cheryxshugx 7 months
working on luckkits other mama.. gave palespeckle a rogue girlfriend because i can and now i have even more lore to incorporate 馃槇
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doritopaw101 3 years
I like how your Runningnose looks, can we get a full body of him and some info too?
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I do enjoy his design
- Ace, agender, and gay
- Was born white and gained the gray colors as time went on and the spots appeared when he the day before his full name ceremony.
- Due to their light coat, he was left in the snow as a kit due to his guilds problems with light coats. Of course Murkfang was having none of that and got him out there as soon as they found out but Palespeckle suffers permanent colds and has a weaker immune system. He can always tell if leaf-bare is here due to this.
- The stick is a traditional staff that warlocks/witches of the Plaguing Darkness use. They can add anything to them, Pale likes to decorate his with leaves and keep a small jug of poppy seeds.
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sunriseverse 3 years
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Sephiiwrath artfight voice i am going to draw a palespeckle that is so good,
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doritopaw101 3 years
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Or well BirchPale if going by my au. (Birchstep x Palespeckle)
@warriorsbutnotreally鈥檚 ship of these two got my brain working and I just had to draw them.
Love how Palespeckle came out
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doritopaw101 3 years
Can we get some info behind some cats names like Leopardstorm or Blackfoot?
Bluestar鈥檚 soldier name was Blueflame, this has to do with the fire prophecy and Goosefeather managed to convince Pinestar about it. Her medic name was Blueflower since Featherwhisker wanted her to be named after Moonflower.
Snowstorm鈥檚 (Snowfur) name is becoming of her brash nature and Pinestar had thought she would cool down with time.
Leopardstorm鈥檚 name come from his mother which was requested by Blueflame and Thistleclaw.
Mossthorn鈥檚 name is because of their personality being that of a thorn bush. Sharp at everything turn but protecting something soft which perfectly fits her.
Leopardsky was named after her mother Brightsky.
Blackfoot鈥檚 name is because of his darker legs but also with his extra toes.
Stormmoon鈥檚 name had been Stormberry after his real mom but he also went by Stormfleck after Fleck.
Murkstorm, I will not believe the Yellow at birth stuff but I will believe that Yellowfang was a cruel name given by Broken.
Palespeckle is the same way. I will never believe Yellowfang would be that cruel.
Frostbite was because I thought it sounded cooler.
That鈥檚 what I can think of the top of my head.
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sunriseverse 3 years
AUGH i didn鈥檛 realise i had two notifications on artfight until just now anyway everyone look at these wonderful pieces of art:
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top: palespeckle by Vyras_Helper_X
bottom: mass attack with lieutenant leander in the background by SpellboundCities
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doritopaw101 4 years
Arc1 book 1: Chapter 4
Icepaw tried to run ahead of the others but his sight and head had decided to fuck with him. His vision even with the sun gone wasn't the best and his head bobbed a couple of times as he walked and he ended up crashing into cats as a result.
Chestnutpaw looked ready to kill him then and there, Robinwing would have cuffed him over the ears if not for Redtail stopping her and Dustpaw let his displeasure be very very known. Redtail offered to help guide him or carry him but he declined and tried to find Thrushpelt in the crowd but without much luck since his mentor seemed to disappear.
Only when he bumped into Bluestar herself did she end up carrying him the rest of the way while he had his eyes closed and tried to make the world focus for him. It felt like the world was shaking and melting at the same time.
He hated it.
He also hated being carried like a kit.
He heard Leopardfoot mew "He should see Swanlight and soon Bluestar, it's just a gathering party he bumped into what if had been a battle patrol"
"I know I know Leopardfoot and I'll make it happen with Stormmoon" the pointed molly replied through his fluffy fur "If he's feeling kind tonight, if not then I'll ask dear old Shadowpounce for a favor"
"Who's Shadowpounce?" he asked
"A foxheart who owes me" his commander replied "Saved his sorry pelt from worse than death, the foxheart better act like it"
"Where you learned to swear like this Bluestar I'll never know because I know Stonepelt nor Sunstar taught you that" Leopardfoot sighed "I miss shy little Bluepaw"
"Bluepaw grew up"
They continued til that had made it to the clearing. Bluestar set him on the ground, grooming his fur a few times. "I'll get Thrushpelt to watch you"
Icepaw shook his head "No, I'm sure he's having a good time, I'll be fine"
Bluestar sighed "Alright but be careful, don't reveal anything, and don't be rude without reason"
"You sound like my mom" he snorted
His commander rolled her eyes but he noticed her smile "Have a good night Icepaw"
Icepaw nodded and with that Bluestar disappeared into the crowd of cats. Icepaw looked around at all the cats in the clearing, so many kinds of pelts and scents. He quickly dashed through the crowd, new cats at every turn.
