#painting and wallpaper interior designers in Chennai
generaltips2312 · 1 year
Top Interiors In Chennai, Interior Designers In Chennai
Different Thinkers best interior designers in chennai know how to make a functional space which is also elegant.  They can aid choose the colour scheme and furniture, direct you on fixtures and furnishings, renovate a particular room or the whole house design. Visit https://www.differentthinkers.org/
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dlife · 1 month
Maximising Potential: Expert Tips for Making the Most of Your Home
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In today's world, where space is at a premium and our homes need to cater to various facets of our lives—from work to wellness—maximizing the potential of our living spaces has never been more crucial. Whether you're one of the best interior designers in Chennai, a homeowner, or simply someone with a keen interest in home improvement, understanding how to make the most of your home is essential.
This guide offers expert tips to transform your living space into a functional, serene, and aesthetically pleasing haven.
Declutter and Organize
The first step towards maximizing your home's potential is by decluttering and organizing. A clutter-free environment not only makes your space look bigger and more inviting but also improves its functionality. Begin by sorting through your belongings and deciding what you truly need. Use smart storage solutions like built-in cabinets, multi-purpose furniture, and wall-mounted shelves to keep your home organized and tidy. Remember, less is often more.
Optimize Lighting
Lighting plays a pivotal role in the ambiance of a room. To maximize your home's potential, ensure that each room is well-lit according to its purpose. Incorporate layers of lighting, including ambient, task, and accent lighting, to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Natural light is particularly important; make sure windows are unobstructed to allow sunlight to flood your space, making it appear larger and more welcoming.
Color Schemes and Wall Treatments
The color palette you choose can significantly affect how spacious and comfortable your home feels. Light, neutral colors make rooms appear larger and brighter, while dark hues tend to create a cozy, intimate feel. Consider accent walls or interesting wall treatments such as wallpaper or textured paint to add character and depth to your space without overwhelming it.
Flexible Spaces
In modern homes, flexibility is key. Design your space with multipurpose areas that can adapt to different needs. For example, a home office that doubles as a guest room or a dining table that can extend for dinner parties maximizes limited space. Investing in flexible, foldable, or transformable furniture allows you to change the function of your space as required, ensuring you make the most of every square foot.
Focus on Functionality
Every element of your home should serve a purpose. Consider the flow of each room and arrange your furniture to promote ease of movement. Invest in quality pieces that fulfill multiple functions or fit well within the space. Custom-built pieces, though pricier, can often be the best solution for challenging spaces, providing exactly what you need in terms of storage and functionality.
Personalize Your Space
Making the most of your home isn't just about optimization and functionality; it's also about creating a space that reflects your personal style and needs. Display cherished photos, artwork, or collections in a way that complements your home's design. Choose decor that speaks to you, whether that's serene and minimalistic, vibrant and eclectic, or anywhere in between. A home that feels personal and inviting will always hold more value to you.
Invest in Outdoor Spaces
Do not neglect your home's exterior spaces. Whether you have a small balcony or a sprawling backyard, make it an extension of your living area. Comfortable seating, outdoor rugs, and appropriate lighting can transform these spaces into an ideal spot for relaxation or entertainment. Gardens, even small ones, can add a touch of nature to your home and improve its overall appeal.
Making the most of your home involves a combination of decluttering, optimizing lighting, thoughtful design choices, flexibility, functionality, personalization, and extending your style outdoors. Each of these principles contributes to creating a living space that not only meets your practical needs but also reflects your personality and style.
Remember, the goal is to create a home that feels both welcoming and efficiently arranged, a place where you can thrive in every aspect of your life. Whether you're a seasoned interior designer in India, a new homeowner, or someone passionate about improving your living space, implementing these expert tips will ensure your home reaches its full potential.
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studiodartsindia · 7 months
Texture Painting In Chennai
Texture Painting: Almost like a 3D effect on your walls with right color combination
Textured paint gives your home a distinctive look. This is a very popular type of paint used for covering drywall.  Paint has a thick consistency and is made up of sand and/or plaster particles bonded by a binder diluted with water. Using textured paint will create a rough effect on the wall.
What is Texture Paint?
Texture painting is a rough paint application with different tools to add texture to a simple wall. It's almost like a 3D effect on your walls and the right color combination can work wonders in wall vignettes. It is a permanent solution instead of wallpaper. If you want texture painting work, you need to contact texture painting in Chennai services.
