#pancreatic cancer awareness
i-pccommunity · 3 years
Research updates 2021 on pancreatic cancer | I-PCC
2021 has been a good eventful year for the medical and research area. Many things were on halt last year, but researchers and healthcare workers have been working tirelessly to find the cure for pancreatic cancer. So, here are some important pancreatic cancer research 2021 details.
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Permanent treatment of pancreatic cancer is still the major goal for every researcher and doctor who has been involved in finding a cure to it. The one new advancement that doctors have made is laparoscopic.Laparoscopically is the new surgical approach by doctors. Previously surgery was performed with a long incision on the patient's belly. Due to it, the patient required a long hospital stay and recovery time to be ready to go back home. Now, laparoscopically, the surgeon can make short incisions on the patient's belly to do the operation. Patients operated through laparoscopically recover more quickly.  Another major update in the surgical field is radiation therapy. Intraoperative radiation and proton beam therapy are the new approach among surgeons and doctors. Intraoperative radiation therapy uses a single large dose of radiation only in the area of cancer. Whereas proton beam therapy becomes more effective when saving the normal body cell. Both of the therapies are seen as a much more effective treatment to cure pancreatic cancer.  Vaccines To Treat The Pancreatic Cancer- 
Several clinical trials are testing the vaccines to treat cancer, including pancreatic cancer. But note all of these vaccines are aimed to help, not to prevent pancreatic cancer. The one and the most possible advantage of vaccine treatment is that they may have limited side effects. However, these vaccines are still in clinical trials. 
Individual Approach To Therapies- 
Doctors are trying the individual approach to all the therapies related to treating pancreatic cancer. Research has found that some drugs work better on different mutations. The concept has been the major area of intense study. 
Some tumor cells work differently on the different genes, largely intercepting and altering the surgical procedures. The individual approach to therapies is seen and hoped to work in the patients' favor. 
Genetic and mutations- 
Researchers and scientists are discovering more about the genetic changes and mutations in pancreas cells. Doctors are looking to find the changes that cause a pancreas cell to become cancer. 
Doctors have found that some syndromes like Lynch syndrome can cause pancreatic cancer. However, doctors are looking to find any direct relation between Lynch syndrome and pancreatic cancer.
Immunotherapy Can Be A New Treatment- 
Immunotherapy is not just one treatment. It is a class of treatments to help a patient's own immune system to fight against cancer. Immune cells have been a huge part of the study against pancreatic cancer. So, researchers are working on a treatment known as immune checkpoint inhibitors. These drugs are used to block a patient's immune checkpoints. Immune checkpoints in the human body are responsible for keeping the immune system too strong. By blocking the immune checkpoints, these drugs create even a more strong response from the immune cells. So, it can help the patients to fight cancer.
Final Thoughts About The Research- 
We have discussed some of the details about the pancreatic cancer updates that the world has received in recent past years. If you want to help with the research and clinical trials, you can donate. There are some organizations that help to raise funds for research. One such foundation is I-PCC. You can feel free to donate. 
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pathologylab · 4 years
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As we move towards the end of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month, knowing the increased risk of pancreatic cancer at an early stage, your doctor can design an efficient disease management plan that can lower this specific disease's risk.
#pancreaticcancer #cancer #pancreaticcancerawareness #pancreaticcancerawarenessmonth #genetictesting
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snyderspoint · 5 years
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For Sam  (in recognition of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month)
I still remember the day Sam died. I was at home, hoping to enjoy the remainder of my weekend before returning to my university job, when his long-time assistant called to tell me that he’d lost his battle with pancreatic cancer. 
Those of us who knew him had understood it was only a matter of time before our phones would ring, but still we hoped. 
Sam was, after all, a brilliant, gifted physician at a renowned medical research hospital—one of those genuinely good guys who was as beloved by his colleagues and patients as he was by his family and friends. So, surely, the university physicians who were treating him—a team of equally talented men and women who were taking this particular fight against cancer very personally—would use every ounce of skill they possessed, and they would win. They would save Sam, he would spend some time recuperating and regaining his strength, and then he’d resume his medical practice, and we’d all get back to our regular routines of daytime meetings and engrossing conversations with him over great dinners. 
That’s the evil of pancreatic cancer. An insidious trickster, it fools people into thinking their loved ones will be just fine because its sufferers usually have no symptoms during its early stages. 
