#partial to the second-to-last gif. it's fucked up from compression BUT i had to keep it that long for his face journey
nulfaga · 9 months
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johanson pilate...that's the post
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cherry-bomb-ships · 3 years
I rlly want to know how you did you're header cuz holy fuck it looks so cool!!!
OK OMG SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS BUT. First of all, thank you so much 🥺💖💖 Second, I'm more than willing to answer so I can brag about my header cuz I worked SUPER hard on it and would love to share my work process 💖💖💖 This is gonna be a liiitle complex, so here's the TLDR version of my process with a full explanation under the cut (plus some other fun info under the cut!)
I made the colored overlay in my art program of choice (Illustrator) and made the colors partially transparent, while keeping the black lines 100% opaque to have solid separations between each clip. I also figured in advance that I'd fit 5 boxes in the frame at a time so I sized them appropriately
I used my video editing software of choice (Sony Movie Studio) to place each clip in and manually crop and pan all 13 of my selected video segments to make sure they fit in their respective boxes. This was the biggest chunk of the work tbh :0
My original plan was to export the clip as frames and place them into a gifmaker, but this thing was such a beast at 15 seconds and 449 frames that it exceeded the frame limit of any gifmaking site, so instead I exported the clip as a video and used an MP4 to GIF converter.
The final file came out to 34 MB (which is HUGE for a gif) so to get it under Tumblr's 10MB gif limit, I had to compress and optimize the hell out of it by shrinking it, cutting the colors down and adding lossiness, and the final file in my header right now is a bit under 9MB
There we go, that was a condensed version of my whole process!! But under the cut I've got some screenshots of the editing process if you're interested :3c. Give it a look, I worked super hard on it!
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Here's the original file of the colored overlay! The canvas dimension started at what I knew would be the width of my GIF, so I started at 720px and measured 5 boxes within the space. Afterwards, I copied and pasted the boxes until I had 18 total, and I resized the canvas to fit the entire thing accordingly. See how the five boxes on the end are the same colors as the five at the beginning? That's where the GIF loops in the final product!
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And here we have the video file I used to create the GIF! Fun fact, I actually intended there to be a text overlay of my url, but I decided to remove it at the last second. In my opinion, the finished piece looks much better without text uwu But you can still see the layer up top that had the text in it!
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It's really hard to describe how much work this actually was unless you're familiar with video editing software, but basically everything you see that moves in the final gif, well, there's no automatic process to make it move in that way. To put it simply, the easiest way I could do it was to tell the editing program to move the clip from point A to point B, but those two points had to chosen manually. This was much easier on clips of my f/os who stayed in one spot, like Tom, Massimo and Robotnik's clips, but there were clips where my fave moved around so that they wouldn't still be inside the box if I only gave the clip the "point A, point B" command. That means that there had to be multiple other movement points in between, and some up these clips move a LOT so they ended up having to go from point A to, like, point H. (Discord's is actually kinda messy in my opinion, as I was trying to keep his head in frame even when he threw it back to laugh, so you'll understand what I mean if you go back to that one in particular.)
But I also had to make sure that the clips didn't overlap each other, so for every single clip I had to crop them using a cookie cutter video effect, which I also had to, you guessed it, give a point A and point B to move across. Also, you may notice the top five clips that I had to cut to go at the end and beginning of the GIF so that it looped properly, and for all of those clips, I had to make sure the end and beginning had the exact same frame, and I had to copy-paste the position coordinates as well to make sure that the loop was nearly seamless. In the final product you can notice a slight stutter where the gif loops, but in my opinion it worked out much better than I thought it would!
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Okay that's pretty much it for the technical stuff but lastly, I wanted to show off the notes I was doing on my little desk notepad to keep track of stuff during this whole project. Fun fact I started this project a little bit before I added Massimo as an f/o, which is why his name is kinda reluctantly squeezed in on both pages. On the left you can see my process for deciding the colored box I'd assign to each f/o; my starting number was 12 faves so I tried to do 2 shades of each other the rainbow's colors. You may also notice that Hopper's color ended up being Massimo's, and I changed Hopper's to more of a forest green!
On the right I had the order the clips were going in, as well as some various coordinate notes to help me remember where to place a few clips. You can also see I wrote down the conversion site I used to turn clips I found into MP4s, cuz sadly youtube to MP4 sites are becoming an endangered species ;-;
Aaaand that's about everything I can think of! I'm very happy with the final product and I'm very glad that a lot of people seem to think it's cool! 💝💝💝
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Goldilocks || 06
Happy kind of early 700 followers! How?! I only reached 600 last week. You guys spoil me. As thanks, here’s 6.4k of “pure,” unadulterated Goldilocks.
