swamplatibule · 2 years
Arc Six So Far
I’ve had mega daydream block for a bit so we’re not at the end yet but we are Getting There
Fox died but not really lol
Btw Wilson was on the plane he fell out of. Reaching for him. Trying to catch him. 😇
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Hollister was not on the plane bc she was out on a date with some girl she met
And now she’s not answering her phone.
Oh no.
turns out her date was working for the Downbringers of the Arcane and kidnapped her
🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 red flag adri get a better girl
So what you should know about the DoA is
The DoA (Downbringers of the Arcane) are a group of people who consider the Enhanced to be magical and completely ignore the science and genetics that cause people to have abilities. Which would be all fine and good if they didn’t believe that “magic” was unnatural and want to actually murder all of the Enhanced because they’re “a threat to humanity and an insult to nature.”
long story short they fucking suck 👍
we thought they were small enough to not be a big concern but as it would turn out they’re actually HUGE
and they just kidnapped hollister
to get society information
but it doesn’t really work because she keeps insulting her interrogators and making ur mom jokes and just Being Hollister ❤️
Also!! The guy who knocked Fox out of the plane was trying to kill Wilson! But missed!
he admitted that later lol
just another thing for Wilson to feel guilty about because it was LITERALLY supposed to be him :/
Anyway Fox gets saved by these two Enhanced twins who are running from the DoA
their names are Myah and Lukas
Myah is telekinetic Lukas is telepathic
they’re like. nine.
Anyway Myah caught Fox when he fell and now he’s stuck with these two kids on a boat in the middle of the sea, no idea where land is, no way to contact the society
Shits fucked fr 😔
hollister macguyvers her way out of jail with a chair leg and a pen and also a gun
with the help of my favorite quote
its a lot funnier in the scene okay
buuuuuut she’s being tracked down so she can’t go back to the society.
she does call Wilson though!!! She just hangs up on him before he can tell her that Fox is “dead”.
she has no idea lol
Fox and Myah and Lukas make it to the Preservers!! Yayyyy! 🎉🎉🎉
oh wait you don’t know who that is do you
long story short a bunch of Enhanced who went “hey fuck this actually” and left to go live on an island by themself.
they let Fox in because he’s a society member and they’re allies
Fox is somewhat confused because the only people who know about these guys are the director and the division heads
top secret shit 🤫
but they’re pretty chill!
and then they tell Fox about the DoA and all the shit that’s going on because they have a future dude obviously
but they won’t participate in the fight because they don’t want to lol
“sounds rough wish we could help sorry”
“but you literally can help. easily”
“what was that I can’t hear you over this gentle breeze 😊”
he eventually convinces them to help and gets a plane ride back to the society!!
but there are DoA spies literally everywhere
so instead of being obvious
he breaks into Wilson’s apartment, scares the shit out of him, tells him everything, everyone’s happy and all good now
except his kid is still missing and in danger
fuck 🥲
thats as far as I’ve gotten but yeah!! Update!
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