#parenthood takes over and you have to let it or you'll be a shit parent
marzipancloud · 9 months
In regards to the list going around about having pro-choice vs pro-life parents,
I think it's a cope for pro-choice people to say they know they're wanted.
A child of pro-lifers knows they're wanted unconditionally. A child of pro-choicers knows their existence is/was conditional.
My parents wanted me regardless of:
My ability or lack thereof
My health or risks to it
My sex
My birth's impact on their jobs, lives, whatever
This fills me with confidence that my parents will choose me no matter what happens in my life. They won't decide I'm too costly or interfering with their careers or too disabled.
Can you imagine being the younger sibling of someone your mom aborted for being disabled and then becoming disabled yourself? Your mom aborted because she didn't have money back then and then goes through an economic crisis when you're young? She aborted to keep the bio-dad happy and now she has a new bf who doesn't like you? So on.
And yeah, your mom would say "it's different. I chose you", but we also know it's not "you" she chose, it was the favorable circumstances you happened to be conceived in 🤷‍♀️
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Yeah yeah Breg wants to be a dad and all. But how would he be as a dad lowkey??? Like is mans real ready for somethin like that? Its just so cute and funny for me to imagine though lol
This 8ft monster and this tiny baby. Like genuinely tiny. And small. And very vulnerable.
Thinkin bout whether he’d be the kinda dad to try and get the baby to say Dada as their first word or mama-
I do wonder if he can even handle when the kid starts gettin real rebellious and emotional. Like im sure he readied himself for this moment, and cause Reader would warn him bout soon enough their babys gonna say mean things and do hurtful / weird / dangerous + stupid shit. But itd probs hurt when the kid starts saying I hate yous and insults or something when they fight.
Bet he’d dread the day the baby actually grows up and leaves the nest and all that. Ooo as for potential lovers for the kid, would he approve???
Btw i just imagine when the baby has to get their shots and Breg is there watchin reader holdin the baby gettin injected with the needle and as soon as the baby starts crying he prob cries.
In the masterlist, there's a couple of posts that describe how Breg handles parenthood, in different settings of course. Such as Breg with an obsession who takes in a baby breeder, Breg and a "miracle pregnancy", and Breg with a single parent s/o. I think those are useful to give you a basic gist of things.
In general, is Breg ready to be a dad? No, fuck no. Maybe to a breeder hatchling he is, but to a human child? Not even close. He desperately wants to be a dad and has a very optimist mindset about it. The breeder is very willing to learn, but it'll be a challenge.
Whether the bay says "dada" or "mama", he's still overjoyed.
Anything that has to do with hospitals and doctors is extremely stressful for Breg, and he's going to be glued to your back the entire time, wanting to get things over with as soon as possible. The crying has him so tense he might just pop. His skin is constantly flickering and he'll snap at anyone who touches you two without warning. He never quite grows out of this, and you'll have to explain to the kiddo why daddy is so tense around hospitals, in a really soft and age-appropriate way naturally.
Breg has seen many tantrums in his unfortunate time within the facility. Ugly ones, things that mark you, from adults. He can handle most tantrums the kid throws at him without getting scandalized, but the "I hate you"s will kill him inside. Breg won't physically snap at them, but he does leave the situation, instead of addressing and chastising the kid. He's very, very concerned about safety and fights between peers especially, his tendency to shelter needs to be rebuffed every now and then. It'll calm him down if you invest in self-defense classes for the little one.
Lovers are scrutinized lightly, all things considered. Up until heartbreak happens. Oh boy, he's not going to enjoy dealing with that. Remember, Breg is yandere, he will kill for his child if he deems it necessary. While they're underaged, he can and will constantly warn them that mates have to be very carefully chosen and that they're not ready for that. As an adult, the breeder won't interfere too much in his kid's choices, but he will have a couple of tense, definitely threatening conversations with their partner. You know him by now, don't let this happen.
Leaving the nest always hurts, for most parents really. Distract the breeder or he will help himself to your kid's new place, just to make sure everything's okay. I can only picture your poor kid rolling their eyes as they open the front door to Breg snooping around, and then you have to come by to pick your dumbass up.
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