#paff of del
lindalofbroome · 2 years
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the two-faced beast
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pikasus-artenews · 1 year
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Shaun the Sheep & Friends, the Art of Aardman
Arrivano al PAFF museo del Fumetto di Pordenone le creazioni del pluripremiato Studio Aardman
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gdsradio7 · 3 days
A Jesi il fumetto arabo indipendente protagonista di una mostra
L’annuale appuntamento con il fumetto internazionale a Jesi, giunto alla sua quarta edizione, pone quest’anno la sua attenzione sul giovane fumetto arabo con la mostra ‘Oltremari. Nuove traiettorie del fumetto arabo’. Organizzata da Acca – Accademia di Comics, Creatività e Arti Visive, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi e da Paff! International Museum of Comic Art di Pordenone, la mostra di…
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ilearhmajeste · 1 month
Now do you still not believe the artez is M.Credire Bédar aka Céline, lipsyinc
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FAQ101 I know you are but what am I
O Canada mio my it's hockey night at skywalkers
Humnimina breign ibmnibina paff
Somewhere between some closet doors and the feelings from this area was the mood that brought the set of the others to life.
Image speak carefully REFLECTING false pretense now shut up and let me go
Instigated release goes smoothly
Then call it a Dutch oven
-Britney + outside thesaurus
She gets these fits zx,,zzzAnd she don't know why but it's breKs her heart tell she signs time with a soul man
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You do lose some things in the way
Careful, he can tell Canadians lies for pay
See what did. All the ones with prescriptions and lenses pull it off
$2.49. There's six for Pete buying seven for gore swine flu
It sure
In here
By thing
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afnews7 · 3 months
Stipulata la convenzione tra PAFF! e Associazione Culturale Sexto per incrementare la sinergia culturale nella provincia di Pordenone
È stato siglato stamattina l’accordo tra PAFF! International Museum of Comic – Palazzo del Fumetto e Associazione Culturale Sexto per la promozione reciproca e comune delle rispettive iniziative culturali. da sinistra il presidente dell’associazione Sexto Fabio Bortolussi, il sindaco di Sesto al Reghena Zaida Franceschetti e il presidente del Palazzo del Fumetto, Marco Dabbà La convenzione,…
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lettieriletti · 7 months
Dada Adventure – Nuova Edizione 8
Come un tenero e paff uto angioletto, la piccola Dada è caduta dal cielo, senza alcuna memoria del proprio passato. A guidarla, un unico, grande desiderio: esplorare il mondo in ogni dove, procedendo all’avventura e sempre col sorriso sulle labbra. Chi è davvero questa buff a bambina e chi è alla sua ricerca? Ma soprattutto, da dove provengono gli straordinari poteri di cui è dotata, grazie ai…
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cowgirlodyssey · 9 months
11. December del 2
Jag är tillbaka! Skulle skrivit det här på tåget påväg ner men hade typ inget internet.
Blev ni förvirrade av del 1? Är vi påväg till en bromance eller romance? Låt december del 2 börja!!
Som gruppchatten konstaterat: Var punkt för sig tyder på bromance, men i kombination... osäker.
Okej, tiden går. Jag får oklara signaler. Blir helt ärligt lite sliten. Men en granne ringer och säger att de hittat mina nycklar under snön (=^_^=)yay!(=^_^=) Back on track.
Ylva kommer över till Köpenhamn en torsdag kväll. Jag, hon och självklart Norrmannen™ tar en öl. Hon berättar att det varit en vibe mellan henne och en kompis, så, Ylva bestämde sig att göra ett move på sin kompis när de var på dansgolvet. Ylva testar att lägga handen på kompisens midja. Blir tyvärr nekad - Men!! Det mest geniala med den här storyn är, att både jag och Norrmannen™ får en genomgång av spelreglerna: Om kompisen är intresserad = handen är kvar på midjan Om kompisen inte är intresserad = handen är inte kvar på midjan
Vera: Ey, du borde hitta ett rebound på vår haloween/julfest imorgon. Ylva: *håller med*
Jag o Norrmannen™ åker hem och skriver hela natten. Han vill att vi ska ha matchande kostymer. Nästa dag i skolan fortsätter han snacka. Vi cyklar hem tillsammans och när vi skiljs åt säger han att jag borde ha på mig det jag hade på mig hemma hos honom för han tyckte att jag var väldigt fin i det. Cyklar hem o frågar mig själv när fan jag började låta killar bestämma vad jag ska ha på mig och inte.
