thisisguinevere · 10 months
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Large classic screened-in back porch idea with a roof extension Large traditional screened-in back porch design with an addition to the roof
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ram-ma-lamb-ma · 1 year
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Roofing - Traditional Exterior Picturesque one-story stone building with a gable roof
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scotianostra · 1 year
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White Horse Close.
White Horse Close is a picturesque collection of buildings at the foot of the Canongate, but although stepping into its courtyard feels like stepping back in time, all is not as it seems. The close was heavily restored in the 1960s, enhancing the typically Scottish features such as crow-stepped gables, forestairs and pantiled roofs. One architectural historian describes the effect as “…so blatantly fake that it can be acquitted of any intention to deceive.”
The close takes its name from an inn which used to stand at its north end. The White Horse Inn on the Canongate closed its doors in the late 18th century, but in its day it was one of the best-known coaching inns in Edinburgh. Its location at the beginning of the Great North Road meant that a journey to London would start from its courtyard. The inn was built in the early 17th century by Lawrence Ord, who perhaps named the place after its association with Mary Queen of Scots, who was said to have stabled her favourite white horse there.
In 1639 the White Horse Inn was at the scene of the ‘Stoppit Stravaig’. This was a time of religious turmoil, with many in Scotland in open rebellion against King Charles I. A group of Scottish noblemen had gathered at the inn before setting off to negotiate with the king. But presbyterian ministers heard of the planned trip, and encouraged a mob of townsfolk to lay siege to the inn and prevent the group from leaving. They were largely successful, with only the Marquis of Montrose escaping to join the king.
As well as the inn, the close also had some famous residents. John Paterson, who was made Bishop of Edinburgh in 1679, lived in a tenement in the close, and William Dick who founded the Royal School of Veterinary Studies in 1823, was born there.
A particularly intriguing resident was Ned Holt, a notorious showman in Victorian Edinburgh. During an eventful career, he left his apprenticeship as a baker to become an actor in a ‘penny gaff’ theatre, ran a small shop in the Netherbow and a kind of fairground booth in the Grassmarket. There people could pay to see a ‘living skeleton’, a 1,000 year old mummy or a demonstration of Holt killing rats with his teeth. Today he is best remembered for his sketches of Edinburgh street-life, many of which can still be seen in the Museum of Edinburgh.
As with much of the Old Town, White Horse Close went into a steep decline in the Victorian period. In the 1950s the city council started a programme of slum-clearance in the Canongate, but it was decided to restore White Horse Close. The surveyor sent to draw up measured plans found it
“…a difficult task as the buildings were still inhabited by poor people living in deplorable accommodation. No wall was the same thickness as any other, nor parallel or at right angles to any other and nor were the floor levels in any way related.”
Today White Horse Close is undoubtedly one of the most picturesque parts of Edinburgh’s Old Town, and yet because of its rather hidden location it is rarely visited by tourists. Whatever its authenticity, the close it is still definitely worth seeing as an imaginary vision of the past – or as one historian has described it: “…a Hollywood dream of the seventeenth century”.
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lierrelearns · 1 year
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[1]奈良国立博物館 仏教美術資料研究センター Nara National Museum Buddhist Art Library
