#party venue derby
thedottydiapercompany · 7 months
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We hope to see you at an event this year🥳
All events are not ticketed due to the size of the venues the Littles Lock In runs in. There is simply no need.
All events are none sexual all you have to do is come and play and relax!
The events in Derby have two very large private car parks that are owened by the venue and are FREE and the giant 10ft x 10ft ball pit with Animals will be there!
Every event in Edinburgh will have a bouncy castle as it's owned by the @LittlesLockIn
We will have a shop at all of them so you can walk in, in street clothes, and be transformed on site.
Every event has cake, party games, and story time. But you are free to do what you want when you want!
If you made it this far why not do a repost and help us spread the word!
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https-harlow · 1 year
Fight The Feeling Prologue- Part 8 Album Release Party's And Lost Bets
Summary- You and Jack celebrate the release of Come Home The Kids Miss You, and attend the Kentucky Derby together while still keeping your relationship a secret.
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As soon as you and Jack got back from your anniversary trip, Jack started promo for Come Home The Kids Miss You, while also continuing to work with his jeweler to get your engagement ring made. Over the almost 2 months of promo, you and Jack saw each other several times, since you officially moved to Kentucky it was easier now that you could both go home on your breaks and didn’t have to make up some excuse why you wanted to fly to whatever random city the other was in. 
With Jack’s album release, he was throwing an album release party, which you were attending. Everyone attending had already signed NDAs to enter, but there were people invited who weren’t aware you were dating, so you still had to be careful. 
You and Jack were currently getting ready at your apartment, your apartment was closer to the party venue. You had been splitting your time between the two apartments, agreeing that once Jack was done filming and after he was finished with his tour, you two would move in together officially. It just didn’t make sense for you to move in together, go to Los Angeles for a couple months, and then you go home, and Jack goes on tour. 
You were currently trying to zip up your dress, while Jack was in the living room putting his shoes on. Even though you were getting ready together, you decided to arrive separately.
Jack walked into your bedroom to tell you he was leaving and say goodbye, when he saw you struggling with your dress.
“Baby, do you need help?” Jack asked, walking up behind you, his hands already reaching for the zipper. 
“Yes please.” You told Jack and he started to pull the zipper up.
“You know, I usually help you take dresses off, but I guess I’ll make an exception and help you put this one on, but I’ll be taking it off later.” Jack said and you laughed softly.
“Let’s be honest, we’ll probably come home and fall asleep.” You said and Jack laughed.
“Hey, I can hope.” 
“Well, either way you’ll be taking it off of me because I can’t reach the zipper.”  You joked and Jack laughed again.
“I guess that’s true.” Jack said as you turned to face Jack.
“Are you leaving?” You asked, placing your hand on Jack’s chest gently. Jack nodded.
“Yeah, I’m about to leave.” Jack said. “I’m just going to drive myself over, I got a car coming to pick you up in about 30 minutes. We should be able to leave together, everyone staying late either knows we’re together or will be too drunk to notice.” Jack said and you nodded. 
“I love you and I’m so, so proud of you.” You told Jack, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck, gently pulling him down to kiss him.
“I love you too and thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you, truly.” Jack said, resting his hands on your hips. 
“Now, go, before your late.” You said and Jack laughed.
“I don’t want to go without you.” Jack admitted.
“I know.” You said, adjusting his shirt as you talked. “I don’t want to have to go separate either, but we were talking about telling more people, so we won’t have to stay as hidden for much longer. What did we say? After you’re done filming?” You asked and Jack nodded.
Jack sighed, one of his hands in his pocket, playing with the ring box he had in his pocket. He had just picked up your engagement ring from the jewelers earlier in the day, part of Jack wanted to propose right away, he had even considered doing it at the album release party, but there were to many people that were going to be there that didn’t know you were together. 
He also wanted the proposal to be private, since your whole relationship was based off your privacy, and a party was the opposite of private. He also thought it might be nice to propose with friends and family around. Essentially Jack had no idea how he wanted to propose, he just knew he wanted you to be his fiancé. He brought the ring anyways just in case.
“I know, only a couple more months and I can show you how much I love you publicly as much as I do privately.” Jack said and you gave him a look. “Okay, maybe not as much, but I am still interested in having sex on a yacht.” Jack said, referencing his song lyrics.
“We’ve discussed this, I’m not fucking you on a yacht.” You said, pretending to be annoyed but a hint of humor in your voice.
“All I’m saying, is the offer still stands.” Jack said, both of you laughing.
“Okay, now seriously, go before you’re late to your own party.” You said and Jack nodded.
“I love you, I’ll see you soon. Text me when you leave?” Jack said, leaning down to kiss you.
“I love you too. I’ll see you in like 30 minutes. I will.” You said and Jack nodded, kissing you one more time before he left.
Several hours later and Jack’s album was officially released, the album release party turning more into a club party. You and Jack had been socializing with different people in the room, finally taking a few minutes to talk to each other. You had been talking for about 15 minutes isolated in the corner of the room when Neelam approached Urban.
“Does Jack have a crush on Y/N?” Neelam attempted to whisper over the music to Urban.
“On Y/N?” Urban asked, looking over at you and Jack before looking back at Neelam. It was hard to deny, anyone who knew Jack could tell by the way he leaned into you when he laughed at whatever joke you made that the way he interacted with you was different from the way he interacted with anyone else.
“Yeah. They’ve been talking for a little while now, off in the corner, alone. I’ve never seen him interact with someone like he is with Y/N that he doesn’t have a crush on.” Neelam said.
“Oh really?” Urban asked, trying to deflect her question. “I don’t think he’s acting different.” 
“He totally is.” Neelam said, taking a sip of her drink. 
“How many of those have you had, does someone need to cut you off.” Urban teased, Neelam laughed but shook her head.
“For your information, this is my second drink.” Neelam said before bringing the subject back to you and Jack. “Isn’t she coming to the Kentucky derby with us?” She asked and Urban nodded.
“Yeah, I invited her.” 
“Do you have a crush on her? You’ve invited her several places now. I can’t believe I’ve never but that together. That’s so cute.”
“No, I don’t have a crush on her, we’re just friends. Nothing more.”  Urban said and Neelam looked at him suspiciously.
“Look at the way they are interacting.” Neelam said and Urban glanced over at you two. Jack had leaned down to whisper something into your ear, you were giggling at whatever he said. “You’re going to look at them and tell me they don’t have feelings for each other.”
“Okay, one, make up your mind, am I in love with her or is Jack? Two, yes, that is what I’m going to tell you.” Urban lied. 
“I’m still trying to figure it out. You can say that all you want, but I don’t believe you. Well, maybe they don’t realize it, but they like each other.”
“Weren’t you saying how you thought she had a boyfriend? Based on her Instagram or something? Plus, you know Jack, he flirts with everybody.” Urban said and Neelam sighed.
“Fine, but the second I can try to get them together, I’m doing it, they would be adorable.” Neelam said before she walked away. 
It was a couple more hours until all of Jack’s industry friends left, and only his close personal friends remained. You were sitting on Jack’s lap, his arms wrapped around your waist, and his chin resting on your shoulder. 