Perhaps even more frustrating and shocking is the realization that, even if those who develop pancreatic cancer happen to have the best timing in the world and somehow manage to schedule their annual physicals just as their tumors are starting to form, it wouldn’t matter because the organ where this cancer starts—the pancreas—is buried so deep within the human body (behind the stomach) that even the most skilled physicians on earth wouldn’t be able to discover those tumors by touch or sight. 
The simple, maddening fact is that, by the time a person’s pancreatic cancer is identified, the disease is often already so far along that the patient is only given months to live. 
In Sam’s case, his incredibly talented and dedicated medical team managed to extend his life for a year. 
One. Year. 
The speed with which pancreatic cancer took my mentor and friend’s life nearly twelve years ago was breathtaking and soul crushing—a profoundly huge loss not just to those who loved and regularly interacted with him, but to the many individuals who never had the benefit of his compassionate medical care after his passing. Described by the writers of his San Francisco Chronicle obituary as “a voice of reason in the early days of the AIDS crisis when hysteria threatened the ability of at-risk populations to receive surgical treatment,” he also became known and respected for the medical services he so generously provided to underserved women. 
The “true embodiment of a gentleman and a scholar,” he was just sixty-one years old when he died in January of 2008. A sunny day in the San Francisco Bay Area, I had stepped outside after the call into the wow of one of those picture-perfect, blue sky days that have to be seen to be believed. And that somehow seemed wrong. Mother Nature could have at least had the decency to summon a powerful rainstorm.
Eventually, our moods lifted, and life went on. Over the past decade, though, I began to see a disturbing pattern as news story after news story announced more and more deaths from pancreatic cancer, and reinforced my nagging frustration that Sam’ s death had come too early: Patrick Swayze (2009), Steve Jobs (2011), astronaut Sally Ride (2012), Alan Rickman (2016), and so many others. 
Sadly, the speed at which pancreatic cancer wreaks havoc is still a common experience for far too many pancreatic cancer patients even today—even with the many inspiring advances which have been made in cancer research over the past decade. And that’s because most men and women still don’t understand the risk factors for developing the disease—diabetes, obesity, pancreatitis (chronic inflammation of the pancreas), tobacco use, and workplace exposure to the chemicals typically used in dry cleaning or metal working. 
Tobacco users, in fact, may make up as much as 25 percent of the pancreatic cancer population—a staggering figure when you realize that, in just the year 2019 alone, this terrible disease is expected to kill more than 45,000 Americans. 
Stop and think about that figure for a moment. And then consider my next statement carefully. If we were at war and sustaining casualties at the same level of those projected pancreatic cancer deaths, our elected officials would be spending billions on bombs and bullets to annihilate the enemy. But because it’s a healthcare matter, we are treated, still, to shoulder shrugs and meaningless platitudes that “scientists will find the answer some day” (despite never having enough funding to do so). 
So What Can We Do?
If we want to dramatically reduce and then finally eliminate the scourge of pancreatic cancer, we need to: 
1. Fully prepare ourselves by learning all we can about the disease and the actions we can take as individuals to try to reduce our risk for contracting the disease. One of the best times of the year to do this is in November when America observes Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. (Note: Because this observance takes place in the same month when we also observe Thanksgiving, it’s also a great time to share what you learn with family and friends.) 
2. Fully fund promising cancer research programs and patient support initiatives nationwide to help patients increase not just their survival time while waiting for researchers to find a cure, but to make sure that they also have an improved quality of life that enables them to enjoy the extra time they’ve been given.
With Giving Tuesday coming up on December 3, 2019 and income tax-incentified end-of-year-giving in full swing throughout December, there’s no better time than right now to make a donation to the fight against pancreatic cancer. It doesn’t have to be huge; just give whatever amount you can afford. To find out more about how you might be able to help in this regard, contact your local cancer treatment center or community hospital.
Do it for yourself, do it for your Grandpa, favorite aunt, or neighbor, or do it in memory of Sam. To learn more about his life, please read the obituary of Samuel C. Hughes, M.D. 
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nitadesaiblog · 5 years
The rise of cancer in the world is something that is not unfamiliar with people, and the deaths due to cancer are just rising. The cure for cancer is something that has been long-awaited, but we don’t see any breakthrough coming anytime soon. The United Kingdom is no exception to cancer rise and has been facing some huge numbers of cancer cases, and there have been a considerable number of deaths too.