資料公開日: 毎週. 水曜日・金曜日 (国民の祝日・休日、12月26日から翌年1月4日までを除く 開館時間: 午前9時30分〜午後4時30分 (複写受付は午後4時まで) 公開している資料: 図書、雑誌、紀要、報告書、展覧会カタログ、両像資料等 サービス内容: 閲覧、複写、レファレンス
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[2]重要文化財 旧奈良県物産陳列所 昭和58年(1983)1月7日 指定 奈良市登大路町50番地1
この建物は明治35年(1902)に竣工し、同年奈良県物産陳列所として開館したもので、県下の殖産興業と物産の展示販売をおかなう施設として利用された。設計者は、帝国大学工科大学造家学科(東京大学工学部建築学科の前身)出身の建築史学者で、当時奈良県技師として古社寺建造物修理に尽力した関野貞博士(1867-1935)である。 木造桟瓦葺で、小屋組や河辺などに西洋建築の技術とりいれつつ、外観は和風を基調とする。唐破風造車寄を正面につけた入母屋造の中央楼から、東西に切妻造の翼部を延ばし、端には宝形造の楼をおいている。関野は大学在学中より宇治の平等院鳳凰堂を研究しており、屋根の形式や左右対称の優美な外観は鳳凰堂に範をとったものと思われる。また蟇股などのなどの細部には、飛鳥時代から鎌倉時代にかけての伝統的な建築様式を取り入れ、この建物の設計と奈良における古建築研究との密接な関係がうかがえる。その一方で窓にはイスラム風の意匠もみられる。構造・意匠に東西の要素を巧みに取り入れた明治中期を代表する近代和風建築として高く評価されている。 この建物は開館後、奈良県商品陳列所、奈良県商工館と名称を変え、昭和26(1951) に国に移管されて、昭和27年(1952)から55年(1980)まで間のに奈良国立文化財研究所春日野宇舎として利用された。昭和58年(1983)に重要文化財の指定を受け、同年奈良国立博物館が管理するところとなり、現在は当館の仏教美術資料研究センターとして活用されている。 平成23年7月 奈良国立博物館
Vocab 関わる (かかわる) to be concerned with, to have to do with 学術 (がくじゅつ) science, learning, scholarship 作成 (さくせい) making (a report, etc.) 収集 (しゅうしゅう) collection (of art, etc.) 整理 (せいり) sorting, organization 保管 (ほかん) charge, safekeeping, storage 公開 (こうかい) making available to the public, exhibiting 部門 (ぶもん) branch, division 元年 (がんねん) first year 祝日 (しゅくじつ) national holiday 翌年 (よくねん) following year 複写 (ふくしゃ) copying 図書 (としょ) books 紀要 (きよう) bulletin, memoirs 報告書 (ほうこくしょ) (written) report 物産 (ぶっさん)product 陳列 (ちんれつ)exhibition, display 登大路町 (のぼりおおじちょう)Noborioojichou 竣工 (しゅんこう)completion of construction 県下 (けんか)prefectural 殖産興業 (しょくさんこうぎょう)promotion of industry 設計者 (せっけいしゃ)designer 帝国大学 (ていこくだいがく)Imperial University (name of Tokyo University 1886-1897) 工科大学 (こうだいがく)engineering college 建築学 (けんちくがく)architecture 全身 (ぜんしん)previous existence, predecessor organization 出身 (しゅっしん)one’s origin (i.e. school) 史学者 (しがくしゃ)historian 技師 (ぎし)engineer, technician 古社寺 (こしゃじ)old shrines and temples 建造物 (けんぞうぶつ)structure, building 修理 (しゅうり)repair, mending 尽力 (じんりょく)efforts, exertion, services 関野貞 (せきの・ただし)Sekino Tadashi 木造 (もくぞう)wooden 桟瓦 (さんがわら)pantile 葺 (ぶき)roofing 小屋組 (こやぐみ)roof truss, room frame 河辺 (かわべ)riverside, riverbank 取り入れる (とりいれる)to adopt (e.g. an idea), borrow つつ while; even though 外観 (がいかん)exterior appearance 基調 (きちょう)basic theme, underlying tone 唐破風 (からはふ)karahafu, bow-shaped eaves of a gabled roof 車寄 (くるまよせ)carriage porch, entranceway 入母屋造 (いりもやづくり)Irimoya; building with a gabled, hipped roof 楼 (ろう)tower, tall building 切妻造 (きりづまづくり)gabled roof construction 端 (はし)end, tip, edge 宝形造 (ほうぎょうづくり)pyramidal roof 在学 (ざいがく)attending (school), enrolled 宇治 (うじ)Uji (city) 平等院 (びょうどういん)Byodo-in temple 鳳凰堂 (ほうおうどう)Pheonix Hall 左右対称 (さゆうたいしょう)bilateral symmetry 優美 (ゆうび)refinement, grace, elegance 範 (はん)example, model 蟇股 (かえるまた)curved wooden support on top of the main beam of a house (shape looks like a frog with open legs) 細部 (さいぶ)details, particulars 飛鳥時代 (あすかいじだい)Asuka period (550-710) 鎌倉時代 (かまくらじだい)Kamakura period (1185-1333) にかけて till, over (a period), through 建築様式 (けんちくようしき)architectural styles 設計 (せっけい)plan, design, layout における regarding 密接 (みっせつ)close (relationship, connection, etc.) うかがう to guess, infer, surmise 意匠 (いしょう)design 構造 (こうぞう)structure, construction 巧み (たくみ)craftmanship, design 評価 (ひょうか)appreciation, recognition 商工 (しょうこう)commerce and industry 移管 (いかん)transfer of control 国立文化財研究所 (こくりつぶんかざいけんきゅうしょ)National Research Institute of Cultural Properties 春日野 (かすがの)Kasugano 庁舎 (ちょうしゃ)government office building 国立博物館 (こくりつはくぶつかん)national museum 管理 (かんり)control, management
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contremineur · 1 year
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Gerard Stamp, OUT OF BOUNDS TO TROOPS - Tottington (watercolour, 2015)
The 14th-century church of St Andrew has stood empty and surrounded by barbed wire fencing since the Second World War, when the village of Tottington (along with three others and 30,000 acres of Norfolk breckland) were requisitioned to form the military training area now known as STANTA.