What components are used for texture painting?
There are many types of materials you can use to paint patterns. The best materials for your project depend on the type of effect you want to achieve. Here are some of the most commonly used materials for textured paint -
Acrylic paint: Acrylic paint is a versatile paint that can be used to create many different types of patterns. To create a textured effect, simply mix acrylic paint with a textured medium.
Latex paint: Latex paint is a versatile paint used to create many different types of patterns. To create a textured effect, simply mix latex paint with a textured medium or with sand, sawdust, or other materials.
Joint compound: The compound is a type of putty used to fill holes and cracks in drywall.  It can also be used to create different textures.
 Plaster: Plaster is a type of cement that can be used to create many different types of structures. It is used to create a stucco look.
Texture paste: Texture or Pattern paste is a type of medium specially designed to create patterns in painting. It is available in varied thicknesses and finishes.
Studio D’arts, a renowned texture painting in Chennai offers cost-effective decorative and textured wall paints. It employs a team of experienced staff to facilitate structural drawing work. One of the basic elements is structural interior design. It offers the ability to add a sophisticated and powerful dimension to any room.
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zora28 · 8 months
Top Trends in Interior Painting for 2023
Interior painting is an integral part of home improvement, and it's an exciting way to refresh and revitalize your living spaces. With each passing year, interior design trends evolve, and 2023 is no exception. This year, we see a blend of traditional and modern approaches, eco-friendly choices, and bold statements in the world of interior painting services. In this article, we will explore the top trends in interior painting for 2023, with a special focus on the services available in Chennai, including both interior and exterior painting services.
Colors That Reflect Serenity
In 2023, people are increasingly leaning toward calming and serene color palettes for their interior spaces. Soft and soothing hues, such as muted blues, greens, and gentle pastels, are gaining popularity. These colors create a peaceful and comfortable environment, making your home a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Painting Today’s interior painting services are adept at helping you choose the right shades that match your aesthetic and provide the desired sense of tranquility.
Textured Walls
Textured walls are making a comeback in interior painting. From traditional techniques like faux finishing to modern textured wallpapers, adding depth and interest to your walls is a trend to watch in 2023. Texture not only adds visual appeal but also provides tactile sensations, making your home more inviting and dynamic.
Painting Today’s interior painting services can offer expert advice on different textured finishes and how to incorporate them into your interior design.
Biophilic Design
Biophilic design is all about bringing the outdoors inside, and it's a significant trend for 2023. This trend involves using natural materials and color palettes that mimic the natural world. Greens, earthy browns, and muted yellows are common choices. Additionally, incorporating indoor plants, natural wood elements, and large windows to connect with nature is a key aspect of biophilic design.
Painting Today’s interior painting services can assist in selecting colors and finishes that align with biophilic design principles, creating a harmonious and healthy living space.
Sustainable Paint Options
Eco-conscious homeowners are increasingly looking for sustainable and low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) paint options. These paints are environmentally friendly, have minimal odors, and are safer for your health. In 2023, expect to see a surge in demand for eco-friendly painting services in Chennai. These services not only provide high-quality results but also promote a greener and healthier living environment.
Bold Accent Walls
While soft and serene color palettes dominate the interior painting trends, there's room for bold statements with accent walls. Creating a striking focal point with a bold, contrasting color can bring a sense of drama and excitement to your interiors. Vibrant jewel tones, deep blacks, and rich earthy shades are some of the top choices for accent walls in 2023.
Painting Today’s interior painting services can help you select the right accent wall and color that complements the overall interior design.
Custom Murals
Custom wall murals are becoming increasingly popular in interior design. These personalized art pieces can transform your space into a work of art. Whether it's a mural of your favorite cityscape, a nature scene, or an abstract design, custom murals add a unique and artistic touch to your home.
Painting Today’s interior painting services often have skilled mural artists who can bring your vision to life and turn your walls into canvases of creativity.
Geometric Patterns
Geometric patterns are making a strong comeback in interior design. Whether through wallpaper, stencils, or hand-painted designs, geometric patterns can create a sense of order and rhythm in your space. From simple lines and shapes to intricate designs, the possibilities are endless.
Painting Today’s interior painting services can help you select the right geometric patterns and color combinations to suit your style and preferences.
