurence Moal specifically mentions their marriage in her section on marriage dynamics within the ducal family as one offering the image of "perfect harmony". Hawise of Rennes was not as politically prominent as Hawise of Normandy was, so unfortunately we don't have much information on her specifically, but what we do have points to Hoël and Hawise having the typical experience of their time/status/region of marrying in their late teens or twenties and having a pretty good partnership. I can't find hard dates for when Hoël and Hawise were born or when they were affianced, but it's likely that they married relatively young and there being no mention of Hoël having a concubine or illegitimate children, and he seems to have shown no inclination to take a mistress or remarry after Hawise's death. There is also the fact that Hoël seemed to have been deeply shaken by Hawise's death and the purpose of praying for her soul may have been one of the main factors motivating his decision to go on a pilgrimage to Rome in 1072. More on Hawise and Hoël/Hoël's family: Laurence Moal, Duchesses Histoire d'un pouvoir au féminin en Bretagne Jean-Christophe Cassard, Houel, Huuel, Compte de Cornouaille puis duc de Bretagne (circa 1030-1084) André-Yves Bourgès, Propagande Ducale, Rèforme Grégorienne et Renouveau Monastique Joëlle Quaghebeur, La Cornouaille du IXe au XIIe siècle Mémoire, pouvoirs, noblesse Joëlle Quaghebeur, Judith de Nantes, très pieuse, très noble, très sage comtesse de Cornouaille If you're inclined to historical fiction, Hoël and Hawise also feature as side characters in The Wolf Hunt by Gillian Bradshaw
It's possible there may be sources I've missed, or new ones may come out later, so if you're still looking for things I recommend looking through the works cited of some of the above materials or seeing if someone else cited them. I apologize for the vagueness that is the middle ages, but I hope this was somewhat helpful!
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ksrealtyca · 8 months
Edmonton's Best Realtors - Find Top Agents Now!
Discover the finest real estate professionals in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Your key to expert guidance in buying or selling homes. Find the top realtor for your needs today!
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logicthink9999 · 11 months
Teen driving school sherwood park
“Teen Driving School Sherwood Park: Nurturing Responsible and Skilled Young Drivers”
For teenagers, getting behind the wheel for the first time is a thrilling and transformative experience. However, it's also a momentous responsibility that requires guidance, education, and practice to ensure the safety of both the new driver and others on the road. In Sherwood Park, Alberta, Teen Driving School plays a pivotal role in shaping confident, responsible, and skilled young drivers. This article delves into what makes Teen Driving School Sherwood Park stand out and how it contributes to fostering safe and capable teenage drivers.
Empowering Teenagers with Skills and Responsibility
Teen Driving School Sherwood Park is more than just a driving school; it's an institution dedicated to preparing young drivers for the road ahead. Their commitment to excellence and safety is evident in several aspects of their programs and services.
Certified Instructors: The school boasts a team of certified instructors experienced in teaching young drivers. These instructors are not only skilled in imparting driving skills but also in creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment.
Tailored Curriculum: Teen Driving School offers a comprehensive curriculum tailored to the needs of young drivers. This includes a focus on fundamental driving skills, understanding road signs and rules, and imparting critical defensive driving techniques.
Flexibility: Recognizing that teenage students have busy schedules, the school provides flexible class scheduling, including evenings and weekends, to accommodate their needs.
Safety First: All training vehicles at Teen Driving School are meticulously maintained and equipped with dual controls, ensuring both the safety and comfort of the young learners.
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Instilling Responsible Driving
Teen Driving School emphasizes the importance of responsible driving from day one. They do this through a variety of means:
Defensive Driving Techniques: The school's curriculum goes beyond the basics, teaching defensive driving skills that help young drivers anticipate and respond to potential hazards on the road.
Ethical Decision-Making: Teen Driving School reinforces the importance of obeying traffic laws, avoiding distractions, and never driving under the influence.
Real-World Experience: Students are prepared to handle real-life driving scenarios, such as heavy traffic, inclement weather, and navigating complex intersections.
Building Confidence in Young Drivers
Confidence is a crucial element of safe and skilled driving, especially for teenagers. Teen Driving School focuses on building this confidence by:
Supportive Environment: Instructors create a positive and motivating atmosphere that encourages questions and learning without hesitation.
Gradual Skill Progression: Young drivers are guided through a structured learning process that allows them to build confidence step by step. This approach starts with the basics and gradually advances to more complex driving skills.
Teen Driving School Sherwood Park is more than just a place to learn to drive; it is a partner in the journey of nurturing safe, responsible, and confident teenage drivers. With certified instructors, a tailored curriculum, a strong emphasis on safety, and a focus on building confidence, Teen Driving School provides young drivers with the tools and knowledge necessary for a lifetime of safe and enjoyable driving. Whether you are a teenager embarking on your driving journey or a parent seeking a reputable driving school, Teen Driving School Sherwood Park is a trusted choice for driver education. The path to responsible and skilled teenage driving begins here.