Hämtar Ylva på stationen. Hon undrar hur mina kläder passar in på temat. Jag erkänner att jag har syndat. Matriarkatet ställde in idag. Jag har på mig det han sa att jag skulle ha på mig. Ber henne att göra den sista bedömningen. Ska handen läggas eller inte? Han kommer in på baren. Det är nästan pinsamt hur vi beter oss. Ylva säger ja, du ska deffinitivt lägga handen.
Väl på dansgolvet frågar han om han kan få en öl av mig. Den står i trädgården så vi lämnar alla och går ut. Han får sin öl och vi står nära. Ett tag. Det va den där känslan i luften (den där stämningen som är precis innan någonting ska hända). Så jag bestämmer mig. Jag gör det. Jag lägger handen om hans midja. Och vet hur han svarar? Han varken tar bort handen eller gör någonting åt den. Han bara låter mig stå där och vänta. Ett BRA tag. Kan inte ens se mig i ögonen. Jag blir helt paff. Blir osäker på om jag gör honom obekväm. Tar ett steg tillbaka och råkar säga det jag tänker: "Shit du playar mig asså". Han svarar "Nej det gör jag inte!!". Här kommer någon och avbryter oss. ~Classic~ Vi går in och dansar. Kommer ut från dansgolvet igen för att röka. Ylva frågar om alla ska med in igen, jag säger att jag står kvar och Norrmannen™ säger att han står med mig. Så nu står vi här igen tänker jag. Han börjar dra fram stolar. Vi sätter oss. Jag är arg. Förmodligen lite för dramatisk, så jag frågar "är det en vibe här? Korten på bordet!". Han tvekar och säger "Nej, men när vi stod där borta *pekar mot brottsplatsen* så ville jag inte förstöra viben"
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Dagen efter försöker han övertala mig om att vi två ska åka till Malmö för att dansa. Han skriver och ringer men han fick inget svar för min mic på mobilen hade tydligen gått sönder (thx december).
Det här var innan jul. Sedan dess har det hänt mycket (men inte mellan Sverige och Norge) så jag tror det blir en december del 3.
Btw jag har ny bakgrundsbild på datorn<33
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26 de Septiembre - Egipto 🇪🇬 Aswan
Abu Simbel
3:45 nos esperaba la van afuera del hotel
Viajamos 3 hrs y media a Abu simbel que está a los más al sur de Egipto casi conectando con Sudán un país en conflicto
Fuimos en una van donde salude a unos italianos que vivían cerca de Roma.
Cuando llegamos una fila tremenda para comprar los ticket ..
Entramos y paff un impacto muy grande.. Carito no pudo con la emoción .. es que era muy imponente ..
Estuvimos casi 2 hrs ahí entramos a el templo de abusimbel y al templo de nefertary muy bellos los dos y muy impactantes.
Bueno después volver cargados de sueño jajaja
Fui a comprar kfc ya que otras opciones son complejas por que nos sentimos que nos pueden estafar es difícil Aswan también
Cerrando el día ordenamos las cosas por que mañana partimos a sharm el shakeh esto queda arriba de Egipto es un balneario bien top .. necesitamos descansar jajaa
Mañana a las 6:30 pasa el transfer por nosotros
Llegamos a Cairo y tenemos varias hrs de escala para desde el Cairo a las 8:30 volar para allá
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ilgattoviaggiatore · 2 years
#pordenone #museo #fumetti #comics #arte #disegno #scrittura #leggere #libri
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Il PAFF!, Il nuovo museo di Pordenone dedicato al fumetto si espande
Il PAFF!  (Palazzo Arti Fumetto Friuli), di Pordenone, raddoppia. Dal 2018 sotto la direzione artistica di Giulio De Vita, ospita mostre temporanee ed iniziative dedicate al fumetto, e oggi si espande e riorganizza in museo, diventando International Museum of Comic Art. Venerdì 10 marzo, con il patrocinio del Ministero della Cultura e la media partnership di Rai Friuli Venezia Giulia,…
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lindalofbroome · 2 years
for the character meme...paff?
