#paired with the wonderful amorgansgal
sentanixiv · 2 years
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@amorgansgal was a delight to work with for the RDR Mini Bang! What a beautiful source story to work with. I tried my utmost to do the fic justice, because it really hit a chord with me. <3
That Fool Marston - Writing by @amorgansgal, screencaps by @sentanixiv  [Tumblr | AO3]
Summary: John finally reads Arthur’s journal, only to find out that the man wanted to marry Abigail. John struggles with feelings of jealousy and inadequacy, even though Arthur is long since dead and gone. It might take some stern words from Abigail for him to see sense.
Excerpt John’s initial reaction was to shut Arthur’s journal with a sharp snap. He drew in a shaky breath and tried to calm the furious beating of his heart. His stomach was twisted into knots. It felt like someone had punched him low in his gut. John cautiously opened the journal once more until the faded words were facing him. The discomfort and pain were inescapable and he forced himself to read what Arthur had said about his wife: ‘Took young Jack out fishing as a favour to Abigail. Many years ago, before she fell so hard for that fool Marston, perhaps I should’ve married her. I think part of me has always thought that…’ Keep Reading
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