Rated M (language and smut)
Warnings: Masturbation, hand job, just general cringe worthy stuff
Summary: After getting evicted, your two best friends Jimin and Taehyung offer you a place to stay until you get back on your feet. Needless to say, with a part time job and a mountain of student debt, that’s not happening any time soon. Eventually, they DO become really fond of having you around, helping with chores and even splitting rent. So when you come home one day to find someone has been sleeping in your couch-bed, well… it’s something you won’t take lightly.
Out of context Goldilocks quote: “Wait, random arguments about ass? Or just like, getting mad about nothing? Because one of those is definitely better than the other.”
Links to: Goldilocks Masterlist || Previous || Next Part
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not my gif, credit to owner
A/N: OH LOOK THE RATING CHANGED. If you’re someone who doesn’t like smut, asterisk* is where it starts, skip until the *asterisk where it ends. You won’t be missing plot stuff. I made sure of that. Special thanks to @echo-writes. 
Taehyung’s room, too hot.
Jimin’s room, too cold.
You flop onto the empty sofa. Just right.
While you love Taehyung and his bed, there is a strong possibility that you would give your nonexistent left testicle to kick out Jungkook and sleep here again. Couch is love. Couch is life. You contemplate taking a nap while you have the house to yourself, but then you smell it, something that is awfully, unmistakably him.
You roll sideways, onto the floor, almost hitting the coffee table.
He’s contaminated it.
Jungkook has gone and rubbed his stupid smell all over your precious couch-bed. Not that you… know what he smells like. You cringe. Spending a third night in Taehyung’s bed might not be so bad after all. If you just down another dose of god knows how old NyQuil like the past two days, at least you’ll be spared the horror of another wet dream.
Besides, you’d probably have to fight Jungkook for the couch anyway. Then again, maybe you could shove the golden haired muscle pig into Jimin’s room. That would take care of two problems.
The sound of jingling keys pulls your attention to the entryway. It’s too early for Jimin to be home from work and Jungkook can’t get in without someone unlocking the door for him (maybe there’s still a chance you could “accidentally” leave him outside at some point). So the logical conclusion is, Taehyung is home from school early.
You’re pretty sure he had an exam today, but because your friend is surprisingly one of those people who can get a solid 95% without reading the textbook, studying, or even attending lectures in some cases, he probably finished in less than twenty minutes. Classic Tae. Technically, you’re not supposed to be home either, but your first class was canceled despite having spent all weekend slaving away, shut inside the bathroom on Jimin’s laptop to finish writing your essay.
The bathroom? Yes. Don’t judge yourself. What were you going to do? Continue suffering in Jimin’s room? Move to Taehyung’s and get distracted by the mess that would even put a garbage dump to shame? Or worst of all, confront Jinglekook in the living room or kitchen?
So there you found yourself, in the bathroom hunkered under a layer of blankets in the bathtub and on a throne of pillows, telling all three guys to “fuck off- go piss on a tree” whenever they came knocking. The only time you let them in was the rare occasion you had to leave for important things like food or when you left for a four hour shift at work on Sunday.
You were being difficult, yes.
But if a certain someone hadn’t taken your beloved couch, it wouldn’t have been a problem.
Suddenly, the door swings open, slamming against the wall and bouncing back to hit a very excited looking Taehyung in the shoulder. Leave it to him to make an entrance.
“I’m home early~ before everyone else~” he playfully sings to himself. You contemplate telling him you’re here, but then, “Gonna go watch porn~ with the volume on~”
If you’re going to tell him, now’s the time. From your position on the floor, sandwiched between the couch and the coffee table, you watch as he obliviously saunters down the hall, dropping his backpack and enthusiastically stripping off pieces of clothing in a none-too-graceful dance. First his coat, then his shirt, and oh god there go his pants.
You should really tell him…
Yet, something inside you insists that you don’t, manifesting in a small, warm thread of curiosity that knots in your stomach. It causes you to carefully, quietly get to your feet, ears straining to hear something, anything. Each step takes you closer to his door, interest pricking pleasantly at your skin.
A loud, wet squirt causes you to jerk to a halt. His door is only open a crack and you’re less than a meter away from being able to look inside.*
You can’t help but wonder what position he’s in. Lying down? On his knees? Sitting? You don’t know his kinks. Still, he must have headphones on if you can’t hear the video yet, but lord knows you can definitely hear his first moan. It’s breathy, but low and raspy, a sound that travels straight to your core.
Immediately, the images from your dream begin to surface- Taehyung’s lips exploring your breasts, your legs wrapped around his waist, his hard arousal pressing against you. Heat floods to the pit of your stomach and standing makes it more difficult to press your thighs together, searching for friction, but it’s not like you can just start touching yourself. Can you?
