#pairing: hoseok & donghae.
farewellnevrland · 1 year
“ please say something… anything. even if it’s telling me to shut up and leave you alone… just say something. “ - donghae & hoseok
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Hoseok ergueu o rosto, arrependendo-se no mesmo instante ao observar o olhar de Donghae, que demonstrava o mais puro desespero diante da situação em que ele próprio se encontrava. Ele quis rir consigo mesmo, passando a destra nos fios escuros em uma tentativa falha de controlar as ações do próprio corpo; ainda que doesse em cada parte de seu corpo, ele sabia que aquilo era apenas uma farsa. O inspetor não estava arrependido, por mais que sua intenção fosse fazê-lo acreditar nisso em um primeiro momento. Entretanto, Hoseok não era ingênuo e não cairia nos charmes do rapaz bonito mais uma vez. Ele sentia-se um perdedor fodido por acreditar que, de alguma forma, a relação que eles tinham havia melhorado em algum momento.
Portanto, preferiu se calar. Diante da situação em que ele estava, era o melhor a se fazer. Um segundo policial se aproximou, receoso; era compreensível por serem amigos de longa data, afinal. Ele não queria vê-lo por trás das grades e muito menos gostaria de ser um dos responsáveis por isso, e Hoseok percebeu que, no fundo, ele era um dos poucos que acreditavam que ele realmente era inocente. O pequeno sorriso no canto dos lábios durou poucos segundos, quase imperceptível aos olhos de quem estava ao seu redor, mas ainda estendeu os braços na direção do rapaz mais novo, indicando que estava tudo bem. No fundo, não estava, mas não gostaria de demonstrar qualquer fragilidade para o inspetor. Não após ser o responsável pela sua prisão.
Ao andar em direção à viatura que o esperava, Hoseok deixou Donghae para trás. Não olhou novamente em seus olhos bonitos, tampouco lhe dirigiu a palavra. Por mais que não fosse admitir, muito menos para seu irmão mais novo, estava magoado o suficiente para não desejar vê-lo novamente. O desejo de Hoseok, a partir daquele momento, era nunca mais ver o rosto do inspetor que o fez cair como um tolo. Não havia outra palavra para descrevê-lo naquele momento.
Entretanto, seu corpo tensionou mais uma vez ao ouvir suas lamúrias, não contendo a risada que tanto tentou segurar desde o momento em que o viu com o revólver apontado em sua direção, quase como se ele fosse realmente um criminoso. Donghae pensava que ele era um, desde o princípio. E Hoseok foi idiota o suficiente para acreditar que ele, realmente, havia abandonado esse pensamento. — Não há nada para ser dito, Donghae — Suas palavras eram amargas e não combinavam com a personalidade que ele tanto gostava de mostrar para outras pessoas. Ainda de costas para o inspetor, ele continuou: — Acho que devo te dar os parabéns por conseguir aquilo que tanto queria desde o princípio. — E como se toda aquela situação não fosse de grande importância para ele, continuou andando calmamente até estar dentro da viatura, que seguiria em direção à delegacia que, em outro momento, era seu local de trabalho.
Era. Ele riu mais uma vez com a triste realidade que pesava sobre seus ombros. Em uma única noite, Hoseok havia perdido o que era de mais importante para ele: seu emprego e, mais que isso, o homem que amava.
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ace-angel-judas · 10 days
BTS girls soulmate plot lines 🥺
Rosalie and Jin have the craving/taste soulmate link. Whatever the other is eating, you can taste or crave it. It really made Rosalie come to love Korean food and learn how to make it when she was younger.
Estelle and Yoongi share dreams and can see each other in their dreams. This happened for the first time when Yoongi was fifteen, he saw a dream of Estelle running through a meadow chasing butterflies (Estelle was only 11 so it hadn’t kicked in for her yet.) Estelle’s first dream about Yoongi was seeing him doing dance practices when she turned fifteen. They eventually came to be able to talk in their dreams.
Kyra and Hoseok could only see in black and white until they met. They were both sixteen when everything went black and white and it was really hard on them both at first and they didn’t realise what was happening when they first looked at each other and suddenly they could see all of the colours around them.
Baillie and Namjoon have a tattoo that represents each other. Namjoon woke up when he was seventeen with a massive octopus that spans around his ribs and all the way up his shoulders, Baillie has a pair of wings that curl from her shoulder blades and down her arms. When they met, the tattoos bloomed with colour.
Yuki and Jimin have hair colour that changes with the others eyes color. They always experiment with it. When they met, their hair and eyes changed to their normal colors.
