#palette concert hk
iumushimushi · 7 years
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171125 IU Palette Concert in HongKong by Jerry Poon
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jieunology · 6 years
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171125 Palette Concert in HK Cr: Bluewing
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style-yesnews · 6 years
韓國音樂才女IU甜美回歸 十周年巡演勢成熱話 12月8日亞洲國際博覽館隆重舉行
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同時兼備歌、影、視多方面才華的韓國全能藝人IU (李知恩),出道以來形象親切友善,深得全球粉絲的熱愛及追捧!IU於2008年正式出道,今年正值出道十周年,IU宣佈將展開十周年巡迴演出及更多慶祝活動,希望與一直支持及愛戴IU的粉絲一同渡過這別具意義的里程碑。IU十周年演唱會「2018 IU 10th Anniversary Tour Concert in Hong Kong」將於12月8日 (星期六) 假亞洲國際博覽館StubHub Hall舉行,相信一眾樂迷及韓流粉絲絕對不會錯過!
IU上個月率先在韓國首爾Universal Arts Center舉辦十周年紀念粉絲會「IU+」。一向體貼粉絲的IU因為考慮到未成年粉絲回家的安全問題,特意把是次活動按照粉絲年齡層分作日、夜演出兩部份;第一部份是專為10歲到19歲粉絲而設的日場「Talk to I10U」,而第二部份則為只限20歲以上粉絲出席的夜場「Invitat10n」,安排既具創意又貼心,讓粉絲大感溫暖!而透過即將舉行的「2018 IU 10th Anniversary Tour Concert in Hong Kong」,香港樂迷亦可參與十周年慶祝,與IU一同重溫這十年間推出的經典作品。
去年,IU在香港舉行的「Palette」巡演口碑載道,當時不單為港迷送上了專屬香港場的超級驚喜,完美獻唱由陳詠謙重新填詞的廣東話版《Through The Night》,更邀請到方大同擔任神秘嘉賓,同台演出讓粉絲大飽耳福。
門票將於10月23日(星期二) 早上十時起於購票通 (網上購票: www.cityline.com或購票熱線: +852 2111 5333 (每日10:00AM – 8:00PM)) 公開發售。在公開發售首日後,如有剩餘門票,則亦將於10月24日 (星期三) 起於購票通售票處 (設於通利琴行、麥花臣場館及亞洲國際博覽館) 發售。
「2018 IU 10th Anniversary Tour Concert in Hong Kong」 將於12月8日 (星期六) 假亞洲國際博覽館StubHub Hall隆重舉行 門票將於10月23日(星期二) 早上十時起於購票通公開發售 網上購票: www.cityline.com或購票熱線: +852 2111 5333 (每日10:00AM – 8:00PM)
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「2018 IU 10th Anniversary Tour Concert in Hong Kong」門票售價詳情如下: · 港幣 $1,580 (全為指定座位) · 港幣 $1,080 (全為指定座位) · 港幣 $680 (全為指定座位)
在萬眾期待下,IU近日以預告圖片宣佈將推出單曲《BBIBBI》。這首「十周年紀念單曲」是IU為粉絲們特別準備的禮物,由於概念照片中IU打扮色彩鮮明且具休閒風格,大家都猜測《BBIBBI》將會是首充滿活力和復古味的作品。「音源強盜」IU時隔一年再推出新曲,相信《BBIBBI》在10月10日(星期三) 推出後定再橫掃各大韓國音源排行榜。
主辦機構ELF ASIA表示:「我們過往曾與IU多次合作,每每共事都不禁驚嘆IU的努力和認真!IU是個才華洋溢且事事力求完美的歌手,因此我們深感榮幸能夠再次成為IU演唱會的主辦,為大家帶來別具意義的十周年巡演。有賴廣大粉絲的鼎力支持,去年的「Palette」巡演取得空前成功;今年我們與IU也會繼續努力,希望再次為香港樂迷呈獻精彩舞台,請一起熱烈期待!」
娛樂資訊由熱新聞提供 原文連結: 韓國音樂才女IU甜美回歸 十周年巡演勢成熱話 12月8日亞洲國際博覽館隆重舉行 更多相關內容
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曾上游勤學唱歌 為登台做好準備
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Stars-HK娛網 本站集中報道娛樂新聞,包括在音樂圈、電影圈、電視圈、劇團裡面,歌手和演員的活動和最新動向等。我們採取「只談專業,不談緋聞」的編審方針,希望帶給讀者清新的體驗。無論是中、港、台、日、韓等地的大明星以至新人的消息,娛網都會悉數報道。我們也會重點發掘未來新星,致力推廣。
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togetherwithiu · 7 years
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171125 IU selcas revealed at Palette Concert Tour in HK by DoTheG http://gall.dcinside.com/iu_new/3075475
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lnvuu · 7 years
[FAN ACCOUNT] 171124-25 New York Uaena that flew to Hong Kong to see IU (Palette in HK)
It was one of those crazy decisions and coming from a family that doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, it didn’t take me that long to decide to go. Flying 30 hours round trip to see IU? Why not?
