therightmelody · 6 years
Tegan smiled to themselves already loving the festival, the music was great and the company was even better. They couldn't help but feel like an idiot for not asking Melody to join on their musical adventures sooner. Tegan thanked the person behind the food stand before making their way back to their friend. They had been enjoying the live bands but then offered to buy them some food and refreshments since Tegan stupidly forgot to eat breakfast so they could work on their mixes. "Okay so the person working the booth said we should try these avacado lime cheesecakes. I didn't know what to get so I got them plus eclairs, because who doesn't love eclairs right?" They said with a small chuckle Tegan could honestly eat anything "I know I was supposed to get real food but like we're adults and can get dessert first, unless you want real food then by all means we can start searching for some."
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jamesmichaelduval · 11 years
Text // Mel
Jaime: Hey Princess, I may be late coming to get you Cam hurt Ky again
6 notes · View notes
thezanealeck-blog · 12 years
catching up // melody
Walking out of his cabin Zane stuffed his hands into his pockets lifting his glasses closer to his face as he smiled weakly to all the other campers. He didn't get an ounce of sleep that night, screaming and almost yelling at the ceiling because the voices wouldn't be quiet. He felt insane, crazy almost. But probably at the fact he was. He chewed against his lower lip as he went to the front and leaned against the gate for Melody. She had something important to tell him, something he was a bit worried for. He had a slight idea, by the way she acted and such. But Zane wanted to make sure it wasn't something serious.
"Hey!" he waved over see her come, "I almost thought you might not have made it."
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amelia--fabray · 12 years
Fucked || Amelolily
TAGGING → Melody & Amelia & Lily Fabray.
TIME FRAME → Friday, October 19h, 2012.
THE LOCATION → Zen nightclub.
GENERAL NOTES →  Done in a chatzy. Warning!smut
Melody was a wreck. She knew it to be true and Rich didn't hesitate to remind her of that when she arrived on his doorstep. He was one of her bandmates and she didn't know where else to turn. She needed to be somewhere she wouldn't be bothered and she knew she could count on him for that. Melody hadn't brought anything, not even her phone when she left. She took whatever was on her during the talk and left, thankful now that she decided upon throwing clothes on. The afternoon was spent alternating between sobbing alone on his couch, his offers to help her and forcing her to eat something. Finally, the tears stopped and Rich told her that she was to "stop acting like a pussy, put on the dress in the guest room and get ready to go out." Some might of thought he was being harsh but he knew that it was the only way to get through to her. Melody needed to go out and have fun. They pre-gamed with some drinks at his place while waiting for a few friends to come over and then headed out for Club Zen, one of her favorite clubs.
Lily sighed as she made her way outside the house, quickly checking that she had everything. Her bag, her car keys, money, leather jacket, her pack of smokes, yeah everything seemed good. After comforting Amelia for the past couple of hours, the pink-haired girl needed to clear up her head. She knew it was probably the easy way, going to get wasted and fuck some random girl instead of staying at homr and trying to sort things, but for now she needed it. Everything was a mess lately, and she needed to forget about it. At least for a little while. As she parked in front of the club, she quickly climbed out of her car, grinning at one of the bouncers (he was her boss' friend, so no worries for that) and quickly gave her leather jacket to the staff, letting her in tight black skinny jeans and a white printed band shirt, her sleeves rolled up and the V neck cut hanging low. Running her fingers through her hair, she waved at the bartender, as he brought her some vodka shots that she quickly downed, as she let her eyes wander over the crowded place.
Melody was happy to find the place packed. That usually meant a crowded dance floor, faces she'd never have to see again and a night to remember... or better yet, forget. The first thing she did was order the group a round of shots. Melody was already pretty tipsy at arrival so she decided not to push it with another one just yet. She wanted to be sober enough to fight her way into the center of the dance floor without puking. The blonde leaned against a small table Rich's friends had grabbed and surveyed the crowd. The dance floor was just as packed as she hoped it would be and the speakers were blaring music which made talking impossible. She nodded towards the floor to Rich and with a nod in response he followed her out. Melody figured that he was trying to keep an eye on her so she didn't do something stupid. It was a lost cause when stupid seemed so appealing tonight. The blonde pushed her way into the dance floor and found herself pressed between a brunette's ass and Rich's crotch. She shrugged it off and figured that she'd slowly make her way to her favorite spot, beginning to grind against the stranger and friend.
Lily downed her fourth shot of vodka, putting it back hard against the counter as she grinned, feeling the familiar burn in her throat and the daze in her mind. Climbing down the stool, she stumbled lightly towards the dancefloor, grinning as she saw a couple of girls dancing closer with each other. Swiftly making her way towards them, she waited for the song to change until she swayed in between them, enjoying the blurry lights and the way the bass filled her whole body as she let her hips move to the beat, close to the two girl, hands coming to rest on her hips as her own were attached around a tan neck. The song changed again and she felt some shuffling around her but closed her eyes, continuing to dance. When she felt a familiar and unpleasant hard thing against her lower back, she turned around, rolling her eyes as she saw some sleazy guys trying to smirk seductively at her. Swaying away, she dazily moved to another spot, grinning again as she placed herself behind some blonde girl, another one grinding hard behind her as she danced in rhythm, closing her eyes again as she let the music and alcohol take over her body.
Melody felt the girl in front of her press harder and she smiled at that. Rich was placing his hands on her waist and she felt better knowing that he was looking out for her. There was a movement in the crowd and a blonde girl switched in front of her. Melody felt her stomach tighten as the hair reminded her of Amelia. She quickly pulled away from them both and moved deeper into the crowd. Rich was lost in the process but she didn't mind much. They both knew that she could hold her own. The blonde found herself a nice spot and slipped easily behind a dark haired girl. It was a much easier sight on her eyes but she shut them anyways. It was easier to focus on the music and not everything that reminded her of her sister. Melody felt a girl move behind her and she was grinning again. She rolled her hips along to the music, letting go of all her problems. The singer was humming along to the music but it was too loud for anyone but her to hear that. The girl in front of her moved and Melody pressed herself harder into the girl behind her.
Lily grinned as she let her eyes flutter close again, just enjoying the drumming beat of the loud music as she grinded against the girl behind her. Running her fingers through her hair, she smirked as the girl in front of her shuffled closer to her, grinding against her body. She wasn't especially looking to pull and find someone tonight but well, if hot girl were grinding against her, she wasn't going to run away. Presisng her front closer to the girl's back, she let her hands softly fall on the girl's waist, their hips swaying in sync to the song. She felt the one behind her move away and shrugged lightly, instead burying her head into blonde hair as she grinded harder, the alcohol traveling quick enough in her system to let her dare more and think less.
Melody believed that tonight was going to be better than she had expected. Maybe this was how things were supposed to be. She was supposed to hook up with random girls and Amelia was meant to find someone special and good enough for her. Her hips moved in circles that met the beat of the song against the girl. Her hands rested on hers before sliding them gently on to her thighs instead, forcing her closer. Melody tilted her head to the side, allowing the pink haired girl to move her face into her neck instead. If the club hadn't been so dark or if Melody had been paying more attention she might have noticed the hair of the girl behind her and looked to see who it was. Instead, she pushed herself hard against her, wrapping one arm behind herself to grip the girl's thigh.
Lily smirked as the girl didn't back off from her touch but instead ground her hips harder against hers. Yep, she was definitely getting lucky tonight. She bit her lip as the girl moved her hands, waiting to see if this was her cue to find someone else, but grinned as her fingertips met soft skin instead and she slowly let her fingers run along the blonde's thighs. Her eyes darkened ever so slightly as the girl tilted her head, allowing her to see pale exposed skin. Licking her lips, she smirked as she pressed light kisses along the back of the blonde's neck, noting something familiar but shrugging it off as a hand wrapped itself around her thigh, making her exhale softly. Moving her hands higher along the girl's thighs, she grinned as she sucked on the exposed neck, nipping and kissing softly.
Melody smirked as the girl followed her cue to hold her thighs. Her dress was fairly short and stopped well above her knee which gave Lily plenty of skin to explore. She sighed contently at the light kisses on her neck. Melody's hand ran along her thigh and she wished the girl had less clothing on as it only seemed to get in the way. She moaned at the sucking on her sensitive skin and the hands slowly pushing up her skin, nearly slipping underneath the fabric. Melody moved her legs slightly to move them into a leg between leg position. She continued to grind her hips against her and whimpered at the continued assault on her neck. "Fuck, that's good." Melody moaned rather loudly, not sure if the girl would hear her and not caring if she did either.
Lily just ejoyed the position she was in, grinding against a hot girl, her lips sucking on her neck and her hands exploring her thighs. This night was going far better than she had thought it would. She had planned on getting wasted, maybe fuck some random and pass out back in her bed, but this was much better. She was just drunk enough to feel the things more intensely and to dare do what she wanted, and it was perfect. She shuffled along the girl, pushing her leg slightly between the blonde's as she continued to kiss and nip at her neck. Smirking at the loud moan she let her hands travel back higher, resting just under the girl's breasts, her fngers running along the soft fabric of her dress.
Melody enjoyed the position they were in now. It gave her a leg to grind on while the mysterious girl sucked on her neck. She moaned again as her hands ran up her front side and rested under her breasts. Melody couldn't take it anymore. She turned her head and used her hand on her chin to guide the girl's mouth to hers. She kissed her roughly while grinding her hips to the beat. It wasn't until they parted that she finally let her eyes flutter open. The sight of the girl should have been enough to make her move away but instead it only made her oddly more turned on. "Fuck.. Lily?"
Lily grinned as the girl moaned again under her touch, feeling her stomach clench at the sexy sound. Suddenly the girl was pressing her lips against hers, and she kissed back fiercely, letting their tongues battle as she smiled softly. Dam, this girl knew what she was doing. Biting the girl's bottom lip as they parted, she opened back her eyes, the hazel orbs widening as she chuckled. Of all the people, she had to be grinding and kissing her sister. Her very hot, very eager sister. Oh well. "Hey Dee." she husked out, letting her eyes trail over the blonde's body. Pulling her back close by the front of her dress, she pressed their lips together again, before whispering against her. "Want to get out of here?" She knew it was wrong, she knew that wasn't supposed to happen, but she was drunk and turned on, and she wouldn't back off for finally experiencing that with Melody.
Melody didn't really care if it was her sister dancing against her and kissing her neck. It wouldn't be the first sister she'd been with and it wasn't like she hadn't considered it over the years. There was only one thing holding her back, the one thing that had stopped her from doing anything with them over the years and that was the fear they would be appalled by the thought. Lily didn't look the least be concerned with the revelation of who she was up against. Melody was a bit thrown off by the sudden tug and lips against her but she quickly melted into them and kissed back. Her words were a happy surprise. "Mm, no. How about upstairs? There's a break room for employees that they never get to use on busy days like today." Her hands glided around her to squeeze her ass. "All hands on deck and what not. There's couches and a table or two." Melody murmured, nipping her neck quickly before pulling away. She winked at the pink haired girl and started off through the crowd towards the stairs.
Lily bit down on her lip as she looked at the other girl, grinning when she felt her kiss back as intensely. She chuckled about the girl's words, nodding. "Uhm, that sounds good." she replied, whimpering softly as the girl's hands were on her ass. She smirked as the girl's explained again, feeling her stomach clench again at the soft nip on her skin. "Mhmm. I do love tables." she chuckled, winking back at the blonde as she followed her through the crowd and along the stairs, running her fingers through her hair. Well, that was unexpected, but she wouldn't complain. Girls around were hot, but her sister sure was hotter.
Melody wasn't about to turn down her sister. If she wanted to go upstairs and have sex then they would do just that. She figured that the sex would be hot enough to possibly push the memory of her other sister completely out for the night. Plus, Lily had already turned her on so she was going to be the one to help her relieve that. Melody smirked to herself as they broke out of the crowd of dancers. She waved her fingers at Chris, the bartender, that she knew so well. They hit the stairs and she quickly led the way up to the room she spoke of. The blonde turned on her heel once she saw the room empty. "You sure about this Lil?" Melody teased softly, approaching her sister. Her eyes ran slowly over her body while her hands slid down her back. "You'll finally get to see what a real woman does in bed." She smirked, capturing her pulse point in her mouth.
Lily smirked as she followed the blonde up the stairs, her eyes shamelessly traveling along the girl's backside as they made their way up. She was still dazed enough by the alcohol to not care about the part of her brain who was telling her that it would mess up things for everyone even more. As they arrived, she looked around, nodding with a raised eyebrow at the girl. Wrapping her arms around the blonde's neck, she chuckled. "I'm eager to see that." in a lower voice than usual, whimpering softly as lips found her neck, her nails scraping at the back of the girl's neck, her fingers tangling in blond hair as she pressed herself further against her, biting her bottom lip.
Melody bit at the skin gently. Her hands rested on her sister's ass again and she sucked on the sensitive skin. Melody moaned softly against Lily's neck when nails found the back of her neck. She moved her hands to her waist and pushed her back until her back hit the wall. She smirked and kissed up her neck until she found her lips again, giving her another rough tongue wrestle. The alcohol from earlier was still working its magic and it was why she didn't feel like wasting any time. Well, that and her sister was hot. The blonde ran her fingers over the flat stomach, moaning against her lips as she pushed the shirt up enough to where she could massage her breasts.