In 2023, interior painting is all about embracing serenity, eco-friendliness, and individuality. Whether you're looking for interior or exterior painting services in Chennai, it's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and make informed choices to transform your living spaces. By following these trends and working with experienced painting services in Chennai, you can achieve a home that's not only visually stunning but also reflective of your personality and values. So, go ahead, get creative, and make your home a beautiful and comfortable sanctuary in line with the trends of 2023
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synergydecor · 8 months
DIY Kitchen Makeover: Budget-Friendly Design Tips And Tricks
The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home. It’s the space where we prepare and enjoy meals, entertain guests, and spend quality time with loved ones. With the rapid change in the modern era, a kitchen makeover has become a trend in the industry. An upgraded kitchen can transform the entire look and feel of your home. However, remodeling a kitchen can be an expensive project, which is why many homeowners are hesitant to do so. But with the right tips and tricks, you can give your kitchen a budget-friendly makeover. In this blog, we’ll be sharing some DIY kitchen makeover ideas to help you create a beautiful and functional space without breaking the bank.
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1. Paint the Cabinets
One of the easiest and most cost-efficient ways to transform your kitchen is by painting your cabinets. You can either paint them with the same color or change the color completely to give your kitchen a fresh new look. Best Interior Designers in Chennai Painting your cabinets can also protect them from wear and tear and make them last longer. And the best part is, you don’t need to be an expert to do it yourself. All you need is a good quality paint, a brush, and some patience.
2. Upgrade Your Hardware
Another easy and affordable way to give your kitchen a makeover is to upgrade your hardware. Installing new and modern knobs and handles can make a big difference in the appearance of your kitchen cabinets. And the good news is that hardware can be found at a reasonable price. You can even try to mix and match different types to create a unique look.
3. Add a Backsplash
A backsplash can add color, texture, and personality to your kitchen. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on a high-end backsplash, though. You can use peel-and-stick tiles, which are easy to install yourself. You can also opt for a less expensive tile and use a pattern to create an interesting design.
4. Update Countertops
While countertops can be expensive to replace, there are budget-friendly options that can still give you a fresh look. For example, you can install butcher block countertops that are not only cost-efficient but also look great. Or, try painting laminate countertops with a special paint to give it a granite-like finish.
Must Read This: From Wallpaper To Murals: Exploring Diverse Wall Covering Options
5. Install Open Shelving
Open shelving can give your kitchen a charming, farmhouse aesthetic and help you showcase your dishes and décor. You can make an Interior Design For House In Chennai open shelf unit yourself with wooden planks and brackets. This not only saves you money but also gives you complete control over the look and size of your shelves.
A kitchen makeover doesn’t have to cost a fortune. With these DIY ideas, you can upgrade your kitchen’s appearance and functionality without breaking the bank. Whether you opt to paint your kitchen cabinets, install open shelving, or try peel-and-stick backsplash tiles, these budget-friendly tips and tricks will give you the kitchen you’ve always wanted. Just remember to be patient, work slowly, and take pride in the DIY transformation that you have accomplished.
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sarah947 · 8 months
Wall Painters in Chennai
Transform your home with a fresh coat of paint! Hire the best wall painters in Chennai and give your space a fresh, new Look! Trust the skilled painters in Chennai to bring your walls to life with precision and care.
Aapka Painter is your one-stop destination for expert interior and exterior painting services at your convenience in Chennai, India. Trained professional painters near me will take care of all painting needs.
Aapka Painter has a wide range of services such as Exterior Painting , Interior Painting , waterproofing , stencil Painting , textured painting , wallpaper for walls , grouting services and wood coating . 
We have expertise in creating stylish and high profile wall painting designs for your house. Our top-notch implementation practices guarantee that you have a long-lasting, positive experience with the latest color combinations trends. Let us turn your dream house into reality!
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nzm325 · 2 years
Apartment Renovation Service in Bangalore
We offer the best apartment renovation services in Bangalore. We provide professional advice regarding the project scope and timeline along with cost estimates. We ensure that we deliver the project in time frame and budget. Apartments are an investment for both landlords and tenants. Hence, they require proper maintenance and upkeep. We ensure timely execution of projects without compromising on quality.
Apartment Renovation Company in Mumbai
Our team consists of highly qualified professionals who are well versed with latest trends in the industry. We make sure that our clients get what they desire right away. Our team is experienced enough to handle all sorts of projects. They possess skills to execute them in a timely manner. HCD dream provides you with the best results.