Sophia and Taehyung can see through each others eyes. It happens at random, they don’t have any control over it. The first time it happened, Sophia was fifteen and walked into a wall, Taehyung was also fifteen and tripped into a puddle. When they met, their sights changed to the other and they saw themselves.
Jungkook and Arabella share each others pain (which is a running theme in the Park family, Grace gains any of Donghae’s injuries and Ayden can only feel Ari’s pain and vice versa.) Jungkook freaked out the first time he was twelve and felt Arabella having an asthma attack and like he couldn’t breathe, he literally thought she was dying. These two also didn’t realise they were soulmates until Arabella put him in a headlock that day. Which also lead to them slapping each other to test it 😭
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shownuslaugh · 6 years
Birthday: Donghae
Series: Super Junior 14th Member AU
Pairing: Minnie/Donghae
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             Donghae loves Heechul.
             Donghae loves Minnie.
             Donghae loves his son.
             What he doesn’t love is the pit in his stomach that appears every single time he sees the three of them standing together. Because when they’re together, Donghae sees what could’ve been. He sees the family and life Minnie could’ve had if even the slightest thing had been different. He sees what Heechul is trying so desperately to have. He sees every single thing he could lose in the blink of an eye and it makes him sick to his very core. Imagining his life without Minnie, without Jonghyun, sends the darkest, most primal fear through him he’s ever felt.
             “Fishy!” The sound of Minnie’s voice, light and happy, brings him back to reality. “Everyone’s gone now. Heechul just left.”
             She tilts her head to the side, sliding her hands up his chest. “What’s the matter?”
             “Where’s Jonghyun?”
             “With Sungmin and Naeun, remember? They asked if they could take him for the night so he and Hoseok could play more together.” Minnie gives him a concerned look. “Did you really forget?”
             Donghae’s head falls forward to look at Minnie’s small, delicate hands on his chest. He wraps his fingers around her wrists, brows furrowing. “There for a second… I thought he might’ve gone home with Heechul.”
             Minnie laughs. “Don’t be an idiot. I would never send our son home alone with Heechul.”
             “Our son.” He repeats the words, growing angrier by the second. He can’t explain it, can’t really figure it out, but something in him keeps telling him to lash out at Minnie. Something keeps telling him to accuse her of the worst things. Things like: “You mean Heechul’s son.”
             The smile drops from Minnie’s face in the blink of an eye. She tries to pull her hands away from Donghae, but he doesn’t let her. “What the actual hell is that supposed to mean, Lee Donghae? Are you actually letting Heechul’s bullshit go to your head?”
             “Why shouldn’t I?”
             “Because you know better!” This time Minnie succeeds in breaking free of her husband’s grasp. “You know I would never-”
             “But you have!”
             Donghae feels his eyes welling with tears. “2020. Four years ago.”
             “What are you talking about?” Minnie honestly can’t remember.
             “You kissed him. You kissed him and told him you would cheat on me with him. You’d stay with me during the day and go to him at night, remember? Lots of things happen at night, Jimin. How do I know Jonghyun wasn’t one of those things?”
             Minnie takes a few steps back. Her eyes are wide and her mouth hangs open in disbelief. “Donghae… I thought we were past that. I came to you the second it happened and told you everything! Heechul and I didn’t talk for years after that! I did every single thing I could to prove to you I regretted it and did every single thing I could to make it up to you!”
             Donghae wipes at his eyes. “Maybe none of it worked! Maybe in the back of my mind I’ve been waiting for the day you say fuck it and go back to him!”
             “Have you?”
             He can’t look her in the eyes as he says, “yes.”
             The sound Minnie makes has Donghae crying even more. “If that’s how you really feel then why marry me? Why did you have a son with me, Donghae? Both of those things are lifetime commitments and you should never agree if you’re uncertain!”
             “Because I’m an idiot who doesn’t care! I don’t care that you’re fucking Heechul or that Jonghyun could be his! All I care about is the fact I have you and he doesn’t.” He knows the second it comes out that he phrased it wrong. He doesn’t mean it the way it sounded, but Minnie gives him no time to correct himself. She storms off to their bedroom and Donghae follows after her. “Jimin, what are you doing.”
             She doesn’t answer. Instead, she drags a suitcase out of the closet and puts it on the bed. She slowly packs a bag, folding each piece of clothing with care, stopping every so often to wipe away the tears. Donghae repeats her name over and over, desperate for any kind of response.