“Baby, please drink this.” Jack said, handing you his bottle of water. You had a couple drinks, and you were just a little over tipsy, not out of control, but still drunk. You pouted softly but took the bottle from Jack, taking a drink out of it. “Thank you.” Jack placed his chin back on your shoulder. You turned your head to kiss his forehead, giggling softly at the lipstick kiss mark left behind, wiping it off.
Urban walked over to the group, carrying more shots. Jack laughed at how you perked up as Urban handed you one of the shots. 
“You can take the shot, but you have to finish the bottle of water if you do.” Jack said and you pouted again.
“That’s no fun.” You joked before you took the shot.
“I just don’t want you to be hungover tomorrow.” Jack said, his thumb rubbing your hip as you picked up the bottle of water, finishing it before setting it back down.
“I know. I’m good though, I promise, but thank you for taking care of me.” You said. 
“Why don’t we just go back to Jack’s place?” Clay asked, they were all trying to find a place to have a little after party.
“I’m not even going back to my place.” Jack said.
“You’re going to Y/N’s place?” Sunni asked and Jack nodded.
“We could go there.” Copeland suggested.
“Nope, we are not having an after party at my place, I just moved in.” You said and Jack laughed softly. “You can all come over, but you are not having a party.” 
“It’ll be more of a hang out then a party.” Urban said and you sighed.
“Fine, but I’m going straight to bed, and you are cleaning up any mess you make.” You said and Urban nodded.
Everyone ended up back at your apartment, but you meant it when you said you were going to bed, Jack going to bed when you did.
Since Jack’s party was Thursday night/Friday morning, you both took Friday to have a rest day, Jack had a couple short interviews, but he did them over the phone, so he didn’t have to leave your apartment. Luckily Jack’s friends didn’t make too much of a mess, and the mess they did make, Jack made sure they cleaned up before they left in the morning, since they all stayed the night. 
Saturday at the Kentucky Derby, you walked the red carpet before Jack did, being led to his private box shortly after where you met up with him and his friends. Attending the Kentucky Derby together without anyone knowing you were together was challenging. Not only was it the most public appearance you two had done since you started dating, but Jack was also filming a music video. 
That meant you and Jack had to be extremely strategic with how you acted. No private conversations, no quick kisses, or touches when no one was looking. Luckily the camera crew, along with most of Jack’s work team, left the box to go set up for a shot they wanted to get outside of the box so for the first time since you got there, Jack was able to sit down next to you on one of the couches.
“Having fun?” Jack asked, all his attention suddenly on you. Only a couple of Jack’s friends were left in the room.
“I am.” You nodded, fixing his suit jacket. “Are you?” You asked.
“I am, it’s stressful trying to hide though.” Jack said and you agreed. 
“Yeah, it is, but I think we’ve done pretty well so far.” You said.
“You look amazing.” Jack complimented you.
“Thank you.” You smiled. “I’m glad you went with the white suit, it looks great on you.” You told him and he blushed lightly.
“Thank you.” He said, quickly glancing around the room, making sure no one that didn’t know you were dating was around before leaning over to kiss you. “I’ve been wanting to do that all day.” Jack admitted and you smiled softly.
“Me too.” You whispered before kissing him one more time. “So how much money did you bet?”
“Uhh, you don’t want to know.” Jack said, laughing softly.
“Jackman, you said you said you weren’t going to bet that much.” You reminded him. You weren’t mad at him for betting his own money, but he had asked you to make sure he didn’t bet to much money, and of course, you went to the bathroom and in the less then 10 minutes you were gone Jack placed his bets.
“Yeah, but Drake was betting, so I kind of maybe just bet what he did.” Jack said.
“You’re right, you can keep that amount to yourself.” You teased, laughing softly. 
“But I had to, I mean the horse was named Happy Jack, I’m named Jack, and I’m also happy, so it was meant to be.” Jack defended himself.
“You won’t be so happy if you lose the bet.”
“Well, then we rename the horse to Sad Jack.” Jack said, you rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help but giggle at his stupid joke.
“You’re so lucky I fell in love with you a year ago, because if you would have said that when we first met, I don’t think we would be here right now.” You joked, making Jack laugh.
“Oh, don’t lie, you love me and my ‘stupid’ jokes.” Jack said. “You even laughed at that one.” 
“It was a pity laugh.” You teased.
Eventually the crew came back into the box, so you and Jack separated again, you chose to stay in the box while everyone else went out to film, not wanting to be seen together by the public. 
Overall, the day went well, no one suspected anything between you and Jack, you didn’t end up being in any of the shots they used for the music video, and you and Jack both enjoyed yourselves. The only part of the day that didn’t go to plan was Jack losing the bet he placed. 
The couple of days after the Kentucky Derby were spent starting to pack things up for moving to California for a few months so Jack could start filming. 
Tag list @jackharloww @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @hoodharlow @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @awhore4moree
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 5.17 (before 1970)
1395 – Battle of Rovine: The Wallachians defeat an invading Ottoman army. 1521 – Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, is executed for treason. 1527 – Pánfilo de Narváez departs Spain to explore Florida with 600 men – by 1536 only four survive. 1536 – George Boleyn, 2nd Viscount Rochford and four other men are executed for treason. 1536 – Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn's marriage is annulled. 1590 – Anne of Denmark is crowned Queen of Scotland. 1642 – Paul de Chomedey, Sieur de Maisonneuve founds the Ville Marie de Montréal. 1648 – Emperor Ferdinand III defeats Maximilian I of Bavaria in the Battle of Zusmarshausen. 1673 – Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette begin exploring the Mississippi River. 1756 – Seven Years' War formally begins when Great Britain declares war on France 1760 – French forces besieging Quebec retreat after the Royal Navy arrives to relieve the British garrison. 1792 – The New York Stock Exchange is formed under the Buttonwood Agreement. 1805 – Muhammad Ali becomes Wāli of Egypt. 1809 – Emperor Napoleon I orders the annexation of the Papal States to the French Empire. 1814 – Occupation of Monaco changes from French to Austrian. 1814 – The Constitution of Norway is signed and Crown Prince Christian Frederick of Denmark is elected King of Norway by the Norwegian Constituent Assembly. 1859 – Members of the Melbourne Football Club codified the first rules of Australian rules football. 1863 – Rosalía de Castro publishes Cantares Gallegos, the first book in the Galician language. 1865 – The International Telegraph Union (later the International Telecommunication Union) is established in Paris. 1875 – Aristides wins the first Kentucky Derby with the jockey Oliver Lewis (2:37.75). 1900 – The children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum, is first published in the United States. The first copy is given to the author's sister. 1902 – Greek archaeologist Valerios Stais discovers the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient mechanical analog computer. 1914 – The Protocol of Corfu is signed, recognising full autonomy to Northern Epirus under nominal Albanian sovereignty. 1915 – The last British Liberal Party government (led by H. H. Asquith) falls. 1933 – Vidkun Quisling and Johan Bernhard Hjort form Nasjonal Samling — the national-socialist party of Norway. 1937 – Spanish Civil War: The Largo Caballero government resigns in the wake of the Barcelona May Days, leading Juan Negrín to form a government, without the anarcho-syndicalist CNT, in its stead 1939 – The Columbia Lions and the Princeton Tigers play in the United States' first televised sporting event, a collegiate baseball game in New York City. 1940 – World War II: Germany occupies Brussels, Belgium. 1943 – World War II: Dambuster Raids commence by No. 617 Squadron RAF. 1953 – Delta Air Lines Flight 318 crashes near Marshall, Texas, killing 19. 1954 – The United States Supreme Court hands down a unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, outlawing racial segregation in public schools. 1967 – Six-Day War: President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt demands dismantling of the peace-keeping UN Emergency Force in Egypt. 1969 – Venera program: Soviet Venera 6 begins its descent into the atmosphere of Venus, sending back atmospheric data before being crushed by pressure.