Apartment Renovation in Delhi NCR
We are known for executing residential and commercial projects in Delhi NCR region. As we know the local market, we help our customers to save money while getting their desired result. Our experts are skilled enough to implement various techniques to achieve the desired outcome. We focus on delivering excellent customer experience.
Apartment Renovation Contractors in Chennai
We are the leading interior designers in Chennai. We specialize in design and implementation of apartments and villas. We understand how valuable time is for everyone. Hence, we take utmost care to minimize the downtime. We assure that we maintain a positive attitude throughout the project. By working together, we ensure seamless completion of the project.
Apartment Renovation Companies in Gurgaon
We are renowned interior designers in Gurgaon. We are specialized in developing homes and offices. We strive hard to satisfy our clients by implementing innovative ideas. We design spaces with a view of making it comfortable and inviting. Apart from designing, we also install the same. You can rely on us for any kind of renovation services.
Apartment Renovations in Hyderabad
Apart from interior designing, we also provide full-fledged renovations. We carry out small and big jobs. From minor repairs to whole house renovations, we do everything. We provide free consultation to our clients. We are committed to delivering quality workmanship.
Apartment Renovation Services in Pune
HCD Dream offers high-end interior renovation services at affordable rates. Our experts work closely with our clients to understand their requirements in detail before offering any services. We provide complete solutions for building interiors including space planning, designing and installation of furniture and fittings, painting, wallpapering, flooring, tiling and many more. We have been providing these services since five years and have gained reputation for quality service.
Still have queries in your mind? Get in touch with our Interior Designers
Call: +91 8105786528
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homeinteriors1 · 2 years
Are you searching for best interior designers in solinganallur.we are top most interior designing service company in solinganallur and over all chennai. Not only we are the part of interior designing here our services are Modular Office Furniture, Civil Restoration, Steel Fabrication Service, Steel Fabricators, Electrical And Plumbing Services, Carpentry Services, AC Services, Glass Partition Services, Window Blinds, Flooring Tiles, Marbles And Granites, Facade Cleaning Services, Shampoo Carpet Cleaning Services, Marble And Granite Polishing Services, Painting Services, Wallpaper Installation Services, False Ceiling, Crockery Unit.
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finelookinterior · 3 years
Nursery Decor for New Born
Congratulations! Soon a bundle of joy would FINELOOK INTERIOR in your home. After hearing this news, you must be planning for several things like, what would be the nursery décor for the new born. Gone are the days when blue was considered for boys and pink for girls! Today, a gender is no more associated with a particular color and thus, you are free to select a color or theme for the new born’ nursery. All you need to ensure is the little one should be comfortable, safe and adaptive in his/her room. Being a parent you will be spending a lot of time in your baby’s room, so the room should be appealing and parent friendly also. Be it the wall art of your baby’s room, furniture or accessories, here we have curated five ideas for nursery décor for new born.
Crib / Baby Beds for Your New Born
Designs and colors can take some time to get selected, but a crib or baby bed would be an essential, since the baby will rest and spend most of his time there. There are wide range of cribs and baby beds available in online and offline stores. You can select amongst modern, minimalist, traditional and boho styles. You can even choose the shape of the crib. Or, simply customize it, for an exclusive look. A crib that converts into a bed is also an ideal option. While selecting a crib or a baby bed ensure it is in large size, since it would be used in his toddler stage also. The crib should have railings on the both sides. For extra storage, go for cribs that have drawers at the bottom. The height of the crib is up to you; it shouldn’t be too high or too low.
Bold Colors and Patterns
A recent study shows that contrast colors like black and white are good for the little one’s brain growth. Though, this classic combination is old but it won’t go out of the fashion. These two colors can be combined with neutral color palette, giving the room a rich and brighter look. To add a contrasting textural dimension, consider matte finish. A chalk board paint is a nice fit, it could be used for writing poems and quotes when your little one grows. Mural wall, wallpaper, upholstery, textiles and area rugs are best to add pattern.