Lily felt a hot shiver run along her spine as the blonde nucked and bit on her neck. God, this felt so good. She smirked as the girl pushed her back against the wall, raising an eyebrow. Lips were urgently pressed against hers again and kissed Melody back deeply, letting their tongues fight roughly for dominance. The pink-haired girl grinned as hands were on her stomach, moaning as they found her breasts. She hadn't even bother with a bra tonight, and she mentally high ficed herself for that. Pulling away slightly, she quickly took off her shirt before tugging back the blonde again, sliding her hands over the girl's ass.
Melody grinned at the eyebrow raised at her. If Lily hadn't expected this to be rough then she must have been crazy. They'd been teasing each other on and off about who was hotter or better or sexier since she could remember. It was bound to end in this one day. She almost laughed when she found her sister to be without a bra. It wasn't surprising. Melody was happy to see the fabric get tossed aside and to feel those hands gliding over her ass again. She kissed her collarbone lightly, sucking marks nearly down to her breasts but quickly moved back up again. Melody's hands wandered back to her chest and her thumbs grazed over her nipples teasingly. She pressed her hips hard against her so she was pushed against the wall again, smirking as she felt in control.
Amelia had woken up alone in Lily's bed. She'd had time to clear her head.. relax and just think. She needed to apologize to Melody.. even if she still wished her twin didn't know anything, Hope had already told her.. the damage was already done. If she wanted Melody in her life... if she wanted their relationship to last.. she needed to fix this. Were they even still together? In her mind they were. She knew her sister had gone out to Zen because she'd seen Rich's post on tumblr. So.. She slipped on a white cotton tshirt dress.. it was a scoop neck with ample view of cleavage, short, 3/4 length sleeves. The flats she wore were stylish. Her hair was left down in messy curls.. she just needed to look good enough to get into the club. Her make up was done perfectly to hide the fact that she'd been crying most of the day. When she got there she asked the bartender where she could find her sister and he pointed to the back room. Silently she slipped inside and her smile faltered. She watched as Melody went about grinding and necking and groping some gir up against the wall... her heart sunk in her chest and her pulse quickened. Then she saw pink and realized... it wasn't just some girl... it was Lily. A gasp fell from those pouty pink lips... she felt paralyzed standing there... it was like a car crash... you watched even though it was painful to see.
Lily grinned as she pulled Melody close, squeezing her ass as the girl continued to kiss and suck on her skin. Her hands tugged harder in the blonde locks as her twin's lips travelled down along her chest, her hips instinctively arching against the blonde's. She whimpered as the soft touch was back on her neck, replaced by teasing hands over her breasts. Pushing herself further against Melody, she pushed her thigh in between the girl's, not ready to give up full control just yet. Sliding her hands under the girl's shirt, she scraped her nails along the blonde's back, tilting her head to the side to give her more access. Her eyes fluttering open slowly, she grinned, hazel orbs widening as she took in a familiar figure standing by the door. Oh, fuck. No. Pushing Melody off her, she opened her mouth to say something, only a faint "Amelia.." escaping her lips as she felt her chest constrict again.
Melody whimpered against the pink haired girl. She was fighting for dominance just as she had hoped she would. Some thought that two girls who loved control would never make good sex but Melody knew better. It made for the best sex. Her lips continued to run along her neck roughly until suddenly she was pushed off. "What the fuck, Lily." Melody growled, pushing her hair out of her face. She followed her line of sight over to the girl at the door. She tensed up, allowing herself to fall into sitting position on the couch. First the blonde was in her head and now she was picturing her standing in front of her? No. Not imaging her. Amelia was there and she saw every second of what was occurring in front of her. There was no pretending it didn't happen or lying about it later. Her lips parted slightly but nothing came out. She dropped her sight down to Amelia's feet, unable to make eye contact with her or see the hurt expression on her face for one second more.
Amelia felt everything inside of her twist in unbearable anguish. Her eyes met Lily's and then shifted to Melody and then back. She just stood there... her jaw clenching.. her fists balling up and clenching as well turning nearly as white as her dress, digging her nails into her palms. No... she couldn't cry over this.. she wouldn't .. she refused. She couldn't believe how stupid she'd been! Of course they were hooking up.. god, she'd been so naive! Maybe that's why Lily had pulled away the other day in the park... She'd never been more hurt by her sisters.. Betrayed by three all in the same week. After a moment of silence she finally found the strength to turn on her heel to head for the door.. she needed to get out. The two people she loved more than anything and they were here... behind her back.
Lily watched anxiously as her younger sister's gaze flicked between Melody and her, again and again. Seeing Amelia had quite sobered her up, and even if things were still a bit blurry and she felt slightly dizzy, she was no longer drunk enough to just laugh about it or anything else. Looking back at Melody, she saw the girl looking at her feet and she sighed as she leaned back against the wall. Realizing, she was still half naked, she retrieved her shirt from the floor, quickly pulling it over her head. She saw Amelia move and immediately rushed after, grabbing her wrist. "Milly..I..I'm sorry." she said softly, looking back in hazel eyes. "I shouldn't..I ..I'll leave you guys alone." she said, pushing back her bracelets over the fresh tattoo on her wrist as she moved past the blonde to open the door.
Melody could hear Lily hurrying after her sister and saw her feet move after her. She knew that was probably what she should have done. But, she couldn't. Melody couldn't find the courage to even lift her head to look at her after all she'd screamed at her earlier. How would she have been able to get up and beg her not to leave? She couldn't. She felt frozen in place, shutting down as the guilt and fear took over.
Amelia stopped when her wrist was grabbed and her neck snapped back to cast a hurt glare over her shoulder at the pink haired girl. She shook her head.. she was feeling so many emotions right now... this left her furious, upset, hurt, confused, heated, betrayed, and yet the passion she held for both girls .. the love she had.. is what fueled those emotions. When Lily spoke and went to walk past her she didn't let her and went for the door herself instead. She grabbed her arm and felt her own back hit the door.. With her free hand she grabbed her chin to force the girl to look at her... with one look Lily would know she wasn't going anywhere ... if anyone was it was Amelia and with a glint in her firey eyes she challenged the pink haired girl to stop her.
Lily looked carefully in those hazel eyes she knew so well, wishing she could read Amelia as well as the girl could read her right now. As the girl pushed her out of the way she sighed, trying to still pass but feeling her arm being pulled. As the blonde's back hit the door, Lily frowned, swallowing had as her chin was lifted to met those eyes again. Clenching her jaw, she felt her stomach clench. She wasn't going to let the younger blonde win. She wasn't going to let her leave and deal with this mess. She had no right. Her hand on the girl's shoulder, she pushed it against the door again, her fist clenching. Words would fail again, she knew it. So there was only one way to not let Amelia leave right now. Pressing her lips against her twin's, she kissed her fiercely, trapping her body between the door and her own.
Melody was mentally beating herself up over everything that happened so far that day. The alcohol was making things kind of fuzzy and hard to focus on. She groaned and looked up as she heard a bang on the door. She stood up as the two sisters were pressed against each other in what seemed to be some sort of showdown. Melody stepped towards them thinking that they were about to fight or something, "Guys do-" Her hazel eyes widened at the sight in front of her. Of all the things that had happened all night that was the one that shocked her the most. She fell silent, watching the two kiss in a mix of shock and oddly growing desire.
Amelia felt the solid door against her back just as her breath hitched in her throat. She don't know what she expected exactly but when those lips claimed her own she was in shock. Her anger melted ever so slightly but the flame within her only seemed to burn brighter. Her senses seemed to be short circuting. With everything being based on touch and silence between the two girls it should have been no surprise that Lily now had her pressed up a door pouring every last emotion into a single touch. After a moment she was kissing back. Her arms looped around her neck, fingers threading into her short pink hair, pouty pink lips parting to allow her entrance. The kiss was returned in anger but as it continued the anger faded and she managed to show Lily every single emotion running through her. At this point she didn't care if Melody saw this after what she'd just walked in on.
Lily couldn't help but smiled as the girl kissed her back, even if this wasn't how she wanted it to go. She could feel everything going through the blonde's mind. They always had worked with touch, and this was not different, just more intense. She slipped her tongue inside the girl's mouth, letting it battle with Amelia's as her hands found the girl's waist. She could feel all the anger, confusion, sadness seeping through those lips into her own, and in exchange, she was silently telling her twin that she was sorry, that she loved her more than anything. Pulling away for air, she pressed her forehead against the girl's, her fingers caressing her jaw softly.
Melody didn't know what to do. Her eyes couldn't tear away from the girls in front of her. Part of her was frozen in shock but the other half wasn't as surprised. The two had always been physically close and although she hadn't worried much about it, except while drunk and overemotional, it seemed like the natural progression of things. Melody wanted to get upset but knew there was no room to be. After what Amelia had walked in on her doing with Lily, she could kiss whoever she wanted. Her eyes finally tore away from them as the pulled apart. Just because she wasn't angry didn't mean she wanted to watch them being cute with one another. That was a different story. She suddenly felt more aware of what a mess she was. Hair messed in the back from Lily's fingers and her dress barely hanging on to her body. Melody bit her lip and looked back at the two girls against the door.
Amelia whimpered into the kiss as tongues dueled. Eventually she surrendered against her just letting Lily tell her, without so much as a single word, how much she loved her .. how sorry she was. In the back of her head she began to realize that up until the moment she'd walked in this had been a drunken encounter. As much as she didn't want to she began to understand. She felt Melody's eyes on them but for now she focused on the girl that ran after her. With that forehead pressed against her own, her hands left the girls hair and smoothed down her neck to rest on her collar bone. Amelia tilted her head slightly to lean into the touch to her jaw.. hazel eyes met the hazel directly in front of her and she brushed her nose with Lily's leaning in to kiss her lips softly before grabbing her hand to lace their fingers.. her thumb unseen, traced a heart on her palm as she glanced over at Melody finally.. letting their eyes meet across the room. She had no idea what to do..
Lily kept her eyes firmly trained on the blonde in front of her, trailing over her face, trying to decipher every emotion and everything the girl couldn't say. She smiled as Amelia's hand stayed along her collarbone, turning this whole rough mess in something simple and soothing. She closed her eyes as their noses brushed again, exhaling shakily against her twin's lip before they were pressed against hers again. Kisisng back softly, she smiled as the blonde pulled away to take her hand, intertwining their fingers as usual. Chuckling, she traced a heart back, pushing off the bracelets to let the tattoo on her wrist visible to the blonde. Sighing, she turned back, meeting Melody's gaze. Biting her lip, she looked between the two blondes, backing off slowly from Amelia. This was her cue to go. She had done enough of a mess already for now. She had to let them fix things and whatever, even if it made her feel sick just thinking about it.
Melody swallowed hard when her sister's gaze met hers. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife and she hastily took a step forward when Lily backed up. "Do-don't go, Lil." She said in an unsure tone but paired it with a look that showed she was serious. Melody took another step towards them, trying to figure out what she wanted to do in her foggy drunk mind. Talking was out of the question. Nothing would get fixed properly unless they were sober. Amelia was still pressed against the door and Melody got close enough that she could practically kiss her but instead locked the door. Her eyes trailed over her face as she tried to read what she was thinking. 'I'm sorry. We need to talk when I'm..' Melody paused her signing for a moment to remember how to finish it in her drunken haze. 'sober. I owe you a better apology then what I can give now.' She waited until her sister seemed to recognize what she had said and pressed her lips gently against Amelia's. It was soft and cautious, not wanting to push her into something she wasn't ready for yet. Melody backed up a bit and looked over at Lily. "Kiss her again." She leaned against a table with a sloppy drunk smirk. "Do it and run your hands over her. Make it rough." The blonde looked between her sisters, waiting for them to obey. She knew that Lily needed to get off as badly as she did still and watching them kiss, all feelings aside, was hot as hell.
Amelia blushed at that soft chuckle and would only continue to blush from there on out. Her breath caught in the back of her throat, her grip on that hand tightening as Melody came within a breath of her. Hearing the lock click she had to swallow hard as well. Amelia was thankful that her sister was signing to her again. They hadn't spoken since their fight which meant that Melody hadn't actually signed to her in a long while. The little blonde nodded in understanding and signed with her free hand, 'we will..' That soft kiss was returned .. Lily had done a good job at calming her anger. The whole time she continued to hold tight to Lily's hand. She watched her backing up and cocked her head to the side wondering what exactly she was up to. Hearing her words she felt her heart skip a few beats... Melody wanted to watch Lily kiss her? She wanted it to be rough? Amelia blushed a deep shade at the thought and pouty lips tugged into a shy smile. She glanced up at Lily.. tracing on her palm to tell her she knew Lily wanted to do exactly what Melody told her and that she was okay with it... Hazel shifted to Melody then up into Lily's eyes then down to the pink hair girl's lips.. then back up into her eyes.