Contact Information:
Phone: +780-908-4537
Location: 3308 - Parsons Road, Nw Edmonton, ALBERTA
Visit Our Website: https://www.nobledrivingschool.com/index.php?paction=content&id=1
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juliamstarr · 3 years
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Pine trees at sundown. Edited with my Summer Berries photoshop action.
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littlepvssion · 5 years
A Night Out
It was a Saturday night and she heard about the event at Michael’s Angels. At first she was going to rest her feet, because it had been a long week at the salon. However, her girls convinced her that drinks and strippers was going to make it better. 
They arrived, and skipped the line outside. She had called ahead to make sure Sincere saved them their spot. The group of ladies went over and immediately got to drinking. 
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awed-frog · 5 years
nuntii latini finiti
Here are the headlines of the last ever edition of Nuntii Latini, the weekly Finnish broadcast which provided world news in Latin for thirty years. I remember listening to it in school - what a cool project. Kudos for all the work and dedication that must have gone into it. Thank you Finland!
USA et Mexicum de immigratione coercenda consentiunt
Putin et Xi Jinping de commercio pactiones fecerunt
Febris suina Africana etiam Finniae imminet
Ingentes naves periegetas in Finniam portant
Septem ad bonam vitam consilia
Nuntii Latini finiti
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If you’re wondering what’s their advice for living a good life, here it is.
Primo: tabacum denique relinque. Secundo: memento te alcoholum non tolerare sicut ante. Tertio: dormi septem vel octo horas. Quarto: praefer legumina et fructus, cave carnem rubram. Quinto: cotidie vel ambulando corpus exerce. Sexto: cholesterolum et pressionem sanguinis observa. Septimo: operam da, ut tempus commune cum proximis habeas.
[website | their last broadcast | learn more about this] 
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soccerswagger10 · 3 years
new me
I am so annoyed with all the bullshit that I had to deal  with but now I can’t remember anything or anyone I remember some of my family but its not my problem that I Can’t remember you but its whatever I don't care about the old me. only the new me so give me time, space and pactions. that's all I ask. no rushing no anything just let me be me and the only person that I am today I am so annoyed with all the negative and I don't need it at all an  so leave the drama and everything at the locked door not opening it. all thanks to my cousin who helped me with my chipped bone in my head its gone all thanks to him 
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gemini526sdumptruck · 2 years
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Lately after watching a lot of Party playthroughs and videos, I’ve been imagining what a Pacman show would’ve looked like if they literally didn’t change a thing about the Party universe.
Like, the game to me feels the most “kiddish” out of all the Pac-Man games, but not in a bad way at all It’s whimsical, in fact in the best way possible in my opinion. It’s bright, it’s cheerful, and it has a simple but fun story.
I’m not sure how well a Pac Man little kids show would go down with people, probably not that well at all, but just think about it.
A little show exploring the adventures of Pac-Man (probably accompanied by another Pac person or a “stand in” for Ms. Pac), as he meets new friends and has fun and silly rivalries with the ghosts, who often cause some mischief that gets resolved and cleaned up at the end of the episode.
This isn’t like a serious concept or anything like my Paction universe, but it was just like a vision I got when I thought about what a Pac-Man show could’ve been like had they stuck with the party universe.
But one thing's for sure I think they definitely should’ve kept the party designs.
Can't improve on perfection lol
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jamieroxxartist · 3 years
Man! I had a fun time on the Show tonight! Tonight my Featured Guest was Filmmaker #GaryJones (#Writer #Director) #DeathBlock13 #Film #Movie | #Action
Prior to turning his hand to directing, Gary Jones worked in special effects - contributing to such films as EVIL DEAD II, ARMY OF DARKNESS, HARD TARGET, DEEP COVER and WENDIGO.
He previously directed XENA Warrior Princess (TV), BOOGEYMAN 3 for Sam Raimi's Ghost House Pictures, AXE GIANT and episodes of HONEY, I SHRUNK THE KIDS (TV).
I LOVED Deathblock13!!!  This is a Fantastic Film, that reminds me of all the great Action-Paction Film I grew up on!  
It was awesome getting a chance to sit down with Gary and talk about his career and this New Film.   We had an awesome conversation.  
The Episode #1172 will be dropping as a Podcast soon.  I'm working on the Post-Production now here at my Art Studio.  While I'm working on that up on the TV in here I have on the classic #DJTiësto's power mix.   Podcast dropping soon.