The United Kingdom is dealing with different kinds of cancers, and there are plenty of them, but there is one called pancreatic cancer that has been being campaigned this month. November is pancreatic cancer awareness month and Purple Lights for Pancreatic Cancer is a movement for this disease which is supported by charities such as Pancreatic Cancer UK and Pancreatic Cancer Action and some other NGOs, the campaign involves lighting purple focal points in villages, towns, and cities all over the UK in November, this helps create awareness among the people. Near to 10,000 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the UK each year, and this figure is anticipated to rise in the future if the awareness for the disease is not conveyed among the people. This is a unique way to create awareness about something as dark as cancer.
Cancer has become one of the deadliest diseases out there, and the types of cancers are just increasing by the day; they need for cure and treatment of the illness is higher than ever, and we don’t see this needs being fulfilled anytime soon.
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Pancreatic cancer remains one of the deadliest, most difficult to detect and treat forms of this disease. Given that reality, pancreatic cancer awareness is a must to improve outcomes for the thousands of Americans diagnosed each year.
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aniceheart · 9 years
3 years today. 
I’ve never seen a better quote (see previous post) to explain how I feel and how I still think about my mom multiple times per day, every day. 
It’s become a little easier, but still so hard.
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i-pccommunity · 3 years
Can Good Communication Help A Pancreatic Cancer Patient?
The answer is absolutely-Yes. Good communication can help the patients feel good about themselves.
It will directly increase their survival instincts. No matter where the patient is residing, whether the patient is at home or in the hospital, good treatment in both behavioral and medical aspects improves the patient's outcome. 
According to the latest research on pancreatic cancer, it is a "silent killer" because it is already developed before the patient starts showing any symptoms. So, often, it always comes as a shock for the patient. And it can have a huge effect on the patient's mental condition. So, doctors, family, and even community members owe the full responsibility to encourage the patient. 
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If a patient is in hospital under a doctor's care, the doctor should build a trustful relationship with the pancreatic cancer patient from the start. It will surely improve the outcomes of the patient. A patient always relies on the doctors to set good expectations about the treatment at the start and during their medical course. 
Also, doctors should keep track of the research going on all over the world because researchers and doctors are making great improvements every day. So, a doctor can use this data of pancreatic cancer updates to improve the patient's condition mentally and physically. Besides this, doctors are also advised to keep the routine track of the patient's functional status, patient's safety, and patient's satisfaction. Not only will it help in individual patient experience but also in the ongoing research on pancreatic cancer.
Other than the doctors, the family and community members are the second responsibility holders. If someone in your family, friends, or community is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, please make sure to encourage them. With your support and help, patients have much more chances to stand against cancer. Mental health plays an important role in the outcomes of medical treatment. And your support directly can enhance the mental health of the patient. 
In case you don't know much about pancreatic cancer, be part of a pancreatic cancer research walk. These research walks are conducted to raise awareness among the people and encourage pancreatic cancer patients. Together with the community and friends, the patients are most likely to set goals. 
So, if you know someone with pancreatic cancer or you are yourself a doctor who treats pancreatic cancer patients, be updated about the going on research, follow the data, communicate with the patient, get them involved in the activities to get the most positive results in their treatments. In case you want to help someone with pancreatic cancer, you can donate to a trustworthy non-profit organization. Maybe you can help someone in their hard times somewhere. These organizations provide hospitality for pancreatic cancer patients, fund the researcher going on pancreatic cancer treatment, and provide the treatment and diet guides to the patients.
We have to go a long mile before we find the cure to this silent killer, but till then, we need to be the source of support, encouragement, and positivity for the pancreatic cancer patients around us.  
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pathologylab · 4 years
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Genes2Me dedicated pancreatic cancer panel helps in declining the risk of developing this specific disease in an individual.
#pancreaticcancer #cancer #pancreaticcancerawareness #pancreaticcancerawarenessmonth #genetictesting
Connect Today - #GENES2ME
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adoglover5 · 10 years
Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
In Loving Memory of my Father, who I miss so much.
Wear Purple this month for those who lost their battle and for those who are still fighting this nasty disease known as the "Silent Killer."