Lily watched carefully, her eyes flicking between the two blondes as she waited for her permission to go or something along those lines. When Melody asked her not to leave, she opened her mouth to reply, cut off by the serious gaze sent her way by the blonde. She looked as the girl kissed Amelia, biting her lip as she still held on the younger blonde's hand, biting her lip. She raised an eyebrow as Melody backed away, frowning at the girl's words before her eyes widened in understanding. Oh. Oh well. Smirking, she made her way back to Amelia, carefully looking in the hazel eyes to see if it was okay and nodding slowly as the girl agreed. Letting go of her twin's hand, she pressed their lips back together, kissing her fiercely as her hands travel up and down the girl's sides. As she slipped her tongue inside the blonde's, she let her hand softly palm the girl's breasts, before she remembered Melody's instructions and massage them roughly through the fabric, pushing her thigh between the blonde's as she bit on the girl's lip, letitng her nails scrape over the girl's arms.
Melody watched as Lily approached her sister. She was glad that it was Lily because she knew that no matter what they did tonight and no matter how rough it got if Amelia ever doubted or needed something to change, Lily was the one person who cared about her as much as Melody did. Neither of them would ever want to push her to a place she didn't want to be. Of course, she would never have told anyone else to kiss Amelia but that was just a minor detail. Nothing could make Melody's eyes turn away from her sisters at this point. She licked her lips and watched them press against one another. Melody was about to remind Lily about the hands but she got right on it. She knew that this was probably the worst thing she'd done out of late, which said a lot, but she couldn't help how hot it was to watch them touching one another. "Mm, 'melia. Don't let her have all the control." Melody smirked and kicked off her heels, biting her lip as she unzipped her dress. She didn't pull it off quite yet but glided her hand into the space left between her and the dress from the zipper.
Amelia let go of that hand reluctantly but before she could protest lips had found her own once more. She moaned against her lips, arching her body slightly off the door to press flush against Lily's. Kicking off her own flats, she kissed back, softly at first but quickly she responded with just as much fierceness. The was so much heat.. and passion.. built up tension that she'd never realized existed. As those hands traveled over her body she felt it respond. Her nipples hardened beneath the fabric as her twin palmed them roughly and her panties were damp. As that thigh slipped between her own and her lip was bitten, she moaned. Her own hand had gone to the back of Lily's head, finger's laced back in her short hair. Grinding against that thigh, Lily would find out first hand just how aroused she was. As Melody's words she felt a shiver race down her spine. She obeyed her words, bumping her hips with Lily's to shove her back some so that she could pin her to the wall. Breaking the kiss momentarily she used her grip on the girl's hair to move her head to the side, latching her lips on her pulse point before biting and kissing a trail back up to let their tongues tangle once more. It wasn't in her nature to be aggressive.. but Melody had told her to..
Lily moaned as she felt the blonde grind against her thigh, feeling her own panties getting soaked. Fuck. She couldn't say that she hadn't thought about doing that, with either Melody or Amelia, but she hadn't expected that it would be like this. Not that she would complain though. This was too good to be true, and in her drunken daze, she could only hope that it wasn't just a dream. She whimpered as Amelia pinned her roughly against the wall, smirking at the girl taking control. Her hips arched against the blonde's as the girl sucked and bit hard on her neck, making her whole body shiver. As they tongues met again, she pushed her back against the wall, ripping open the girl's shirt with a grin as she trailed kisses and nips along her collarbone, sucking hard enough to leave marks. Her hands gripping on the girl's waist, she pressed her lips on the exposed skin above the girl's bra, licking and nipping as she could feel her stomach clench with anticipation.
Melody whimpered against her own touch. She had thought that them kissing had been one of the hottest things she'd ever seen but she was wrong. Watching Amelia follow her order and take control made her practically moan. Then Lily was ripping off her shirt... It was too much for her. The blonde quickly stripped herself of the dress, letting it fall to the ground like her shoes. She threw the panties off as well since they were soaked now anyways. Melody hopped back up on the table without any clothes on this time. She pulled one leg up on to the table with her knee bent and let the other one hang. Her eyes were locked on to every movement the two girls made in front of her. She reached up and toyed with one of her own hard nipples, whimpering softly at the feeling. Melody's other hand ran through her wet hot folds, avoiding her clit for the time being.
Amelia found that her control was rather short lived which was just fine by her. A soft whimper left her lips as Lily pushed her back up against the wall, flipping their positions. As the top of that tshirt dress was ripped open she gasped. The kisses and nips to her healing collar bone hurt but at the same time it felt so damn good. She knew she'd be scolding her sister tomorrow for all of the marks she'd later find on her otherwise flawless skin. She shrugged the torn garment from her upper half and managed to shimmy the rest of the way out of it as those lips and teeth assaulted her body with kisses and nips. Once the dress was off, she stood there in nothing but her bra and panties, pressed between her sister and the wall. Those hazel eyes gazed over her shoulder and across the room to watch her now naked sister spreading her legs and touching herself.. she had to groan at the sight. Silently Amelia wondered if the other blonde had any other demands. Drawing those lips back up to her own she kissed the pink haired girl deeply.
Lily grinned as Amelia slid off her dress, making her hazel eyes darkened as she continued her soft kisses and rough sucks along the pale skin, wanting to explore every inch of the blonde's body. She quickly sneaked her arms behind the girl's back, unclasping her bra and sliding it off her shoulders carefully, before removing her own tee shirt, leaving her topless too. Following Amelia's gaze, she smirked as she took in Melody's position, licking her lips. "Someone's getting impatient." she chuckled before kissing back the blonde deeply, letting their tongues battle before she let her lips travel along her chest again, kissing all over her breasts before wrapping her mouth around a hard nipple, sucking and licking at it, her hand taking care of the other as she made sure to look at Melody, sending a wink to the blonde as her hands gripped Amelia's thigh, her nails scraping along the skin.
Melody started to breathe heavier. Her eyes roamed around the sight of their bodies hungrily. It was like porn except live and a thousand times hotter. She slipped a finger inside herself and moaned softly. Melody's eyes caught Amelia's which nearly elicited another noise of pleasure to escape her. She bit her lip at Lily's words, smirking. "Fuck.. just... more noises." She ordered weakly as she felt herself slowly giving in. Melody needed to get off quick because she wanted to join soon and she knew she'd never last if she didn't. Her thumb pressed against her clit and moved in slow circles. She grinned at the wink, watching as Lily teased her golden haired sister. "Tell her what you want, 'melia." Melody encouraged, more for herself as she loved to hear Amelia say dirty things. "Tell her how wet you are because of all this." Her finger slid back inside herself and her head fell to the side, breathing heavy.
Amelia was so used to being topless infront of Lily that this shouldn't have faze her but she blushed anyway. Her tattoo looked magnificent. Gazing down at Lily's now exposed flesh she allowed those slender hands to come up and grope her sister's chest, tweaking her nipples. She cried out softly at Melody's words as lips wrapped around her nipple. She and Lily didn't communicate much through words but she knew what Melody wanted .. Amelia glanced into Lily's eyes first .. communicating just how much she wanted her... just how much she loved her.. that she needed her... she wanted her. "I... nnnngh... I w-want you.... need you" She whimpered arching her body into Lily's touch. Taking one of those hands in her own she led fingertips over her skin like she often did but this time was different.. this time she brought that hand past the waist band of her panties .. ".... So wet, Li.. You b-both have me... mmmmmh.. so h-hot.." She husked almost innocently, her hips thrusting into the hand within her panties. It was hard to get words out but she managed.. Her eyes locked with Melody's watching her fuck herself.
Lily whimpered as Amelia toyed with her hard nipples. She bit down on her lip as she met familiar hazel eyes, feeling all the love and desire in them, her stomach clenching as she nodded softly. The pink-haired girl grinned as she continued to kiss around the girl's breasts, exploring, nipping and sucking at the soft skin. Pausing to look back at Melody, she chuckled, licking her lips as she watched blonde's finger slid into herself for a few seconds before she focused back on Amelia. The younger blonde took her hand and Lily waited to see what she was doing, her lips parting as her fingers were pushed under the girl's panties. "Let's give, Mel a good show, shall we?" she grinned as she dragged the panties down Amelia's long, toned legs. Sliding two of her fingers through wet folds, she let her thumb played with the girl's sensitive clit as she kissed along her stomach, before letting her lips play with the hard nipples again. Pushing her fingers roughly into the blonde, she grinned as she watched Melody. "You like that don't you? Fucking yourself while I pump my fingers into Amelia. Feeling your hard nipples under your touch while I suck hers. Tell me, Dee. Tell me how much you love that or I'm stopping." she smirked as she pulled her fingers out of Amelia, slowly licking them clean as she kept her eyes locked with Melody's.
Melody knew that Amelia wasn't completely comfortable with what she was saying, even if it was what she was thinking. Nonetheless, it was driving her crazy to hear it. Her eyes followed Lily's hands as they pushed Amelia's panties to the floor. They slowly trailed back up to take in the one sight she swore she'd never get over; Amelia's body. She slid another finger inside herself, moaning as she watched Lily's ever move. As much as Melody loved being the one in control and thrived in the dirty talk, she didn't mind at all when Lily began to take over that role. Her mouth opened at her words and a whimper escaped. Her eyes were locked on to the pink haired girl as she removed wet fingers from the blonde. She groaned when they were entered her mouth, knowing just how good Amelia tasted. "Fuck, Lily." Melody said breathlessly. "Don't stop. I love it. I really fucking love it. I want you to fuck her harder and... and you to make her scream while I fuck myself to orgasm." She practically whined, desperate for her sister to put her hands back inside Amelia. "I want to pretend that this is your hand but I can't finish unless you make her cum." Her fingers curled up against the sensitive part of her walls, rubbing against it while her thumb moved quicker against her clit.
Amelia gave a nod and a small smile at her twin's words. Once her panties were off she felt vulnerable. That clean shaven sex was so wet, it was embarrassing. As fingers slipped through her folds and that thumb rubbed her aching clit, she let out a moan dropping her head back. She'd never imagined just how incredible it would feel to have Lily's hands touching her in this way... well maybe she'd had one or two dreams but this was just... incredible. It meant something different because of how much touch mattered between them. When two fingers thrust roughly up inside of her she let out a cry of pleasure, her eyes focusing in on Melody. Amelia whimpered when the fingers were drawn out of her and she blushed deeply at the word exchange between her siblings. The way the tables had just turned had her so turned on. She loved hearing the obscenities spoken on both ends. She bit her lower lip teasing finger tips over the waist line of those jeans Lily still had on... god, she needed to feel those fingers inside of her again.
Lily grinned as she watched Melody fuck herself, licking her lips. Pressing herself back up against Amelia, the pink-haired girl grinned. "Do you hear that, Milly? Mel wants me to fuck you..harder." she said lowly as she pushed her fingers back inside of the girl, feeling walls clench around them. "She wants you to scream..Can you do that Milly? Can you scream my name while I fuck you so that our Dee can cum and join us?" she continued to speak against the blonde, loud enough to let Melody hear as well. Getting down to her knees, she smirked as she continued to push her fingers inside and out of the younger blonde, wrapping her lips around the girl's clit and sucking hard, sliding her fingers out and adding a third as she pushed back inside. "Scream for me, baby." she said softly, before taking the bundle of nerves between her lips again, her tongue swirling around it and her teeth scraping against the thin skin as her fingers pumped fast into the tight girl. "Are you close, Milly? Mhmm, are you going to come for me while you watch Melody come for us too?" she spoke again, before taking care of the blonde again, her tongue buried in the girl's folds as she pushed inside and out of her, her teeth scraping at the girl's clit with each thrust.
Melody decided this was surely a dream. There was no way that Lily was actually saying those things or that Amelia was really pressed against the wall moaning like that. She added another finger inside of herself and tightened around the three digits. She couldn't remember the last time she was this horny except the first time she got Amelia alone. Melody moaned loud as Lily continued on with her dirty talk. If her encouraging Amelia to cum wasn't enough for the blonde it would surely be enough to get her off. She didn't know how much more she could take but she wanted to wait to see her sister finish first. The singer dropped her head back with a loud moan. "Fuck, Lily." Melody barely had the power to lift it back up and watch them again. Her hips were bucking against her hand as she needed to release. "Melia, please. Cum for us... I need to.. I need you two.. I.." Melody was quickly nearly orgasm and her hand moved quicker, pumping in and out of her hard. She finally couldn't hold off anymore as her toes curled and her body shook, a pleasurable scream left her lips. The blonde collapsed on to her back on the table while riding off her orgasm on her hand. She breathed heavily when she finished, needing a second to recover before sitting up. She set her sights on the pink haired girl, knowing that with or without Amelia's help she was going to make sure Lily screamed for them.
