#partner ; xsweetxhallelujah
loveofcharacters · 2 years
continued from here.
It was hard seeing Q this petrified over something Trevor didn't know how to fix, or what he even did to trigger this reaction. The only thing he knew to do, was call his partners name until there was eventually some recognition behind the eyes. After a minute, Trevor reached for his phone, he was starting to freak out and wonder if he should call emergency services. Trevor kept coaching him to breathe, and finally Q's eyes perked up. "Yeah, babe, I'm here." He confirmed. Trevor's head began to shake immediately after hearing Q start to apologize. "Q stop, you have nothing to be sorry for. Outside of almost giving me a heart attack." He joked, because he was uncomfortable with the reaction he'd caused unknowingly. Trevor was about to place his hands on the mans knees but stopped himself. He was afraid to touch him, he didn't want this man he cared for to shift into a state of panic again.
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fvckromance · 2 years
"I want a baby." Vera froze. She'd been reaching for a condom when he said those surprising words. They'd had the conversation about children in their future, of course she knew it would be a point in their relationship timeline but didn't expect him to tell her like this. "Brett," she whispered. "You shouldn't- I mean, when did you decide this?" Their last conversation about kids was several weeks ago, maybe even months. She knew he'd needed some time to wrap his head around the idea. Now Vera's heart was slamming in her chest, "You're sure?"
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corxunum · 1 year
I want to sincerely apologize for dipping without a single word to any of you. Life got me good with a ton of responsibilities that make writing an impossibility at this very moment, and will continue to do so for a while. I don’t want to abandon this blog or my muses, or drop any threads I have because I DO plan on getting back into things eventually. To give you a rough estimation, I have a feeling it might be a couple more months, possibly coming summer/autumn. I might be able sooner tough, but who knows.
I love and miss all of my partners and friends who have been nothing short of incredible. Please know that I would gladly return to all our things when I come back, if you still want me to. If you want to drop anything we have, I totally understand too. No hard feelings at all.
Take care of yourselves and come send me a message if you feel like it. Just because I don’t write doesn’t mean we need to lose touch. 😘😘😘
@ericbrandonrp @richardxoliverxmayhew @thechaoticcform @wexarethewalkingxdead @retroactiive @thekingswench @skyler-bane @soulsuckrrs @colorscanvas @dontcxckitup @frigid-vitality @hxnrydeaver @northernxstories @roughxsouls @thosemalemuses @unbridledcreativity @roughxsouls @xsweetxhallelujah if I forgot anyone, I’m sorry. Just another side effect of my current life.
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classicdecadence · 3 years
The trademark grin that had helped make Daniel Jr into a heartthrob leading man was on full display as Val opened her door to him. With Saturday sunshine beaming down upon him and a bag of takeout food in hand, Jr’s mood was as warm as his grin and that only heightened as he laid eyes upon Val for the first time in ages. 
“Long time no see, Val,” Jr quipped by way of introduction, a gentle laugh following his words. “I figured that now we’re gonna be co-stars again that I should pay you a little visit... I know it’s a surprise but... well... couldn’t resist it...” he added, still grinning before holding up the bag of takeout food and saying “I brought Thai, you still like that?” 
Jr acted like they were old friends and of course they were, even if they didn’t see each other anywhere near as much as they’d used to. On top of that, there was the fact they’d been in a relationship for years whilst working on their last show and lingering memories of that started coming to the forefront of Jr’s mind as he looked over at his onetime and now future TV partner. 
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rosesdieinaweek · 3 years
@xsweetxhallelujah​ liked for a starter from Luka
Luka had understood for the longest time that holidays were hard for some people. They were busy and over the top and as much as he loved getting to spoil people with gifts not everyone felt the same. Still he was hoping that this surprise was going to be a good one, even if it had been the worst couple of weeks. “I know, Babe. Unfortunately there’s just no way to get out of this shoot.” Looking over the car at their shared partner and nodding that he would wrap up the call. “Yeah, look they’re calling me up so I really have to go. Love you too.” A pause as his phone slipped away, “Think they have any idea that we’re about to win the holidays?”
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axtolatry · 2 years
The movie ended long ago, and Orion had muted the TV before turning it to another channel, entertaining himself by trying to guess what the infomercial hosts were shouting without being able to hear a single word. Bella was passed out on top of him, small hand fisted in the loose shirt he was wearing, and the man was loath to disturb her - technically, she should have been in bed a half hour ago, but she’d fallen asleep on him, instead, and he hadn’t wanted to wake her by moving. He’d intended to tuck her in before Evan could come home from his shift, but as the familiar sound of keys in the lock turned, and as his partner entered, guilt was clear on his face. “Sorry - I was going to get her to bed, but if I wake her up now she’s going to start a fight about bedtime all over again.” // @xsweetxhallelujah
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marimelwrites · 3 years
@xsweetxhallelujah​ continued from this text thread here.
