undying-lilies · 7 months
This might be a weird thing to ask, but will you tell me about some of your favorite non-canon OTPs (as mentioned on your Valentine's Day post), and your headcanons about them?
girl that's not weird at all!! I would be THRILLED to share them :D
one thing about my non-canon OTPs is that they are so non-canon, in fact, that it's impossible for them to ever BE canon. I mean they both involve a character that literally has one scene and little to no lines. neither of these couples have ever even met on-screen and they probably never will, but is that gonna stop me? absolutely not
first off, let me introduce you to the gloriousness that is Jacen Syndulla and Paige Tico
(Paige Tico is Rose Tico's sister from The Last Jedi who sacrificed herself by blowing up her ship for the rebellion, but we're going to ignore that last bit for ultimate fluff purposes and also because on this blog we ignore every character death ever)
their ship name is Paicen
they meet in a marketplace on Lothal
Paige and Rose are looking for an important ship part because their ship broke down, but it's hard to find and they're getting frustrated. so the first time Jacen sees Paige is when she's yelling at someone for not having the part they need
and he thinks
that is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life
so, in true Kanan fashion, he goes over to Paige and tells her very smoothly that he'd be very happy to fix up her ship for her because what a coincidence, he just so happens to be a mechanic! but Paige, oh boy Paige, she takes this the wrong way and starts yelling at HIM for being a hotshot pilot and she can do it herself, thank you very much, and if he doesn't know how to find a chip for a standard nav reader then he should GET LOST
and, also in true Kanan fashion, Jacen has two thoughts:
A) I think I'm in love with you
B) oh no I messed up
he apologizes for assuming that she needed help and Paige just stares because ... she wasn't expecting an apology. this guy is definitely not who she thought he was. they get on the same page, they laugh it off and introduce themselves and exchange contact information and eventually go on a date (which is very successful)
they're like the next-generation version of Kanera: just very lovey dovey and sweet and in love with each other
Jacen brings Paige flowers all the time (and roses for Rose because he's a gentleman)
a silly headcanon I have is that when Jacen turned 16 he turned into a "heartthrob" and suddenly ALL the girls were falling over themselves to get him to notice them ... he doesn't even have to do anything, he just walks into the room and they all swoon. the only girl who didn't swoon immediately was Paige 😌
when I was first obsessed with them like two years ago, way before the Ahsoka show aired, both Jacen and Paige had only one (1) canon scene and little-to-no lines. and I was like, well that clearly means they're soulmates. they're perfect for each other
now let me introduce you to my other favorite non-canon OTP: Crosshair and Bultar Swan
(Bultar Swan is canonically Plo Koon's padawan - yes he did have a padawan, you're welcome - and she's in the Battle of Geonosis in Attack of the Clones! and also she doesn't have much of a canon personality, so for the sake of ultimate fluff once again, we're going to say that she's similar to Luna Lovegood & spaces out a lot & is also very connected to the Force. just a very traditional Jedi)
THEIR ship name is Sniper Swan
Paicen was love at first sight? These two are a slowburn. A really, really, really slow slowburn
they first meet in the Clone Wars, but there's nothing particularly special about it. Bultar goes on a couple missions with the Bad Batch and they work well together. she and Crosshair make a good team in battle. it's all business-like and on friendly terms
Bultar is a very peaceful person - she doesn't use her lightsaber a lot, and she prefers to talk things through before resorting to extreme things like violence. she genuinely respects all the clones and thinks of them as people, just like her
Crosshair sees this, because he sees a lot of things with his enhanced vision, and he doesn't understand it. he tries to poke and prod at her to try and get her to crack, to snap back at him like other Jedi might, but she doesn't. she takes all of his cutting and snide remarks with patience and calmness and eventually he mirrors the patience back. he can ask her questions that normally others would start an argument with him over it, whereas she just gives him a realistic logical answer
they know each other for years before they even think about catching feelings for each other as a possibility
depending on the timeline - canon, No-Order-66 AU, Adoption Magnet even (👀) - they get together in different ways
but it usually goes something like this: after years of knowing each other, Crosshair starts catching feelings for her - and of course because it's Crosshair it takes him a long time to admit that, even just to himself - while Bultar is as oblivious as Adrien Agreste when it comes to Marinette. she has no clue until someone (either Wolffe or her own clone captain) tells her about it and warns her to stay away from Crosshair for her own good
poor Bultar who's been raised in the Jedi Temple her entire life has no idea what to do with this information - people are capable of falling in love with her? she's capable of falling in love? - so she has a bit of a mental crisis
she takes some time to think through everything, carefully process her thoughts and emotions and feelings - and when she has successfully done so, she's surprised to find that she ... does, actually, like Crosshair back
it still takes them a bit to get together but all things considering, it's MUCH much shorter than the other stages of their relationship XD
Crosshair keeps Bultar grounded in the moment and Bultar helps Crosshair be more comfortable with showing emotions and being vulnerable <3
man that got long XD technically I have one more I invented - Korkie Kenobi Kryze and Soniee, one of his classmates from that one Clone Wars arc - but I don't have nearly as many headcanons for those two lol. Hope you enjoyed getting to hear about my non-canon OTPs!! (I know I had a great time typing this all out hehe)
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