"The hare thought he could escape but Quickstep snagged it last minute" he heard a cat say "Almost thought he appeared from the wind itself"
"Did he though?" another cat asked
"Oh I wish but I ducked below a ridge and caught it that way" He assumed Quickstep said
He wasn't surprised when he ended up crashing into someone nor when they hissed at him in response, he really should've been looking.
"Watch where you're going!" a pale brown tabby molly hissed, her eyes narrowed
"Sorry" he mewed
"Who's kit even are you?" a gray tom with brown legs growled "That'd be ashamed of you for you lack of 'blaze honor', my kits know better"
"N..none of your concern fleapelt" he stuttered, the tom's eyes started turning into an amber gaze he didn't want to see, he felt his body stiffen.
"You little-"
"I know you're not talking about kits with how you treated my litter and Palespeckle" Icepaw felt someone over and that's when he realized he had been cowering "Hissing at a new cadet, really Mudfoot?"
"Shut your trap Wishflame" the pale brown tabby retorted "This runt was getting told off like it deserved"
Icepaw didn't realize he was shaking until he felt a lick between his ears, those amber eyes held nothing but kindness.
"Don't you two do that enough with Palespeckle" Wishflame replied coldly "Your cruelty knows no bounds does it Lizardstripe?"
"How bout I show you cruel?" Lizardstripe hissed
"Enough" another voice growled
"Stay out of this witch" Lizardstripe snarled
He heard Wishflame whisper "Come on"
Icepaw slowly stood and let Blazefang nudge him away from the two disgusted cats. She lead him into some bushes away from everyone else, grooming his ears softly
"T..thank you" he mewed finally
"It's no problem" the ginger molly replied "Lizardstripe and Mudfoot were unruly cats"
"Indeed they can be" a dark gray and cream molly added as she sat next to them "Are you alright?"
Icepaw nodded his head
The dual colored molly sighed "That's good, Name's Hopethorn"
"What's your name kit? Your guild?"
"I..Icepaw" he replied softly "I'm from the Blazing Forest"
"Well named so far" Wishflame hummed "Maybe you'll be a -whisker or -tuft with this fluff of a pelt you've got"
"I get it from my dad"
"Your pelt's sleek, were you a pet?"
"My parents were but I was a rouge but stayed around humans sometimes"
Wishflame hummed "Your pelt looks 'ticked' like Russetfur and Boulderfall's" she sighed "I envy that look"
"Icepaw" he felt his blood run cold when he heard Bluestar's call "Where-...Hopethorn" Bluestar bowed her head slightly
"Me and Hope found him being yelled at by Lizardstripe and Mudfoot" Hopethorn mewed "How are your dear Bluestar?"
Icepaw glanced between the two mollies, 'how'd they know each other?'
"Things could be better" Bluestar replied as she glanced at Icepaw "I hope Raggedmoon is notified about this, those two shouldn't come to gatherings if they can't behave"
"Well she forced them to come so that's on her" Hopethorn replied
"I'll take him from here, thank you for watching out for him"
The ginger molly nodded "Safe night to you Icepaw" she padded back into the clearing.
"Hopethorn" a gruff voice called "Raggedmoon wants you"
Hopethorn's ears curled slightly at the mention of Raggedmoon, "Duties calls" she weaved past them "May Zineth bless you both"
Bluestar nudged him to the edge of the gathering clearing, she seemed to wave her tail since Nettlepaw and Sandpaw rushed over.
"Nettlepaw, Sandpaw, stay close by him, I don't want complaints from other guilds and I don't want Icepaw getting lost again on his first night"
"You sure Nettlepaw can't do it himself" Sandpaw drawled "I wanted to talk with-"
"Sandpaw" Bluestar warned
"Yes ma'm" she mewed, bowing her head
Icepaw felt annoyed and embarrassed that he had to be watched like a kit. Nettlepaw was fine with so far but he hadn't even seen Sandpaw since their draw. As Bluestar walked towards the great rock he tired to shoo Sandpaw and Nettlepaw off. "You two don't need to stay, go have fun, I'm fine"
Nettlepaw looked at him like he was crazy "Of course not, I'm fine watching you and I don't mind doing so"
Sandpaw had other words to say "We have an order and considering how Chestnutpaw seemed to want to kill you when we were traveling here, we're not leaving you on your own"
"But-" he tried
"Deal with it, I don't like it either but I'll do it for Bluestar" Sandpaw cutted in, her tail held high "Let's go already"
Icepaw gave up and accepted his fate. He stayed in the middle of these two as Nettlepaw talked with the other guild cadets. He was quiet, in his own thoughts when he heard a someone mew "Hey Nettlepaw, who's the new tadpole?"