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leanstooneside · 3 years
An opportunity to be involved in luxurious sexuality is coming
- words e.g i denied my baptism i forsook god and christ ils renient dieu la vierge et le reste vne renonciation expresse a iesu christ & a la foy but occasionally the words are given in full
- they would have perswaded this informer to have taken a lease of three score yeares or upwards.'[267] in new england some of the afflicted said of goodwife c that she had covenanted with the devil for ten years six of them were gone and four more to come'.[268] in modern france the belief in the contract for a term of years is recorded but nothing
- encores s'est il verifiac par plusieurs procez que l'obligation reciproque entre le diable & le sorcier contient quelquesfois le terme d'vn an deux ans ou autre temps.'[260] at faversham in 1645 joan williford said that the devil promised to be her servant about twenty yeeres and that the time is now
- delrio tells us that the devil useth to baptize them of new and to wipe off their brow the old baptism and our witches confess always the giving them new names the devil's mark useth to be a great article with us but it is not per se
- anne chattox said that mother demdike introduced her to the devil in mother demdike's own house
- league is made verbally if the party
- paction useth the words or signs which sorcerers use knowing them to be such renouncing of baptism is by delrio
- near approach to the ceremony of baptism is the blood rite
- elspet alexander of the same coven was also marked on the shoulder four weeks later the divill straiked hir shoulder with his fingers and after that shoe hade ease in the place formerly niped by the devill'.[292] the witch girls at lille in 1661 stated that le diable leur fait quelque marque comme avec une aleine de fer en quelque partie du corps'.[293] marie lamont of innerkip in 1662 confessed voluntarily that the devill nipit her upon the right syd qlk was very painful for a tym but yairefter he straikit it with his hand and healed it this she confesses to be his mark'.[294] in bute in 1662 margaret ncwilliam was tryed for the merk there was 3 merks fund one up her left leg next hard be the shine bone another betwixt her shoulders a 3aº ane uthyr up her hensh blew kat moore was tried and it was found undernethe her richt shoulder a little whyt unsensible spott'.[295] the somerset witches in 1664 were marked on the fingers it was stated of elizabeth style that the devil prickt the fourth finger of hir right hand between the middle and upper joynt where the sign at the examination remained of alice duke that the devil prickt the fourth finger of her right hand between the middle and upper joynt where the mark is yet to be seen and of christian green
- evidence five facts are clear
- view is supported by the fact
- solemnity confest by our witches is the putting
- meaner proselytes the devil fixes in some secret part of their bodies a mark as his seal to know his own by which is like a flea bite
- item confesses that she made a covenant with him and he promised that she wold not want meines eneugh and she promised to serve him and that he gave her a new name saying i baptise the mary.'[274]a€”jonet morisoune traysted with the divill at the knockanrioch being the second tyme of her meeting with him that shee made covenant with the devill quairin she promised to be his servant etc that shee asked quhat was his name his answer was my name is klareanough
- cases of polymastia or supernumerary breasts and of polythelia or supernumerary nipples are constantly recorded by modern medical observers
- local anaesthesia is vouched for in much of the evidence
- relevancy of this crime the first article useth to be paction to serve the devil which is certainly relevant per se
- department of entre sambre et meuse the full method of entering on such a contract is known si vous voulez venir au bois avec moi vous verrez un homme venir
- records of the baptism of candidates are rare
- witches mark or devil's mark as it is indifferently called is one of the most important points
- it is quite possible
- effect of paction yet with us it is relevant per se
- diuell and hell fier the other is when they
- renunciation of previous errors of faith and the vows of fidelity to the new belief are part
- renunciation by the witches was explicit but the records are apt to pass it over
- addition paction with the devil is divided by lawyers
- tradition seems to be founded on fact but there is also a certain amount
- christian man for foure yeares togeather did sundry times come to this examinate and requested this examinate to giue him her soule and in the end this examinate was contented to giue him her sayd soule shee being then in her owne house in the forrest of pendle.'[240] the two statements are not inconsistent
- they went to search the woman none were visible one advised to lay them on their backs and keep open their mouths and they would appear and so they presently appeared in sight.'[317] alice huson of burton agnes yorks in 1664 stated that i have i confess a witch pap which is sucked by the unclean spirit'.[318] abre grinset
- women the supernumerary nipple is observed to increase at the time
- ceremonies had lost their significance to a far greater extent than in scotland and are described more shortly probably because they
- there is nothing
- it be confest by them that they got that mark with their own consent quo casu it is equivalent
- paction is performed either by a formal promise
- greatest number of cases recorded in one place is in essex
- alledg'd by a nip in any part of the body and it is blew.'[237
- a woman searched margaret moone] she found three long teates or bigges in her secret parts which seemed to have been lately sucked and that they were not like pyles for this informant knows well what they are having been troubled
- it is not clear
- mark is given them
- devil then present or by presenting a supplication to him or by giving the promise to a proxie or commissioner impowered by the devil for that effect which is used by some who dare not see himself
- sexes laid one hand on the crown of the head the other on the sole of the foot and dedicated all that was between the two hands to the service of the master.[246] there is a slight variation
- new england only if the phenomena of polymastia and polythelia occurred in france and scotland there are no records
- delrio calls it stigma or character and alledges that it is sometimes like the impression
- mark is given to them
- lucy thompson had a lease of two and forty whereof two are yet to come and her lease
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comercioencolon · 4 years
La ley 29 del 30 de diciembre de 1992 reformada por la ley 7 de 4 de abril del 2016 materializa un anhelo del pueblo colonense que data de 1973, Colón puerto libre.
A través  de los  decretos 86 del 04 de agosto de 2016 se designan los integrantes de la Junta Asesora del Sistema Económico Especial de Puerto Libre para la provincia de Colón inicialmente en la 16 Calles y Avenidas, y 87 se crea la Secretaria del Sistema Especial de puerto Libre.
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