Comfortable Piece of Furniture for Adults
A comfortable piece of furniture such as a bed, sofa or a combination of both for adults can be incorporated in the little one’s room. Being a parent, you won’t leave your baby all alone in the nursery, you would want to spend as much as time you can with him or her. A bed or sofa would be ideal for you. Moreover, it will add some definition to the room. For Children Bedroom Interior Call 7010701604
Modern and Functional Nursery Décor for New Born
A combination of modern and functional nursery is ideal for working parents and especially busy moms. A functional room can also look appealing and interesting, it all depends on you and how you design or decorate it. The room should be clutter-free and simple. Clean lines, sculptural elements and classy light fixtures can easily amp up the overall look of the nursery. To make it functional, utilize every nook and corner in the best way possible. Make sure, all the stuff you need is with-in the reach. Invest in the versatile piece of furniture. Moreover, it’s suggested to invest in the furniture or pieces that your child can use when s/he grows up. Visit Our Office In Coimbatore And Chennai
Rustic Nursery Room
If you are someone who falls for natural textures and warm woods, rustic could be your go-to theme for nursery décor for new born. A rustic paneled accent wall with stunning wallpaper mural can quickly turn a boring room into a stunning baby room. For a sense of coziness, rich textiles and ceiling with woodprint wallpaper is ideal.
Doing nursery décor for new born is as exciting as challenging as it looks. While decorating your little one’s room there are few things to keep in mind, the first would be to design a clutter-free place that is simple yet interesting. And, invest in the pieces of furniture or décor that could be used for long term. Most important thing is to enjoy the process!
Best Interior Designers & Decorators in Coimbatore IN 2021 – FINELOOK INTERIOR
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jeyasrir · 3 years
We provide state of the art services to develop successful interior designs for your homes. We also give customers the opportunity to co-create home designs along with our expert interior designers in Chennai. Some of our key home interior designing services include designs for modular kitchens, wardrobes, and loft, TV showcase unit, living room bedrooms, dining room, pooja (prayer) room, false ceiling, kids room, study room, crockery unit, bathroom, utility area space, home bar, wallpaper works, wall painting works, guest room, apartment interiors, villa interiors, modern house, bungalow interior, home theater, storage room, indoor games room, library room, and home gym.
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dlife · 1 year
Interior Design Trends Favored by Young Couples
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Couples and their homes are like two parts of a puzzle that fit perfectly. As much as the two individuals in a relationship bring their different experiences, strengths, and weaknesses to their relationship, so do the unique interior designs of their homes. Young couples are eager to remark on their home decor, favoring interior design ideas that offer a unique blend of comfort and refinement. Whether it's a trendy loft, a comfortable hamlet, or a timeless mansion, each couple's house is an expression of their distinct style, personality, and beliefs. Every design decision, from the color palette to the furnishings to the art, is an opportunity for couples to design a home that expresses their identities and the love they have for each other.
Warm and Inviting Appearance
Interior design for couples is all about forming a warm and inviting appearance that reflects their love. Couples can design a space that speaks to their personalities and the bond they share by using comfortable colors and textiles and adding personal touches. Warm earth tones and wood furniture give a natural and friendly appearance, while statement pieces like bold artwork or vibrant rugs can add an extra layer of personality. With a few creative additions, one can create a setting that is both beautiful and comfortable, enticing to relax and enjoy their moments together.
A Gentle Touch of Greenery 
A touch of greenery can put the interior design of a couple's house into an ideal rhythm. A few potted plants and hanging vines can help to create a pleasant and bright environment. They not only provide a burst of color and vibrancy to the environment, but they also help to filter the air, making it healthier for everyone. Furthermore, the right foliage can assist offer a sense of harmony by connecting various design aspects. By selecting the proper plants for their house, a couple can express their ingenuity and personality.
Modern Style and Simplistic Approach
A modern style and a simplistic approach to interior design are ideal for couples who desire to express themselves through their home. This design style allows the couple to create a unique ambiance that reflects their personalities while still retaining a united aesthetic across the area. Couples can create a room that is both elegant and comfortable by recognizing their preferences and tastes. Minimalistic elements such as clean lines, neutral hues, and natural materials will all contribute to the modern and simplistic style, while accent pieces like paintings, plants, and fabrics can provide unique personal touches. Couples can design a space that is truly theirs by using a modern and simple interior design.
Purely Monochromatic
Creating a purely monochromatic space for couples can be a one-of-a-kind and imaginative approach to expressing their taste. The alternatives are unlimited, from a futuristic black and white palette to a timeless classic grey and white scheme. Couples can create an attractive and comfortable home by using everything from furniture and decor to artwork, wallpaper, and fixtures or simply, hire an interior contractors in Chennai to get things done. Couples may create a setting that is both stylish and timeless by utilizing a single color palette. Monochromatic décor is sure to make any home look professional and inviting, whether they choose to drape their walls in a solid color or an array of tones.