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radiatestaging · 5 months
Electrifying Party Atmosphere  - The Best Strobe Lights for Your Vancouver Bash
Planning a memorable party in Vancouver? Want to elevate the atmosphere and turn your event into an unforgettable experience? Look no further than incorporating a party strobe light Vancouver into your setup. Strobe lights add an electrifying vibe, enhancing the ambiance and energizing the dance floor. In this guide, we'll explore the best strobe lights to consider for your Vancouver party, ensuring you create an atmosphere that leaves your guests raving.
ADJ Stinger II: Known for its versatility, the ADJ Stinger II combines a moonflower, UV wash, and strobe effect all in one compact fixture. Perfect for smaller venues or house parties, its bright LED lights create dynamic patterns that synchronize with the music, setting the mood for an epic night of dancing.
Chauvet DJ Swarm Wash FX: This all-in-one lighting fixture packs a punch with its combination of a strobe, RGBAW rotating derby, and red/green laser. Ideal for larger venues or outdoor events in Vancouver, the Swarm Wash FX fills the space with vibrant colors and pulsating strobe effects, creating an immersive atmosphere that captivates your guests.
Martin Atomic 3000 LED: For those seeking the ultimate strobe light experience, the Martin Atomic 3000 LED delivers unparalleled brightness and intensity. Its blinding flashes and customizable settings make it a favorite among professional DJs and event planners. While it may be a larger investment, its performance and durability ensure it's worth every penny for high-energy parties in Vancouver.
Blizzard Lighting StormChaser: If you're looking for a strobe light that offers versatility and durability without breaking the bank, the Blizzard Lighting StormChaser is an excellent choice. With its compact design and powerful LED strobe, it's perfect for both indoor and outdoor events in Vancouver. Plus, its rugged construction means it can withstand the unpredictable weather often seen in the city.
Elation Protron 3K LED Strobe: Combining cutting-edge LED technology with high-output performance, the Elation Protron 3K LED Strobe is designed to impress. Its ultra-bright flashes and variable speed control allow you to create custom effects that sync perfectly with the music, ensuring your Vancouver party is a visual masterpiece.
American DJ Mega Flash DMX: Affordable yet reliable, the American DJ Mega Flash DMX is a popular choice for DJs and event organizers alike. Its simple plug-and-play design and built-in programs make it easy to set up and operate, while its bright strobe effect adds excitement to any dance floor in Vancouver.
Epsilon EPRO Strobe 1000: With its sleek design and powerful output, the Epsilon EPRO Strobe 1000 is a versatile option for parties of all sizes. Whether you're hosting an intimate gathering or a large-scale event in Vancouver, its adjustable flash rate and durable construction ensure it delivers a stunning performance every time.
When selecting a strobe light rental Vancouver, consider factors such as venue size, desired effect, and budget. Whether you opt for a compact fixture like the ADJ Stinger II or invest in a professional-grade strobe like the Martin Atomic 3000 LED, incorporating this dynamic lighting element will undoubtedly take your event to the next level. So, gear up, set the stage, and get ready to dazzle your guests with an electrifying display of light and sound at your next Vancouver bash!
0 notes
Creating Enduring Memories: The Top Reasons to Hire a Picture Booth Near You in Derby
Are you trying to find a special and amazing method to create long lasting memories at your next occasion? Look no further than hiring a photo cubicle near you in Derby. Image cubicles have ended up being increasingly popular in the last few http://special-events-photo-booth-machine-derbyshireqzlo286.lucialpiazzale.com/step-into-the-enjoyable-zone-leasing-a-celebration-image-cubicle-in-derby years, as they provide an enjoyable and interactive experience for visitors of all ages. Whether it's a wedding event, birthday celebration, or corporate occasion, an image booth leasing makes sure to be a hit. In this article, we will check out the leading reasons that you must think about hiring an image cubicle for your next occasion in Derby.
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Why Choose an Image Cubicle Rental? 1. Capture Unforgettable Moments
One of the primary factors to hire a picture cubicle near you in Derby is to catch remarkable moments from your occasion. With an image cubicle, visitors can take limitless photos throughout the night, producing lasting memories that they can value for several years to come. Whether it's capturing ridiculous postures or candid shots with loved ones, a picture cubicle allows visitors to let loose and have a good time while producing extraordinary memories.
2. Entertainment for All Ages
Photo cubicles are not just for grownups - they offer home entertainment for guests of any ages. From kids to grandparents, everybody can take pleasure in the excitement of stepping into the picture cubicle and posing for images. The interactive nature of photo cubicles makes them perfect for keeping visitors amused throughout the event.
3. Personalized Experience
When you work with a photo booth near you in Derby, you have the chance to tailor the experience to fit your event theme or branding. From tailored backgrounds and props to custom-designed photo design templates, you can make every element of the image cubicle line up with your vision. This level of personalization includes an extra touch of personalization and uniqueness to your event.
4. Instant Prints
Gone are the days of waiting weeks for professional occasion pictures. With a photo cubicle leasing, guests can receive immediate prints of their photos right on the area. This instant satisfaction enables visitors to take home their favorite memories from the event and acts as an excellent party favor or keepsake.
5. Social Network Sharing
In today's digital age, social networks sharing has ended up being an integral part of any event. Picture booths frequently come equipped with social media integration, permitting guests to immediately share their images on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. This not only increases engagement and excitement throughout the event however also extends the reach of your event beyond the physical venue.
6. Professional Quality Photos
While mobile phone electronic cameras have come a long method, there's still something unique about professional-quality pictures. Picture cubicles are geared up with high-resolution cams and professional lighting, guaranteeing that every image comes out crisp and clear. Whether you want to print out physical copies or use the digital images for advertising functions, you can trust that the photos recorded in a photo cubicle will be of exceptional quality.
FAQs Can I tailor the image cubicle props? Absolutely! When you employ a picture cubicle near you in Derby, you have the option to pick from a wi
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olko71 · 9 months
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on https://yaroreviews.info/2023/12/tim-martin-wetherspoon-boss-knighted-in-new-year-honours
Tim Martin: Wetherspoon boss knighted in New Year Honours
PA Media
The founder of the Wetherspoon pub chain Tim Martin has been knighted in the New Year Honours list.
