#park seojoon headcanons
blu-joons · 2 years
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He was a true gentleman whenever it came to affection, at home Seojoon loved to cuddle you and keep you right by his die, and in public he would always hold onto your hand so that he could safely guide you around.
All of his friends loved to embarrass Seojoon in front of you and share with you all of his most awkward stories. They especially loved to tease him by telling you all about the way that he gushed about you whenever he was with him, losing all control when it came to you when he knew that you weren’t watching.
Despite how busy he was, whenever you needed comforting Seojoon would forget about everything and be there for you. Nothing was as important as cheering you up and fixing whatever was troubling you. No matter how hard you tried to assure Seojoon that you were fine, he would stay right by your side anyway.
Whenever there was something that needed doing around the house, Seojoon would do it straight away. He never shied away from being domestic, and certainly never ignored a job for you to do instead of him either. Seojoon pulled his weight when he was around you, making sure that he took good care of your home like you did, pulling extra weight whenever he could tell that you were struggling too.
He wanted things to be lowkey when he proposed to you, the last thing Seojoon wanted was loads of hype around your engagement. Even after he had proposed the two of you kept it between the two of you for a long time before deciding you were ready to tell everyone. You wanted to do it on your own terms without anyone else sharing your news and changing any of the details about your engagement either.
Seojoon’s favourite thing about being with you was the kind of relationship that the two of you shared. He loved how well the two of you got on, how you could mess around and joke with each other, but at the same time you could be incredibly understanding and supportive of each other when you were feeling low. You both had your moments, but you were human, and the positives far outweighed all of that.
Staying in with you was by far what Seojoon preferred over going out and attending events. The events and awards weren’t what he got into acting for, he didn’t like attention and people being all around him. Instead, he enjoyed just being with you and in the comfort of his home like most people did too.
The two of you took quite a bit of time to go on honeymoon together, forgetting about work altogether. Your bucket list was full of places that you wanted to go, and with so much uncertainty over when you’d next get time off like it, you were determined to make the most of it and explore plenty too.
He loved to simply tell you that he loved you, choosing to say it aloud as the sincerest way for Seojoon to let you know exactly how he felt about you. He enjoyed saying it when you least expected it too, leaving you flustered and stuttering over your words as you rushed to say it back to Seojoon too.
Managing to make Seojoon jealous was a tricky job for most people, he was very secure in your relationship and knew that you wouldn’t do anything to make him feel jealous either. Most people that came up to you were people that he knew through working on dramas and attending multiple awards ceremonies too, however if the person was a stranger, then Seojoon would certainly stand a little closer to you,
Whilst Seojoon loved the line of work that he was in, having kids made him a little nervous with all of the attention that they’d probably get. He assured you each time the two of you discussed settling down that he wanted to do it only when he felt that he could welcome a child into a safe and not so invasive time period.
The two of you loved to watch things whenever you had a lazy day and escape into something different. Seojoon especially loved watching a drama that was as far away to whatever he was working on as possible so that he could think about something new for a little while. The two of you tended to have similar tastes when it came to dramas, meaning you could finish a series in a day if you wanted to.
You often got up before Seojoon in the morning so that you could sort things out for the two of you. Most mornings Seojoon would wake up to you making breakfast for him, trying to make life a little bit easier for him as you knew that he often spent his mornings trying to go over his lines to get them before arriving on set.
Most nights the two of you watched a drama episode or two before you went to bed. Seojoon especially loved to watch dramas that his friends were in and show off to you how talented so many of his friends were.
Seojoon was obsessed with your smile, he loved seeing you when you were cheery and often used that happy side of you to pick his own mood up a little bit whenever he was feeling stressed or exhausted.
The willingness that you had to help Seojoon out with scripts was something that he appreciated a lot and enjoyed too. You often put your own spin on the characters in what he was rehearsing for, which made Seojoon laugh, leaving him often breaking character as he explained to you how the scene was supposed to be.
Whenever a random thought popped into mind, Seojoon would often ask you about it. The two of you had conversations about all sorts of things, with you often worrying about what would come out of his mouth yet.
If any article dare failed to mention that the two of you were married, then Seojoon would get in touch with the writers. The headlines were never something that Seojoon wanted anyway, but it got to him more when people failed to research your relationship properly and recognise you as his married partner at least.
There weren’t too many moments of silence between you and Seojoon as he did enjoy talking. Even if it was about something random, Seojoon would often talk about it with you, enjoying the sound of your voice and listening to your opinions on things, very rarely giving you the chance to have too much quiet.
Seojoon’s biggest tip for making things work with you was to enjoy being around each other. He kept things fun for you all the time, finding new ways to make you smile and new activities for the two of you to try out too.
Nothing else mattered when you were upset, Seojoon would be right by your side and not leave until he saw you smiling.
Whenever you had some time off, Seojoon loved to invite you to set with him, introducing you to all of his colleagues. He loved showing you his work and letting you get an insight into the scenes that he was filming.