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srishtistudio · 2 years
A house interior designer in Chennai recommends designing plans to beautify and decorate residences with an aesthetic touch. A house necessarily requires a serene and calm atmosphere to transform into a home filled with peace and happiness. The mood of homes can be improved once when the unit undergoes designing and furnishing alterations as per the interests and likings of its residents. The following are some of the tips suggested by a house interior designer in Chennai.
• A residential unit with a required amount of greenery brings in a serene and fresh look to the unit as a whole. A small piece of natural or man-made greenery refreshes human minds.
• The furnishing of a home is majorly complete only when its lightning is fixed perfectly. A house interior designer in Chennai would recommend avoiding extravagantly lit rooms. A minimal number of chandeliers, tube lights, and night lamps will do the needful. Additionally, the installation of a few scented candles can improve the scent and mood of the environment within the residential spaces.
• Curtains and upholstery need not have to be luxurious and expensive at all times. It is always right to go with nature-inspired window screens and cushions. Fluorescent colored curtains match well with each other.
• It is also right to be minimal while furnishing the residence with decorative pieces. A few fruit baskets and attractive standalone showpieces/statues can enhance the ambiance of the living room.
• When it comes to decorating the walls, choose creative photo frames and natural wall decors. Coasters, attractive room diffusers, and suitable carpets can improve the look of living rooms.
• When it comes to wall paints and wallpapers, choose mild colors. Printed matching wallpapers can enhance the look of any space in the house including dining halls, bedrooms, balconies, etc.
Srishti Design Studio aims to render the best results at the most affordable rates. The quality of the services rendered by this agency makes it the best in town.
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synergydecor · 8 months
From Wallpaper To Murals: Exploring Diverse Wall Covering Options
The walls of your home can provide an ideal backdrop to showcase your personal style and taste. Wall coverings, including wallpaper and murals, can transform any room in your home, infusing it with color, texture, and personality. In this blog post, we’ll explore diverse wall covering options, how to select the best wall coverings for your home, and tips for installing and maintaining them.
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Wallpaper: Wallpaper has had a long and illustrious history since it was first used in China over 2,000 years ago. Today, wallpaper can be found in a wide range of colors, patterns, and textures, making it a popular wall covering choice. When choosing wallpaper, consider the room’s function, natural lighting, and size. For example, large floral prints can make small spaces feel crowded, while bold patterns in a large room can create visual interest. Consider the quality of the wallpaper as well, as it can impact the longevity and durability of the product. Quality wallpaper can last for years and requires minimal maintenance.
Paint: Paint is one of the most common wall coverings, and it is ideal for creating a neutral backdrop for furniture, artwork, and accessories. When selecting paint, consider the color and finish. Dark colors can make a room feel smaller, while light colors can help create an illusion of more space. Matte finishes can disguise wall imperfections, while gloss finishes can make walls look shiny and reflective. Consider eco-friendly paints too, which are better for your health and the environment.
Murals: Murals are a popular wall covering choice, especially among those who want to make a bold statement in their home. Murals can be customized to create the ambiance you desire in your room, and they can be hand-painted or digitally printed. Murals are ideal for large rooms, such as living rooms, and can give a room a unique personality. However, murals can be difficult to install and remove, so it’s best to leave the work to a professional installer.
Tile: Tiling is a popular wall covering choice in kitchens and bathrooms. Tiles are available in various sizes, materials, and textures, including ceramic, glass, and natural stone like granite and marble. Interior Designers In Chennai Tile can be used to create a textural and dimensional element to a room, and it can resist moisture and humidity, so it works well in humid areas. When selecting tile, consider the room’s function, style, and budget.
Fabric: Fabric is another wall covering option that can add texture and warmth to a room. When using fabric as a wall covering, choose a durable and washable fabric that is also flame retardant, especially in case of a fire. Fabric wall coverings work well in a bedroom or as a backdrop for a home theater. Fabric wall coverings are best installed by a professional.