Amelia still hadn't let her eyes leave Melody.. it was the hottest thing she'd ever had the pleasure of watching. Her eyes didn't shift until that body was pressed up against her own once more and those words were spoken low against her ear. She wasn't used to hearing the sound of Lily's voice and it sent tingles up and down her spine. Her clit throbbed as those fingers thrust back up inside her tight sex. Whimpering at Lily's words she nodded and moaned. A blush tinted her cheeks as she watched Lily slide down to her knees, she couldn't help the cry that left her lips as lips wrapped around that aching bundle of nerves. Her inner walls clenched and spasmed around those fingers and when a third finger was added coupled with those words she had to grip the girls shoulders hard so that her knees didn't buckle and give out.. "Goddd, Li! Nnnnghh f-fuccck!" She screamed, closing her eyes, her cheeks a brilliant shade of pink. She let herself get lost in Lily's touch... lost in the feelings.. lost in everything the pinkhaired girl was telling her with each thrust.. with each touch. "S-so close..yesss" She replied. Finger tips traced hearts on the back of her neck, over and over again and her hips jutted forward meeting each penetration with a thrust of her own. Hazel eyes shot open to watch Melody bring herself to climax. Her own orgasm was so close. Screaming her name Amelia finally let herself topple over the edge and just release. She released all of the frustration, the anger, the upset.. she let go of everything and just allowed herself to feel exactly what Lily wanted her to feel. Her body tensed and shook and she rode it out trying not to lose her balance. She wanted Lily to feel just as good... and she wanted to taste Melody.
Lily grinned as she continued hard to thrust into the blonde, hearing Amelia moan louder, the girl's words making her stomach clench. God, if anyone had told her that her evening would go with her fucking Amelia against a wall while Melody was watching, she would have rolled her eyes and scoffed. But this wasn't a dream. This was definitely true. She felt herself becoming even more wet as tight walls start to clench harder around her finger, turning her head and smirking as she saw the other blonde with her fingers buried inside herself. She focused back on Melody, smiling as she heard the two girl finally climax, almost at the same time, her fingers buried deep inside her younger twin as she watched Melody shake with pleasure. God, this was hot. She still had trouble believing that this had just happen and she waited until she felt the girl relax over her to slowly withdraw her soaked fingers, getting back up to her feet as she wrapped her lips around them, licking them clean with a soft moan. "Milly, you taste so good." she whispered softly to the blonde, licking her lips as she turned back to her other sister, raising an eyebrow as she saw the girl's determined gaze. Uh oh, this was going to be her turn now, and seeing the predatory glint in the hazel eyes, it was going to be good. Grinning, she pressed her lips gently against Amelia's before leaning against the wall next to her, running her fingers through her hair.
Melody was surprised her legs were even allowing her to move so soon. She was sure they'd give out the second her feet hit the floor but they didn't. Melody grinned as they finished up and Lily noticed her approach. Even though they hadn't touched since Amelia had arrived, she wanted to thank her for causing her orgasm. She stopped at Amelia and kissed her quickly, licking her lips as they pulled apart. "Mm, yummy." She winked and took Lily's hand. "No, floor." Melody ordered, leading her to lay down. She unbuttoned her jeans and tugged at them. The fact that Lily was still partially dressed just made her frustrated and she quickly got them out of the way. "What should we do with her, 'melia? She looks ready to explode." Melody murmured, planting a long kiss on the pink haired girl before nibbling down her neck. Her fingertips ghosted over her nipples and down her sides, just barely touching her. She hovered over her, not wanting to give Lily the satisfaction of pressing their bodies together yet. Melody sucked down her collarbone and between her breasts, avoiding her nipples completely. "What do you want Lily? Do want my lips? ...my fingers?" She paused, meeting her eyes as she kissed above her panties. "My tongue?" The blonde teased, pulling her mouth back off the light skin.
Amelia shuddered and whimpered as those fingers drew out of her tight, now very sensitive, sex. She braced herself against the wall and practically came again as she watched Lily suck her juices from the three fingers that had just been buried inside of her. That whisper had her biting her lower lip momentarily to suppress a moan as tingles spiraled up and down her spine with a fluttering sensation. She could tase herself against Lily's lips and that by itself was such an incredible turn on.. she found herself melting easily into the soft kiss and whimpered softly as the girl parted from her. The quick kiss from Melody had her losing her balance so she allowed her body to slide down to the floor. "Anything she wants.." She spoke just above a whisper so that both girls could hear. She crawled over to her twins with an innocent smile. She watched Melody with Lily and tried to view it in a different light from earlier. She took one of Lily's hands and drew a heart on her palm with the pad of her thumb just letting her know she loved her and that she could have anything her heart desired at this moment in time.
Lily grinned as Melody made her way towards her, biting her lip as her eyes trailed over the girl. She looked at the two blondes kissing, feeling her chest flutter ever so slightly before she was lead to the floor. Smirking she let Melody tug off her jeans, shimmying out of them as she watched the two girls besides her. Her stomach clenching again at the girl's husky words, she swallowed hard, closing her eyes as Melody kissed her, eagerly kissing back. She felt ready to implode inside, her folds drenched and her lower stomach hurting with need. She groaned as the blonde teased her, smiling at Amelia's gentle reply. Opening back her eyes, they flicked from Melody kissing her skin to Amelia smiling at her. Squeezing the younger twin's hand, she tangled her fingers into blond hair, pulling Amelia close for another kiss as she felt Melody descend closer to where she wanted her. Pulling away from the kiss, she smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Why not all three, Dee? I'm eager to see if you fuck as good as you bragged about." she teased, knowing that getting the blonde riled up would make her stop teasing her.
Melody nearly huffed when Lily replied. She knew that she was just trying to get her to stop teasing but it didn't matter. Melody was way too wet to carry on for much longer anyways. She ran cupped her wet panties and smirked. "Yeah. I can feel how eager you are." She sucked softly on her skin before moving those lips to her nipple. Her tongue ran circles around the sensitive skin, flicking across it gently now and then. Melody rubbed her hand against the wet fabric, grinning at Amelia as she waited to see what the blonde wanted to do. She shivered lightly as the cold air hit her still wet skin due to her hips being up in the air while she sucked on Lily's pink skin. Melody grinded her fingers against the fabric and found her clit, rubbing it in gentle circles. She used her free hand to reach over and squeeze the blonde's thigh before running up her side slowly.
Amelia watched the scene unfold.. the teasing had her watching the other girls intensely. She felt the squeeze to her hand and smiled, blushing and looking down before glancing into hazel eyes. Feeling fingers thread into her hair and tug her close she moaned softly as lips pressed against her own. The feeling of Lily kissing her set something off inside of her. Once Lily had responded, the little blonde dipped her head back in, content to keep kissing her for now. Her tongue tangled with Lily's and she moan soft, sucking on her lower lip and biting it. Lily wanted Melody to fuck her so for awhile she'd simply make out with her older sister.. hands groping... tweaking nipples, teasing, twisting, tugging. She traced something along her collar bone once they parted due to lack of oxygen.. the tracing just letting her know she'd be back. With Melody nice and distracted she crawled around behind her and with out warning ran her tongue up the girl's soaking slit.
Lily bit her lip as Melody ran her fingers above her panties, knowing that they were probably soaked anyway. She grinned as Amelia kissed her again, letting their tongues battle as her hand pulled lightly on the blonde's hair. A whimper escaped her lips as she felt a mouth wrap around her hard nipple, making her shudder ever so slightly. A hand came to join the lips on her other breast and she moan, the sound swallowed by Amelia's lips on her own. Sucking on the girl's tongue, she brought her other hand along Melody's back, her nails scraping at her shoulder blades as the girl's fingers teased her again. Her hips ached as they found her clit and she whimpered again, pushing herself closer against Melody. As Amelia's lips left hers, she looked at the girl, groaning as she saw her made her way until she was under Melody. "Dee." she said sternly. "Just go with it and fuck me. Fuck me hard and show me how good you are. Fuck me so hard that I can feel you for days after this. Just do it now before I finish it by myself." she spoke, hoping that her talk would have the same affect that previously on the blonde.
Melody moaned softly against her sister's skin when she arched her hips up. She liked how bad the pink haired girl needed her and pressed harder against the fabric. She practically collapsed on top of Lily at the sudden tongue along her. "Fuck..." Melody breathed out, nodding at Lily's words. She released another moan at Amelia's touch and pulled Lily's panties out of the way. She moved down, pushing her hips against the blonde's tongue as she let out a warm breath against the wet skin. "You're so wet." Melody moaned softly running her tongue up through her folds. Her tongue circled her clit and traced x's over it before sucking it once. "You're so bad, Lily. Wanting your little sisters to fuck you." She dipped a finger inside and sucked it clean, moaning in pleasure at the taste. "Mm, you want to cum on my tongue?" Melody breathed out, sucking her clit once more. She pumped a single finger inside her big sister and scraped her teeth along the sensitive bud. Her hips pushed back against her younger sister, needing more attention after finally being touched by one of them. Melody slipped another finger inside of her and moved them slowly out to her fingertips before shoving them back in.
Amelia loved hearing that obscenity fall from Melody's lips as she tasted her sweet, wet sex for the first time that night. She moved to lay on her back, her face directly beneath her sister's sex, between parted thighs. She shifted her body slightly so that she was on a bit of an angle... she wanted to be able to give Lily a show if the girl decided she wanted one. Parting her thighs, she propped one leg up bending her knee while the other stayed flat against the floor. Her tongue ran the length of her sister's slit not wasting any tim before slipping her tongue deep inside of Melody. She used her hands to get a grip on Melody's ass, squeezing before running her hands to her hips, tugging her down to get her to lower that tight pussy against her face so her nose could tease that clit. Amelia wanted her twin to ride her. Keeping one hand in place her other trailed down her body to tease her own tight wet slit. She lipped one finger inside of herself slowly and teased her throbbing clit, moaning into those folds.
Lily whimpered as finally Melody's tongue was against her. Throwing her head back at the sensation, she bit her lip. "I can't help it that you're both so hot." she sighed, smirking and gasping as a finger entered her, whimpering as it was pulled back out. "Yes. Yes. I want to cum all over your tongue and I want to lick me dry. Fuck, Dee..eat me out. Just..do it." she moaned, her hips arching back against the girl's lips. Looking back up, she felt her stomach tightened at the vision of Melody between her thighs, and now as Amelia shifted, she could see the younge blonde's glistening sex too. She felt way too passive for her taste. "Wait a second, Dee." she whimpered, trying to figure it out. Grinning as an idea graced her mind. "Lay on your side. Milly, don't stop eating her out, but just shifts a bit closer here. " She spoke. "Dee, now you eat me out while I take care of Milly. It's perfect." she smirked as they shifted position, the three of them slightly on their sides, her head between Amelia's thighs, the blonde between's Melody's and Melody's..just at the right place between hers. Yes, perfect.
Melody moaned against her skin at the words. She loved hearing dirty talk just as much as she loved saying it. She paused at Lily's words, her fingers still inside of the pink haired girl. Melody moved her fingers ever so slowly as she started to give out instructions. She bit her lip while smirking, moaning as Amelia changed positions. She rolled more on her side as well, that finger slowly pumping in and out of Lily still until it seemed fine for her to continue. Melody leaned down and ran her tongue over her clit and flicking it gently. Her two fingers turned into three as she thrusted them deep inside her older sister. Finally, she removed them completely and licked them clean quickly. She wrapped her arms around Lily's legs tightly to keep her close as she buried her tongue into the wet slit. Melody pushed her tongue in and out in a slow steady pace, exploring to find what her sister enjoyed the most. Her moans came out muffled against her skin as Amelia continued to pleasure her. She pressed in so that her nose could rub against her clit teasingly.
Amelia had been rolling her hips grinding into her own hand as her tongue flickered over her sister's clit before drawing it into her mouth and sucking hard. Hearing her sister's directions, she whimpered and shifted her body, curling it in, rolling more onto her side obediently. She kept her face buried between Melody's legs. As she continued to lick and suck at that hard clit, she slipped two fingers inside of that tight slit, pumping slowly and whimpering into Melody as she waited for Lily to tak over where her own fingers had left off. There was something about this situation that felt so perfect even if it came about in such a fucked up way. The little blonde couldn't explain the thrill she got of knowing that Lily would be touching her again.
Lily grinned as she felt them shift. That idea was definitely the best and she licked slowly the wet slit in front of her lips, sneaking her hands around Amelia's hips to pull her closer, sucking on her clit slowly. As three fingers pushed into her she whimpered, the sound muffled between the blonde's thighs as she pushed herself harder on those fingers, whining as they were withdrawn again. She closed her eyes as she let her tongue trail all over her twin's slit, licking the wetness she found there, again and again before pushing her tongue roughly into her tight entrance, burying it in as deep as she could while her nails scraped at the soft skin. She moaned against the girl's folds as she felt Melody's tongue inside of her, her stomach clenching as her hips arched more. Sliding off her tongue from Amelia, she exhaled softly on the sensitive skin, sucking on the girl's clit again before slamming three fingers inside of her, burying them as deep as she could. "Does this feel good, baby? You eating out Dee's tight pussy while I fuck you hard?" she husked out, feeling her stomach clench under Melody's touch, as she moaned louder.
Melody felt her hips buck at the rough sucking of her clit. She almost couldn't believe this was actually happening. Fingers slipped inside her and she released a loud moan. Getting off to watching them together was great but nothing could beat the actual touch. She smirked at Lily's whine, enjoying the reminder that what she was doing was good. She pushed her tongue in quickly, not wanting to tease anymore and her arms held her thighs to keep her close. Melody moaned again as Amelia rubbed against her sensitive walls. She rubbed her nose into her older sister's clit hard, loving how her body was reacting to every touch. The blonde removed her tongue and ran it along her, sucking on her clit again. "Fuck, 'melia." She moaned, breathlessly before pushing her tongue inside Lily's tight slit. Melody figured that the better she fucked the pink haired girl, the better she'd do it to Amelia and cause a chain reaction of pleasure for herself.
