#parts 1-3 are my least favorites (personally i don't understand how people in the fanbase miss when jojo looked like that...)
shoechoe · 7 months
The eyes and lips are definitely consistently my favorite part of Jojo's art styles. Very pretty. I always really like the detailed shots where you can see them in full quality.
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There has always been a particular allure to me with the way faces are drawn in Jojo- especially the manga. It gives it a very serene and delicate feeling which is interesting for a fighting series. I'd even say this about parts 1-3 to an extent despite everyone being hulkish and otherwise hyper-masculine.
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arabian-batboy · 2 years
in your opinion, which stans of the Batkids are the most toxic?
Short answer: All of them, when a character has hundreds of thousands of fans online, then there bound to be a portion of them that is toxic. They might be a small percentage of the over-all fanbase, but their toxicity makes them appear larger in numbers than they really are, but for the most part there’s really not a huge margin between how toxic different fans of the Batkids can be.
Long answer: I have been in the fandom for a couple of years now and I have interacted with my fair share of people across the fandom, so based on my own personal experience, from most toxic to least toxic, they are:
1- Tim’s stans:
To be fair, when Tim’s fans are cool, they’re REALLY cool and very fun to interact with or talk about comics. Unfortunately though, cool Tim’s fans that don't take themselves seriously are hidden gems and a huge amount of them are very very very obnoxious and their shortcoming is that they view Tim through main-character-lenses where everything has to be centered around him and everyone else is a secondary character.
The biggest reason that makes them #1 in my ranking is that they have a serious issue with thinking that Tim is simultaneously the best character to exist while also being the most oppressed character to exist, even though he’s definitely neither of those things and its just really annoying to hear someone go on about how their favorite character is so perfect and better than everyone at everything, while also crying about how their favorite character doesn’t get any love and are constantly mistreated (especially when in reality they actually get more love from DC than anyone in Gotham beside Batman & Harley)
2- Dick’s stans:
If you asked me this question a couple of years ago, they would have definitely been way lower in the list, but I don’t know what happened in recently years that made Dick’s fans so overly-defense and hostile. I understand that fanon Dick has done more damage than any other fanon interpretation of any Batkids, but attacking everyone who make the smallest light-hearted joke about Dick isn’t it.
There’s also those who are so desperate to portray Nightwing as an A-class superhero who’s a master at everything he does and is a total loner edgelord who doesn’t need anyone or has anything fun or cheerful about him and...... just stop, what you’re doing isn’t that much better than fanon portraying Dick as overly-bubbly and I know you think it makes Dick sounds cool, but in reality you just make him sound like a discount Batman.
3- Cassandra’s stans:
They’re very similar to Dick’s fans in that they used to be chill, but in recent years they decided to make their dissatisfaction of DC’s treatment of Cassandra to be everybody’s problem, which includes them popping up to anyone who’s makes the smallest complaint about how their favorite character is currently being treated to yell: “YOU THINK THEY HAVE IT BAD??? LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED TO CASSANDRA!!!” even if the character they’re talking about literally has ZERO things to do with Cassandra’s character.
Basically their anger is always misdirected and rarely has any positive results or discussions coming from it.
4- Damian’s stans:
I’m a Damian’s fan myself, so I might be biased, but its honestly hard to judge them because I feel like Damian’s fanbase has the most “variety” of any Batkid’s fanbase and it reached a point where some groups stan completely different versions of the same character with each group being toxic in their own special way, so I decided to put them in the middle.
I’m not gonna talk about each of them, but I feel like what all of them have in common is that they tend to over-react to things, even if they are in the right about something, they usually end up pushing too far in the other direction to the point where it blows out of proportion (but to be fair, if you leave them alone, they generally will not bother you)
5- Barbara’s stans:
Lets talk about the elephant in the room from the get-go.........almost all toxic Barbara’s stans are DickBabs shippers, I don’t know why that is and I don’t think everyone who ship them is inherently toxic, but boy are they a loud minority.
If we’re just judging Oracle’s fans then they would probably be the lowest in the list, but stans of Batgirl!Barbara and DickBabs shippers really pumped them up, especially during TT’s run of Nightwing.
6- Jason’s stans:
You know what, I never noticed this before I sat down and wrote this list, but have you noticed how most Jason’s stans are surprisingly very chill? There might be some inner-fighting going on between them, but for the most part they usually stay in their lane and don’t bother anyone unless you came for them first.