Must Read This: Bringing Nature Indoors: A Guide To Incorporating Plants In Your Living Room Décor
From wallpaper to murals, there are numerous options for upgrading your home’s walls. Consider the purpose and function of the room, natural lighting, budget, and personal taste when choosing a wall covering. Home Interior Designers In Chennai Once you’ve settled on a wall covering option, it’s important to hire a professional installer and maintain your walls, whether through regular cleaning or proper handling. By exploring the diverse wall covering options that are available, you can discover the one that best suits your home’s design aesthetic and personality, and turn an ordinary room into an exceptional space.
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idotstudio · 4 years
best home interior designers in chennai
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Home interior decorations is one all about making your house into a home. With colors, style, theme, furnishings and different decor elements a house gets its character. Starting with the living room right to the bathroom, best home interior designers in chennai looks into all the aspects of the house. The main goal for interior decoration of any room of the house is to give it an individual personality. Interior decor generally concentrates on finishes like wallpapers, wall paint, window coverings and furnishings. Along with it comes the balance of the various decoration items like wall hangings, showpieces etc. So let's take a quick look for home interior decoration ideas for different rooms in a house.
Big Spacious Rooms
There are many ways to make a room look spacious and large. The first most important element is the room lighting. Go for soft and even lighting so that shadows don't divide your room into smaller sections. Avoid putting ceiling lights as they make the ceiling look lower. By having a diffused and ambient lighting the room will look large. The next thing to keep in mind is the texture used in the room. Smooth surfaces tend to reflect more light as compared to heavy textured flooring. For interior decoration one can also use mirror and chrome as the reflection and shine give depth to a room. The wall colors of a room are also important in giving a spacious look to the room. Go for cream, beige, gray or cool pastels for walls. Also while selecting colors keep in mind that the ceiling should be in the lightest color in the room. The next thing comes the furniture. Place the furniture in a manner that it leaves adequate space to move around. Push the largest piece of furniture against the wall. Let the furniture color be similar to the wall and floor color of the room.
Cozy Rooms
Just like spacious rooms, cozy room interior decoration is also very much possible. Get the comfortable and settled in feeling as interior decoration creates an intimate space for you. Once more lighting will play an important role. There are many modern lighting trends that will help your room to look cozy and comfy. Avoid ceiling lights, instead lamps with down shades will help the room look compact. For room colors, go for strong wall and floor colors. This will create a feeling of closeness in your room interiors. Heavy soft textures are great for cozy room interiors. Try rough textures for the hard elements in the room. If you are trying to attract attention towards any particular piece of furniture then dark finishes and fabrics will surely tempt you to sink into that favorite sofa set. Use tall pieces for the room decor, as it creates a cozy world of intimacy.
Theme Room
A theme room is working on a particular idea and developing the home interior decoration accordingly. One can have the entire house decorated in one theme like contemporary home decor or Asian home decor or go room by room. Like the master bedroom can have a different theme, the teen room a trendy best home interior designers in chennai and so on. Once you have decided on the theme of the entire house or a particular room, select the decoration pieces for it.
Colors and Fabrics
In best home interior designers in chennai color and fabric are very important. When we say color, then it is not just wall colors. Select colors for fabrics, linen, pillows, curtains etc. complement it with the wall colors and give your room a vibrant look. The same concept applies to fabrics as well. Today there are so many different kinds of fabrics available. Select fabric that goes well with your room decor.
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harithacons · 4 years
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Residential Painting Contractors in Chennai
 Residential Painting Contractors in Chennai Paint Decors is Leading Painting Contractor in Chennai satisfied customers who guaranteed our painting service We are the best in top painting Contract services in Chennai to get coloured your places.
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Art     Painting
Interior     Painting
We’ll do both brush and roller paintings. Our professional interior painters cover all of Chennai and Tamil Nadu for high-quality interior painting contracts. To increase efficiency and reduce mess we are now using the latest dust free sanding equipment to keep your property clean and safe.
As a result, we finish every project in such a way that we honour our commitment indeed much more.
As Best Painter In Chennai
1. Reliable Painters
2. Certified Painters
3. Competitive Price
4. Quality Painters
5. Creative Decorators
6. Friendly Support
As a well established painting contractors from Chennai, we have the knowledge with experience to handle any kind of commercial paintings and decorative projects. You can explore more by checking out our gallery.
Ideas For Wall Art Painting
Leave the days of olden wallpapers, it’s time to get more creative with wall art designs. Do you want to do a makeover for your kidz room? Well you can go all cartoony or use a splash of popping colours and get creative with our artwork painters.