             “Minnie… what are you doing?” Donghae grabs her wrist and pulls her flush against his chest. She refuses to look him in the eyes.
             “What does it look like?”
             “You’re leaving me.”
             She looks up slowly and there’s nothing but fire in her eyes. “No. I’m not leaving you.”
             “Then why are you packing?”
             “Because you’re leaving.”
             Donghae looks down. The suitcase is filled with his shirts and pants. “What? You’re kicking me out?”
             “If you don’t want to be here, you shouldn’t be.” Minnie closes it and zips it up in one smooth movement. “I would rather raise Jonghyun on my own than with a father who has some crazy notion he isn’t actually the father.”
             “I’m not leaving.” Donghae pushes the suitcase away when she shoves it toward him.
             “Then what do we do, Donghae? Do you want a paternity test? Huh? Do you want to put your son through something like that just so your ego-”
             Donghae holds up a hand. “You didn’t let me finish. I’m not leaving because you are. And you can take Heechul’s son with you.”
             Minnie’s lower lip quivers and Donghae feels awful. He thought voicing all this would lift a weight off his chest. Instead, he just feels like a bastard. He isn’t even thinking anything he says through. He’s just saying it.
             “Do you really want us to leave?” Minnie’s voice is soft when she asks him.
             “I want…” To take back every single word. To drop to his knees and apologize because Minnie is the love of his life and he knows he’s being ridiculous and unfair. “I want time to figure all of this out.”
             “To figure what out?”
             “All of this.”
             “You mean us. Our life. You have to figure out if you want the life we’ve built together.” Minnie pulls her hand away from Donghae.
             No. “Yes.”
             “Well I really hope you figure it out soon.”
             She packs quickly and efficiently. In less than twenty minutes, Donghae is standing at the front door watching his wife get in an Uber with two suitcases. One filled with her own things. The other filled with their son’s things. The anger he felt when he started the fight comes rushing back as one thought enters his mind: she’s most likely off to Heechul’s.
             Why can’t Heechul just fuck off and leave them alone? Why can’t Donghae stop being jealous? Why did he start that god damn fight in the first place? Why doesn’t he run after his wife and beg her for forgiveness?
             The way Minnie left so easily and without much of a fight makes him wonder.
             Maybe they weren’t meant to be after all.
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hollywoodfamerp · 5 years
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We’re heading to Santorini, Greece! On July 7th - July 13th the entire roleplay will be located in Greece for our annual summer trip! Please remember, this event is mandatory. So whether you are on hiatus or not, you must state that your celeb is/was there.
Celebs will be staying at the Santorini Luxury Hotel Ambassador! The Santorini Luxury Hotel Ambassador will have all celebs stay in vaulted suites that have a private pool in each room and a private patio that will enthrall guests with front row seats to the island's world famous sunsets, as well as great panoramic views of the caldera, with villages comprised of traditional white cube houses scattered along the cliff's edge. Guests can sit back and enjoy amenities that include: spas, lounges, bars, indoor and outdoor pools, 5 star restaurants, babysitting, and fitness center. 
Under the cut you will find your roommates! Please know, your roommate is also your SYNC partner for the month of July. That means you will have the entire month (until July 31st at midnight EST) to get a thread done with your partner! Because we are giving the entire month to get this done, everyone is included on the list regardless if they are on hiatus or not. However, those on reduced activity were NOT included. The subject of your thread does not have to be about the Greece trip! Please remember the following:
This is a mandatory thread. We will be keeping track, please do not make us give out strikes :(
Please tag the main in your chatzy, para, gif chat or f2f when you reach at least 8 notes. 
Texts also count! Please send your text thread to the main via IM once you reach at least 12 notes since those don’t require as much.
No matter what type of thread you and your partner choose, please make sure it has substantial replies (on both ends) and not just a three word reply - the point is to build new connections!
New members coming into the group will be added up until July 10th. 
After that they will not be added into the list since it wouldn’t be fair to hold them to the same requirements with less time.
If your partner goes inactive or decides to leave the rp - we will message you and you can decide if you’d like a new partner or you can just be removed from the current list.
Please do message us if your roommate has not replied to you to plot or if they are on the verge of going inactive, as we will take everything into consideration <3 
If you got paired with another FC that you play, please send us a message and we’ll fix that for you right away!
If you cannot find your FC in the list, please let us know so we can fix that as well!
All pairs were made with a random generator!