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fandom-drifter-blog · 10 years
World Pancreatic Cancer Awareness
8 years ago, on September 8th, the most important person in my entire universe died. She always told me she wouldn't die, that god would take care of her. He just wanted to test her. Unfortunately he tested her with Pancreatic cancer... a near unsurvivable, destructive cancer. Chances of catching it early are near impossible. At stage IA (where it is RARELY caught) the survival rate is 14%. Stage IIA? The survival rate cuts in half. By the time most people realize that it's Pancreatic Cancer it's in stage IV. By that time the survival rate is only 1%... 1%. I watched this cancer eat away at my mother. I watched her suffer and hurt.... I saw her think this wasn't her end... or least that's what she told me. But, we underestimated the power of this horrendous, evil cancer.. And now she's gone.. I'm telling you this because it's World Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Day. So, please if you can at all PLEASE donate to Pancreatic Cancer research.
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i-pccommunity · 3 years
A Valuable Insight Of Updates on Pancreatic Cancer In Italy
Cancer is one of the deadly diseases risking the lives of people globally. Different kinds of cancer witnessed around each one have their own effects on the body.  But amongst all, pancreatic cancer is one of the severe kinds of cancer that evolved in the past few years. With its unidentified symptoms, cancer has tended to risk the lives of many people across the world. Apart from a lot of research about treatments, methods to deal with cancer have been innovated. Still, the diseases are becoming chronic. Let’s have a closer look at the current scenario by getting over the pancreatic cancer updates. Here we go!
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Latest Pancreatic Cancer Research: A Complete Overview
Every year several types of researches are being made on pancreatic cancer and launched. This researchers are done to give a more precise overview to the patients about pancreatic cancer. Here we go!
Radiation therapy tends to boost the patients’ immunity and protect them against the impact of pancreatic cancer patients. Radiation therapy has been innovated in recent years, bringing things to the forefront. 
It is recorded that modulation of the pancreatic cancer cell sensitivity to FOLFIRINOX. It is a  microRNA-mediated regulation of DNA that causes significant damage to the DNA.  
Another research is done recent is within pancreatic cancer that GOT1 inhibition promotes cell death by ferroptosis. This cancer cell promotes pancreatic cancer, making the disease worse for the patient.  
Another pancreatic cancer update is about the NEK2 inhibition that triggers the anti-pancreatic cancer immunity, reducing cancer’s impact. 
Current Scenario of Pancreatic Cancer In Italy
Italy is highly dealing with patients with pancreatic cancer. Have a closer look at what is the latest update about cancer in the country. 
It is reported that total deaths from pancreatic cancer caused in Italy were aged around 35.  
Among all the deaths, the ratio of males’ death with cancer is more than the females.
Pancreatic cancer is the seventh reason of cancer deaths worldwide, where Europe is in the fourth position, and Italy is in the first position.
In Italy alone, 13,500 new cases of pancreatic cancer occurred in 2019
Five percent of death reported by pancreatic cancer is because of hereditary reasons.
With more than 100.000 cases in a two-month time-lapse, Italy is high in pancreatic cancer.
Get to Know More About Pancreatic Cancer With IPCC
Pancreatic cancer is undoubtedly a severe disease, And one who is dealing with it can’t go wrong with the detailed information. It is a must to know every update about pancreatic cancer to understand what makes the disease so curable than before. For a detailed description, it is best to get connected with IPCC. 
They are amongst leading cancer consulting firms to help the patients with every information they need to cure the disease. Right from aiding in treating, they help patients know what is best for them at every cancer stage. Feel free to visit their website for more details!
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aniceheart · 10 years
Know It. Fight It. End It.
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November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.
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gifts4awareness · 10 years
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Sport a purple ribbon for the cause. November marks Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. Shop purple ribbon shirts for Pancreatic Awareness at www.giftsforawareness.com. With awareness, there is hope. Share and spread the word.
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"Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not only the first Jewish woman to serve as a Supreme Court Justice, but also one of the few survivors of pancreatic cancer."
From: http://forward.com/articles/204302/why-are-jews-at-higher-risk-for-pancreatic-cancer/?p=all#ixzz3BRi3WGxT
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fandom-drifter-blog · 10 years
When will people start paying attention to Pancreatic Cancer?
I understand that more people get Breast Cancer but, the survival rate for Stage 1 & 2 for Breast Cancer is 100%.
Survival rate for Pancreatic Cancer in stages 1 & 2? 14% to 7%..
Yet more people are concerned with Breast Cancer?
Why can't the NFL wear purple in november?
Why can't there be marathons and shit for Pancreatic Cancer?
My momma got taken from me when I was 15 years old because she got Pancreatic Cancer.
I'm sorry.. I just.. I feel like people should pay way more attention and donate to researching this absolutely horrid cancer.
It's Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month. Try something purple to remember that people get ripped away by this disease so quickly and easily...
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