Amelia twisted her fingers inside of Melody when she heard the girl moan. She curled them and continued to pump those slender digits in and out of that tight, wet hole. Her tongue flickered over her clit before swirling in a figure eight over the little bundle of nerves. Sh pushed her own hips back to grind her tight sex against her sister's togue with a whimper. When three fingers were slammed up in side of her without warning, she released the clit in her mouth to cry out and slammed her own fingers hard and deep into Melody. Amelia moaned against her older sister's pussy hearing Lily's words, "Yesss, nngh fuccckk Li!" Her tongue got back to work and she spread her legs just a bit wider as the pink haired girl fucked her hard.
Lily moaned as everything that was going on. The way Melody's tongue was pushing inside of her walls, making her tremble, the girl's muffled moans against her folds or the way Amelia whimpered and pushed her hips back into her.. Eveything was perfect and well, fucking hot. Biting her lip, she continued to push her fingers inside of Amelia, hard and as deep within the girl's walls as she could everytime. Feeling the blonde's nose against her clit, she whimpered against Amelia's folds. "What about you Dee? You like fucking your big sister with your tongue with Milly's fingers buried inside of you?" she spoked again, whimpering as Melody sucked on her clit again and she mirrored the action on Amelia, as she curled her fingers inside the younger blonde.
Melody was happy to see that her suspicions were right. Her actions could set off a chain reaction of pleasure through the circle. She rubbed her nose into the sensitive bud and darted her tongue in and out of Lily. Melody grinned into her when she heard her words and Amelia's desperate moan of a reply. She pulled her tongue out of her sister to talk but replaced it with her fingers. "Yess, fuck. Melia plays all innocent but she knows how to fuck me good." Melody captured the bundle of nerves in her mouth and sucked gently. "You're the dirty one here, Lils. Your face buried in your baby sisters tight cunt while you practically ride my face." She smirked and ran her teeth along her clit. Her fingers pumped roughly inside her while her free hand scratched along her stomach and then back. Her fingers curled against her sensitive walls as a loud moan escaped her from the way Amelia was moving her tongue.
Amelia went bright red at Melody's words about her innocence and how well she could fuck.. not that anyone could see her with her face buried between her sister's legs, but the blonde would be able to feel her cheeks heat up. And then that color only deepened as she talked about how dirty Lily was. It always made her feel all sorts of things when one of her sisters referred to her as the baby... or just baby.. because it was true... she was younger than all of them.. not by much but still. She cried out as those fingers curled inside of her and like the incredible dancer she was, her hips began to move in such a sensual, erotic fashion that she could put a professional pole dancer to shame. Amelia met each thrust of those fingers with a movement of her own trying to will them deeper. Her own fingers worked Melody nice and hard... still teasingly slower than normal but she wanted to make her sister suffer in such a pleasurable way. Nipping at her clit she held the bundle of nerves between her teeth and flicked it with her tongue over and over again, moaning and whimpering as Lily continued to fuck her so perfectly.
Lily moaned loudly as fingers replaced the tongue buried inside of her. Pushing her hips hard against the blonde, she continued to suck harder on Amelia's clit, curling her fingers in the girl's tight hole, stretching her walls ever so slightly. She whimpered at Melody's words, the hummed vibrations of her mouth buried within the folds of her younger twin. She loved hearing Melody talk like this to her, it just made it all better. "Fuck, yess Melodyy. She tastes so fucking good, I want to lick her clean and eat her out all night." she replied, emphasizing her point by withdrawing her fingers completely from Amelia, waiting a few seconds before slamming them back inside hard, her palm hitting the girl's clit. "You fuck me so good, Dee. Do you like me riding your face? I know you do, you filthy." she spoke again, humping harder against the girl's mouth. "Are you two going to cum for me now? I know you're close. I can feel your pussy tight around my fingers, Milly, just let it go. Make Dee cum too with those fingers inside her wet cunt so we'll come all together. Just as it should be." she said again, spreading her legs a bit wider as Melody fucked her hard, her own teeth scraping at Amelia's clit, feeling her release close.
Melody whimpered softly. She could tell by the heat on her that Amelia was likely blushing but she knew that the blonde enjoyed it too because she shoved her fingers into her more. The pace was still teasingly slow so Melody found herself pushing against her hand, meeting each thrust with one of her own as she moaned. "Melia, please... I need.. more.. I need you." She begged breathlessly before her lips were occupied once again. Melody smirked against her body as Lily spoke. She made a point of thrusting her fingers into the pink haired girl harder so that her words were harder to get out. "Fuck, Lily... just make her cum." Melody whimpered when she finished speaking. As much as she wanted to continue the dirty talk banter, the words couldn't come. Amelia was fucking her the way she loved, Lily's hips kept pushing against her hand and she couldn't think straight. Lily was right. She was so close and she could feel the tightening around her fingers that signaled she was too. Melody just needed the blonde to give her a little more that would send her straight over the edge. Her hips rolled and thrusted against Amelia's every movement, begging for her to give her just the right touch to send her other. She sucked hard on Lily's clit, encouraging her to fuck their younger sister harder. Her fingers pumped at a rough pace and she flicked her tongue against her clit as she found her voice. "Lily.. please. Cum on my fingers. I want to taste you. I want you to fuck my hands until you collapse. Don't you want to give your younger sister that pleasure? Of licking you clean?" Melody ran her tongue over her clit again as she moaned out her sister's name. "Amelia.. fuck. More." She felt herself about to hit the orgasm she needed so badly.
Amelia gasped against her sister's sex and cried out in utter pleasure at the was Lily's fingers fucked and stretched her tight, wet hole. She whimpered when the fingers were removed and practically screamed as they were shoved back inside. As that palm hit her clit she ground her hips harder, craving the friction desperately. Every word out of her sister's mouth had her body reacting in such incredible ways. Lily was right... she was close.. so fucking close. As Melody asked for more she nipped at her clit and added another finger, pumping those three slender digits in and out of her hard and fast. She wanted the blonde to cum.. she wanted to feel her spasm around her fingers. "S-so close, Li.. p-pleaase.." She whimpered and begged praying that her sisters would both release soon so that she could reach her own climax... she knew she'd be too spent to continue this after her second orgasm of the night so she was holding out as best she could.
Lily moaned against Amelia's folds at Melody's words. Fuck, what the blonde was saying made her whole body shudder. Or maybe that was the fingers pushing hard inside of her tight cunt. "Fuck yes.." she whimpered, feeling the buils up in her lower stomach getting unbearable. "You eat my pussy so good, Dee, I want you to lick me dry when I cum." she replied, having trouble getting the words out of her throat. Closing her eyes, she curled her fingers inside of Amelia, biting on her clit gently as she spoke softly again. "Cum for me Milly. Cum for Dee. And I'll cum for you both." Feeling her walls tighten around Melody's fingers, she decided to stop fighting and let it go, crashing over the edge in loud moans of her sisters' names against Amelia's folds, as her hips slammed hard against Melody's hand, her eyes closed as waves of pleasure coursed through her body, each one never ending as she could feel her sisters cum against her too, making this amazing and perfect as their crying voices were mixed with one another.
Melody moaned loudly into her skin. She was certainly past continuing the dirty talk now. Her voice felt like it was caught her in throat and the only way she could express herself was through the loud moans and whimpering of her sister's names. Melody pushed her fingers in Lily rough and groaned at the tightening. She let herself reach the edge and hit her orgasm hard as well. Her hips bucked against Amelia's fingers and mouth as she rode off her orgasm. She whimpered when it ended and pulled her fingers out of Lily, licking them clean before collapsing on to her back. Melody tried to catch her breath and shut her eyes, feeling worn out but good after the whole experience.
Amelia ,hearing both of her sister's cum, finally let herself fall over the edge of orgasm as well. This was probably the most intese climax she'd ever had in her entire life. She whimpered and moan and cried out her sisters names .. it was a wonder she could get any words out at all by this point. She bucked against Lily until her orgasm died down.. until her body was shaking, it was so overly sensitive to everything. She licked her own fingers clean after licking Melody clean before curling up on her other side in the fetal position. She closed her eyes and just let her body slowly come down from the high.
Lily rolled onto her back, panting as she slowly came down from her pleasure daze. Wow. She had fucked a lot of people, and had been fucked in a lot of different ways, but this was definitely the best one. When her body finally stopped trembling, she licked her fingers clean, her hands under her head as she focused on calming down. Grinning, she looked at the two other girls, glad to see that they all were in the same state as her. "Wow." she said, smirking as she turned her head to look at the two blondes.
Melody laughed softly at Lily's words. Eventually she managed to push herself back up into sitting position. She grinned at Amelia and let her head fall back as she was still trying to catch her breath. "That was good." Melody laughed again, still feeling some of the affects of alcohol beneath the haze of pleasure. She picked her head up to smile at Lily and then bit down on her lip, nudging Amelia softly with her foot. "Are you going to be okay, baby?" She asked cautiously although she couldn't help but find some humor in the position the blonde had taken.
Amelia hugged her legs to her chest, content to stay there as her body shook ever so slightly, still coming down from that high. She managed to lift her hand to gesture that yes, she'd be okay.. but that 'baby' from Melody, sent another shiver down her spine and she blushed keeping her eyes closed, repeating 'just breathe' over and over in her head. The little blonde couldn't even focus on being upset with Melody or Lily right now. The sex had been so incredibly mind blowing that she felt completely drained of everything now. Letting out a shaky breath she tried to focus on anything but the pounding of her heart in her chest.
Lily smiled at Amelia signaling that she'd be alright, waiting until she was sure her legs could support her before she got back up to her feet. Making her way around the room, she grabbed her clothes, putting them back on and running her hands through her hair. "Uhm, do we all get back home together or do you want some time to talk?" she asked awkwardly. She wasn't used to sticking around after sex, but those girls weren't random, they were her sisters so she wasn't sure of how she was suppose to leave or not, so she stayed there, her hands in her pockets and chewing her bottom lip.
Melody smiled at her girlfriend, was she even still that? She shook that thought away. It wasn't the time to be thinking about that. Melody stood a moment after Lily and dressed herself. She picked up Amelia's clothes and brought them to her. "Want me to carry you?" She offered, holding her arms out to pick her up bridal style. She looked up at Lily and shook her head. "No... Me and her can talk tomorrow when everything isn't so hazy." Melody shrugged a little. "Um, did you drive here 'melia or should I call a cab for us?"
Amelia let her eyes flutter open sleepily to glance up at the other blonde. She gave a small smile, taking the clothes and slipping her dress back on. She didn't bother with the panties but she put on those flats. When the question was posed she gave a small nod. She was really sore now. Her collar bone ached. When Melody picked her up, she let her legs dangle and wrapped her arms about Melody's shoulder, snuggling her face into her neck, she mumbled, "c-cab.." Before glancing over at Lily.. She gave her the smallest hint of a smile before closing her eyes again
Lily smiled at the two other girls, nodding as she looked at Amelia. "I'll drive us home." she offered with a nod, opening up the door for the two blondes, grabbing the stuff they had left behind as they made their way downstairs. Getting back her bad and jacket, she made her way outside, making sure that the two other girls were alright. "All good, Dee? Or do you want some help?" she asked softly. She still hadn't fully wrapped her head about what had just happened between the three of them, but dealing with it could wait another day, for now, they just had to get home.
Melody smiled when Amelia nuzzled into her neck. She nodded after Lily and followed her down the stairs. "I think I got it. You just need to get the car door." Melody watched her step as they made it outside and when Lily opened the door for her she carefully placed Amelia into the seat. "You okay to drive, Lil? I can do it and you can sit in the back with Amelia if you want... I don't think I had as much to drink as you did." She offered, fixing her dress a little.
Amelia clung to her sister as she carried her out to the car. She would have offered to drive if she wasn't so spent and sore. She stayed quiet with her eyes closed until Melody was setting her into the back seat. When Mel offered to drive she glanced to Lilly hoping that she'd let Melody drive. Out of the two of them she knew Mel was more sober and she wanted Lily in the back with her... she needed to know everything was going to be okay and Lily could communicate that through the simplest of touches where as with the blonde they would need to use at least a few words. When hazel caught on Lily's mirror gaze she silently asked her to take the offer.
Lily smiled as she opened the car door for Melody and Amelia. Juggling with her keys, she bit her lip as she watched the younger blonde in the backseat. "Uhm I.." she trailed off, ready to reply that she was alright when she caught Amelia's gaze in the mirror, nodding as she understood the girl's silent demand. "I think it's better if you drive, Dee." she smiled, giving the blonde the keys as she made her way in the back seat, carefully putting her belt on and holding Amelia close to her, tracing hearts on the girl's hand with a soft smile, promise that they would be alright.
Melody nodded, knowing that it was probably the safest choice aside from making Amelia drive. She got in the driver's seat and started the drive home, focusing her energy on watching the road. She'd pretty much sobered up from earlier but she didn't trust herself completely still. The last thing they needed was to end up in a car crash because she couldn't keep her eyes on the road especially since she'd done enough to hurt Amelia today. Melody chewed on her lip, turning on to another street and felt thankful that they lived so close to the club; all she wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep forever.