The Brexit campaigner has been recognised for his services to hospitality and culture.
He was one of the most high-profile business people to argue in favour of leaving the EU during the 2016 referendum campaign.
Meanwhile, there was also a knighthood for Conservative MP and former cabinet minister Sajid Javid.
Sir Tim said the news of his knighthood came “out of the blue” and “had never been expected”.
“I always think that, in the pub world, it is a team effort – even if you’ve just got one pub there are many people involved,” he told the PA news agency.
“I think it’s the Wetherspoon colleagues and customers who are getting the award really, that’s the way I look at it. I’m just the lucky recipient.”
He added: “I’d like to think [the knighthood] is not for my rarely disclosed political views – I hope it is for what it says on the tin.”
How does the honours system work?
Wetherspoons denies Brexit causing staff shortage
New Year Honours for Michael Eavis and Jilly Cooper
Sir Tim, who was born in Norwich, founded the pub chain in 1979 and has been the company’s chairman since 1983.
The businessman had previously studied law and qualified as a barrister.
His first venue was in Muswell Hill, north London, and was originally called Martin’s Free House, before being renamed JD Wetherspoon the following year.
The chain, which became known for its affordable prices, floated on the London Stock Exchange in 1992.
In its early years the company’s pubs were all in the capital but from the 1990s it expanded across the UK and now has more than 800 venues.
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An outspoken supporter of Brexit, Sir Tim was a major donor to the Vote Leave campaign, which was fronted by Boris Johnson and Michael Gove.
During the 2016 campaign Wetherspoon’s spent nearly £95,000 on pro-Brexit beermats, posters and booklets, which were distributed across the company’s pubs.
Despite backing Mr Johnson to be prime minister, Sir Tim went on to be a vocal critic of the impact of lockdowns on hospitality venues during the Covid pandemic.
He accused the then-PM of “hypocrisy” over parties held at Downing Street, while pubs were forced to close.
Fellow Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage said the honour was “well deserved”.
“Tim Martin has created an extraordinary business, given great value to customers and preserved some wonderful historic buildings,” he told the BBC.
“I have appeared with him all over the country in the battle for Brexit and he is great company.”
PA Media
Sir Sajid, who has served six cabinet roles, is among the political names to be honoured.
Elected as the Tory MP for Bromsgrove in 2010, he became the first cabinet minister of Asian descent when he was appointed culture, media and sport secretary four years later.
He has since served as home secretary, chancellor and health secretary but last year said he would stand down as an MP at the next general election.
His resignation from Mr Johnson’s cabinet in July 2022, alongside then-Chancellor Rishi Sunak, marked the beginning of the end for the then prime minister, who announced he would stand down just two days later.
PA Media
Labour’s Dame Margaret Beckett, who was the first woman to serve as foreign secretary, also received an honour.
She will become a Dame Grand Cross after already being made a Dame Commander in 2013.
First elected as the MP for Lincoln in 1974, Dame Margaret has represented Derby South for more than 40 years but is standing down at the next election.
She briefly served as acting leader of the Labour Party in 1994 after the sudden death of John Smith.
However, she lost out to Tony Blair in the leadership election that followed.
Other politicians to receive honours include:
Labour MP for Mitcham and Morden Siobhain McDonagh will be made a Dame Commander
Labour MP for Makerfield Yvonne Fovargue becomes a CBE
Conservative MP for Erewash, Maggie Throup, who served as vaccines minister during the later stages of the Covid pandemic, becomes an OBE
Conservative MP for Wyre Forest Mark Garnier and Bristol’s Labour mayor Marvin Rees have also been made an OBE
New Year honours are awarded by the King, following recommendations by the prime minister or senior government ministers.
Members of the public can also recommend people for an award.
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aghotel · 11 months
Things to do in Derby: Spring events & festivals
Derby is a fun city to explore and offers great value for money. The city is quite easy to get around and you always feel welcome whether on a long vacation or a short trip. UK’s most central city is home to unique parks, museums, shopping centres, restaurants and much more. Derby is a wonderful place for a cultural and leisure break, and you can also enjoy a variety of events and festivals throughout the year. We recommend adding the following events to your ‘things to do in Derby’ list for Spring 2022.
The Great Derbyshire Beer Festival 1 – 2 April | The Chocolate Factory
This is a must-visit event if you are a beer lover. The brand-new beer event is dedicated to the best keg and cask beers available in Derbyshire. Several breweries including Buxton Brewery, Thornbridge, Derby Brewing Company, Shiny Brewery and Pentrich Brewing will be attending and pouring their own beers. You will get an opportunity to talk to the people who brew your favourite beer.
Well, we are already feeling thirsty. What about you?
Sausage and Cider Festival Derby 7 May | The Chocolate Factory
The world-famous Sausage and Cider Festival is arriving in Derby this May. The festival is heaven for travel lovers to enjoy an amazing evening with live music, delicious sausages, and massive amounts of cider flavours. Did we tell you that there will be a tasty array of drinks on offer including Ciders on tap, Traditional Bag in Box Cider, Beers on tap, Craft beer, Prosecco & Wine + Soft drinks and much more?
We can’t wait to get indulged.
Wing Fest Derby 2022 13 – 15 May | Bustler Market
The event is a celebration of the mighty chicken wing and is part of the world’s largest chicken wing festivals. Don’t miss relishing the best chicken wings the UK has to offer with thousands of lucky ticket holders. Over 10 different street food traders, restaurants and BBQ teams will serve 60,000 wings. A panel of judges will decide who really does do the best wings.
It is time for wings, music, beer and bourbon.
Derby Book Festival 2022 20 – 28 May | Multiple venues in Derby
The annual festival is returning for its seventh year. For book lovers, the festival offers an enjoyable day out with a broad range of book-related events for all ages and interests in multiple venues across the city. This year’s edition will host 70 events at 10 venues. The organisers will be announcing details in April 2022, when tickets go on sale for all events.
The Gin & Rum Festival May 2022 21 May | The Chocolate Factory
Who doesn’t want to be on the UK’s largest Gin & Rum Festival tour? Join the festival in Derby and discover a unique experience that celebrates the best Gin and Rum and promises an unforgettable party. Whether you want to treat yourself to themed Gin and Rum bars or just want to party the night away with award-winning DJs and live entertainment, the festival is for you.
Join the fun and discover a unique experience!
Download 2022 10 -12 June | Donington Park
The UK’s biggest rock festival should definitely make it to your Derby bucket list. Since its inception in 2003, this mammoth five-day event has become a torchbearer of rock and metal scenes in the UK. The festival is located at the spiritual home of rock, Donington Park and a great lineup of legendary bands including Iron Maiden, Megadeth and Korn among others are surely going to enthral you.
Tickets are selling fast. Grab your spot.
SIGNALS Festival 2022 11 June | Crich Tramway Village, Derbyshire
The festival takes place in a unique and intriguing venue set deep in the heart of the Derbyshire countryside. Immerse yourself in an eclectically programmed day and discover a diverse mix of culture, film, and entertainment to fuel your senses. Indie legends The Charlatans are headlining an outstanding musical line-up that includes The Cribs, Tim Burgess and Peaness among others.