As Ty’s phone vibrated with a call coming through, he didn’t even need to look at it to know who it was. He’d had his phone on vibrate since he’d been filming. Ty picked up with a breathless greeting, and listened to Quenton’s immediate instructions. It was like a switch had been flipped, and Ty followed every single little detail. His left hand going to his neck just as his partner had instructed him to do. When Quenton finished speaking, Ty breathed out a, “Yes, Sir.” The sound of the two words coming out like a soft moan as his hand began the path that he had memorized Q doing to him time and time again. Ty closed his eyes so he could imagine and visualize Quenton doing what he was doing, while listening to the other man over the phone. “Please, just... please, Q...” Unable to make a coherent sentence as he was so overcome by his desire for his partner and for any relief of the ache he felt, “I-I did... I did what you said...”
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justxaxstory · 5 years
*Getting To Know The Mun*
Name: Ames
Nickname: Cookie
Faceclaim: Three primaries - Alexander Ludwig, Alex Hogh Andersen and Jordan Patrick Smith
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5’6 1/2” 
Birthday: October 16th
Your Aesthetic: Homebody with a Wandering Heart. Traditional with a twist of feminine and modern. Suits. Dresses. Comfy PJs, Autumn, Warm Sweaters, Books, Chocolate, Tea, Lakes, Oceans, Mountains that touch the sky and Thunderstorms when you are safe inside. 
Last Song Listened To: “Antisocial” by Ed Sheeran
Fave Muse(s) Written: Ever? This is a hard category for me because I love all my muses and their flow is difficult to gauge when it just depends on who is screaming the loudest. On this blog, Bear (Alexander Ludwig FC) flows the easiest because I have written him or some version of him for years.
*Getting to Know The Account*
What inspired you to take on these muses?
I just thought the show did a terrible disservice to these characters. I really resist Canon characters as a rule but these characters deserved far better than they got. Then they morphed into their own entities so I have no idea what they are now. Each new world I spin them into changes them a little more and a little more again.
Fave Aspects of Current Muse(s):
Bear - His protectiveness.
Bjorn - His wanderlust.
Ivar - His humour and his rage.
Ubbe - His desire to be something more which is constantly at war with his desire to just live a good, quiet life. 
What’s your biggest inspo when it comes to writing? I love to write and enjoy that on indie, I can construct some elaborate and totally bizarre world and someone will usually write it with me! No matter how weird it is!! Love you guys
Fave types of threads? Smut. Fluff. Angst. Anything that builds. Really taboo or just plain strange worlds/universes. Things I don’t get to write anywhere else.
Biggest struggles in regards to your current muse(s)? Time time and more time. Sometimes one muse is flowing more easily that others and I feel bad for ignoring people who i know would love it if I just replied to our thread. Wanting fresh things when I know people would still like me to finish up the old stuff. Guilt over being kind of a shitty rp partner. 
Tagged by: @untamedgoodoleboys
Tagging: @alongingwithin ; @little-earthquakes-rp ; @emeryfleming; @angedansant, @rosesxandxthorns, @the-roleplay-realm, @bruisedxpetals, @littlexkittensx, @awildflowerinafieldofroses, @bcbliophile, @choosingtherightwords, @chloejanedecker1, @chaosxdestruction, @clctomidnite, @disapprcve, @deocrumtorquent, @deliirious, @fxnalpxges, @gccdbyelxve, @gentlexreckoning, @hxtties, @insatiablelilith, @intenscities, @immcrtales, @licnbcrn, @lol-haha-joke, @magellan-88, @mobandroyalty, @magicomplex, @marbeledroses, @navghtys, @ofbookshelves, @ofpixiewings, @pantslessoptimism, @prettylittlxslavxs, @provocativc, @romxna, @returnxthexslab, @rxntheworld, @sxbaist, @satanskxds, @submissiveones, @sweetlipsandroses, @sxilingthegalaxy, @thefamilyblack, @theholyandthedamned, @tightintheolwebshooter, @unrulybodies, @utterxdesires, @wintercolourss, @walkxthexmoon, @xbeautifulxmadnessx, @xsweetxhallelujah, @xsaintsxandxsinnersx, @lawinheels, @starsxinxaxstorm, @strawberryxwrites, 
And that is everyone I can thing of off the top of my head. I apologize if I left anyone off. It was accidental I assure you!