Unable to make a decision, you stall by closing the last few steps to take a peek.
The bed sits directly across from the entry and because the door is cracked open just slightly, you’re only given a sharp forty-five degree angle view of the room. This doesn’t allow you to see what’s on the screen, but from the way he’s kneading his bottom lip between his teeth in concentration…
Of course, you can’t stay focused on that beautiful mouth for long. Taehyung tends to sleep in his boxers, so the sight of his bare chest isn’t exactly new. However, you can see he’s lying on his side, now completely naked, partially propped up on his elbow, head resting against the heel of his palm.
It’s his other hand though- fingers wrapped around his hardening, lube covered length- that draws the majority of your attention. Your eyes widen as you watch him easily, slowly run his fist from the base of his growing erection to the tip.
You can feel the blush color your cheeks, guilt pinching your throat, drying your tongue. And yet are you moving away? Are you telling him he’s not alone? No and hell no.
Taehyung’s fingers lace in his hair, eyelids threatening to flutter shut as his tongue briefly flicks over his lips, toes curling as he circles his thumb across the head of his cock. He lets out another, breathier moan.
The throbbing heat that’s gathering at your core is becoming unbearable and you don’t notice (or choose not to notice) as you slide your fingers to the apex of your thighs, running the middle digit along the seam of your jeans in an attempt to relieve the aching frustration. Some of the tension in your chest begins to evaporate, but your heartbeat starts to hammer in your throat, knees weakening, bliss threatening to knock subtlety down a level on the priority list.
To keep your balance, you rest your forehead against the door frame as Taehyung’s leisurely ministrations begin to get faster, filling the room and hallway with slick, wet sounds.
Forcing your breaths through your nose to try and quiet them, you watch helplessly as he flips onto his back, planting his feet on the mattress, abandoning the video on his laptop screen to begin thrusting upward into his still pumping fist. He seems indecisive about what to do with his other hand, first grabbing onto the sheets, then hovering above a tissue box on his nightstand, then settling on roughly massaging the beautifully tanned, slightly sweaty skin near his collar bones. A guttural sound escapes his throat.
*The already tightly wound coil in your stomach begins to compress, a moan sitting at the tip of your tongue, breathing becoming noticeably heavy.
“Fuck, baby,” he suddenly whines loudly, voice cracking, hand visibly tightening, stilling.
It’s a miracle he hasn’t noticed- wait, ‘baby?’
Taehyung’s gaze suddenly drifts down from the ceiling to meet yours, a wicked smirk twisting the corners of his lips.
Panic searing through your veins, you back away immediately and stumble, shoulders hitting the wall of the hallway which causes you to sink to the floor. Everything feels too warm, namely your face, but it only gets worse when you hear him get up.
Taehyung shuffles to the door, pulling it open to give you a boxy smile, still slowly stroking himself.
“Enjoying the show hmm?” he teases breathily, only making your mortification worse. You knew he wouldn’t care, not really, but Taehyung is the type of person that will give you shit for this for the rest of your pitiful life. Then again, don’t you kind of deserve it? After a few seconds of you not responding he says, laughing,“Aw baby, don’t be shy.”
“Fuck off.”
Attention roaming everywhere but his hand and crotch, you can’t seem to settle on anything. Looking away makes you seem defensive, but you also can’t meet his gaze directly. You eventually settle with the little beauty mark on his nose.
“Touching yourself is normal,” he coos between deep breaths, much to your obvious displeasure and his amusement. “I mean, I can’t say the same for watching someone masturbate but-”
“How long did you know?” you curl into a tighter ball, trying to hide behind your knees.
“Mmm. Well, when I turned over one of my earbuds fell out and I could hear you breathing,” he says as casually as if you were talking about dinner plans. “Now my question is, why over your jeans?”
“Shut up.’”
“I mean, was it not hot enough to-?”
“What? I’m just curious. Kind of like someone else I know…”
Embarrassment flares through your chest and cheeks in the form of an uncomfortable heat, but also through your core as a small quiver.
“I’m sorry, alright? I should’ve said something.”
“You should have, but you didn’t,” there’s a suggestive undertone in his voice that leaves you squirming and suddenly he’s kneeling down, hardened length still in his hand, which has slowed its pumping. At this point, you must admire his self control and the steadiness of his voice. He continues with one word that destroys whatever dignity you have left, “Why?”
“I…” you have to acknowledge that you don’t actually know the answer. Because you’re a pervert? Probably. But do you want to admit that? No. “I just wanted to see…”
“Wanted to see what? My big beautiful dick?” as he’s giggling, Taehyung is clearly teasing, but you can’t find it in you to laugh. “You could’ve just asked.”