7- Duke’s stans:
Again, for the most part they are very chill and usually have great takes for all characters equally, but I feel that just like Dick’s fans, their frustration about Duke’s treatment can get the best out of them and sometimes they might go off on someone who didn’t deserve it because they didn’t like what they were saying.
8- Stephanie’s stans:
I don’t have much to say about them, but I mean come on, when was the last time you saw a Stephanie’s fan-account picking fights with other fans or insulting other characters? I personally haven’t seen one do such a thing before and while similar to Cassandra’s fans, they might give you a sob-story about Stephanie’s treatment, I feel like they’re much better about directing their frustration to DC instead of random people online or other fictional characters.
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
ok yeah re: your tags this is what i figured and i wonder if people keep phrasing it like that On Purpose to pretend midnights isn't a flop or just cause swifties think very strictly in terms of Album Eras (ha). but at the same time i kind of wasn't sure cause i still can't seem to grasp exactly How hard tickets were to get and How expensive they are cause like my brain kind of finds it hard to believe that THAT many people payed THAT much when they weren't fans ? but a good concert is a good concert haha i guess i just don't have the Concert Goer mindset
lmaoooooo i can't imagine midnights has that many diehard fans that they would bother with that kind of retconning. i'd venture to say that that person just didn't really understand how we got here. i just made a little sub-post with this article that details a lot of it really well if you want to be certain that i'm not just talking out my ass lol.
i know it sounds crazy when you look at before and afters like that, but I think you're forgetting that in the lead up to the tour, she had been feeding the content beast for YEARS while subsequently withholding a tour. for good reasons i mean we had a pandemic, but she kept the content faucet going. not just any old content though, content that did several crucial things.
1. folklore/evermore DRASTICALLY broadened her fanbase. everyone on here i'm sure can tell you how they had friends or family who had never cared much for taylor before, but folklore/evermore was a HUGE success, ESPECIALLY among the 30+ crowd at the time. it was incredibly mature, both in it's subject matter but also in it's soundscape and genre, and so she collected that new group of new fans whom she had never been able to reach before. (there are also many twitter threads of these new fans exploring her back catalog for the first time and so i mean there's a spike right there to her old work)
2. the re-releases of both fearless and red reignited the fervor for those albums in fans that might not have been into her more recent stuff. maybe they aged out or they just didn't care for the newer pop-oriented fare, who knows. either way, it turned her into something extremely powerful which is a NOSTALGIA artist, at least in the eyes of these fans turned casual listeners. nostalgia is a powerful drug, so she collected these reanimated fans as well, and then created an ENTIRE tour around that nostalgia.
3. in general, i'm sure you've seen articles and news stories about how concerts are difficult to get tickets to in general post-pandemic, which is not exclusive to her. she has several outside factors but that general fact is true across all the tours we've seen post 2021. people were cooped up in their houses, separated from all the communal aspects of life, even if they didn't like those aspects. going to big public events have become commodities in and of themselves because of the hunger we had for it that we had to bottle for so long, fizzing and building until finally it pops when we enter a stadium again. it's seeing your favorite artist in person, sure, that's part of it, but what's become MORE important post-pandemic is the pilgrimage aspect of assembling with your fellow acolytes and experiencing the euphoria of that communal release. you can take the friendship bracelet phenomenon which is a complete fan invention, born out of this hunger for human connection and interaction among like minded people in a shared space. swifties couldn't WAIT to see other swifties and feel that human community in person for the first time in years. so we can add this factor as well, how by penning us all until we grew ravenous with hunger for human interaction, the pandemic made concert going one of the most gourmet michelin star meals currently available to the human population.
Add this all together, and throw in a new album yes which is in comparison to the other factors a mere bundle of twigs on the now soaring flame. but it counts! it all counts. it's this collective intersection of priming an audience both unintentionally/unwillingly and also verrrry intentionally that caused her ticket demands to be as gargantuan as they were, and still are. it was a genius marketing move, making this tour appealing to every single person who ever liked taylor ever, in combination with her on the upswing in public favor (which we know will have a down swing but we're on the up right now). and it's also subsequently CRAZY to point to midnights as the all encompassing reason for this ladkjakldfjlksdfj. i know the mold is usually to chapterize her life in albums, that's true, but this breaks the mould. even calling this the midnights era is ludicrous. It's the Eras Tour Era if anything, and we will be in it for another YEAR at least. insane to think about.
and as far as having a concert goers mindset, i don't know if i have that either, it takes a lot for me to go to a concert. but on top of ALL of this lead up, she delivers one hell of a show. worth going again if you can, imo.
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