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rosesxandxthorns · 5 years
*Getting To Know The Mun*
 Name: Katelyn
 Nickname: Katie, Kitty, and an old partner used to call me Evans (because she was my Prongs)
Faceclaim: For my OOC posts? Candice King on here... it used to be Cher Lloyd on my old blog  
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her 
 Birthday: September 18th
Your Aesthetic: Extroverted Introvert. Comfy sweats, hoodies, books on books on books, spiced apple cider, halloween, cupcakes
Last Song Listened To: “Truth Hurts” By Lizzo because i’m 100% that bitch
Fave Muse(s) Written: EVER? Like EVER EVER? I mean shit I’ve been rping since I was 13 (shout out to MSN groups). Do you have any idea how many muses I’ve had in almost 16 years? A fuck ton. I mean Cassandra Troy, Luna Winter, Nicola Krum, and Adeline Quinn will always have a soft spot in my heart. I fucking miss them sometimes and I’m glad that I have some partners and I can still write OG Cass and Luna. (FYI those two are on this blog just as side muses because I couldn’t get rid of them fully when I left @theharpieoftroy and @bewarelittlered )
*Getting to Know The Account* 
 What inspired you to take on these muses? I wanted something new and didn’t want to put them on my other blogs so I created this one. Originally it had two women and two men living in a boarding house together and that happened for like a year before I switched to my current ladies about a year ago. I wanted complex fun women and I keep adding more because I have no chill.
Fave Aspects of Current Muse(s): I have too many to list one by one so I’m gonna go with Izzy right now because she is 100% that bitch and doesn’t take shit but she’s soft on the inside and people don’t really get to see that. She needs more sweet stuff because honestly she’s not that bad just has a hard shell.
 What’s your biggest inspo when it comes to writing? Being able to write what I want. I constantly have ideas and I’m lucky to have partners that want to write them with me, but 100% I get nervous and keep a lot of them to myself
 Fave types of threads? ANGST. Oh my god I’m a sucker for angst. By I also like fluff and smut (plus taboo is fun) But i’m all about the angst.
 Biggest struggles in regards to your current muse(s)? Only having muse for some of them. Daphne is a hard muse to get to so I don’t write a lot with her but she also only has like three threads so that could be why too.
 Tagged by: @justxaxstory
Tagging: @connectedstrangers @distinctivenoir @xsweetxhallelujah @yambcrghini @hellisbutavacation @aj-writesss
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bruisedxpetals · 5 years
*Getting To Know The Mun*
Name: Evie.  Nickname: That is a nickname up there.  Faceclaim: The stunning Eleanor Tomlinson.  Preferred Pronouns: She/Her.  Height: 5’7´´  Birthday: December 13th.
Your Aesthetic: Snuggled into a colourful blanket on a chilly evening, a book and at least two cats in your lap. Chapped cups full of steaming coffee. The smell of clean laundry and scented candles. Fresh berries in a silver bowl. Long scarves and short skirts. Red. Grey. Cracked antique tiles. Old books. Chipped nailpolish. Messy but shiny hair.
Last Song Listened To: “China girl” by David Bowie. 
Fave Muse(s) Written: I do have my 4 muses and all of them have aspects that differentiate them from all others and are easier to write sometimes than other muses are. I couldn’t pick a favourite. It really does fluctuate. New plots or ships tend to spark the muse but other than that, I jump around between my children. Someone who I´d written with across accounts once said they couldn´t see one of my muses work for a certain plot and that they´d prefer trying it with a specific other one because “they were all so damn different”. That´s honestly one of the best compliments I´d ever gotten. That wasn´t the question but I wanted to mention it LOL
*Getting to Know The Account* 
What inspired you to take on these muses? They´re all OCs so simple ideas I had in my mind that wanted out. 
Fave Aspects of Current Muse(s): Delilah is just an angel, too good and pure at heart. So idealistically willing to love and trust, it´s heartwarming. 
What’s your biggest inspo when it comes to writing? Inspiring partners! I love it when you can just randomly throw ideas around with someone and they develop to these huge intriguing plots. Nothing better than that. Two people combining ideas to one whole, that´s perfect collaborative writing and makes a thread so much fun. 
Fave types of threads? I would make a fool out of myself claiming not to love romantic plots but I do so in all shapes and forms. Domestic, cute, funny but also dark or forbidden. Smut is fun but no must. I love action in the sense of a moving thread with different paces and sometimes even unexpected curveballs. 
Biggest struggles in regards to your current muse(s)? Dee is easy to muse but she´s not always the loudest because this is my smallest account, threads and follower-wise and most of the time, I owe A LOT more replies on those other blogs. On the bright side, with having muses in huge fandoms, I prefer to come here more often lately to escape the pressure that entails that. 
Tagged by:@justxaxstory aeons ago (thank you sm for thinking of me!) 