Your dream reality hadn’t lied. You and Taehyung had kissed on multiple occasions, but besides his obsession with all things boob, you had never actually done anything with him. Granted, you joke about sex more than enough, but… you stare at the hand wrapped around his length as it comes to a stop near the tip, where he’s leisurely rubbing circles again with his thumb.
Embarrassment sends another chill down your spine and you wrap your arms around your knees. Why do you feel so exposed when he’s the one that’s completely naked? And then, as if it couldn’t get any worse:
“Idea,” he shimmies his shoulders, pulling his bottom lip tightly between his teeth. “Wanna touch it?”
“Wah, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but like, I wouldn’t mind.”
Had you heard that correctly? Did he just… proposition you… to touch his dick? You glance down quickly, blush burning your cheeks. This is bad. You should’ve just told him earlier. You should have said something right when he walked through that door. But now you’re here, trying not to stare as of one of your best friends jerks himself off while he’s less than a meter away, watching you watch him. And the worst part? All you think is, “What would it feel like?”
You’d read your fair share of dirty internet smut. Would it be “rock hard” like people claim? Or more flexible? Would the skin be- why are you thinking about this?
You clear your throat, “Tae, I’m gonna be honest and tell you that I’ve never actually… touched a penis.”
He stills, confusion spreading across his expression, “Are you a virgin?”
“I mean, do fingers count?”
“Were they your fingers?”
“I’m serious.”
“Yes and no… there was one guy a couple years ago-”
“Years?” he sounds astounded.
“I’ve just been really busy with the apartment and family and work and school, okay?” you start sounding defensive, even to your own ears.
He takes a breath.
“Look, baby, there’s nothing wrong with waiting,” Taehyung hums, rising to his feet to back toward his room. He continues with a teasing slowness, “But yknow, if you wanna change it up, I’m just a shout away.”
The typical list of consequences scrolls through your mind on fast forward. Jimin. Roommate. Friendship.
Fuck it.
Before you can respond, you hear the telltale sound of your phone, device frantically vibrating from where you left it in the kitchen. No. That’s the alarm you set to remind you to go to your second class.
You reluctantly push yourself up, “I… need to go to school, but…”
“Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere,” his voice is laced with a playful, suggestive sing-song quality, but it’s also unusually deep, raspy, aroused and only leaves you more frustrated as you race for the door, picking up your phone, jumping into your shoes, and dragging your backpack (well, the one you stole from Jimin after your binder incident on Friday) after you.
Panting, you burst through the door of the classroom only to find that the professor has thankfully not yet arrived. Fuck parking. Fuck your low endurance. And most of all, fuck Kim Taehyung for making you this confused.
“Wow ____, why does it look like a tornado ate you and then shat you out the other end?”
“Thanks Yoongi, how flattering,” you deadpan, taking your regular seat beside him.
“Well you know I live for giving top notch compliments,” he shoots back. You both laugh.
“I just had a crap morning,” you admit vaguely, throwing your notebook and a pencil on top of the ridiculously small university desk, trying to dispel the image of Taehyung from behind your eyelids, frustration still throbbing in your core. “But I’m so ready to take this quiz.”
“Quiz got canceled. Didn’t you get the email?”
You freeze, unsure whether to be relieved or furious. You’d stayed up late last night to read the chapter.
“Clearly your face says ‘no.’ It got moved to Wednesday,” he scrunches his nose at you with a smugness that makes you want to smack him.
Why you’re friends with someone like Min Yoongi, you can’t really say. Maybe it was because you coincidentally ended up in two classes with him two years ago, sat next to him both times- again, coincidentally- and eventually found out you were the same major. At that point, it was only logical that you would schedule as many classes as possible together. After all, while Yoongi seems like a lazy student, always wearing sweats, slowly scratching out notes, and constantly looking ready to fall asleep, you know that he is one of the most diligent, intelligent people you’ve ever met. Unlike Taehyung who’s smart but lazy as- why are you still thinking about him?
As for why Yoongi graces you with his presence, you really don’t know. Maybe it’s got something to do with your killer good looks. Just kidding. You’re pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that you get his sense of humor, generally hate the same things, and don’t pressure him. And isn’t that kind of the basis of friendship anyway?
It probably also helps that you’re both slightly above the average age of the student body. You’d taken a few terms too many to get your general ed done and apparently he’d taken a few years off to work on his music. Somehow, both of you ended up studying literature- well, Yoongi is double majoring in business, but you prefer only torturing yourself a little.
“Stupid fucking school email,” you groan, stabbing the eraser of your pencil uselessly into the notebook. “Why can’t they send us texts?”
Yoongi smirks, “Because that would bee too easy.”