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i want to wrap her in a blanket and give her a hot chocolate but also cheer on the sidelines as she lets the world burn ya know?? let the beast out babe i'll allow it
— Send me some Roddaverse characters 👀 Character bingo masterpost
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blogexperiences · 2 years
PAFF! allarga il proprio orizzonte e diventa INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM OF COMIC ART
Giulio De Vita – Luca Raffaelli – Ivo Milazzo «L’apertura del museo rappresenta un altro petalo nella rosa di attività espositive didattiche e di formazione proposte dal PAFF! che si conferma a soli quattro anni dalla sua nascita, realtà di spicco in Europa in ambito culturale e interlocutore internazionale nel panorama museale.» Giulio De Vita, Presidente e Direttore Artistico PAFF!…
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giornalepop · 2 years
The Spirit of Will Eisner è la più grande mostra dedicata in Italia a uno dei più grandi maestri della storia del fumetto. Inaugurata il 7 ottobre 2022 presso il Paff! (Palazzo Arti Fumetto Friuli) di Pordenone, resterà aperta fino al 26 febbraio 2023, esponendo nella sede di Villa di Parco Galvani 180 tavole originali e 126 pubblicazioni d’epoca, suddivise in varie sezioni che ripercorrono le…
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theravenlyn-art · 2 years
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a paff lives AU (fic here)
an art trade with @wendywhite13​ who drew Sharn for me :’)
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zahroreadsthings · 3 years
And with the desperation of a trapped creature snatching at its only chance of escape, she threw herself forward and clutched the Belt of Deltora.
Lief tried to jump back, but Paff's grip was as strong as iron. He watched in horror as her face twisted, her back arched. There was a ghastly smell of burning. And with a cry that was more relief than pain, the failed, abandoned guardian of the south fell back on her pillows, released from her torment at last.
SO much here. Paff is the most interesting villain in this series so far bc this scene makes it so clear shes a victim who made the wrong choices. A trapped creature snatching at its only chance of escape and a cry that was more relief than pain... she doesnt die gloating or laughing, she knows she's being abandoned again and finds her own way out because she doesnt see an alternative. It's not like theres no precedent for her rehabilitating herself in the narrative - granted she would need to assume a new identity and live far away from del - but fardeep is another character who had lost everything and had fallen to the shadow lord's plans, and he manages to bring himself back to the story's good graces.
She was failed and abandoned, not quite defeated, so there was a chance that she could have tried again and made better choices. But I guess she knew that after what she did there would be noone there for her again and that was too much to bear. Even doom, who understood her better than anyone, wanted to spare her the horror of awakening.
Reminded of the quote in macbeth, 'I am in blood/ stepped in so far that should I wade no more,/ returning were as tedious as go o'er'
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regeek · 5 years
Essay of the East: A Poisonous Song
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Welcome to the first part of my essay series on Deltora Quest series 3. This was originally going to be just about the guardians of the Four Sisters, but I realized i couldn’t talk about them without talking about Lief, and the outline got longer and longer, so I’m splitting it into four parts. The first will be about the Sisters themselves, and common themes between the four guardians. The second will be about the guardians individually, and how they each relate to the core theme of their book. The third will be a look into Lief’s psychology, and why the Four Sisters is such a difficult challenge for him personally. Lastly I’ll compare Lief to the Four Guardians and draw conclusions about the themes of the series as a whole. 
The Shadow Lord’s plot with the Four Sisters embodies the social and political themes of all of his schemes. The Sisters are beings of pollution and famine. Hidden in the four furthest corners of the land, they sing a “song” that poisons the land slowly. The core of his plan is to kill Deltora so slowly the citizens didn’t realize what was happening, and if they did, convince them not to try to stop it.  The idea for it came from his own personal experience, where he killed four sisters on an island because he resented their beautiful singing, only to discover their song kept an enormous beast asleep. It awoke and destroyed the island, forcing him to flee. It was one of the last times the Shadow Lord felt weak and powerless. 
The Shadow Lord projected this moment of weakness onto the people of Deltora, seeking to make them all feel as powerless as he did. The Sisters he created are twisted subversions of the girls on the island, and all aspects of this plot involve twisting and subverting the things Deltora values against its people. The Sisters are not quite “creatures” per se,  even more artificial than most of the Shadow Lords creations. Like the girls on the island they cannot defend themselves, putting all of their energy into their song. To keep them safe long enough for them to work, the Shadow Lord took measure to protect them. He killed the Dragons, defenders of the Deltoran ecosystem, and enlisted agents to keep watch on them. But he also built up an emotional barrier around them. Everything about the Sisters, from their design, to their location, to the choice of their guardians was designed to make sure that destroying the Sisters would require destroying the things you love. 