This one-day experience is surely going to be inked in your memory forever.
Ideally situated in the heart of Derby, The Stuart Hotel offers a perfect accommodation option for leisure travellers. Derby train station is just a short 5-minute walk away and you have easy access to the motorway networks via London Road (A6). With our free on-site parking and comfy bedrooms, you can relax and go back to your ‘things to do in Derby’ itinerary.
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brookpub · 1 year
Watch Live Football Premier League Screening at Brook Pub
Attention, all football fans! Look no further than Brook Pub near Mill Road, Cambridge, if you're searching for the best place to watch Live Football Premier League. With our live football screenings, we raise the bar for sports entertainment, providing an electrifying environment where fans can cheer on their favourite teams and players while enjoying a great pub experience.
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Why Watch the Premier League at Brook Pub?
At Brook Pub, we deeply appreciate football supporters' zeal and enthusiasm for the "beautiful game." That's why we've prepared a venue tailor-made for fans, where you won't miss a second of the action. The finest wines, tastiest cocktails, Best summer pitcher drinks, traditional British pub fare, and a wide selection of ales and beers are all available. As a result of the delicious, freshly prepared cuisine and attentive service we provide, we have consistently happy clients.
Every seat in our bar has a great view of one of our numerous high-definition televisions. Enjoy a front-row centre to all the football action from the comfort of the bar or one of our cosy booths.
The sound that surrounds you: 
We have installed state-of-the-art surround sound systems so the entire bar can feel part of the action. You'll feel like you're in the stands, hearing the crowd's roar and seeing the goal's excitement from up close.
Selection of Drinks: 
Without a cold one, football just isn't the same. There's a beer, ale, cider or other drink here in our bar to satisfy anyone's taste. Most of our customers love to enjoy our summer pitchers and cocktails. Soak in the football fervour with your drink, or try something new.
Delicious Bar Food: 
Don't forget to indulge your taste buds with our delicious pub food while you enjoy the thrill of the game. Our menu features something for everyone to enjoy while watching the game, from classics like burgers and fries to more unique options like wings and shared platters. We have also added a few new items to our menu, like Bread and Dipping Oil, Battered Halloumi, Filo Prawns, Chicken Kebab Bites, Cheese Burger, Halloumi & Avocado Salad, sure to make your taste buds happy.
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A Warm and Friendly Environment: 
The Brook Pub is a hub for football enthusiasts to congregate and bond over their shared passion for the game. Every football screening is a special event because of our pleasant environment and helpful team. 
Special Dates & Dates to Remember in Football:
We all know how much football fans look forward to the season's big games, derbies, and rivalry matchups. All the big Premier League games, UEFA Champions League matches, and other prominent football events are shown on the big screens at Brook Pub. You can count on us to air every game live, whether it's a championship showdown or a heated neighbourhood rivalry.
Events and Private Reservations:
Are you getting together with some buddies to watch the big game? We provide private booking alternatives for special parties and gatherings. Whether you're hosting a birthday bash, a company outing, or even a football watch party, our devoted staff will ensure your event is remembered. Our Outdoor Garden events is the best place to host weddings, birthdays, office parties etc. We prepare the food of your choice from the menu and serve some of the best drinks related to the occasion.
Position in the Heart: 
Football fans coming from a variety of different regions will have no trouble getting to Brook Pub as a result of its excellent location. Our convenient location makes it easy to meet up with other fans and watch the game together. As Cambridge University is located near the pub, more students come over with friends to enjoy the match and the food. 
The Brook Pub near Mill road is the best place to watch the Premier League on the big screen. Our dedication to airing major football events on high-definition screens in a welcoming environment with a full bar and delicious pub food will impress even the jaded football fan. Besides food and drinks, we also entertain our customers with live music events, karaoke night, and Open mic night. It’s a place to create memories with loved ones over food and conversation.
Come down to Brook Pub to watch the game with a group of football fans and cheer on your favourite sides.
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
EMEA VALORANT lead wants to eventually bring major VCT rivalry matches to local fans
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The 10 partnered VALORANT clubs battled in the inaugural EMEA VCT league from the recently built Coliseum inside the Messe Berlin Charlottenburg in Germany in front of rabid fans. The league's creators hope to someday take the show on the road, though it might be a while before that occurs. In an interview with EMEA VALORANT lead Daniel Ringland in the midst of the ongoing EMEA LCQ, Dot Esports asked him about the potential of taking VCT regular season matches and hosting them where the team’s loyal fan bases could show up in waves. Ringland referenced the match between BBL Esports and FUT Esports in the final week of the regular season, in a battle between the league’s two Turkish teams. “Both had individual watch parties in Istanbul, and a total of 6,000 fans turned up to watch them,” Ringland told Dot Esports. “And that’s without the players even being there, so I can only imagine that if we had FUT vs. BBL in a stadium in Istanbul, then there would have been way more than 6,000 fans and they would have been even more excited. So it’s something we would love to do.” Taking special occasion regular season matches on the road isn’t a new concept to esports; both the Overwatch League and the Call of Duty League have historically held “homestands” and “home series” respectively, giving the local fans of a franchise the opportunity to see a big rivalry match in-person without having to travel far, although those were temporarily shelved in 2020 due to the emerging COVID-19 pandemic. But these events were pivotal in creating dedicated fans for each league via an unforgettable in-person experience. Other than the previously mentioned Turkish head-to-head match, Ringland also expressed interest in potentially holding matches in France or Spain, where regional rivalries like Karmine Corp vs. Gentle Mates and Giants vs. KOI would expectedly take center stage. But don’t start planning to take time off work just yet. “It brings a lot of complexity and technical challenges that we would need to be mindful of, so I don’t think it’s something we’re likely to see anytime soon,” Ringland said. “But it would definitely be an aspiration for us to be able to take at least some games on the road, especially for those local derbies. That would be really cool.” In the interview, Ringland acknowledged the technical issues and the number of pauses seen this year as an area where “no one was satisfied.” Taking the matches on the road to new venues would increase the chances of more tech issues, but Ringland is already expecting that aspect of the broadcast experience to be “much better next year.” If that is the case, then perhaps it raises the chances of VCT EMEA going on tour sooner rather than later. Read the full article
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Deed done! Let's party!! Awesome Supplier Deets: Photo ♡ @danielburtonphoto Bride ♡ @reneelouisa1991 Groom ♡ Dean Venue ♡ @thewestmill Venue Stylist ♡ FB https://www.facebook.com/youresimplythebestweddingsandevents/ Hair ♡ @scizzeeshair Make up ♡ @lauriescottmakeupbeautymassage Dress ♡ @theweddinghouseofficial_ Flowers ♡ Boutique Bouquets Suits ♡ @brigdens Cake ♡ TBC Band ♡ @theburgundys #castledoningtonphotographer #nottinghambrides #staffordshireweddingphotographer #derby #derbyshire #lichfield #burton #weddingphotographer #nottinghamwedding #derbywedding #derbyweddingphotographer #leicesterweddingphotographer #nottinghamweddingphotographer #derbyweddingphotographer #relaxedweddingphotography #gettingmarried2023 #castledonington #ukweddingvenue #weddingcouple #danielburtonphotography #weddingmoments #thewestmill #ukweddingsuppliers #derbyphotographer #engageduk #teamwestmill #canonr6 #weddingtips (at The West Mill Exclusive Use Wedding Venue) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cps2mMdMXXp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ultra-maha-us · 2 years
Five Reasons to Spend a Weekend in Newcastle
Newcastle is located at the Tyne riverbank. A prosperous and developed city, it is one of the most visited holiday destinations in the United Kingdom. Not only does it provide state of the art tourist amenities, but also high-end entertainment facilities for young and old alike. A Weekend in Newcastle is ideal for a short holiday for the following reasons:
Comfort Accommodation: To spend a great Weekend in Newcastle, you have to have good accommodation. The choices vary here in price, facilities, and proximity to the city's entertainment districts. The weekends are not just for the family, but also for stag and hen parties, youth groups and backpackers, and lodging and hotel food and entertainment options do not disappoint.
