#pairing:commander fox x obi wan kenobi
batshieroglyphics · 1 month
FIC: We're Not Gonna Fall ~ Star Wars ~ Your Hands Protect the Flame 'Verse ~ Fox/Obi-Wan ~ Mature
Title: We're Not Gonna Fall Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Era Series: Your Hands Protect the Flame Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Commander Fox/Obi-Wan Kenobi Warnings: Alternate Universe, Jedi Shadow!Obi-Wan, Jedi culture, non-binary clone troopers, trans clone troopers, clones and Jedi as found family, injury & gore, violence, slavery rings, enslavement, minor character death, torture (emotional, physical, and sexual, mostly off-screen), dead dove: do not eat, switching point of views, happy ending Summary: Ahsoka Tano gets separated from her master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and other senior Jedi during a mission that turned out to be far more dangerous than any of them had expected. Is an unexpected alliance the key to getting them all home safely? Sequel to To Be Free Once More (That's Worth Fighting For).
When throwing up hadn't helped, Hondo found himself some alcohol. And, by 'some', he meant a lot. That said, he didn't even make it through his second glass, before it occurred to him that Ashla hadn't been with Ben. Neither had the oversized, medically-inclined clone, Baar. There was a widely-known caution, in the criminal world, that, if you want to take off with a young Jedi, you had best make very kriffing certain that any adult Jedi who might come looking for them were very dead, or you were going to be the one very dead. Hondo wasn't about to contest that warning. However, he'd started noticing—since he'd begun paying a bit more attention to the stories of Jedi that reached his corner of the galaxy—that the reverse also seemed to be true, especially since the war's end, and the wide-spread rumours that Jedi no longer left Coruscant without at least one clone at their back. The only Jedi contact that Hondo had—to his knowledge; he honestly wouldn't put it past the sneaky bastards to find another couple on the list of smugglers, pirates, and bounty hunters he was on something approaching friendly terms with—was Ben. He didn't have any way to call for help, when Ben was the one in deep shit, and the Ohnaka Gang were pirates, not fighters; they couldn't stand against the creepy umbaran and her lightning fingers, not with the number of beings who answered to her. But. Hondo did have the frequency for Ben's ship. If Ashla and Baar were aboard it, he could get them word, and they could handle calling down a Jedi or clone strike force. If they weren't on that ship... Hondo would betray a lot of his very flexible morals for the right price, but leaving someone he honestly liked and considered a friend to be tortured and enslaved was not something he could stomach. Even if staying would mean he would end up tortured or killed himself. Well, if he was lucky, Barb wouldn't decide that he much preferred holding on to his new position as leader of the Ohnaka Gang, over endangering all of them in some suicide run to rescue Hondo and Ben. Or, if he did decide to betray Hondo, he would at least do the bare minimum of getting the word out that there were Jedi captured and being held to torture on the planet Korriban. He sighed and knocked back the last of his second glass, then got up to find a comm or three to steal.
You can read it here, on Archive of Our Own!
Please have kindness for your writer on this lovely Star Wars Day and reblog this post to share this shitshow fic with others!
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batshieroglyphics · 2 months
Sunday Six
Following on from last week's Sunday Six tease, here's a bit more from the FoxyWan sequel. Still no answer about where Obi-Wan and Fox are, but we have a lead!
She felt Baar's solid presence coming over to stand behind her as the call struggled to connect, static clearing to reveal a weequay she'd only seen once, but would probably always recognise, given how utterly memorable the conversation between him and her master had been, even though he wasn't wearing one of his signature, unfashionable hats. "Hondo?" she croaked.
He replied with a smile that looked forced. "Ah, little Ashla! I see you remember me!" he said, using the cover name she had picked, when Master Obi-Wan told her she needed a name she wouldn't have trouble remembering to answer to, in the event they had to go undercover, or met up with some of his contacts who didn't know he was a Jedi.
"A little busy, right now, Ohnaka," Baar said, a sharpness to his voice that made Ahsoka want to duck and hide.
"Ah, I know," said Hondo, his smile vanishing, expression going grim in a way Ahsoka hadn't thought he could. "You see, I have just seen Ben, and I do not think the accommodations agree with him."
"What's your price for the location of that ship?" Baar demanded, when Ahsoka couldn't speak through her relief.
"Baar," Hondo said with grim sincerity, "this information I offer for free." And then he told them everything he knew.
(Debating sharing any more than this, because most of the scenes in this fic are rather dark. Because literally no one in this fic is having a good time, whoops. I do promise a happy ending, at least? 😅)
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batshieroglyphics · 2 months
Sunday Six
Okay, surprise teaser from the FoxyWan sequel that I spewed over the past two days. (Slightly more than 6 sentences, but that's par for the course, for me.)
R4 chirped a status request, clearly meant for Ahsoka. "Achy," Ahsoka replied with a tired smile for her master's droid. "I'll live." R4 made a relieved noise, then chirped a request about Master Obi-Wan's status, even as the ship shifted, lifting off. "Alive," Ahsoka reported. And then, in a whisper to herself, added, "I hope." As they reached altitude to get over the rocky terrain, Ahsoka turned her attention to cycling through the monitors she had access to at the comm station, and froze, suffering a sensation like ice sliding down her spine as she took in the massive, gaping hole where the building Masters Obi-Wan and Quinlan, Shakka, Foxy, and Zinger had gone inside had been. "Baar!" she yelled, couldn't keep the terror out of her voice. "Where's the building? Where's my master?"
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batshieroglyphics · 3 months
FICLET: The World Distorts ~ Star Wars Prequels ~ Mature
Title: The World Distorts Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Commander Fox/Obi-Wan Kenobi Warnings: time loop, implied suicide during time loop, happy ending (unless you're Palpafuckup), non-binary Fox Prompt: From @herald-of-the-end, Obi-Wan/Fox, time Summary: Fox has been trapped in a time loop on the day the zillo beast escapes and is killed, but it turns out he's not the only one.
"Ah, Commander Fox," Kenobi interrupted, smiling in that way that Fox had heard Cody describe, but honestly hadn't expected to make their own heart skip a beat; damn unfairly attractive natborns who knew how to use their good looks, anyway. "I was wondering when you would make yourself known." Fox narrowed their eyes at the Jedi, tilted their helmet up enough to take an obnoxiously loud slurp of Vos' remaining caf—the constant cycles and their subsequent deaths may have fatally eroded their sense of self-preservation—then let their helmet fall back into place and asked, "How long have you known I was reliving this kriffing day, too?" Kenobi hummed, while Windu let out a quiet noise of understanding. "Oh, having Guard-maintained gunships laying in wait around the lab was a pretty clear sign it was someone in your command," Kenobi said, and Fox huffed, giving him that. "But it wasn't until the second time you cleared the entire Senate and the zillo beast destroyed the building, that I narrowed down that it was you." What could Fox say? It had been very cathartic the first time.
Read it on Archive of Our Own! (Please note that you will require an AO3 account of your own to read. Please let me know if you need an invite code.)
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