“But why can’t life just be easy? What memo did I miss?”
“The same one that says girls can start the most random-ass argument with a guy after he just fucking coughs.”
“Wait, random arguments about ass? Or just like, getting mad about nothing? Because one of those is definitely better than the other.”
Yoongi looks like he’s about to rip you a new anus and your incessant laughter is probably not helping your case, but before he can reply, the professor enters the room and all conversation politely fades away. Your participation in discussion today is minimal. For that you blame Taehyung as well. Every time you attempt to raise your hand, all you can feel is the ghost of the seam of your jeans running beneath your fingers. Every time you speak, all you can hear is the echo of his moans in your mind.
“Remind me why we took lit in translation,” you complain as you exit the class a torturous hour and forty five minutes later.
Yoongi lets out a humorously derisive hum, “Because it’s required?”
“Right… I knew that.”
“Of course you did.”
He seems to have forgotten about his outburst prior to the start of class, so in lieu of letting him try to verbally beat you to a pulp for your earlier comment, you let go of your curiosity and walk with Yoongi in a pleasant silence to his next class.
“See you later,” he nods, not sparing you a smile but also not ignoring you completely. Since meeting a couple years ago, this is a vast improvement so you don’t really mind.
“Bye Yoongles, don’t forget your essay on Wednesday!” as you run away giggling, he bristles with irritation.
He hates the ridiculous pet name and you know that perfectly well.
Excitement and nervous anticipation waltz through your body as you jog away from your car.
“Tae, I’m home,” you announce, throwing your backpack down near the door. You hadn’t seen Jimin’s car outside and from the lack of noise in the apartment, you’re pretty sure Jungkook is still gone as well. All the better.
“In my room,” he calls back and, kicking off your shoes along the way, you shuffle toward his voice, stopping in the doorway. He greets you with a boxy smile, “Wassup? Did you have fun in class?”
Pleasantries. Alright.
You aren’t sure whether you’re relieved or disappointed to see he’s put on a tee shirt and boxers, but exhilaration bubbles in your chest all the same as you reply, “Remember the quiz I was up all last night reading for? It got pushed back.”
“At least you’ve studied,” he says, pulling the earbuds from his ears and closing his laptop. “I’m sure you’ll do great.”
Is he avoiding the subject because he’s regretting his offer? A little bit more of the excitement changes into apprehension, but you decide to throw caution to the wind. He was technically the one that started it.
“Right. Thanks babe. But, anyway… are you still okay with…? Cuz like…”
“Okay with what?” it takes a few seconds, but Taehyung’s eyes widen slightly in realization. “Wait, you actually want to touch my dick?”
“Yes?” you say, wincing, unsure whether his disbelief comes from his thinking you are joking or the possibility that he had been joking earlier. Anxiety shoots through you like ice.
Taehyung has never been the shy or reserved type, obviously. He’s very open about his sexuality and has almost no shame because, to quote him, “It's just a normal bodily function.”
“But you’ve never touched a dick before,” he sounds like something’s not adding up properly in his head. “And you want to touch mine?”
“Yes?” you repeat, gaze dropping down to stare at the floor.
What if he says no? That thought hadn’t occurred to you before. He has every right to decline your advance- even if he was the one who propositioned it in the first place, so every second he keeps you waiting, staring at you with that dumbfounded expression, you can almost feel hours of your life being stripped away. You chance another look up.
Taehyung’s big brown eyes search your expression for something, but the adrenaline prevents you from reading them. And then he says, “Alright, well what are you doing all the way over there?”
You can feel the blood rush into your cheeks as you close the door, approach the bed where he’s patting the covers, and take a seat. Once you’re settled, sitting crosslegged facing him, Taehyung makes quick work of his boxers, kicking them off and letting them join the ever growing pile of clothes on the floor.
“So what’s the plan, baby?” he giggles, obviously noticing the fact that you’re now looking everywhere but him.
“I guess I just want to… I don’t know… touch it a little?”
“Well go right ahead.”
You don’t move. Pulse pounding in your throat, mouth dry, you inwardly admit that you’re not even sure why you want to do this. Maybe that wet dream got to you more than you’re willing to admit. Maybe you’re finally realizing how hot Taehyung is. Maybe you’re just so sexually frustrated because a certain someone decided to come crash on your couch and rain on your parade- no. He has nothing to do with this.
Besides, it’s only a penis. But will your friendship be weird afterward? Is your arousal and curiosity worth ruining something like that? Still, it’s literally just a penis.
“Baby, don’t be shy,” Taehyung whispers, making you jump as his breath brushes against your ear. When had he gotten so close? A shiver runs up your spine, making you lean away from him. His lips pucker in concern, “You okay?”