Great Food: You can expect both quiet and sophisticated, and light-hearted and casual eating places wherever you go in Newcastle.
It has a large harbor area with a park behind the river shore for quiet relaxation. The wharves host a plethora of bars, restaurants, and cafes and you will find the freshest seafood dishes here. Walking further into the city from Newcastle harbor, you will come across numerous other restaurants, both British and multicultural. Derby and Beaumont Streets are the doctors in newcastle dining hotspots of Newcastle and there are delicious cuisines and entertainment options found here.
Legendary Nightlife: Newcastle is one of the top 10 nightspots in the world. A buzzing place by night, you can expect excitement, thrills and delirious fun on your Weekend in Newcastle. For the same reason, Newcastle is also a popular stag and hen weekend destination.
The Quayside and the Big Market is traditionally the place to look for drinking establishments. However, new areas have emerged too, namely the Gay Village in west Newcastle that is also a fantastic venue for hen parties. Other pubs, bars and nightclubs are concentrated in Newcastle's shopping districts, and most tourist areas in the city.
Surfing Culture: Expect to indulge in some great water sports on your Weekend in Newcastle. Thanks to rolling waves and good wind conditions, the Newcastle Beach makes for great coastal breaks. It is also the home of the annual competition.
The Nobby's Beach is a sheltered part of the main beach, and on a windy day, is great for surfing. You will enjoy your walk to the lighthouse on the beach and then to Nobby's Island. The Bar and Mereweather Beaches on far south are great for surfing and swimming.
Cultural Tourism: No Weekend in Newcastle is complete without a tour of the many historical sites in the city. The New Castle railway Station, the old Customs House and the Fort Scratchley are the most famous of Newcastle's historical architecture.
The Newcastles Famous Tram, a replica of the old trams, gives a 45-minute tour of the city and runs out to the Hunter Valley. From Hunter Valley and Lake Macquarie, you can go up to the Mt. Sugarloaf for a view of the city.
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equestrianempire · 6 months
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EN's Ultimate Guide to the 2024 Makers ' Run Farm Carolina International
Jennie Brannigan and FE Lifestyle. Photo by Tilly Berendt.
The Schedule
There’s a lot of action on click starting Wednesday, when most of the competition will reach to the Park. Ariel Grald may lead a 4-course walk starting at 1 am ET to let you know what Ian Stark has up his shirt for Saturday. A Southeastern Pines Welcome Party will be held at the CDP Foundation tent next to the administration office on Friday night starting at 4:30.
Opposition begins Thursday, with Ring 1 opening the 4* groups beginning at 9: 20 a. m. , and the remainder of the FEI groups slotted into Rings 2 and 3. At 6 p. m. Thursday, there will be a USEA Grooms Group Education Night.
The FEI divisions will begin at 10:00 a. m. with the 3* section at the Twin Gates Farm Derby Field for display jumping on Friday while the National divisions does practice dressage. The 4* section may jump beginning at 12 p. m.
The National Dressage and some National and all-FEI cross state competitions will conclude on Saturday with the Open Intermediate division’s Open Start and 8 a. m. competition. The 4* may commence cross country at 11: 46 a. m.
Novice through Prelim may ⱨave cross-country days σn Sunday, while Intermediate and Advanced sets will pack up the trip with show jumping.
You can view the whole occasion schedule, which is subject to change, around.
Caroline Martin and HSH Blake. Photo by Tilly Berendt.
What It’s Like to Attend This Event
It’s difficult to imagine that Caroliȵa International will help us reach Kentucky or, this time, the Olympics. More down in this article, we’ve covered the implications of this weekend, but suffice it to say that the Horse Park often has a lively atmosphere. There is something here to suit everyone, whether you’re a beginner competition competing in the Novice or a seasoned 5* horse visiting Kentucky. The staff at this function has gone above and beyond to make this occasion truly attracts the local neighborhood, which is something I always enjoy seeing. It’s not something you ȿee everyday. If you have n’t had a chance to see this venue yet, never fear! Ariel Grald and I will be going on a stadium move later this month, so keep an eye out for that on Carolina International social media.
The Officers
This week’s officials and rider representatives are listed in whole here.
For the Yanmar America CCI4*- S division, the Ground Jury will consist of Robert Stevenson ( USA ) as president and Peter Gray ( CAN ). Beth Perkins has designed the rest of the cross country programs, while Ian Stark has once more created the cross country for the 4* and Advanced groups. Additionally, Marc Donovan makes a cross-departmental style disρlay jump.
Did Faudree and Mama’s Magic Way. Photo by Tilly Berendt.
The Submissions
There‘s a stacked line– up in the feature CCI4*- S class, which features a number of highlights – you’ll be able to get the entire US Pan Ams team in action, for example, with&nbsp, Sydney Elliott and QC Diamantaire, Liz Halliday and Miks Master C, Sharon White and Claus 63, and individual gold medallists&nbsp, Caroline Pamukcu and HSH Blake&nbsp, all coming forth to vie for the title here. Elsewhere in the 38- strong field, you’ll find&nbsp, Jennie Brannigan and&nbsp, FE Lifestyle, winners of the Best Foremost- Timer award at the 2023 Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials, &nbsp, Will Faudree with the evergreen&nbsp, Pfun and the exciting&nbsp, Mama’s Magic Way, with whom he finished in the top twenty at Burghley last year– and the top ten here. Ariel Grald’s 2024 season kicks off with his Carolina pipe-opener as a stepping-stone to delivering but another barnstorming clear around one of the world’s five-star courses, though which one will continue to be seen.
Fans of&nbsp, Liz Halliday&nbsp, will be kept nearly as busy as the extremely- competitive woman herself: she has four rides in this class, and beyond the aforementioned&nbsp, Miks Master C, she’ll even ride USEF CCI4*- L National Champion&nbsp, Cooley Nutcracker&nbsp, ( top ten in his last six Li runs ), &nbsp, Cooley Moonshine ( purveyor of a very wise 25. 6 in the CCI4*- L at Rebecca last year ), and&nbsp, Cooley Quicksilver&nbsp, ( he’s again, baby – and needs little introduction after&nbsp, that Luhmühlen top- five finish in 2022! ). Liz is happy that Ocala Horse Properties supports her.
