#painting insop
kittycurates · 3 years
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30 Day Drawing Challenge: Hands
Whether you want to follow along day-to-day, mix up the order a bit, or only do the ones you want, feel free to participate! Note that this challenge is intended for practicing drawing hands in different positions, but if that isn’t your cup of tea, get creative and mold it to fit your art style! Remember, with art, rules are meant to be broken!
Day 1: open palm
Day 2: peace sign
Day 3: thumbs up
Day 4: holding hands with another set of hands
Day 5: middle finger out
Day 6: praying
Day 7: heart hand shape
Day 8: playing piano
Day 9: pinky out
Day 10: pointing directly at the viewpoint
Day 11: fist
Day 12: finger guns
Day 13: claw hand shape
Day 14: "I love you" in Sign Language 
Day 15: holding a pen/other writing utensil
Day 16: waving
Day 17: "ok" hand shape
Day 18: cupped together (holding small object)
Day 19: clasped together
Day 20: pinky promise
Day 21: word/letter of your choice in Sign Language
Day 22: manicured nails
Day 23: wearing rings/other jewelry items
Day 24: thumbs down
Day 25: using chopsticks
Day 26: clapping
Day 27: fist-bump
Day 28: jazz hands
Day 29: cracking knuckles
Day 30: your name fingerspelled in Sign Language 
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