With you always there for him, Seojoon always made sure to be there for you and wished for your dreams to come true like his had done.
There was often a playful element to Seojoon’s kisses, he loved to try and push your boundaries from time to time. Although despite how much he loved to tease, Seojoon still made you feel loved with every kiss too.
You were his rock, Seojoon knew that he always had your support when he needed it.
More than anything else Seojoon liked to make sure that you got a good night of sleep in you, he would make sure that you were settled at night before even thinking about drifting off to sleep himself.
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chocolvte · 4 years
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NCT IMAGINE — park jisung as your boyfriend
LISTEN TO — slow down by mac ayres
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i hate to be a trend follower but damn he do be shy! like i just think he would be so shy and cute until he really gets to know you.
at first he feels like he has to be cool and impress you but after you get closer he’s more comfy and acts like himself.
he probably doesn’t confess to you until he knows for sure you like him tbh. like chenle has to infiltrate your friendship with jaemin and get all the 411 before he feels comfortable telling you he likes you.
then all bets are off. like he might just pull a park seojoon and give you the romantic confession of your dreams but it’s probably kind of a mess (an adorable mess but a mess nonetheless).
once you’re dating, he would be much more comfortable around you. he gets a little touchier too, but not too much. mostly he just likes being around you. like to him whatever he may be doing is better with you there too.
he really doesn’t call you that many nicknames. or if he does, they’re inside jokes between you. he really likes making you laugh. he just loves the sound of it. hearing it always makes him smile and feel so proud of himself because it’s like * i made him/her do that. (s)he laughed like that because of me * and afterwards he just glows.
he will take this to his grave, but tbh he really loves it when you wear his clothes. he just likes being bigger than you. he’s always comparing hand sizes with you and getting things down from high places when you can’t reach.
seeing you cry would make him so uncomfortable at first. he doesn’t know what to do and he kind of panics. like all he wants to do is wipe the tears off your cheeks, but what if you don’t want him to touch you? so it might take a while for him to figure it out but once he learns what you need to calm down and feel better he gets so good at it. like you don’t even have to say anything and he’s already got you.
jellybean — an inside joke referencing an unfortunate series of events in which you choked on a jellybean and jisung almost called an ambulance.
princess — used when you’re being mildly irritating but he still loves you but you’re being a little brat and should def shut up but he still. loves. you. 🙃
y/nnie (or some play on your name) — by far the most common. like he probably calls you this more than your real name. over time it’s just become a habit.
one of your favorite things to do together is visit this botanical garden in your city. it’s so pretty, especially in the early morning or during golden hour and you guys take a lot of pictures together there. sometimes you go in the morning and then get brunch or breakfast afterwards at the café across the street. other times you just get street food and walk around looking at the pretty plants and the butterflies which like to follow you around. jisung likes to tease you and say that they think you’re a giant walking flower.
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dannyboyzone · 3 years
Hanuel headcanons
Not requested, I need something to motivate me to do requests. These will be random ones. ♡
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She loves hello kitty stuff
Her heart aesthetics are 'baddie' but follows korean trends
She doesn't judge you if you have body hair, but wouldn't like a lot of it on her partner
Can't do math
Is a virgin, just incredibly horny one
She doesn't know what 420 stands for
She has had a crush on either Jay Park or Simon Dominic at some point, no she won't admit it
She feels a huge pressure from society to grow up fast and be perfect
Got her period early exactly because of that pressure
Will ask for your zodiac sign in order to stalk you, maybe even know it by the time you first talk to her if you are her crush
Doesn't put a label on herself, does admit that a lot girls are pretty though
Her favourite number is 7
She likes babying people she has a crush on
TW Had a kink of getting yelled at before Logan abused her
Loves cornflakes (?)
Likes Vanilla ice cream, hates vanilla chocolate
She can speak broken Japanese
She knows all of her friends Zodiacs
Would fight Zack if he hurts Mira, knows it won't happen because he is a simp
She loves white flowy skirts
Her favourite actor is probably Park Seojoon
She sings under the shower, but quietly
Last but not least, she likes to cuddle his plush animals. Her favourite one is probably a puppy.
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bryceslahela · 4 years
do you have headcanons for the oph gang??
anon.... im glad u asked..... i have a lot of thoughts.... yes i think ❤️ so here u go.... random headcanons abt the oph crew and there’s a lot (i got carried away 🥺👉🏾👈🏾):
• elijah watches anime along with jackie and aurora, they binge watch attack on titan together (aurora has a crush on levi, elijah has a crush on mikasa and jackie makes fun of them for it).
• bryce is a barb.... whenever he’s in the on-call room, he’ll plug in his headphones and listen to nicki. when he’s in his feelings he listens to grand piano. when bryce, raf and ethan work out together, bryce makes playlists, and although ethan complains, you’ll occasionally hear him humming to super bass. bryce can rap along to barbie tingz in 3x speed.