Amelia was so exhausted. All of the jumbled emotions from the day hung over her in a cloud. She was happy when Lily slipped into the seat beside her and pulled her close. A small smile tugged at pink lips and she rested her face in the crook of her neck burying against her. The little blonde traced a heart on her palm and closed her eyes, focusing in on each and every soft touch. Even though the ride wasn't long she became so relaxed in Lily's arms that she fell sound asleep. She and Melody would figure things out... they had to... right?
Lily smiled as she felt Amelia relax against her, Melody driving them safely. As they arrived, she nodded at Melody towards Amelia, silently telling her that she'd take care of the girl and that the blonde could go to sleep. Getting out of the car, she carefully carried out the younger blonde's in her arms as she made her way inside of the house, climbing the stairs as she headed towards the girl's room. Laying her down on her bed softly, she pushed the blankets over her, kissing her forehead quickly before making her way towards her room, quickly stripping before passing out under the covers.
Melody gave her sister a nod in response and headed inside. She tossed Lily's keys on the table by the door before heading upstairs to her room. Her stomach was in knots and she wasn't sure which part of the night was to blame; the fight, the alcohol, the hot dance floor, the lack of food, Amelia finding her with Lily or the way she felt her heart drop when she watched her two sisters together. Melody stripped down to nothing and pulled on a pair of yoga shorts and a new bra. She knew that she needed a shower but for now getting out of her sweaty clothes was the most she felt up for. She left her room only to get a glass of water and tylenol to help her sleep. The blonde buried herself in her covers and after awhile, finally fell asleep.
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thezanealeck-blog · 12 years
melody // a little adventure
Walking around the camp grounds Zane stuffed his hands into his pockets before pulling flannel shirt and fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. The voices in his head were getting a little too loud and Zane wasn't exactly sure how to deal with them. Usually they shut up when he told them too, but they were a little louder since well, the incident. He didn't like to think about it but when it came up he couldn't help but feel a shiver down his spine and his mind go haywire. He wasn't sure what it was but he wanted to get that damn voice out of his ears telling him he was going to get caught.
Melody seemed nice, she was hot at least to his head. He hadn't really done anything since he was at home, especially with his girlfriend hanging over his shoulder. Sure a kiss from a girl on the science club at lunch or some guy on the soccer team under the bleachers was something but it had been awhile.
Plus she thought he was cute, which was enough for Zane to work with. Walking around he asked a few people to guide him to the girl's cabin and soon with enough questions got there pretty fast. He saw Melody there, a flock of blonde hair and smiles and waved.
"Hey there, ain't you nice to look at in person." he grinned, "How ya doing since we last spoke?"
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amelia--fabray · 12 years
A Needed Talk || Amelody
TAGGING → Amelia & Melody Fabray.
TIME FRAME → Saturday, October 20th, 2012.
THE LOCATION → Amelia’s Room.
GENERAL NOTES →  Done in a chatzy.
Melody wondered if it was possible she was more nervous about this talk then the last one. The first ended in her storming out and seeing Amelia breakdown in a way she never wanted to see, let alone cause. She groaned as she rolled out of bed, fixing her long t-shirt to cover her panties. She walked the familiar walk to her sisters room and knocked softly before entering. "Hi.." Melody said softly, blushing as she approached her sister. Things felt different after last night but not in an entirely bad way.
Amelia was curled up in bed after a long day of volunteering at the hospital and work at the bookstore. She had on one of Melody's tshirts. It was pale pink and over sized and worn and comfy and that slender, toned figure seemed to swim in it like it did in most of Melody's items that made up her comfy sleeptime clothing collection. Her messy curls were worn in two loose, fishtail braids and besides a pair of panties she wore nothing on her lower half. She set her book aside and glanced up with a soft blush and an almost shy smile. "Hey.." She replied in a small voice.
Melody loved walking in on her sister reading. She looked peaceful and lost in the world of the book. Seeing Amelia in one of her shirts only made that sight even better. She crawled into the space next to her sister, smiling softly. Her arms slid around the slender body in a tight hug. "I'm so so sorry, 'melia... for all of it." Melody murmured against her blonde hair. She kissed her cheek gently before pulling back. "I... I don't even know what to say to make yesterday okay." She chewed on her lip nervously. "I was a bad girlfriend and a worse sister."
Amelia ran her tongue over her lower lip gently before biting it as she watched the other girl. When those arms finally wrapped around her body she released that lip and just relaxed into the hug. The words that fell from her sisters lips made her stomach clench just thinking about all of the events from yesterday. She shook her head. "No... I mean... we both screwed up.. It just took me so off guard that you knew and that Hope had just... told you like that. I didn't know how to handle it. I was so upset I didn't know how to get words o-out." She swallowed hard and took a shaky breath. "And then things with Lily.. " She shook her head not even really knowing how to continue.
Melody nodded softly, looking the girl over. "I know." She looked down when Lily was brought up, playing with her fingers. "I thought we were done... I thought that that was it an-and that you deserved someone better. That I should just do the only thing I'm good at." She inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to find the right words. "I didn't know it was Lily... and I know that doesn't make it okay for me to be kissing someone else but I did and then I found it was her. She was wasted and wanted to continue... and I don't know." Melody looked up at her, frowning. "I never wanted to hurt you and I know I did... and I'll never forgive myself for that."
Amelia listened with her own pouty frown. "There isn't anyone better, Meli.." She spoke those words just above a whisper. She shook her head some. "I had this sinking feeling that we were over but it hadn't been established.. we hadn't officially ended things. I had no idea where we stood but I made myself believe we w-weren't over." She was doing alright with words for the most part besides a stutter here or there. "I was so furious. I wanted to tell you both to go to hell but I couldn't find my words.. I just wanted to leave and then Li stopped me and we had one of our silent conversations and when she kissed me communication went to a whole new level.. it was just... weird.. I was really surprised things went the way they did."
Melody chewed on her lip softly. "I didn't... want things to be over. I don't." She found her sister's hand, needing to feel close to her while they talked. "I just figured you'd realize I wasn't good enough." Melody mumbled the last bit, shrugging. When Amelia spoke about the night previous she felt her stomach twist in a knot. As great as everything turned out to be, it didn't and couldn't change the fact that she had made a mistake in kissing Lily. It always would be because it hurt Amelia. "Can I ask you something, 'melia?" She asked, playing with her fingers gently.
Amelia smiled softly when Melody took her hand and laced their fingers. "Really?.... I didn't... I don't.." Her brow scrunched. "Then you obviously don't understand just how much I love you.." When Melody asked her that question she felt the air leave her body and sat there for a moment just staring at their hands before speaking up in a quiet voice. "I... uhm.... sure.." She replied. But she wasn't sure. Meli could ask anything but if it had to do with her rape she wasn't sure she'd be able to answer verbally if at all.
Melody smiled, biting on her lip. "I love you too." She laughed softly to herself. She didn't know what she was laughing at except that the thought of them making up being that simple made her nerves feel stupid. Melody looked back up at her when she finally responded. She pulled their hands apart as she needed them. 'Would you rather be with Lily?' She signed, biting her lip for the response. It wasn't something she felt capable of saying out loud to her.
Amelia smiled.. she loved hearing Melody laugh.. it was the sweetest sound... well, aside from her singing, that is. She pouted slightly as that hand left her own. Watching her sign those words made her heart stop for a moment. Her head tilted and her brow scrunched. Her hands raised after a moment to reply. 'Meli.... Why would you even ask me that?' Hazel met hazel as she studied her sister. 'I want to be with you. Period. Li and I are close.. incredibly close and we communicate in very... unorthodox ways but that doesn't mean I would rather be with her.'
Melody shrugged at the question. She looked away momentarily trying to conduct an explanation. 'I.. just. The way you guys were when you were kissing. The way she looks at you...' Melody shrugged again. She felt stupid for asking but she needed to know or she wouldn't sleep tonight. The blonde bit her lip but continued. 'I don't care about the communicating through touch or any of that. But if she has feelings for you... or if you do.. I'd want to know.'
Amelia watched and took in every word. She bit her lower lip gently but reached out and ran fingertips down along her jaw before continuing.. looking straight into those beautiful hazel eyes. 'The kiss.. that was the most intense communication we've ever exchanged. I read her like a book. As for the way she looks at me... it's the way she's always looked at me..' She bit her lower lip.. 'Li and I.. we fought the other day because she wasn't sure how to act around me once you and I became a couple. The only way we really communicate is through intimacy.. and I'm not talking about sexual counters.. last night was the only time we've ever gotten sexual.' She sighed softly. 'We tried talking because she refused to touch me and that backfired and we walked in different directions but she came looking for me and we finally did what we do and she promised me she wouldn't close off again. Her lips brushed against mine... I don't think I can ever call it a kiss and I don't know what it meant but after last night I wonder if it means something more... I honestly didn't think anything of it because we touch.. that's what we do... I don't know if she has feelings for me.. I have feelings for every last one of you. I would gladly die if it meant protecting one of my sisters.. I trust each of you with my life. I would do anything.. but you know that. After last night.. I'm not sure how to process things with Lily. I love her but I love all of you. Do I love her the way I love you? No. Our relationship is completely different. Was the sex between the three of us amazing and intense? Yes. That much I do know... but I'm not sure now how that changes things.. or doesn't change things.'
Melody listened to, or rather watched, her sister. She leaned into the touch along her jaw. She felt her stomach twist a bit at the run through of events between her and Lily. Melody felt strongly that there was something there whether it was one sided or not. She bit on her lip as she waited for the end. Her fingers took Amelia's again, lacing their fingers. She played with her hand quietly while thinking things over for a minute or two. "Okay." Melody said finally, not wanting to release her hand to sign. "But... if something does happen, I want to know. Okay? Don't try to spare my feelings because finding out later..." She shook her head. "And I know, after what I did last night, I am in no position to ask this but... if you can help it please don't do anything." Melody sighed softly. "I don't want to lose you but if things change... I want you to be happy more than anything. I don't want to lose my sister too because of secrets." She raised her hand and kissed her knuckles gently. "I love you so much, 'melia."
Amelia knew that she needed to tell Melody everything especially after everything they'd been through the past week. Glancing down, she smiled softly as those fingers laced with hers once more. It was her turn to listen to her sister and she did. Nodding, she bit her lower lip. "I wouldn't do that, Meli. If something happens or changes I swear, I'll tell you. I won't do anything.. but you need to promise me you're not going to keep doing this.. going out and getting drunk and hooking up with people, random or not, is not okay. "I want you to be happy too and if you don't want to be with me I want to know that. I don't want to lose you either... e-ever. "
Melody frowned softly at her words. It wasn't that she was upset that she had to give it up but there was fear in herself, that she might mess up again and also she was sad that Amelia even needed to ask this. If she had just stayed in her room or stayed at Rich's there would be no need for the talk to be like this. She nodded finally and looked at the hazel eyes she loved so much. "I'm going to quit drinking. I.. I can't not go to clubs because I need to perform sometimes but I won't drink so it'll be fine." Melody promised, squeezing her hand. "I was going to go to open mic night at this bar on Wednesday... maybe you can come? .. I mean if you're not already busy." She leaned forward and kissed Amelia softly. "I'm happy with you. I love you, 'melia."
Amelia shook her hair. "I don't care that you drink or that you go to the clubs... I care that half the time you do it it's because you're running from something that y-you're either afraid of or upset with. When you don't want to deal you go out to the club.. you get drunk and you hook up. I'm not telling you not to have fun... I'm just saying.. I don't know how many times I can forgive you for hooking up with other people. I never want to walk in on th-that again.. you know? I m-mean we have fun when we have sex with others together but... the thought of y-you doing that beind my back makes me sick.." She trailed off having gone a little pale. Hearing that she was invited to watch her sister sing she smiled. "You know I never pass down the opportunity to hear you sing.." She kissed her back lovingly. "I love you.." She whispered against her lips.
Melody nodded seriously. "I know. But, you're right. Going out to the clubs and drinking... I'm not even having fun. I'm running away." She played with her fingers. "I don't want to run from you anymore. I'm never ever going to hurt you again." She promised, blushing lightly when she agreed to come hear her. "I love you more than the sun and the stars and all the planets put together." Melody grinned against her lips. "I'm not even going to let you get a paper cut when I'm around." She teased, pressing soft loving kisses along her face. Her lips ended at the corners of her lips and she left their foreheads together as she looked her over. "Lil really did a number on you, huh?" Melody giggled, running a finger over the marks on her neck and shoulders.
Amelia listened closely, nibbling on her lower lip. She smiled and felt her cheeks tint pink at the admission of just how much her twin loved her and that she'd never let anything or anyone hurt her. She giggled at the comment about the paper cut. Amelia let her forehead rest against Melody's contentedly and closed her eyes as kisses were spread along her face. They didn't open until the girl was speaking again and tracing those marks. She went a bright red and cleared her throat softly. "Uhm... yeh... I guess she did." Her words were soft and that blush only seemed to deepen.