An Interior Design is an art of enhancing the complete interior work of a building or a particular room. It is also an art of exposing quick thinking abilities of a person to produce a colourless house with a gorgeous colourful combination. In the same way, an Interior Designer who completes a design in a way by planning, coordinating and managing projects to build up right substance in a proper way!
Professionals in an interior team of Paint Decors are ready to answer all your requirements and innovate your house with new plans in order to match your opinions in the way you feel you want to be. We have specialized team overall respective field of work as a painter like both interior, exterior, artwork and wall designs for residential, office buildings, hotels, commercial spots, etc.
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finelookinterior · 3 years
Walls as an Opportunity –
With the progress of time, people have been taking interior spaces, be it homes or offices more seriously and more responsibly. The days when walls were just dividing partitions are gone from the world of luxury interiors. The best interior designers in Coimbatore And Chennai now see walls as a very important element of the built environment and also as an opportunity to do something interesting with.
There is a vast range of finishes and options for walls and with this article, we help you navigate the complex world of options.
Regular Wall Paint –
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The most commonly used wall finish by interior designers is wall paint. Common wall paint is composed of a resin binding agent, additives to improve characteristics, solvent to keep it fluid and some pigment to give it the desired color. There are many good reasons to use wall paint. They are easily available in a range of options and colors and are the go-to option to maintain control over budgets. They are easy to source, easy to apply by relatively less-skilled workers and are quick and cost-effective solutions for walls.
Luxury Wall Coatings –
Luxury wall coatings, though seemingly similar, are very different from paint and have very different characteristics. Depending upon the type of wall coating, they may contain a mix of a proprietary plaster, pigment for color and some specialized powders for attaining a certain finish. Luxury wall coatings require a professional application, are usually available through select dealers and are always more expensive than regular wall paint. These coatings are preferred by the best interior designers, for their superior finish, a true luxury look and durability. Home Interior And Office Interior.
Wallpapers –
Wallpapers are an increasingly common way of adding texture and life to walls. Wallpapers come in the form of large rolls and are stuck onto a wall. Wallpapers are most commonly made using large rolls of paper, which are printed upon and then coated to protect the surface. Commercial use wallpapers may also have a vinyl coating or may be composed entirely of vinyl. Wallpapers require a professional application, as they need to be expertly applied to the wall surface. Since they are relatively quick to install and provide the desired look immediately upon application, they have become the go-to option for the best interior designers in Coimbatore. Though more expensive than regular wall paint, wallpapers are also available in a range of cost-effective options. The following are some of the more prominent disadvantages. Wallpapers can be sensitive to changes in room temperature and humidity and tend to open up at joint lines over time. They may also start to peel from the corners. When replacing wallpaper, the entire wall would need to be re-done, as touch-ups are not possible. In such a case, the wallpapers of the entire room may need to be changed.
Wall Claddings –
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Wall claddings refer to any kind of paneling that can be fixed or stuck to a wall. Wall claddings can be decorative or functional or both. Here are some of the wall cladding options available for interior walls.
Stone – There is a wide range of different types of decorative stone wall claddings available. This is an ideal solution when you are looking for a rustic and earthy look with a natural feel and texture. Stonewall cladding is also very durable and long-lasting.
Wood – Wall claddings made from different types of woods and in different patterns are also a wonderful way to add character and warmth to the interiors of your home or your office. They are relatively easy to maintain and give the space a timeless appeal. Shop Interior In Coimbatore.
Metal – Metal sheets with different finishes, though less common are also becoming very trendy. These types of wall claddings go very well in modern luxury interiors or modern industrial style interiors.
Fabric – Fabric panels give a room a feeling of a true luxury and also have the quality of dampening ambient noise. Fabric panels work well in rooms with low traffic such as bedrooms. They are however more difficult to maintain and care needs to be taken to keep them looking fresh and new.
Brick – Brick veneer cladding made from real clay, can be added to any interior wall to add warmth and a homely atmosphere.
3D – 3D printed panels are also very trendy with architects and interior designers presently. They are made from a range of different materials such as MDF or FRP are shaped using modern techniques such as CNC cutting. The panels give a very futuristic appeal to space and complement very modern interior designs. They are also very easy to maintain.
Looking For Interior Designer Call Now And Book Your Order – +91 7010701604
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