“Just nervous,” you admit, running your fingers through your hair.
He lets out a small sigh, “If you don’t want to-”
“No! No, I do. I just… I don’t even know where to start.”
“Well, you’ve pretty much already got me naked, so that’s good,” Taehyung laughs, a sound filled with just as much amusement as relief.
You still don’t move. He sighs.
“Looks like I’ll have to get you warmed up,” the amusement abruptly leaves his tone, replaced by an intense sultriness that leaves you confused. How’s he able to just switch it on so fast? Tilting his head so that he’s looking at you through half lidded eyes, Taehyung’s gaze suddenly gets darker as he slowly leans closer, tongue peeking out momentarily between his lips. “But I can help with the rest too.”
“O-okay,” your voice cracks as he presses the briefest, lightest kiss to the apple of your cheek.
“So, you got any kinks? Cuz I can dirty talk like a motherfucker. Not that I’ve… fucked any mothers. Shit, sorry, probably ruining the moment,” he muses, pressing another kiss to your jawline, then to the sensitive skin beneath your ear.
You’re not sure if it’s his wandering lips or the fact that Taehyung unwittingly just made a reference to your dream about him, but as he begins tonguing at your neck, some of the nervousness melts away to be replaced with misty pleasure.
“I mean, I haven’t really done much exploring in that arena,” you try to keep your composure, but with each open mouthed kiss against your skin, you’re finding it harder and harder to form coherent words.
“That’s alright,” he soothes, working his way slowly back up to your cheek. “How you feeling?”
“Better,” you admit, though still aren’t exactly sure what you should be doing at the moment. Do you touch him now? Should you kiss him back? As a reference social cues, you try to recall what happened when that guy fingered you (or tried to) at Jimin’s nineteenth birthday party, but you can’t seem to remember much except not orgasming and leaving the apartment shortly after.
Oh well. It seems like Taehyung knows what he’s doing and you’re kind of okay with letting him take the reins here.
“Great,” he growls playfully, placing a finger underneath your chin to tilt your face toward him. “Now the first thing we should do is get me hard.”
Again, your dream-self hadn’t lied. You’ve kissed Taehyung before, but the other times were drunk accidents or the result of rather cruel rounds of truth or dare that usually also involved alcohol.
Taehyung doesn’t give you much time to start questioning. His lips meet yours, soft, gentle. Your eyelids flutter closed.
God, it’s been so long since you’ve kissed someone sober.
Taehyung lets out a hum of appreciation, pulling back just enough to tell you, “I can see you’re still using that strawberry chapstick from last time.”
A memory. A new dress. Strawberry chapstick. Spilled beer. A slap. A drunk consolation kiss. So part of the seventeen percent of the party Taehyung claims to recall includes making out in the corner of the living room. You’ll have to talk to him about that later. Right now, you’re horny, you’re here to touch his dick, you’re mad about your fucking dress again, and you’re easily able to disguise the sudden anger as confidence.
“You ‘see?’ Or you taste? Pabo,” you laugh, taking the initiative and fisting the collar of his shirt to bring him forward.
This time, it isn’t just his lips, but his tongue, asking for entry. You’re ready to deny him just to be a tease, but as you shift to a more comfortable position and your hand lands directly on his warm, bare thigh, you take in a sharp breath of surprise. He takes the opportunity to unabashedly slip his tongue into your mouth.
Groaning in what’s clearly fake displeasure, you immediately fight back, pressing your wet pink muscle harshly against his. A laugh builds in Taehyung’s chest, but you swallow the noise, pushing him down so that his back presses into the mattress.
“Oo, someone’s a dom,” he winks as you attempt to situate yourself- though you’re finding it difficult when your main focus is to continue avoiding his manly bits. From what you can tell, because you’ve never actually seen a penis outside of a health book or occasional (you’ll admit) porn video, he’s only half hard.
How long does it take for a guy to get it up? You want to ask, but you’re also pretty sure that Taehyung would tell you if you’re doing something wrong.
“Shut up,” you shove him back down as he tries to prop himself up on his elbows. Your gaze momentarily travels to his crotch and your nerves get the better of you, making you sit with your weight resting on your heels, a very unstable position considering you’re on a mattress.
He shoots you a boxy grin, “What? Do you want me to touch you a little more? Get you in the mood?”
“Is that just a ploy to touch my boobs?”
“You’re disgusting,” you laugh, but the outburst relaxes you, which seems to be what he’s aiming for. “This isn’t about getting me off. I just want to know what it’s like to…”
And suddenly, the words are lost again, caught in your throat behind a lump of apprehension.
“You know, baby, it’s not gonna bite you,” Taehyung’s tone is soft, encouraging as he reaches down, taking his cock in his hand. “I mean, I might, if you’re into that kind of thing. But it definitely won’t.”