Melody giggled too. She leaned down and kissed one of the marks. "You loved it." Melody said simply and wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling them down to cuddle. She tangled their legs together and kissed her nose with a grin. "I love you, Amelia Weslyn Fabray." Melody stole a kiss and ran a finger gently up and down her side. "Should I let you read?" She asked, pulling a blanket over their legs to keep warm seeing as neither had put any pants on. She sighed contently, humming Gravity by Sara Bareilles quietly.
Amelia continued to blush, closing her eyes for a second as she took a moment to recall just how she'd gotten that specific mark. Lily had left plenty of marks and since each touch between them had been part of a conversation she could remember specifically how she got every single one. Her eyes opened at her words and she nodded shyly. "I.. I did love it." When Melody pulled her in close and cuddled her kissing her nose, Amelia smiled brightly. She loved it when their legs were tangled like this. Hearing her full name had her smile warming. "I love you.." She whispered after that stolen kiss. She shook her head in response to the question. "Sing to me?" She wrapped her arms about her shoulders and clung gently to the other girl just snuggling in and nuzzling her face into the nape of her neck.
Melody smiled brightly when she said those three words. They were quickly becoming her favorite. Melody nodded and held the girl tight against her. She cuddled into the warmth of her body and began to sing softly. "Something always brings me back to you. It never takes too long. No matter what I say or do I still feel you here til the moment I'm gone." She paused, hearing the music in her head. She sang the next verse quietly before moving to the chorus. "Set me free. Leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity. Here I am and I stand so tall. Just the way I'm supposed to be. But you're on to me and all over me." The words left her mouth like magic as her eyes fluttered closed. Melody had a habit of getting lost in song even if the instrumentals were all in her own head. She ran her fingertips gently up and down her back while singing.
Amelia closed her eyes when the girl began singing. She could hear every instrument as they passed from Melody's mind into her own. Her voice was... perfection. It sent her to another land where everything was simple and beautiful, where she could just relax. The little blonde cuddled in close as the sound of that incredible voice took her away, sending tingles to dance down her spine. Everything was going to be okay.. she just knew.. how could it not be?
Melody sang alone to every word and note perfectly. It was a song she'd sung a thousand times alone in the shower and her room. Melody absolutely loved this song. "Though I can't seem to let you go. The one thing that I still know is that you're keeping me down." She held the last note through every up and down. It was her favorite part of the song. "You're keeping me down. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." Melody finished up the song and pressed a soft kiss underneath her ear. She thought about what she wanted to sing next and suddenly knew. It was one of the popular wedding songs she sang. "Looks like we made it. Look how far we've come up baby. We might have took the long way. We knew we'd get there someday. They said I bet they'll never make it. But just look as us holding. We're still together. Still going strong." She smiled gently, finding Amelia's hand to lace their fingers together. "You're still the one I run to. The one that I belong to. You're still the one I want for life."
0 notes
amelia--fabray · 12 years
How Are You Real? || Amelody
TAGGING → Amelia & Melody Fabray.
TIME FRAME →Wednesday, October 10th, 2012.
THE LOCATION → Melody’s room.
GENERAL NOTES →  Done in a chatzy. Sex warning!!
Melody grinned at her phone. Amelia said she would be home shortly from the tattoo shop. The blonde felt stupid for how happy the younger girl made her. She wasn't used to feeling anything more than lust and attraction towards someone. Melody pushed these thoughts away and cuddles under the blanket. She'd only been wearing her underwear and a shirt that barely covered her bottoms since she outback in bed. She hummed a song softly while waiting for her sister.
Amelia got out of the cab feeling her heart starting to repair itself from the way she'd left things with Lily. She hated it when any of her sisters snapped at her.. especially if they didn't have good reason. She hadn't done anything to warrant Li getting short with her. The texts were making her smile though until the last one which confused her and kind of upset her.. she knew they weren't exclusive.. she knew they probably never would be but it made her sad that her wanting Melody didn't seem to be enough. With the slight limp, she made herway into the house and up to Melody's bedroom. Giving a soft smile she locked the door behind her. "..hey"
Melody sighed at one of her sister's replies. Amelia seemed a little upset with her. She hated to think that she had said something to hurt her when really she was trying to express how much she didn't deserve to be liked by her. She put the phone down and looked up when the door opened and locked. "Hey." Melody bit her lip and sat up in bed. She nervously smiled t her, hoping to God she wasn't mad.
Amelia slipped off the jacket and hung in on the back of the door. She took the cream out from the pocket and set it onto the nightstand. She gave a small smile just ignoring the texts for now. "You uhm... you wanna see?" She was slightly upset so she didn't necessarily want to be talking but she'd been trying more and more to force herself to use words. The tattoo needed that cream rubbed into it and she'd have to rebandage it but she wanted Melody to see it. she pulled off the shirt and peeled the bandage off slowly to reveal the tattoo on her upper side, along her rib, aligned right beneath her right breast. It looked like perfection to the little blonde.
Melody nodded silently in answer to the question. This time it was the older blonde who didn't trust her words. It felt weird to be the quiet one when Amelia was speaking but she waited for her to approach and show her the new ink. Melody felt her breath hitch at not only the sight of the tattoo but at how happy the younger blonde looked. "It's beautiful." She murmured, running her finger over the uninked skin a inch or so beneath it. "It's really great, 'Melia." Melody grinned, opening the cream for her. "Be careful. It's probably sore, right?" The blonde ha never gotten a tattoo despite thinking about it a few times and wasn't sure how bad the pain really was. "Did it hurt terribly?"
Amelia bit her lower lip as the other girl traced her skin with those soft fingertips. She signed, 'thank you' and mouthed the words silently. She took the cream that Mel had opened for her and rubbed it in carefully. Rebandaging it she glanced up and shook her her slightly before signing, 'Not really.. my collar bone is killing me and was killing me the whole time so the needle felt like nothing in comparison.' She shimmied out of her jeans and removed her air splint before coming over to sit on the bed in nothing more than a pair of pale pink hipsters.
Melody watched as she applied the cream carefully. She replaced the cap and put it on the counter. 'You should take more medicine.' Melody signed with a frown, pointing to the container of pills on the night stand. 'I don't want you to be in pain.' She signed quickly, her eyes trailing over the newly exposed skin. She had a feeling that it wouldn't matter how many times she saw Amelia naked, it would entrance her every time. Melody pulled off her tank top so that she was in only her panties, biting her lip. So gorgeous, she thought. The blonde leaned forward I press her lips against her sister's but she paused. "May I?" She asked softly as their lips were only an inch away. Her hand found Amelia's and he laced their fingers gently.
Amelia watched her and signed back, 'I don't want to take any pain meds.. I don't want to be loopy right now.' Amelia watched as that tank top was pulled over her head and she blushed softly as hazel eyes took in her perfect figure. She flet her breath catch in the back of her throat.. she couldn't take her eyes from the stunning girl.. how could she think that people only wanted her when she was grinding up against them? When her older sister leaned forward to kiss her she blushed softly at the question and gave a small nod. The lacing of their fingers warmed her heart and as the distance was closed between them she kissed her lovingly.
Melody sighed softly. 'At least take them before we sleep? I want you to get a good rest.' She signed, knowing that she couldn't convince the blonde to take them now. Melody smiled softy at the nod. She had been worried Amelia might have shut her out. She closed he distance and kissed her lovingly. Her free hand rested on her cheek while the other squeezed her hand. When they pulled away she moved down to her back. "Come here." Melody mumbled, tugging her hand ever so gently to get her to lay down too. 'I love you.' She signed, kissing her quickly again. "How are you real?" Melody breathed out as her eyes trailed over her features as if to memorize them n
Amelia gave a slight roll of her eyes and a small smirk but signed that she would. The kiss was so perfect.. it was soft and loving and it lingered the perfect amount of time. She leaned into the touch of that hand against her cheek and smiled a small smile. At those words she laid down carefully next to her sister and squeezed her hand, running her thumb gently over her palm in soft idle patterns. She signed 'I love you' right back at her twin and melted into the quick stolen kiss. Blushing again at those words she bit her lower lip and looked down between them shyly... just staring at their interlocked hands.
Melody played with her fingers gently. She looked down at them and grinned. Her free hand ran along Amelia's side. She bit her lip gently and leaned forward, kissing her neck gently. "Tell me if I do anything you don't want." Melody grinned and ran her hand over to her lower back, pulling her tight against her. She couldn't resist herself when the blonde was naked in front of her. "I don't like this whole panties business." She smirked, pushing her own off. Melody didn't feel like it was a sexual thing. It just felt so intimate and loving.
Amelia loved it when her sister played with her fingers, it was such and endearing gesture. She watched as those pearl white teeth continued to worry her lower lip. The kisses to her neck had her eyes closing and a soft contented sigh escaping pouty lips. She gave a slight nod to her twin's words and smiled when she was pulled tightly to the other girl's body. When her sister's panties came off she blushed again but slid her own down and off as well. She glanced up innocently and stole a soft kiss from Melody's lips.
Melody grinned widely when Amelia removed her clothes as well. She kissed her back softly, moaning into it. She pulled her tight against her again. She slipped a leg between hers and kissed her again innocently. Her legs rubs against hers gently as her hand moved up and down her back. Melody played with their fingers and squeezed her hand gently. "You are so perfect." She sighed before pressing their ops back together again.
Amelia smiled a bit shyly now that she was naked. As Melody moaned into that kiss, she smiled again. It felt so incredible to have that warm bare skin pressed up flush against her own. Allowing their legs to tangle she felt that thigh, situated between her legs, just barely brush against her smooth sex and she whimpered lightly. She squeezed back and let her thumb traces idle patterns on her twin's palm. At the compliment she looked down and blushed shaking her head. "But I'm not, Meli.." She whispered but then Melody's lips captured her own and she moaned softly.
Melody kissed her slowly. She wanted to enjoy every second of it. A smile took over her face when they finally parted. "You are. How could anyone resist you?" She murmured, biting her lip when her thigh moved against her body. Her hand moved from her lower back to run along her side down to her thigh and then back up again. Melody ran her eyes over her bare skin, licking her lips at the sight. She wasn't sure how he had resisted her all these years. The blonde kisses at her neck again gently. "I love being like this with you." She mumbled against the sensitive skin.
Amelia whimpered when the kiss broke. Everything about Melody's kisses were perfect.. she was pure perfection laying here beside her. She shook her head against with a soft shy laugh. That hand gliding along her bare, heated flesh left tingles in its wake. Her own free hand went to glide up her neck to thread fingers into her hair as lips found her neck once more. "And I just love being with you.." The words were soft spoken, just above a whisper as hazel eyes fluttered shut, her nose buried in the girl's hair.
Melody left a trail of kisses along her jaw and neck. She felt her breath hitch at her words. Her hand continued its track up and down her side. Melody wanted to say something but no words seemed to express the feelings she felt. 'I just want you to know..' She pulled her hands up for a moment to sign and then leaned in and kissed the younger girl slowly again. When they pulled apart she rested her forehead on hers. Her foot ran against hers and over her leg gently. Amelia always had her at a loss for words which was saying something for how much Melody could talk. She brushed her fingers gently along her arm. "Is it okay if I touch you a little?" She asked nervously in a hushed tone. "I didn't get to explore your beautiful body yet." Melody explained, running her fingertips over her stomach as she waited for approval to move upward.
Amelia purred at the trail of kisses . She watched and then smiled as she realized her older sister was at a loss for words. Gazing into her eyes she mouthed and signed, 'what?' The slow kiss made her melt and she responded kissing back, drawing her in closer, her hands tangling further in her hair. Their foreheads touched and she realized that was her favorite position to be in.. touching foreheads with Melody.. having her so close... as if they could communicate just by literally putting their heads together... she swore up and down when they were younger that they'd been able to... able to read one another's minds. The foot dragging up her leg had shivers racing through her body and she nodded to the question. "Please touch me.." She whispered and then kissed her cheek.. her jawline.. her neck, sucking gently on her pulse point before nipping it.
Melody moaned softly as Amelia tangled her fingers in her hair. She felt the butterflies in her stomach going crazy and pushed that put of her mind. 'You understand?' She signed when they parted. Melody hoped to God she said yes because trying to find the words for why she meant would be impossible. A quiet moan left her mouth at her words. Her eyes finally tore away from Amelia's as she wanted to watch her hands. She kept their foreheads together as her hand gently and cautiously took one of her breasts. Her fingertips grazed the skin and her mouth opened slightly as her finger ran song her nipple. Melody felt like her body was a gorgeous foreign land to explore. The desire to fuck hard and rough that most naked girls gave her was gone here. A louder moan escaped her as her sister moved her mouth alone her skin. She pinched one of her nipples in response before flicking one finger against it teasingly.
Amelia noted each and every sound that slipped past the perfect pink lips of her twin.. and every touch or action that elicited such sounds from the beauty. She didn't really understand what she was trying to say. She shook her head no to the question. 'Show me'.. she signed. Her touch was so incredibly gentle.. so different from Friday night.. so loving and soft and perfect. Her nipples had hardened and only seemed to harden further at that teasing, delicate touch. She gasped feeling her own body respond to her twins roaming hands. She kissed that pulse point then sucked on it harder, grazing her teeth over it. She made a trail of kisses up to her ear and moaned against it as Melody pinched her nipples. "mmnngh Meli.." she breathed her name in a whisper, her breath warm against her ear.