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Let’s look at the individual Sisters themselves, as their designs all have symbolic meaning. The Sisters of the East and South are obviously meant to twist symbols of Deltora. The Sister of the East is a Dragon Egg and the Sister of the South was a mockery of the Gems. The Sister of the West was described as a “jellyfish-like” creature, creamy colored with grey and pink brains, and dwelled inside Doran’s body. I’ll admit I’m mostly inspired by @doomofthehills artistic interpretation, but I think this Sister is meant to represent a human heart- Doran’s heart. I’m not quite sure what to make of the Sister of the North. We know the Shadow Lord likes snakes, but they don’t really represent anything to Deltora in general. The Sister is described as pale, bloated, and lacking a mouth or eyes. Is it just me, or does that sound like a giant earthworm?  All of the Sisters are uglier versions of something natural to Deltora, fitting the theme of making the land destroy itself. 
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The placement of the Sisters is also significant. Despite being restricted to the furthest reaches of the land, the Sisters were all hidden somewhere significant to Deltoran culture. The Sister of the East was hidden in Dragon’s Nest, mocking the graves of the only creatures that could destroy it. The Sister of the North was in the place closes to the Shadowlands, and had the most organized minions looking after it. By comparison, the Sister of the West was totally isolated, on an abandoned island covered in preserving slime, bordering the unknown sea. It was a last insult to its unwilling guardian, showing the explorer the mysteries of lands beyond. And of course the final Sister was hidden right under the royal family’s nose, in the room of their castle most associated with grief. The Shadow Lord also made sure the Sisters would be found in a certain order. First Lief had to go east and encounter the ferocity of the dragons he would need as his allies. Then he had to venture close to the Shadowlands, dogged by the Shadow Lord’s agents. Then he had to go to the edge of Deltora itself to learn a horrible secret, preserved for years. This was meant to push him to his emotional breaking point when he returned home to find that the capital of Deltora itself was rotting at the core. 
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Each of the Sisters have several common patterns between them. The first is their warning stones, telling a rhyme that gets more personal as each Sister is discovered. I find it significant that the stone at the Isle of the Dead was partially eroded by the surf, as that was the Sister with the least defense. And the one in Del was a personal challenge to the king, and blinded anyone who struck it in anger. It also foreshadows the true endgame, the Grey Tide. The map fragments have similar rhymes with a similar meaning, hinting that there is more to the Sisters than meets the eye, and making the reader question exactly how sure they are about their actions. The Sisters of the East and North warned about their power, while the West and South warned about something even worse.  The “song” each Sister sings is the same, unnatural ringing sound, overwhelming any natural creature with fatigue and despair the closer they got. Curiously, Lief was immune to this at first with the Sister of the South, which he first saw as beautiful and tempting. I imagine this is how each of the guardians saw their Sister. 
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The guardians of the Sisters were unlike any other antagonists in the series, and each had common patterns too. They were each ordinary Deltorans, capable of great power but hiding in plain sight. Interestingly, all four guardians are initially misidentified by Lief. He thought the Sister of the East was guarded by Joyeu, the Sister of the North was guarded by Bede, the Sister of the West was guarded by Ava, and the Sister of the South by Paff’s Creature. In each case the true guardian was somebody already known to Lief, but someone he had dismissed. Each Guardian was also a victim, projecting their own grief and misery onto the whole country. However, Doran twists these patterns. He was dismissed by Lief, but only because he was presumed dead for years. (Note that every time Doran is mentioned it is said that he must have died years ago, foreshadowing the dark truth.) Doran is also the only true victim, put in this horrible position through no fault of his own. The Shadow Lord chose these people to make Deltora complicit in its own destruction, using products of the failures of history to bring its final failure about. 
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I’d like to talk for a moment about Laughing Jack, who can be thought of as a pseudo guardian. Like the others he is a citizen of Deltora and a product of its failings, and he’s more of an antagonist in Isle of the Dead than Doran. Lief even mentions him alongside Rolf and Kirsten in his moment of doubt. However, Laughing Jack breaks the patterns of the others. He is a willing and unrepentant servant of the Shadow Lord, seeking to increase his own power. He doesn’t blame anybody else for what he has become, and doesn’t feel sorry for himself. So I’ve omitted him for similar reasons to why I omitted Thaegan from my last essay: he’s not part of the tapestry being painted by the other guardians. It’s fitting that the Shadow Lord would enlist a nomad for a scheme requiring his other agents to stay in a specific place. As Lief travels to the furthest edges of Deltora, he is pursued by a man with no home, and no loyalty to his homeland. Laughing Jack travels the land to look for new victims and to escape his past. Unfortunately, following our heroes across the land gave it the opportunity to catch up with him. 
Join me next time as we take a deeper dive into four of the most tragic characters in Deltora Quest....
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