Doug Payne‘s making a pretty good effort at rivalling Liz’s busy schedule: he’s got three entered in the feature class in ten- year- old&nbsp, Camarillo, enormously experienced five– star machine&nbsp, Quantum Leap ( that ‘s&nbsp, five CCI5* top tens under his belt, if you’re counting! ) and the exciting nine- year- old&nbsp, Quiberon, who comes forward for just his third- ever four- star.
It will ƀe a treat to watch some of the biggest fan-favorable horses and riders in the US spend a lot of time globe-trotting, and it will be a treat to watch them do įt again on home soįl. Those include&nbsp, Emily Hamel‘s seriously high- flying&nbsp, Corvett, who’s our EN top tip for a horse you want to catch over a fence for your Insta story ( trust us! ), &nbsp, Allie Knowles and her five- star ride&nbsp, Morswood, Meghan Donoghue&nbsp, and the much- loved ex- racehorse&nbsp, Palm Crescent, &nbsp, and young rider&nbsp, Cassie Sanger and her exceptionally cool&nbsp, Fernhill Zorro, who delivered a performance well beyond their years at last year’s Boekelo CCI4*- L.
There’s two exciting entries up to bat for&nbsp, Phillip Dutton: &nbsp, Quasi Cool, who has seven top- ten FEI finishes with Phillip under his belt, but who had much of 2023 off games, is back in action and ready to deliver a comeback king performance, while the up- and- coming talent&nbsp, Possante will make his hotly- anticipated stateside four- star debut, having finished fifth in his sole previous run at the level in the prestigious eight- and- nine- year- old class at Blenheim with Emily King aboard.
Will Coleman and Diabolo. Photo by Shannon Brinkman Photography.
We’ll also see last year’s champion&nbsp, Will Coleman, though not on his 2023 winner Chin Tonic, but rather, his exciting Aussie import&nbsp, Diabolo, who comes to Carolina for his first FEI run of the year, off the back of two consecutive top- three finishes at the level at the end of last season.
The CCI4*- S might be Carolina’s crown jewel, but there’s plenty going on elsewhere in the divisions, too: there’s 36 classy combinations battling out in the CCI3*- S, 28 in the CCI2*- S, and 19 contesting the CCI1*, arguably the division all of us at Team EN are keenest to sneak a catch- ride in, especially after catching up with some of its competitors last year. Plus, with national classes from Novice through Advanced, you’ll never run out of combinations ƫo cheer on. Check out the entire entries right here.
Sarah Kuhn and Mr. Cash Van De Start. Photo by Tilly Berendt.
The Implications
Although the Paris Olympics aɾe still a few months away and there are many important events on the calendar in the interim, Carolina’s CCI4*- S represents tⱨe first signifiçant step in the direction of booking a flight to France. A great run here will set horses and riders up for their spring long-format bids, whether that’s on the short list or, perhaps, a fight for the title at Kentucky, and the U. Ș. selectors will undoubtedly be watching these early-season performances closely.
Stories to Follow
OTTB lovers will have plenty of reasons to raise their voices on the sidelines, and one pair will be keen to keep an eye on closely in the CCI4*-S is Rachel Lawson and High Tide. As a busy source and producer, Rachel has α significant role in helping OTTBs find their persona and career after the track, and High Tidȩ is the horse that ignited that Iove affair for her. Find out more about their journey so far, and Rachel’s work with Thoroughbreds, in this profile.
Do pint-sized powerhouses scream in ყour heart? Then you’ll love watching&nbsp, Briggs Surratt and the teeny- weeny ( but do n’t tell her that! ) &nbsp, Corture, who tops out at just 14. 2hh but has yet to find a fence she thinks is too big for her. She was bred by fellow CCI4*- S competitor&nbsp, Elisa Wallace, who’ll be riding her 2022 USEF CCI3*- L National Champion, &nbsp, Renkum Corsair.
Speaking of breeding top sport horses, one rider who knows a thing or two about that is&nbsp, Alexa Thompson. She’s got two homebreds lined up to compete in the CCI3*- S –&nbsp, Parlez Clear&nbsp, and&nbsp, Clear Candidate&nbsp, — and while her CCI4*- S entry is n’t a homebred, there’s plenty of reason to lend her and&nbsp, Just To Be Clear your support. Alexa, who made her debut at the level in Europe last year while ωorking with France’s Maxime Lįvio, will be her first four-star in the US. Her debut at Strzegom in October saw her finish seventh in a hot field, beating some guy called …hang on, let us check our notes…Michael Jung? IDK, maybe you’ve heard of him.
We’ve also been informed that none other than Ian Stark himself will be competing this weekend in the Lumbee River EMC Festival Pro- Am Challenge, a friendly competition between professional and amateur riders. Carσline Pamukcu, α 5-year-old Irish Sport Horse gelding who is a new addition to the program and ready to tackle the Open Ƭraining level with Ian riding, has lent him a horse. Do n’t worry, we’ll be doing plenty of documenting for this! Ian enjoys a little kick in the arm, and he’s not the first ƫime he’s done it. He competed with HSH Best Kept Secret at the Maryland 5 Star Championships in 2022.
Have a story tip from Carolina? We’d love to hear αbout it! Tip us by emailing]email&nbsp, protected].
Boyd Martin and Miss Lulu Herself. Photo by Tilly Berendt.
How to Follow and Watch Along
Horse & Country has the live feed for this weekend, featuring Holly Hudspeth, a roster of guest stars, and cross-country action across divisions aȿ wȩll! You will need an H&amp, C+ membership ( You can save 15 % on an annual membership using code EVENTINGNATION15 ) or a one- time event pass to gain access to this event. By clicking here, you can log įn and view your subscription options.
By accessing our 4* and 5* Where to Watch Guide, you can find out what other events are live streaming all over the world.