He gives you a sympathetic smile, “And again, if you don’t want to-”
You cut him off by extending your hand, offering, “I’m gonna close my eyes. You do it.”
Darkness. The smell of him, musky pine. And the feeling of warmth as his larger hand envelops yours. It takes a second or two, blood rushing and pulse drumming in your ears- and fuck you hope you aren’t trembling as hard as you think you are- but then you feel Taehyung’s other hand. His thumbs press firmly into your palm, moving outward in a ghost of a massage until your fingers relax and he’s able to gently close your hand around what you can only assume is his cock.
And all you can think is: why is the skin so soft?*
“Your hand is so much better than mine,” Taehyung sighs, tightening his grip on your fist, in turn, tightening yours on his dick. “Okay, baby. Goal achieved. You touched it a little. If you want to back out, now’s the time.”
Your eyelids flutter open as he, maybe subconsciously, begins to drag your fist slowly toward the tip. How can he be getting pleasure from this? Doesn’t it hurt when there’s no lubrication? Well, maybe not hurt… but like… chafe? Yet he doesn’t hesitate to loosen his grip momentarily to pull both of your hands back down. Heat floods to the pit of your stomach as your brain finally catches up to what your eyes are seeing.
You’re touching Taehyung.
No, not just touching, you’re pleasuring him. The thought sends a strange mix of confusion, platonic revulsion, and pure exhilaration through your stomach in the form of frantic metaphorical butterflies.
“Baby, I need an answer please.”
Your attention travels to Taehyung’s face, his expression contorting in what looks like a mix of slight pain and bliss. He’s clearly trying to maintain eye contact, but is mostly failing.
You clear your throat, replying, “This- this is fine. Just don’t expect me to suck it or anything.”
“Nope. No expectations here,” he feels around almost blindly with his free hand, the one he’s not using to help you pump. It only takes him a few seconds to deftly find the bottle of lube in the top drawer of his nightstand. “Alright. I guess I better start- wah- being a good coach again.”
You snort at his faux smugness, earning you a breathy laugh.
“So because I’m assuming you’d rather not have your spit or mine all over your hand, and the whole point of this is to actually touch my dick,” he pauses to take in a shaky breath, letting his head roll back against the mattress before forcing himself to continue explaining. “A sock won’t work. So I’m using lube. It just makes it more pleasant for everyone.”
The gel feels cold against your skin, but with Tae’s hand around yours and the constant movement, the sensation doesn’t last long.
“Every guy will feel a little different,” Taehyung grunts, chewing on his lip, now unquestionably fully hard. He drops his free hand to start palming his balls. “And every guy gets off to different things- fuck- but maybe we can work on that next time.”
“Next time?” you tease, independently tightening your grip for a moment.
His reaction is immediate, a whimper leaving his lips.
“And who ever said I’d finish getting you off?”
Where is this confidence coming from? Weren’t you a hesitant mess earlier? Your core feels like a furnace and a pleasant tightness has wound its way into your stomach, likely devouring your good decision making skills. Maybe you are just too aroused to care anymore. But like hell you’ll let him touch you or worse, give him the satisfaction of watching you touch yourself.
“Now that’s just cruel,” Taehyung’s voice becomes humorously unsteady. “I let you touch my dick and you leave me with blue balls.”
“You can just jerk off again.”
You watch curiously as his face contorts in pleasure and can’t help but feel accomplished that you are the one causing that expression. Kind of. He’s doing a lot of the work. The same lewd, wet sounds from earlier begin to permeate through the room, each one resonating within your core. Maybe you should let him touch you. After all, what’s the harm? You’re already getting him off. Again, kind of.
The thought of his fingers buried deep inside you- or even better, his tongue- makes you a little bit braver.
“I can do it by myself,” you offer as one of his legs naturally bends, foot planting on the mattress, muscles tensing.
“You sure?”
Instead of answering him verbally, you slip your hand from his, causing his eyes to widen in shock and confusion. But you only do this to change the angle of your grip, running your palm along the underside of his cock.
Images from watching him masturbate earlier flood back into your memory, the movements of his wrist and fingers.
“Is this okay?” you ask as you circle the pad of your thumb lightly over the head of his length, disturbing the pearl of precum.
“A little harder- yeah okay that’s good,” Taehyung glares at you, collecting himself as his thighs visibly tense. “You’re sure you haven’t given someone a hand job before?”
“Why would I lie about that?”
“Because you just wanted to see me-”
Your arm stills momentarily as you lean forward to pull down the collar of his tee shirt and press an open mouthed kiss against the base of his neck, the same place he had started massaging earlier. Maybe your estimation of five minutes had been a little too generous. Then again, he also surpassed Jungkook’s guess of two.