Melody arched her hips slightly towards Amelia as a natural reaction. She swallowed thickly when she said no. She knew the words she wanted to say was that she was fallin for her but they also scared her so she accepted the suggestion to show her. Melody moaned at the nipping and moved her other hand to play with both nipples. She pinched each, biting backs grin when Amelia released another noise. Her name sounded perfect coming from her lips. She leaned in and captured her lips while her fingers circled her nipples teasingly. One hand pulled away from the sensitive buds and trailed gentle fingertips over her stomach.
Amelia knew that after kissing Melody like this she was ruined. She'd never be able to kiss another person without comparing it to her sister's kiss. Feeling herself come undone she let it happen.. all of her walls came down around her and she just let herself feel and love. This stunning blonde was so incredible and her touch was electric. Sparks seemed to fly with each new sensation. She'd never experienced anything quite like this. Hands smoothed over the back of Mel's neck and down over her shoulders... down her sides... to her thighs and back up, slipping up her stomach to cup her breasts.
Melody knew every kiss would have surely have caused her knees to go weak. Her leg slid between Amelia's gently. She kissed her once more quickly before moving down her body. Melody took one of her nipples in her mouth, moving to hover over her younger sister carefully. She made sure to keep any pressure off her injuries as her tongue rolled around the pink flesh. Her tongue flicked at it before grazing her teeth alone it. Melody nt only wanted to make her feel all that she was feeling but also make up for Friday. She wanted her to experience all that she wished she had given her then. Her hands gently moved her legs apart, cautious of her ankle as she did. Fingers ran along her inner thigh gently as she remembered running her palm on the very same skin while dancing win her. A moan left her mouth at the thought and she switched over to the neglected nipple. Melody moved her fingers over the shaved flesh and teasingly ran one finger through the wet folds before returning to her thighs.
Amelia bit her lower lip gently as that leg slid between her own but before she knew it, kisses were being stolen once again and her captured lip had to be released. She sucked in a sharp breath as lips wrapped around her very sensitive nipple and that mouth got to work teasing and taunting the very responsive flesh. Her body arched up into the older girl. Fingers toys with her sister's breasts, twisting and tugging at her nipples. When her legs were parted she blushed feeling the cool air against her tight, wet heat. Her mind flashed back to Friday.. feeling her sisters hand right where it was now when they'd been dancing.. just wishing her hand had been able to travel up under her dress. Her breath hitched in the back of her throat as that finger ran through her folds, she whimpered and moaned thrusting her hips forward slightly. "I n-need you.." She whispered.
Melody whimpered softly against her skin. The feeling of Amelia tugging at her nipples was better than she had anticipated. Just knowing that it was her was driving her insane. Her hips pressed against her leg as she straddled her. Her fingers ran teasingly across the warm wet skin again, moaning when Amelia's body reacted to the touch. Her eyes found the hazel ones at her words. Melody pulled her mouth away, nodding as she moved down her body. "I'll take care of you." She promised in a whisper. She rested herself on the bed in the space between her spread legs and gently ran her thumb over her clit. The blonde peppered kisses along her inner thigh as one of her index fingers pushed inside the tight entrance. She removed it completely before sliding it back inside. Melody added another and curled them to run along her sensitive walls slowly.
Amelia thrived off of the eye contact that her twin made.. it ignited a flame within her that would be incredibly difficult to extinguish. The little blonde breathed a shaky breath as she watched her twin slink down her body. That whispered promise had the butterflies dancing in her stomach. Her throbbing, aching clit found incredible pleasure in the touch of that thumb, She whimpered as the soft kisses were scattered over her thighs. As Melody's finger pushed slowly inside of her she couldn't help the cry of pleasure that fell from those pouty pink lips the cry was soon followed by a whimper as the finger pulled back out. The second finger brought a deep moan and the curling had her eyes clenching shut as her inner walls clenched around her.
Melody licked her lips at the sounds coming from her sister. It made her squirm to know that this was because of her and only her. It was everything she didn't get from the last time. Melody's eyes flickered up to meet Amelia's again. She kept the eye contact as she moved her thumb, her lips taking its place. She ran her tongue over the younger girl's clit before sucking on it gently. Her fingers pumped in and out in a steady rhythm while her tongue dragged slow circles around her clit. A moan escaped her at the sight of her sister's facial expression and she quickly removed the fingers. Her tongue ran down her wet slit until it pressed inside her. Melody moaned once more at pleasure of finally tasting Amelia on her tongue. Her finger teased and massaged her clit as her tongue moved inside her tight opening, begging to taste more of her.
Amelia could only focus on one thing and that was her twin.. the beautiful girl between her legs. As her eyes opened she found Melody's gaze capturing her own and couldn't help but to moan. That tongue running over her clit was the single most amazing sensation she'd ever experienced. For a moment her breath hitched and she held it. Fingers pumping in and out of her coupled with that mouth doing wicked things already had her so close to the edge it was insane. When the fingers slipped out of her she whimpered in protest but as they were replaced by that perfect tongue she groaned. One hand slipped into blonde hair, holding on for dear life and encouraging her to continue. She rolled her hips thrusting them softly up against the touch that felt so exquisite.
Melody kept eye contact the best she could. Her fingers alternated between patterns of movement on her clit. She moved into a rhythm that Amelia seemed to enjoy the most. Her skillful tongue pushed inside, running different combinations of movements. Melody ran through the alphabet to get an idea of what she liked the best for settling into that. She moaned when Amelia's hands found her hair. She wanted the one thing she didn't get on Friday and that was the pleasure of knowing that her orgasm came from only her. Her finger pressed against the sensitive bud harder. "You taste so good, 'Melia." Melody murmured with a smirk before pushing her tongue back in. Her free hand reached up to tease her nipples again.
Amelia was so very close as Melody spoke to her and those fingers tweaked and teased her nipples once more. She began to move her hips in time with Melody's movements. Her breathing became shallow and ragged. As one hand gripped her sister's hair, the other clenched the sheet in her hand twisting it. "S-so close.." She moaned softly. "goddd- Meli -so perfect.." Her words were husky yet sweet as she purred them.This was so insane. Melody was amazing, stunning, perfect. She never imagined she could ever feel this good.
Melody whimpered against her skin. Her words and that voice alone were the best incentives to work even harder. She wanted Amelia to know how much she wanted to make her happy in every way. Her fingers twisted in the familiar pattern that matched the roll of her hips. Melody teased her nipples and ran her tongue up over the wet slit. "Baby please." She moaned, her tongue pushing in. "I want you to cum for me." Melody ran her tongue through her folds again before pressing back in to push against the sensitive part on her walls. Her fingers moved quicker as she felt Amelia start to tighten around her, her eyes locked on her face as she did.
Amelia took in a shaky breath as those fingers twisted so perfectly. Her body arched up off the bed at that plea. Hearing those words sent her over the edge. Her body tensed as the sensations exploded within her. Her inner walls spasmed and clamped tight around her tongue. "Meli! God, Meli!" She cried out in pleasure as she rode out her orgasm. The moment she was able to function again she used her grip in her older sisters hair to pull her up. Kissing her lips she let her tongue tangle with her twin's, tasting herself there as she did. As she kissed her that free hand snuck between their bodies, a single digit gliding over her wet slit before pushing up inside of her.
Melody moaned as the orgasm rolling out of Amelia. She lapped up everything she put out and had a sloppy grin on her face when she got pulled up. She felt oddly proud of herself and kissed her back passionately. Her hands found her hair as well and she tangled her fingers into it. "Shit.. I love you." Melody moaned into her lips and her hips bucked forward at Amelia's gentle touch. "Baby.. you don't need to..." She breathed out shakily as her finger slipped inside her. Melody kissed her back, her hands holding her head close as she explored her mouth.
Amelia tried to recover from that orgasm as quickly as humanly possible but was still shaky as she kissed her sister with a passion she never knew existed. She smiled into that kiss at her words and spoke soft against her lips, "I love you.. so much." The way the older girl's body responded to her touch was remarkable and Amelia grinned. "Shh.. Let me love you..." She pumped that single finger in and out of her slowly at finger and gradually she picked up the pace just a bit giving a twist with each thrust. Hazel eyes took in the sight of her stunning sister and that perfect body her finger was burried deep inside of.
Melody grinned widely into the kiss. She couldn't help the reaction that Amelia had over her. Just the sound of her voice saying anything was the most beautiful song she'd ever heard; hearing her say that she loved Melody was even better. "I love you too. So damn much." She whimpered against her lips as she tangled their tongues together once more. When they finally broke apart it was due to Melody's inability to get enough air while moaning so loud against her. "Okay." She breathed out even though she knew she didn't have a choice in the matter. There was no way she'd have the power to tell Amelia to stop. Her eyes fluttered closed as her hips bucked again. She began to roll them in circles that matched her pumping finger. "Meliaaa..." Melody moaned out, loving the feeling and thought of her younger sister's touch. She felt her stomach twist for more reasons than one and knew that this was different than any other sexual encounter she'd had before. This wasn't sex. This had a magic addition to it.
Amelia felt another smile tug at her pink lips as her sister agreed and began to match her movement for movement. The moans, hearing her name, feeling that heated breath come out in near pants against her bare flesh.. it all had the little blonde so incredibly turned on. Pulling out her finger she added another and plunged them back inside of her pumping slow and hard, allowing for her fingers to just explore for a moment of so. "I want to feel you cum, Meli.. for me.. not anyone else." Her words were whispered against her ear. Her thumb circled her clit teasingly but as she picked up the pace she began rubbing that clit in time with the motion fo her fingers. 
Melody leaned her head back against the pillow as let go completely. With Amelia she wasn't afraid to let her take control. She wasn't too drunk that she had to worry about remembering the name of the girl she was with. Melody knew exactly who she was with and for once it felt like she was meant to be there. "Only for you... only ever for you." She gasped out as another finger added to the one inside her. There was a million things she wanted to say in her mind but even if she could find her voice to do so, Melody knew that the pleasure coursing through her would never give her the ability to focus on a thought. Her hips rolled in circles as she began to moan louder and more frequently. Her fingers found her hair and twisted in them as she found herself needing something to grip on to. "I'm so close, baby... please.. don't stop. Right there." Melody half spoke and half moaned out. Her eyes tightly shut as she knew she was almost there. She pulled Amelia's mouth to her and kissed it rougher than she intended since she couldn't quite control herself. 
Amelia loved each and every reaction she was rewarded with. When she heard those words her heart skipped a few beats before her pulse quickened. She wasn't a very controlling or dominating person but in this moment she enjoyed having this power. As Melody encouraged her to continue and gripped onto her hair for leverage she moaned. If Mel was that close there was no was she was stopping. Her thrusting continued and she curled her fingers ever so slightly to hit that spot even better. Melting into the kiss she moaned against her lips. She needed to feel her twin come undone around her, she wanted her to just let go.. feel the plesure she'd experienced just moments ago. 
Melody tore her lips away from the kiss despite every desire to keep them locked with hers forever. Her back arched off the bed as her free hand gripped on to the sheet for support. She dug her head back into the pillow while her eyes were shut tightly. "Mmgh, fuck... Amelia." Melody moaned loudly, knowing that it was probably much too loud for the quiet house but she neither cared nor had the energy to control herself. She pulled at her sister's hair slightly and rode off her orgasm with a series of slow hip rotations before collapsing back on to the bed. She tried to catch her own breath as that same sloppy grin from earlier took over her face. "So good." Melody managed to get out short sentences while trying to relax. "I love you. So much." She whimpered out lazily, releasing her hair though her fingers ran along the back of her neck instead. 
Amelia moaned and practically climaxed again herself when she felt her sister ride out her orgasm. The pulling of her hair drove her completely insane. As Melody calmed and the grip loosened, the grin playing over the girl's features had Amelia blushing. She relaxed into her arms and curled up against her. "I love you too.." She whispered. Kissing her cheek and brushing her nose along the girl's jaw she just tried to relax. "Sleep now?" Another soft whisper.
Melody nodded, weakly as was still trying to catch her breath. "Do you need more?" She murmured, wrapping her arms around the younger blonde tightly. "I can get you off again if you need it." Melody promised, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss. She grabbed a blanket and pulled it over the both of their naked bodies. The warmth of Amelia so close to her calmed her and she pressed another kiss, this time to her forehead. "I really do love you." She whispered, finding her fingers to repeat the familiar gesture of lacing their fingers together. Her eyes shut and their foreheads touched once more. Everything about this moment felt perfect to her. The idea that she didn't need to leave the bed or make a girl leave hers after sex was foreign to her but she could quickly find herself getting used to it as long as it was with Amelia. 
Amelia shook her head no, "it was... perfect," she whispered. The gentle stolen kiss had her purring softly. Cuddling closer, she smiled as their fingers laced together once more. "And I love you.." more whispered words. As their foreheads touched her own eyes closed. Everything was perfect.. this blissful state was something she never wanted to let go of. "Sleep.." She whispered again, pressing a kiss to her shoulder before drifting off into a peaceful slumber in her arms. 
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