 11/24/17 – Friday (IU arrival + Press Conference at Windsor House)
Anyways, fast forward to arriving to Hong Kong airport, I was arriving the same day as IU. Except my flight arrives at 7am and hers at 12pm. I dropped off my luggage at my hotel and then went straight back to the airport afterwards.
When I arrived, there were about 30 fans waiting already. I knew I wasn’t waiting at the wrong place. Everyone had their cameras and gifts ready. I was ready… well or so I thought I was ready. A fan I know from Hong Kong told me to be careful because it is quite dangerous with having fans at the airport and a celebrity walking by (also considering what has happened before). Anyways, the LOEN security guy comes out to check the situation and then a while later, a bunch of Hong Kong airport security stands in the area to block off fans. And there, IU finally comes out. It was hectic trying to take pictures, with a bunch of fans all surrounding her, as well as about 50 fans and 20 people protecting IU. Finally, she got in the van that took her and everyone dispersed.
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I went back to my hotel to check in and it was about only 2pm when I decided to head back out to the venue thinking that it wasn’t going to be that bad. I arrived just before 3pm and there were already a row of fans waiting. Some with mini ladders and chairs.. I thought wow.. these fans are insane.. 
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I stood there waiting for 3 hours until IU finally came out! There was a Cantonese translator there translating and some questions were asking about how she felt about working with Lee Sung Gyun and about the variety show she was in. IU tried to say some phrases of Cantonese and asked how to say certain things. It was super cute. Another question asked if there were going to be any guests and that there will be someone that she hasn’t met yet (suggesting that it is most likely a Hong Kong artist). The highlight was definitely at the end when she was asked if she was going to do any acting in Hong Kong and she answered in Cantonese (with the help of the translator) saying that if everyone wants that she can make it happen. Wow I thought, if she would actually go to Hong Kong to work on a drama, that would be insane and amazing for Hong Kong fans. Anyways in the end, we all gave a “hwaiting” for IU for tomorrow’s concert and left.  I was excited for the next day.
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11/25/17 Concert Day (IU’s ‘Palette’ in Hong Kong at Asia-World Expo)
           Finally, the day I was waiting for is here! Word got out that there will be metal detectors and that photography and video recording is strictly not allowed. I had my regular point and shoot camera that I wanted to bring as well as my DSLR. I spoke to a few people and convinced myself not to bring anything in case they take it away or not allow me. I didn’t want to get kicked out from a concert I flew 8000 miles to see. This would be the first concert that I wouldn’t have my camera but that’s alright. I should really enjoy it through my eyes and not through a lens. I sat in row K seat 88 which meant I was all the way on the side of the stage and it wasn’t the best view since it was not in the middle. Around 8:15 the concert finally started.
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My personal highlights of the concert:
IU opens up with dlwlrma, red queen, and the red shoes. It was an amazing opening, she actually disappears after performing The Red Shoes like usually does. A lot of the Hong Kong fans seems to know the lyrics to all the songs as they sung along to Leon (myungsoo parts) as well as The Shower.
After every few songs that she performs, she would bend down, and drink her water with a straw saying “yum dom shui sin” meaning “lets drink water first” in Cantonese. I found that so adorable.
She talks at the beginning about how since the concert name is “Palette” she will show different Palettes of herself with the types of song she’s going to sing as well as the outfits. She changed several times.
White (pale color), Red, Green , Black with a black cap, Sparkly dress, Red/Black with jeans (from my memory.. I think that was the outfits)
I was fanchanting along my section where no one seemed to know any of the lyrics, I was singing and fan chatting to all the songs while at some points, I got some stares but it’s alright. I’m supposed to enjoy myself at a concert!
She had a little chat with us and right before performing ‘Every End of the Day’ she started to talk about how the next song she was about to perform, she hopes we know the song since it’s been a while. I’ve expressed so many times that I wanted to see her perform this live and I’m happy I got to because the dance is so cheerful.
One point the concert, she also announced that from now on, she will call all Hong Kong Uaenas “Hongaenas” I felt out of place since I wasn’t a Hong Kong Uaena but that’s fine.
Finally the part of the concert when her guest comes out! She starts singing to “can’t love you anymore” When Oh Hyuk’s part came, Khalil Fong makes his appearance. After the song there’s an introduction as well as a small conversation about Hong Kong. Khalil Fong talks a bit about pineapple bun and hong kong milk tea. Khalil Fong said that he’ll treat IU and that they can write a song together. IU said that if Khalil Fong ever has a concert in Korea, feel free to contact her for assistance!  Khalil Fong performs a song on his own and then leaves the stage.