Taehyung’s dick twitches and his release spills all over his thighs and the exposed part of his stomach where the tee shirt had ridden up.
*“Damn it,” he lets out a long, shaky breath as you gently continue pumping him until he pulls away, likely from sensitivity. “That’s embarrassing. Usually I last longer than that. I promise.”
“Aw babe, that’s nothing to be ashamed of,” you tease as you sit back on your heels, not so subtly wiping your lube covered, penis-cooties infected hand on his already partially soiled shirt.
Taehyung scoots over slightly to reach into his nightstand drawer, pulling out wet wipes to start cleaning himself off. He hands one to you as well, voice more raspy than normal, “I just kept thinking of Friday… when you moaned my name in your sleep and I guess I blew my load-”
It’s less of a question than the auditory equivalent of a deadpan.
He looks confused momentarily, but then a boxy smile slides onto his lips, “Oh yeah, I heard that. Sorry, baby. Couldn’t help it. Were you dreaming about me?”
He heard.
You can feel the heat of the blush run to the tips of your ears, “I can’t fucking believe-”
“Don’t be mad,” he sits up, still grinning, tossing the wet wipe aside. “It was hot.”
Your response locks in your throat as he, in a single swift movement, reaches up, fists the collar of your shirt, and drags you forward to press a kiss to your lips. You aren’t sure why, but this makes you relax immediately, like flipping a switch.
You are practically leaning over him now, which makes it easy for him to shift only slightly and whisper huskily in your ear, “I can get you off now… if you want.”
It’s undeniable that this whole affair has left your panties a sticky mess. Your body wants you to take up Taehyung’s offer and your mind can easy justify it, but for some reason, you hesitate.
He seems to notice this and abruptly pushes you down, hoisting himself over you, straddling your lap.
“How do you want it, baby?” he gives you a reassuring smile as he begins playing with the hem of your shirt, softened dick resting against your crotch. “Do you want to come around my fingers? Or… maybe my tongue?”
The thought of his mouth against your folds sends a blinding amount of arousal shooting through your veins and another flood of heat straight to your core. If there had been any hope of salvaging your panties, it is now gone.
You try to suppress a shiver that runs pleasantly up your spine. You fail.
“Baby wants me to eat her out, hmm?” Taehyung teases, clearly having seen your reaction. “I can totally do that.”
He crawls backwards, gently pushing your knees apart so he can sit between them. Why hadn’t you worn a skirt today? Why did you wear jeans? What if he thinks you look ugly? What if he thinks you taste bad? Why are you letting him do this?
He hooks his fingers in the band of your pants and you close your eyes tightly, biting back the anxious anticipation to focus on the excitement.
This is Taehyung. The same Taehyung who casually jokes about jerking off, loves pressing his face in your breasts, and has no shame. The same Taehyung you’ve been friends with for over a decade. The same fucking Taehyung that you know you can feel comfortable around no matter what because he’s one of your best and closest friends- but also because he’s horny as shit all the time.
He knows what he’s doing. You should trust him.
A small sigh escapes your lips as you feel the material of your jeans start to move down your hips. Your arms reflexively cross over your chest and face in a subconscious attempt to hide yourself.
Whether or not he noticed, you’ll never know.
An obnoxiously loud knock causes you to sit up and diverts Taehyung’s attention vaguely toward the front door. He pouts, “That would be Jungkookie.”
You groan, knowing whatever window of opportunity had been presented is now closed, “Can’t we just let him squat outside for a while?”
“Jimin would kill us.”
You swallow your retort, suddenly wondering if Taehyung knows why Jimin would kill both of you for leaving Jungkook outside. Had they talked? Had Jimin told him? Even if he came out to Tae, maybe he hadn’t said anything about his crush on the maknae. So you stay quiet on the subject.
“Still, babe,” you whine. “I… I’m…”
Taehyung shoots you a sympathetic smile, “We’ll take care of your problem in a little bit, okay? Just go let the kid inside.”
“Why can’t you-?”
With a pointed yet amused look, he gestures down to his partial nakedness and smeared shirt.
“Fine,” you grumble, rolling off of the bed and shuffling away, trying to keep your thighs together to hide any signs of arousal, but also trying to desperately give your frustrated body some relief. It’s not working.
Adjusting your pants, you unlock and open the door, revealing a rather disgruntled looking Jungkook. He glares, practically spitting, “Took you long enough.”
You’ve never wanted to punch him more than in that moment, but somehow, you magically manage to restrain yourself.
EOPQ 14: New character, Yoongi. Thoughts?? AND/OR do you like the more realistic, less sensational smut?
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