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thestuart01 · 3 years
The dining experience at the XS Restaurant in this Derby hotel, is modern, comfortable and friendly with mood lighting, designer artwork and contemporary square plates complimenting the wonderful food. There is a specially selected range of fine wines to complete the scene. Enjoy the relaxed but professional atmosphere and service in the XS Restaurant every night of the week.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 5.17
1395 – Battle of Rovine: The Wallachians defeat an invading Ottoman army. 1521 – Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham, is executed for treason. 1527 – Pánfilo de Narváez departs Spain to explore Florida with 600 men – by 1536 only four survive. 1536 – George Boleyn, 2nd Viscount Rochford and four other men are executed for treason. 1536 – Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn's marriage is annulled. 1590 – Anne of Denmark is crowned Queen of Scotland. 1642 – Paul de Chomedey, Sieur de Maisonneuve founds the Ville Marie de Montréal. 1648 – Emperor Ferdinand III defeats Maximilian I of Bavaria in the Battle of Zusmarshausen. 1673 – Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette begin exploring the Mississippi River. 1756 – Seven Years' War formally begins when Great Britain declares war on France 1760 – French forces besieging Quebec retreat after the Royal Navy arrives to relieve the British garrison. 1792 – The New York Stock Exchange is formed under the Buttonwood Agreement. 1805 – Muhammad Ali becomes Wāli of Egypt. 1809 – Emperor Napoleon I orders the annexation of the Papal States to the French Empire. 1814 – Occupation of Monaco changes from French to Austrian. 1814 – The Constitution of Norway is signed and Crown Prince Christian Frederick of Denmark is elected King of Norway by the Norwegian Constituent Assembly. 1859 – Members of the Melbourne Football Club codified the first rules of Australian rules football. 1863 – Rosalía de Castro publishes Cantares Gallegos, the first book in the Galician language. 1865 – The International Telegraph Union (later the International Telecommunication Union) is established in Paris. 1875 – Aristides wins the first Kentucky Derby with the jockey Oliver Lewis (2:37.75). 1900 – The children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum, is first published in the United States. The first copy is given to the author's sister. 1902 – Greek archaeologist Valerios Stais discovers the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient mechanical analog computer. 1914 – The Protocol of Corfu is signed, recognising full autonomy to Northern Epirus under nominal Albanian sovereignty. 1915 – The last British Liberal Party government (led by H. H. Asquith) falls. 1933 – Vidkun Quisling and Johan Bernhard Hjort form Nasjonal Samling — the national-socialist party of Norway. 1937 – Spanish Civil War: The Largo Caballero government resigns in the wake of the Barcelona May Days, leading Juan Negrín to form a government, without the anarcho-syndicalist CNT, in its stead. 1939 – The Columbia Lions and the Princeton Tigers play in the United States' first televised sporting event, a collegiate baseball game in New York City. 1940 – World War II: Germany occupies Brussels, Belgium. 1943 – World War II: Dambuster Raids commence by No. 617 Squadron RAF. 1954 – The United States Supreme Court hands down a unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, outlawing racial segregation in public schools. 1967 – Six-Day War: President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt demands dismantling of the peace-keeping UN Emergency Force in Egypt. 1969 – Venera program: Soviet Venera 6 begins its descent into the atmosphere of Venus, sending back atmospheric data before being crushed by pressure. 1973 – Watergate scandal: Televised hearings begin in the United States Senate. 1974 – The Troubles: Thirty-three civilians are killed and 300 injured when the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) detonates four car bombs in Dublin and Monaghan, Republic of Ireland. 1974 – Police in Los Angeles raid the Symbionese Liberation Army's headquarters, killing six members, including Camilla Hall. 1977 – Nolan Bushnell opened the first ShowBiz Pizza Place (later renamed Chuck E. Cheese) in San Jose, California. 1980 – General Chun Doo-hwan of South Korea seizes control of the government and declares martial law in order to suppress student demonstrations. 1980 – On the eve of presidential elections, Maoist guerrilla group Shining Path attacks a polling location in Chuschi (a town in Ayacucho), starting the Internal conflict in Peru. 1983 – The U.S. Department of Energy declassifies documents showing world's largest mercury pollution event in Oak Ridge, Tennessee (ultimately found to be 4.2 million pounds [1.9 kt]), in response to the Appalachian Observer's Freedom of Information Act request. 1983 – Lebanon, Israel, and the United States sign an agreement on Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon. 1984 – Prince Charles calls a proposed addition to the National Gallery, London, a "monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much-loved and elegant friend", sparking controversies on the proper role of the Royal Family and the course of modern architecture. 1987 – Iran–Iraq War: An Iraqi Dassault Mirage F1 fighter jet fires two missiles into the U.S. Navy warship USS Stark, killing 37 and injuring 21 of her crew. 1990 – The General Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) eliminates homosexuality from the list of psychiatric diseases. 1992 – Three days of popular protests against the government of Prime Minister of Thailand Suchinda Kraprayoon begin in Bangkok, leading to a military crackdown that results in 52 officially confirmed deaths, hundreds of injuries, many disappearances, and more than 3,500 arrests. 1994 – Malawi holds its first multi-party elections. 1995 – Shawn Nelson steals an M60 tank from the California Army National Guard Armory in San Diego and proceeds to go on a rampage. 1997 – Troops of Laurent Kabila march into Kinshasa. Zaire is officially renamed Democratic Republic of the Congo. 2000 – Arsenal and Galatasaray fans clash in the 2000 UEFA Cup Final riots in Copenhagen 2004 – The first legal same-sex marriages in the U.S. are performed in the state of Massachusetts. 2006 – The aircraft carrier USS Oriskany is sunk in the Gulf of Mexico as an artificial reef. 2007 – Trains from North and South Korea cross the 38th Parallel in a test-run agreed by both governments. This is the first time that trains have crossed the Demilitarized Zone since 1953. 2014 – A military plane crash in northern Laos kills 17 people.
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nehakumar · 5 years
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Looking for the Ultimate Party Venue at Derby City Center
Find Party Venues near Derbyshire, and view many more wedding party and events rooms and suites at Best Western Stuart Hotel in Derby. Enjoy the relaxed but professional atmosphere and service in the XS Restaurant every night of the week. To know more info visit here - https://thestuart.com/xs-restaurant/
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mallelondon · 2 years
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The Biggest Beach Race Thank You! This was the race we’ve been dreaming of for 4 years, 3 days of wild beach racing, spectacular weather, gorgeous sunshine throughout, with great live music and amazing machines, all created a wonderful reunion of the entire ‘Milers’ community, doing what we all love most… simply messing around on the humble motorcycle. At the 2020 Beach Race, with 89mph winds and 10ft waves… mother nature won. In 2021, with a surprise tidal swell in the final minutes of ’The Derby’… the sea won! Since day 1 of the first ever Malle Mile race, we’ve always joked that “no one wins The Mile, we just all lose together, in style”… But in 2022, with everything on our side, this year, we all won the Beach Race and after 3 years of tough conditions, we’ve earned this! Thank you to everyone for coming, thank you to the beautiful town of Margate, to all of our after party venues, the DGR team, our partners, friends, family, marshals, racers and spectators. More than ever The Mile is yours! Here’s a first taste of the stunning race images from our official Beach Race photographer Sam Barham: 🏖🏍☀️📸 @sbarham @bck_london And this weekend at the BikeShed exhibition in London, we’ll be screening every one of Sams fantastic images in the Malle exhibition (before they go online next week), so come by and relive the fun, the sun and the sunburn! @mallelondon @persol @breitling_uk @redbulluk @northdownbrewery @jimmysicedcoffee @eastlondonliquorcompany @theragandbonemanuk @lovecafemargate @thealbionroomsmargate @thesundeckmargate @gentlemansride @benedictredgrove @movember @djdestructionuk @longy528 @brokenhandsband #TheMalleMileBeachRace #BeachRace #MotoPolo #MotorcycleRace #TheMileBeachRace #ClassicMotorcycle #CustomBike #CafeRacer #OffRoadRace #Motorcycle #SprintRace #MargateSands #Margate #PreparedToGetLost (at Margate Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeDaqpvIWLE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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