Tagging: @xsweetxhallelujah @untamedgoodoleboys @little-earthquakes-rp and YOU!
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northernxstories · 2 years
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Ivar was grateful to finally be on their way home. The holidays had been full of visiting, which was a lot for a man who didn’t care much for people. As expected, his family adored Angie, regarding her as a sweet addition to the family. She and Bjorn’s Bela got along well and the men in the family were impressed with Angie’s beauty and obedience. He’d say they also turned a deaf ear to his frequent exercise of discipline but most of them were busy with their own partner. They were, in many ways, a traditional family, and if Angie’s cheeks were rosy the next morning as she tried not to be embarrassed about what his family heard the prior night, well, he thought it was cute when she blushed.
It was harder visiting her family, to pretend they were no more than college boyfriend and girlfriend, to keep his hands (mostly) to himself. As it was, right now her bottom was nearly returned to unbruised, unmarked perfection. Almost as it was the first time he had claimed her seriously, in the school library. That seemed like forever ago now. 
The airport security line took forever but he was pleased to finally be seated beside her in one of the first class seats for the cross-country trip to their school. “Did you enjoy your holidays, Angie?” he asked solicitously, trying not to think of ways he could put his hand under her shirt to play with her breasts during the long flight.
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loveofcharacters · 2 years
Chloe looked at her phone for the hundredth time, she was supposed to be inside the bar she was stalling to enter. Noah was most likely waiting for her inside the bar her roommate and his best friend was meant to attend. She's met Yules in passing, but that was before she and Noah started... whatever this was. Now she was someone Chloe wanted to impress, but didn’t actually need to, because she wasn’t Noah’s girlfriend. But deep down she wanted Yules to like her. Though she’d never admit that to anyone. She hated feeling this nervous but she’s heard the name Yules so often that she couldn't screw this up. She needed Yules to like her, but she didn’t know how to do which was making her nervous.
Standing outside the bar adjusting her weight from one foot to the other as she tried giving herself a pep talk. Suddenly she heard her name in a familiar voice, she turned to see Noah walking towards her. “Oh- I thought you’d already be inside?” His presence sky rocketed her nerves, then an idea sparked, “What if we skipped this?" she suggested with a smirk. "We grab a pizza, go back to yours, I think we could have a lot more fun there. I know a super cute dog that misses you, and a fresh set of sheets that's calling our name.” She smirked trying to seduce her way out of this party, out of the rejection she’s sure going to experience by someone that matters most to him. “C’mon.” 
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filthysins · 3 years
starter for @xsweetxhallelujah​ ft. benjamin
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he waits until he’s sure no one else is watching, before he drags the female into the confessional booth. the space is cramped but he keeps bela pulled tight to his lap so they fit just fine. “we talked about this, you told me you could handle it. now you’re telling me that was a lie?” his voice is a hiss as he barely contains his frustration with the girl. “did you lie to me, bela?” his question is as much a warning as any threat could be. he wants to complete this job, and he doesn’t give a rats ass about the mark being the all too trusting church accountant. all he needs is for bela to prime the man for him, and he’ll do the rest. but now it seems that his little partner in crime is having a crisis of conscience. something benjamin finds all too annoying in the moment. 
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loveofcharacters · 1 year
Feeling her lips on his, it seemed to solve all his problems, answer all his questions he had about them, or what they could be like. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself, but he just knew he wanted to be with her, he wanted to be able to do this every night if he wanted. He wanted to be with her, date her, love her unconditionally. Ellis wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in close enough where her chest was pressed against his. He followed her rhythm and deepened their kiss. He wanted her to see how this is good, how this was right.
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loveofcharacters · 2 years
The reporter was mid-reply to a work email when her realtor friend sent her yet another listing for a home in the area of her dreams with the subject. This could have been yours. She opened the link and gasped at its beauty, after a few photos she whined. "Lena is being a bully." She joked, tossing her phone with a chuckled sigh. "She just sent me another house in Stonebrooke that she sold." Dallas chuckled looking up at Brett. "The market is just booming right now. It's like everyone has decided to sell."
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loveofcharacters · 2 years
Trevor was sitting on his couch, ten seconds away from another FRIENDS episode, three inhales away from finishing a blunt and a the start of a fresh beer. His week had been very stressful and his first thought of how to get his weekend started with a complete relaxation reset. What he didn't expect was Q to come over, had he planned on seeing him that weekend, oh absolutely. "Am I a little high? No, no." he lied shaking his head drunk and intoxicatingly exaggerated. Then he immediately contradicted and started nodding. "I mean, yes, yeah. I'm a little high." he laughed. "I have some more if you want some."
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