Please be mindful that this list can and will change because of unfollows, activity checks, and/or new members being added into the group. So please make sure to like this notice so you can keep track of things :)
If you’re reading this list, go ahead and reach out to your partner! Please do not wait to for them to reach out to you.
Please like this notice so we know you’re all up to date! :)
* Bold means waiting for account Strike through means account was unfollowed in activity check. Will be removed 24 hours after activity check.
Dacre Montgomery and Nick Jonas
Ashley Tisdale and Candice Swanepoel
Winston Duke and Kim Taehyung
Blake Lively and Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins)
Connor Franta and Anthony Mackie
Pierce Brosnan and Brandon Flynn
Keanu Reeves and Zendaya Coleman
Charlotte Flair and Gigi Hadid
Matt Bomer and Emma Stone
Melissa Benoist and Taylor Swift
Harry Styles and Zac Efron
Nina Dobrev and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Joe Jonas and Michael B. Jordan
Shawn Mendes and Meryl Streep
Dylan Minnette and Ryan Higa
Priyanka Chopra and Paul Wesley
Shay Mitchell and Suzy Berhow
Charlie Hunnam and Minatozaki Sana
Selena Gomez and Dianna Agron
Ben Barnes and Hirai Momo
Jesse Lingard and Ashley Benson
Margot Robbie and Kim Dahyun
Sophia Bush and David Dobrik
Sophie Turner and Brie Larson
Lauren Jauregui and Bebe Rexha
Adam Levine and Evan Rachel Wood
Kristine Froseth and Kendall Jenner
Beth Behrs and Adelaide Kane
Naomi Scott and Arin Hanson
Jeremy Jordan and Kelley O'Hara
Khloe Kardashian and Jerome Flynn
Perrie Edwards and Nikki Bella
Jon Hamm and Mark Fischbach
Rami Malek and Jeon Jeongguk
Natalia Dyer and Jesse Lee Soffer
Brendon Urie and Zoey Deutch
Aubrey Plaza and Scarlett Johansson
Kim Seokjin and Park JungSoo (Leeteuk)
Aaron Tveit and Christopher Gorham
Ashton Irwin and Normani Kordei
Emma Watson and Jung Hoseok
Hailey Baldwin and Cara Delevingne
Kit Harington and Jade Chynoweth
Kim Hyuna and Bella Hadid
Tessa Thompson and Emilia Clarke
Camila Cabello and Becky Lynch
Armie Hammer and Chris Hemsworth
Richard Madden and Jade Thirlwall
Sebastian Stan and Demi Lovato
Sam Claflin and Maisie Williams
Keith Duffy and Byun Baekhyun
Luke Hemmings and Chloe Bennet
Kate Middleton and Alex Morgan
Marzia Bisognin and Michael Clifford
Timothée Chalamet and Lights Poxleitner
Hunter Hayes and Leighton Meester
Mena Massoud and Rihanna
Lee Chaerin (CL) and Ansel Elgort
Jake Gyllenhaal and Fergal Devitt
Dylan O'Brien and Adria Arjona
Lily Singh and Madelaine Petsch
Danneel Harris and Park Chanyeol
Park Jimin and Maryse Mizanin
Chris Evans and Niall Horan
Gal Gadot and Jensen Ackles
Ariana Grande and Kim Nanjoon
Takumi Kizuckson and Marina Diamandis
Bill Skarsgard and James Rodriguez
Nathan Sharp and Sarah Drew
Dove Cameron and Jennifer Morrison
Maia Mitchell and Kim Yongsun (Solar)
Vanessa Hudgens and Saoirse Ronan
Miles Heizer and Kristen Bell
Debby Ryan and Dan Avidan
Jared Padalecki and Pedro Pascal
Jennifer Lawrence and Max Thieriot
Zayn Malik and Jesy Nelson
Kehlani Parrish and Min Yoongi
Behati Prinsloo and Daisy Ridley
Joe Keery and Tyler Posey
Lucas Wong and Jeremy Irvine 
Jennie Kim and Karlie Kloss
Carlos Valdes and Brie Bella
Liza Koshy and Jackson Wang
Seán McLoughlin (Jacksepticeye) and Chyler Leigh
Florence Pugh and Kim Jisoo
Lee Donghae and Bae Joohyun
Alex Fitzalan and Kang Seulgi
Lea Michele and Troye Sivan
Gina Rodriguez and Kim Heechul
Katherine Langford & Louis Tomlinson 
Kathryn Newton and Camila Mendes
Taika Waititi and Christen Press
Marcus Rashford and Maya Hawke
Jessica Chastain and Joe Dempsie
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