IU comes out and performs Merry Christmas in Advance and rightfully so, she says because it’s almost Christmas time. What a perfect gift!
           I couldn’t wait for Friday because I’ve always wanted to be her concert and be in the crowd to sing Friday. It was amazing, she pointed the mic to us when it was Jang Yijeong’s parts.
           So she stops and asks us if we want photo time. Of course we scream “YES” and she fixes her hair and asks if everything is okay.. lol she walks to the other side of the stage first and then to my side.
 This was one of the peak moments. I don’t remember exactly when but she performs ‘You Know” Rock version and walks around the sides of the aisles and back onto the stage. I felt super fortunate at this point because I happen to be on the side seats I was able to see IU up close and got a tap on the hands as she was passing by! Tried to record but was focusing on her with my eyes rather than my phone!
SEE Video Here:
           So ‘Palette’ was next and a video slide of never before seen photos plays in the back video. It was hard to see them so I had to go look at videos afterwards.  She sings the whole song on her own including her version of the rap. Towards the end of the part, she also points the mic to us to sing along. I sing along:
“I like it, I'm twenty five
날 좋아하는 거 알아
I got this, I'm truly fine
이제 조금 알 것 같아 날”
           Haha IU also mentions that no matter how much she prepares for her concerts and her fans, she always loses to us. “mui qi doh shu bei dai ga” she repeats it in Cantonese from the translator. She also tells us to scream “encore encore” if we want her to come back out. She said she won’t come out if we don’t!
           Next she goes on to sing Good Day and this will be the first time I’m going to hear the 3 octave note live.  The last time I watched IU perform Good Day at KCON, she didn’t sing it because she usually never does anymore out of her own solo concerts. IU is REALLY “REAL DAEBAK A-I-YU” After the end of ‘Good Day’ she exits the stage as if it’s the “end” of the concert.
Everyone starts to scream ‘ENCORE ENCORE ENCORE, and IU IU IU!’ We all raise out green finger lights that represents fireflies that was prepared on our chairs before. She finally comes out in a shiny dress and sings ‘Through the Night’ She then goes on to say that the last song is for all of us. As she sings “Dear Name” towards the end, names appear on the screen. I tried to look for mine but the angle was so bad I couldn’t see it. She exits the stage and then comes out to perform ‘Autumn Morning’ in a more casual red shirt, black vest over it, and jeans.
Here’s the REAL surprise! She starts to sing “Through the Night” in Cantonese. I was so shocked. She definitely practiced really well or she had the Cantonese tones pretty nice for someone that doesn’t know it. To know the lyrics as well is not easy. The lyrics are pretty well written I have to say as well.
She sang ‘Heart’ next and we all sang along as she pointed the mic to us. It’s a very relaxing song to sing and very fun. You could hear all the Hongaenas singing along. Afterwards, she asked all of us what song we would like to request and she ended up singing the Cantonese Song “Hei Tip Gai” or AKA Wedding Invitation Card Street. She said she hasn’t practiced it in a long time so we shouldn’t have high expectations for it.
She ends with ‘Meaning of You’ I knew she was eventually going to sing this. Well.. more like I was hoping she would. So I could sing along haha.. As you all realize now, I like singing along with IU. She dragged the ending part several times and I knew she wanted to drag it as long as she could but because of the venue, she couldn’t do more songs or else she said she would. She was worried that we wouldn’t be able to get home on time. And there it was… the end. An amazing 3.5 hour concert.
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Another impressive thing is that most of her concert, she spoke English. Though there were certain points where she needed a translator, I would say about 95% of the time she spoke all English. Impressed! I can’t wait to see a concert of hers in Korea. My only disappointment is that she didn’t perform Raindrop but that’s alright!
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foraiyu · 7 years
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171012 Official poster for Palette concert in HK 
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iumushimushi · 7 years
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171125 IU Palette Concert in HongKong by Ka Ming
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iumushimushi · 7 years
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171125 IU Palette Concert in HongKong by Moonlight
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iumushimushi · 7 years
[IU TV] Tour Concert 'Palette' in HongKong
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iumushimushi · 7 years
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171125 IU Palette Concert in HongKong by Jerry Poon
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iumushimushi · 7 years
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171125 IU Palette Concert in HongKong by Jerry Poon
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iumushimushi · 7 years
[FANCAM] 171125 IU Palette Concert in HongKong - Through the Night (Cantonese version)
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iumushimushi · 7 years
[FANCAM] 171125 #아이유 #IU Palette Concert in HongKong - 囍帖街 (Wedding Invitation Street)
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iumushimushi · 7 years
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171124 IU Tour Concert "Palette" in HK Press Conference by euniswang [1 | 2]
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iumushimushi · 7 years
171124 IU Tour Concert “Palette” in Hong Kong Press Conference cr:  K-Star hk
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jieunology · 6 years
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171125 Palette Concert in HK Cr: Bluewing
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