The roof of the church is clad in blast-proof sheeting, installed to protect the structure. The original pantiles and carved wooden pews are stored inside, ready to be restored if the village is given back to the public.
In October 2009, a veteran born in the village was buried after permission was granted by the Ministry of Defence. It was the first burial in the churchyard for more than fifty years.
image from here, text abridged from here
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tunbridge-wells-taxi · 2 months
10-Must-Do Adventures in Royal Tunbridge Wells..
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xtwinvipersx · 3 months
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cd1984 · 5 months
I had a free Saturday and a nearby town with pubs I hadn't been to. I therefore got the train to Tunbridge Wells for a few cheeky ticks. The hope is that I'll also be able to end up at the Nelson on the way home.
Pub 115 - Grove Tavern
First pub of the day and it was a classic. Not the best beer selection (although my Seafarers Ale was excellent) but a very traditional and convivial atmosphere. I really enjoyed spending some time here which is the main point of a pub isn't it.
Pub 116 - Sussex Arms
Next up was the Sussex Arms down by the Pantiles. This is a great pub with a wide beer selection. My Vocation Coffee Stout was lovely and the overall atmosphere was superb. This is definitely up there with the best pubs I've been to.
Pub 117 - George
An incredible pub with a built in brewery. The food looked incredible and I was very tempted by the baguettes. Anyway, on the important stuff, the beer selection was great with a lot of great looking ales. My pint was fantastic.
Pub 118 - Royal Oak
This venue loses a couple of points for being card only but generally an amazing place for a beer. They had a dark beer on draft which was new to me, that's always good to see.
Pub 119 - Nelson Arms
OMG, what a pub. I've been here before but pt hadn't appreciated how amazing it is. Easily one of the best pubs in the South East. I only planned to have one beer here but ended up with two absolutely stunning pints. An incredible pub, and its was great to see it really busy!!
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emmettkayden · 1 year
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Efficient Way To Remove Asbestos
Our trained asbestos floor tile removal specialists help with the removal of siding and roofing shingles that include construction pantiles. Contact us now!
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reclaimeditem · 1 year
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These handmade roof tiles are perfect for a roofing project. We have over 4000 tiles available which would be enough for 100m2 of roof area. This listing is for the entire lot of 4000 roof tiles.  New and unused William Blyth Medieval Clay Pantiles. These traditional handmade roof tiles would be perfect for a restoration […]
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swl2ton · 1 year
Pantile - We Enta [TAIPAN TRAX] [FREEDOWNLOAD] via YouTube https://youtu.be/F5DiOz-loss
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fazalkhan2914 · 2 years
NMSS Tiled Roof Systems looks like a traditional pantile roof but is in fact an insulated panel with a shaped exterior. The Tiled appearance of the panel means it is ideal to maintain visual effect of a traditional tiled roofIing, to incorporate with neighbouring tiled structures when needed, yet, with the simplicty of a single component, it is ready-to-install on site and mininises the time required to achieve the same effect.
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mobiletimberhome · 2 years
Timber Leisure Buildings
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We offer our customers a range of Timber Leisure Buildings. These can be built as insulated shells, with hollow walls, double glazing and pantile tile roof effect.
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contremineur · 1 year
As with the church at Tottington, the roof tiles are stored inside here, but the benches are gone, the bells have gone. And yet the ghosts of the past remain. [...] Outside, they lie. Quantrills and Clarks, Rudds and Gathercoles. A weathered Gathercole memorial is profoundly evangelical: Weep not for us our children dear, because we die and leave you here. But look to Christ the crucified, that you may feel his blood applied. Another for a Quantrill wife hopes that God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes. All about, the silence continues.
Simon Knott, from All Saints, Stanford
The 12th-century church of All Saints has stood empty since the Second World War, when the village of Stanford (along with three others and 30,000 acres of Norfolk breckland) were requisitioned to form the military training area now known as STANTA.
The roof of the church is clad in blast-proof sheeting, installed to protect the structure. The original pantiles are stored inside, ready to be restored if the village is given back to the public.
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sarapaxtonartworks · 2 years
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One of my favourite places - Tunbridge Wells, in particular The Pantiles. A visit to Fairfax Gallery, another favourite, followed by a leisurely lunch with temperatures reaching a very acceptable 28 degrees. And yes, that is officially categorized as a Heatwave!! https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce67xQQLUj9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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artiztline · 3 years
‘Sinkhole’ by Pantile To listen this new track on spotify and Enjoy it…
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