He focused on where the voice came from and he found it from a black molly with violet eyes, he felt mesmerized by her gaze . Wow she's cute "I'm Icepaw" he then realized he said the first part out loud. He heard Nettlepaw chuckle softly as did the other tom while Sandpaw scoffed the word "Mousebrain".
"Darkflower, daughter of Nightpelt and Darkwing" the black molly mewed with amusement, she gazed up and down at him "Are you alright?"
Trying not to die from embarrassment he mewed "Yeah I'm fine, this is normal for me" He was currently going back and forth between burying his head in Sandpaw and Nettlepaw's fur. Sandpaw had a mixture of confusion and annoyance and Nettlepaw had a look of concern.
"If that's normal I don't want to know what your worse is, does your head buzz alot?" it was a black tom with a white chest fluff with blue eyes, he carried the scent of pine nettles.
"Yep and I can say that's part of my worse, what's your name?"
"Whitepaw of The Plaguing Darkness, son of Cloudpelt"
"Forgetting anyone brother dearest?" a mottled brown molly muttered, he could faintly her her long teeth click
"Nope" Whitepaw retorted
"You remind me of Swanlight, she does that with Reedtail, Morningbird, and Splashfeather" the voice came with the scent of the river and fish meaning a Cold River cat "It's honestly adorable"
"Bluestar said I should talk with her" He replied
"You should" the voice responded "It could help you instead of dealing with this on your own from I heard Swanlight struggled alot since she didn't have anyone to help her"
"Why do you sound like a senior Silverpaw?" Willowpaw asked "Though even Lakeshine or Smallwhisker don't sound like you"
"Oh hush Willowpaw" Silverpaw replied "I like to keep tabs on my guild, all the good and bad details plus you're forgetting that Bluestar is in our lives"
"Backmail?" Willowpaw asked
"Willow dear sister of mine, have you met me? do you know the other molly that pops around?"
"Considering I live with her" her sister replied
"Who is that molly exactly?" Sandpaw grumbled
"Your commander of course" Silverpaw sneered which made Sandpaw hiss
Icepaw took his head from Nettlepaw's shoulder and narrowed his eyes. Silverpaw was true to her name, she was a silver molly but with black stripes with blue eyes. Now that he had a better look in the moonlight, Willowpaw's pelt seemed to gleam with the light, if he looked closely he saw darker markings on her beautiful dark pelt. Willowpaw was obviously the more muscled of the two mollies but despite that they had similar body types. He also noticed the webbed paws Silverpaw had and if he look hard enough her fur looked like sleek fish scales.
"Pretty" he mewed
Silverpaw and Willowpaw stared at him with an amused look, it increased when he realized what he just said. He buried his face back into Nettlepaw's fur.
"Why thank you Icepaw" Silverpaw purred, placing a paw to her chest "I've been told I'm very attractive"
"First for me" Willowpaw muttered, licking her chest fur "I like it all the same"
"At least your honest" Darkflower added "It's rather adorable if I'm being honest. Don't get too many compliments in The Plaguing Darkness except from my father"
"Lies, Puddlebreath and Beetlefoot having been eyeing you for moons" Whitepaw drawled
Icepaw wanted to die, wanted the earth to swallow him whole right now especially when he heard Nettlepaw purr "What about me? Do I fit your vision of beauty Icepaw?"
"Well yeah, your eyes are a big boost with how beautiful they are" He said, honestly throwing subtly to the wind at this point, no point in hiding it.
Nettlepaw chuckled, pulling him close by lifting his leg and pulling him further into his chest fur "Not so bad yourself"
Sandpaw rolled her eyes and checked her claws.
"You're not too bad either Sandpaw" Icepaw whispered to which Sandpaw lowly hissed in response.
A loud yowl rang through the clearing. Icepaw lifted his head to see Bluestar standing tall with three other cats near her. On the far right, a dark brown tabby molly sat, her ears were shredded, scars littered her pelt, and fangs poked out from her upper jaw, next to Bluestar was a gray tabby tom, a twisted jaw and sparkling blue and green eyes and near him was...Starlingstar!
On the lower rock sat a row of cats and more cats under them.
"See the ginger tabby tom" Whitepaw mewed, claw pointing at the cat on the far right
Icepaw nodded
"That's Dreamflare, the heir of The Plaguing Darkness, my mentor, the molly next to him is our second Striketail. Our healers are Palespeckle, Hopethorn, and Murkstorm but they're back at camp"
"The dark gray charlie is Oakheart, our assistant" Silverpaw purred "The brown tom is Mudfin, though Minnowpaw's back at camp"
"Swanlight's expecting" Silverpaw replied "Should've seen Reedtail's face when he got the news, it looked like he was gonna burst"
"I'm guessing Minnowpaw is training under Mudfin?"
