#para:first encounters
owenknoll-echo-blog · 11 years
First Encounters | Owen and Lilah
Walking, Owen headed towards the address Lilah had gave him. It was a miserable day, and his grey jacket was slowly fading to black with rain water. The building he was heading towards was a sky scraper, and he could see it inching closer every time he stepped forward.Glass offices were assembled on top of each other, reaching towards the sky and reflecting it's light. Rain flowed down the windows, racing towards the dull grey pavement, where they would be intercepted by Owen's shoulders. As he reached the entrance, he decided that it was probably best to take off his dripping jacket, rather than leaving puddles everywhere. He carried it in his hand, and headed towards the elevator at the other side of the room.
The metal doors closed; Owen pushed the button for his level and moved to the back of the elevator. In the cage with him was a woman, who he assumed was a lawyer, like Lilah. The first thing he noticed was her black heels, that would no doubt make an awful sound when she walked- Owen shuddered, why did women feel the need to make such a piercing noise when they moved? Secondly, how did they walk in them? The doors opened before he had a chance to think about it; he stepped out and followed the signs to the Lilah's office- and knocked on the door. "Hello?" 
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