#pantanal barranco alto photography photo tour trip travel
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The spectacular Fazenda Barranco Alto is one of the places we visit during my Pantanal tours this year. It is located in South Pantanal at a region called Nhecolandia (yes I know, hard to say), characterized by its thousands of round lakes of varied water compositions. Some are even very salty, like the blue one above. 
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The fazenda is absolutely gigantic and very remote, accessible only by chartered planes or by 4x4 during the peak of the dry season, but we are talking of 6 hours travelling. Better take the plane for the short 30 minute or so hop. Once there we go out on daily boat or open safari-style car rides. There are countless little roads inland, passing through the many lakes, forests, grasslands, wetlands, etc. The scenery is beautiful and full of wildlife, a true photographer’s paradise! And our group will be pretty much the only one there.
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There it’s possible to see some white capybaras. No, they’re not a variant or subspecies, it’s just the salt that gets collected on its fur from the salt water lakes! 
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The place is probably one of the best in the world to see giant anteaters, like this one with a baby on its back! Unlike Africa, where you can’t leave the vehicle, here it is perfectly safe and we do get out a lot to shoot from a lower angle or better explore some areas. 
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The Rio Negro, named for its tanin stained dark waters, is gorgeous and we take our time exploring it on boats as well.
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Like anywhere in the Pantanal, there are lots of caimans. But here, maybe because of the color of the water and the reflexes, the photos just look better.
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Like this wide-angle shot, very close to it.
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Or this one getting the forest reflection. I’ll continue this post tomorrow, with more attractions and photos from Fazenda Barranco Alto. Join us this year on this and other incredible places.
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