"Yup" Silverpaw mewed "Minnowpaw's been working really hard"
"I'm guessing the black tom is The Rushing Breeze's heir" Icepaw said
"Nope" a dark gray tabby tom answered "That's Shadowpounce, our head advisor, the cat next to him is another advisor Ashfoot, the dark brown tom is our cleric Barkface with their pupil, Muddypaw, and our eldest seer is Hawkheart"
"So are you all pupils?"
"We're students" Silverpaw mewed
"We're pupils" Darkpaw added
"And we're novices" Whitepaw finished
"I call for this gathering to begin" Bluestar began, her voice loud and clear stopping all further conversation "Raggedstar, would you like to start?"
Raggedstar nodded and padded forward when Bluestar stepped back. "The Plaguing Darkness has been doing well these past moons, Tangleburr has had her litter and has named them Wetkit and Brownkit, Willowfang has given birth as well and have they been named: Turtlekit, Quietkit, and Rubblekit, we also have a new members of the guild in Jaggedtooth and Muddybranch"
'What!' Icepaw looked around and saw them. 'It was Snag fucking Snag was here in the guilds and Riley was here too. Why does luck hate him so much?'
"That will be all, Stormstar would you like to go next?" Raggedstar mewed
Stormstar nodded "The Cold River has also been doing well, Swanlight's expecting Reedtail's kits and Dapplewave is expecting. Graypool is expecting as well but has also retired to the seniors den"
"Isn't she younger than you Stormstar?" Striketail mewed "Why shove her in the seniors den?" she raised an eyebrow
"Her joints were hurting and making it harder for her to serve" he replied swiftly, eyes narrowing "She and Oakheart didn't find out about the kits til recently, she shall be treated as any other royal til the kits enter training"
Bluestar raised her tail to speak. Stormstar stepped back but Bluestar stood beside him "Speaking of Swanlight, I would like her to help a new cadet in my guild, we have taken in an outsider named Icepaw and he's being mentored by Thrushpelt" She raised her paw in his direction.
Icepaw didn't like the stares suddenly on him so he buried his face into Whitepaw's fur by accident when Nettlepaw moved but the The Plaguing Darkness cadet...novice didn't complain and let him, curling his tail around him after a moment. Icepaw lifted his head only a little to see Starlingstar meeting his gaze. Starlingstar knew it was him by the fact that he was smiling at him.
"Bright fluff ball" he heard someone mutter
"How come the rest of the guilds get Sirsha's blessing?" he heard a whine
"Definitely a pet by that glossy pelt"
"Fits a cadet for Thrushpelt" came a reply
"If you can't, I'd like to ask Starlingstar if Flytail could help him" Bluestar went on
Stormstar seemed to nod "I'll ask her, I'll send word when she does, also a patrol fought off pair of foxes, they crossed into your territory so be on the look out"
Bluestar nodded in reply, ear twitching as her only sign of displeasure "The Blazing Forest also has three cadets: Graypaw mentored by Lionheart, Comfreypaw mentored by Darkstripe, and Acornpaw mentored by Leopardfoot. We also have a new soldier in Badgerswipe who's sitting vigil this evening and the promise of more kits since Tigerclaw is kitting as well, Starlingstar?"
Starlingstar stepped forward "The Rushing Breeze has a new pupil in Swiftpaw mentored by Wrenflight, Rabbitflight is expecting kits, Sorrelshine and Tornear's kit have been named Tawnykit. Doespring and Ashpatch have recently moved to the nursery" his ears rose as he spoke "We've spotted two clowders and they haven't caused problems and have good materials to trade, We also have a new ranger with us tonight in Morningflower"
The cats of the gathering cheered the new ranger's name, he glanced over where he saw the molly in question. She was a beautiful tortoiseshell with gleaming amber eyes. 'My goodness, the guilds produce really attractive cats' he thought 'Should've come here sooner'
Bluestar raised her tail "If there's no more to say than this gathering is over" she leaped from the great rock, Thrushpelt at her side at once.
"Bye Icepaw" Silverpaw purred rubbing herself against him as she left. Icepaw felt Whitepaw lick his head softly "See ya around" he mewed as he padded off.
"Come on Icepaw" Nettlepaw mewed nudging him.
The walk home wasn't eventful accept one part. Emberpaw traded places with Sandpaw when Bluestar called her for something.
"How was your first gathering Icepaw?"
"Good" she smiled "I got to see some friends, Stonepaw and Minnowpaw, it was good to see them and Stonepaw told he and his sister Thrushpaw will have their names soon"
"That's good" he replied "I'm glad the guilds are friends with each other"
"We aren't pet" Robinwing snapped pushing past them, her amber eyes filled with disgust "They are the enemy as they should stay, cats like Emberpaw doom this guilds with this so called 'friendship' "
Icepaw never wanted to hit someone so bad so quickly.
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