• keiki has made multiple tiktoks about bryce and they blew up and now he has a # on social media called ‘surgeon bae’. keiki hates it, bryce adores it. keiki is secretly happy that everyone loves bryce because not only does she get clout but she loves it when ppl love the ppl that she loves.
• sienna also secretly adores dad rock, whenever mc walks in when she’s baking, she’s always dancing to some 80’s pop rock hit. journey, aerosmith, ac/dc, she loves it all. it’s her guilty pleasure.
• before landry was exposed for being a lying snake, he implemented a rota for cooking and cleaning based on the roommates work schedules, they removed landry and replaced him with aurora. mc can cook decently but sienna and aurora are better and elijah and jackie are better at cleaning.
• jackie was a directioner, no one knew until they took a trip to the grocery store and jackie started singing along to ‘she’s not afraid’ and they still haven’t talked abt it. her faves were harry and zayn (as it should! ❤️).
• also aurora is deathly afraid of spiders and will scream the whole apartment down if she sees one. her roommates know this because she has done it multiple times before.
• raf was valedictorian in high school but chose to stay behind and go to community college for not only financial reasons but also family reasons. he was also offered a sports scholarship but stayed for aforementioned reasons. he also watches k-dramas and has a tiny crush on park seojoon (by tiny i mean big).
• tobias and ethan had a lil sexual chemistry going on back in college but they knew they were too stubborn and nothing would have worked out.... but cmon.... the sexual tension between them..... sumn happened and ik ethan isn’t giving us the full story. we don’t care abt ur chicken ethan jonah did u sleep with tobias or not 😒 the audience wants to know. (i kinda ship them 🙈 going after the same person to make the other jealous 🙈) .
• when zaid and baz were in school, they used to dress up as each other all the time and zaid could do a very convincing baz.... it was scary. they even took exams as each other, each in their stronger subject. they had to stop when they went to college tho.
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numberonechars · 5 years
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nome/nome artístico: kim seojoon.
idade: 21 anos.
função: trainee da vision.
faceclaim: park jihoon.
empresa: vision.
twitter: @1701jun
Seojoon não nasceu em uma família rica, mas também não teve dificuldade alguma na vida. Os pais são professores, e por isso o garoto nunca reclamou de alguma falha no seu ensino. Estudou nas melhores escolas, sempre manteve boas notas, mas sabia desde cedo que talvez universidade e empregos "convencionais" não fossem o caminho que tanto desejava seguir.
A paixão pela música começou cedo, mas pelos instrumentos. Aprendeu sozinho a tocar o violão do pai, o que apenas o impulsionou a procurar e aprender outros nas aulas extracurriculares de sua escola. Aos 15 anos, podia tocar também piano, baixo, bateria e saxofone — mesmo que tenha aprendido com esse último que não gostava de instrumentos de sopro.
O rap entrou na vida do Kim já na adolescência, quando este aventurava-se produzindo músicas de qualidade duvidosa em seu notebook. Ele compunha suas letras sozinho, gravava e colocava no SoundCloud. Com tempo e estudo, a qualidade foi melhorando e finalmente conseguia vários ouvintes em seu perfil na rede social. 
O garoto não pretendia entrar na indústria da música, porém, aos 17 anos e um ano antes da sua formatura no colégio, a falta de ideia do que seguir na vida foi o estalo para decidir pela única coisa que amava verdadeiramente. O plano inicial era ser apenas produtor, mas o anúncio das audições de uma pequena chamaram sua atenção. Foi negado, o que o fez ter mais afinco em conseguir uma vaga como trainee.
No final de 2017, com 19 anos, foi aceito como trainee da Vision Entertainment. O início foi caótico, já que as habilidades de vocal e dança de Seojoon eram praticamente nulas. Só tempo e dedicação deram jeito no garoto, e isso era o que ele mais tinha. Passava dias inteiros dedicando-se a melhorar no que precisava, e hoje em dia percebe como os resultados valeram por todo o esforço que colocou.
Enquanto aguardava pelo próprio debut, Seojoon continuou produzindo músicas para artistas da empresa e com outros trainees. No SoundCloud agora tinha um canal novo, em que apresentava-se apenas como Jun, mas o qual poucas pessoas sabiam quem era o dono verdadeiro. Ali era a válvula de escape, onde postava suas composições, estas que, na maioria das vezes, eram apenas um reflexo do que o garoto sentia verdadeiramente.
Como uma boa parte das músicas de Seojoon é sobre amor e o próprio admitia que tinha uma musa inspiradora para tais, boatos de quem seria essa garota sempre corriam por aí, porém nenhum certo — até então.
Ainda na adolescência, o garoto decidiu que apresentaria-se num festival da escola com algum de seus raps, mas ficou tão nervoso que errava e esquecia a letra várias vezes. O vídeo do acontecimento, gravado pelos colegas de classe, viralizou na internet depois que foi anunciado como trainee.
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