#past uxie loves future stuff
[Headcanon snippet; Besides rare Pokémon, evolution items, and shards, random everyday things can be found in space-time distortions. A famous case of this is Ginter finding the Rotom-compatible appliances which don’t have any external plugs. What do we find after farming the distortions for rare encounters?]
“Most items and Pokémon from inside space-time distortions disappear once they disperse.”
Uxie’s mental voice snapped her out of looking over the various items. It was surprising to see a lake guardian so soon after the red-sky issue.
“I thought so until some modern potion bottles didn’t go away,” Caitlin replied. “Worried Com—Kamado confiscated these during my exile.” He lost any respect she had despite knowing what was supposed to happen. There were some differences from the game like Beni disguising himself as Rei which didn’t happen in it at all...
The lake guardian nodded before floating down to her collection. A jar of shrunken Pokéballs was what Uxie interacted with psychically first. Caitlin watched as the legendary sorted them by type: normal, great, ultra, safari, net, dive, premier, heal, quick, and one beast ball. All were fortunately empty when she found them. She noticed they could be mistaken for marbles so stored them in a glass jar. Many, many, many potion bottles made up a nearby pile.
One of the most common modern-day items she found regularly. So much so that the surveyor debated using them as water bottles.
A stone crown-like rock sat beside what she thought was a shed baby Onix tail. Slight laughter came from Uxie upon finding the ticket signed by Looker. They uncrinkled it using Psychic and put it atop the spell tags. Caitlin placed two boxing gloves connected to springs next to a plain red card. Some items like the zoom lens made her question how Pokémom were supposed to hold them. Or how the Orb held items inflicted their status conditions.
Several berries sat in a bowl nearby just in case a Toxic or Flame Orb leaked again. Moving on, some non-battle-related items surprised her when they were left behind. Any clothes found needed a good cleaning with Wash Rotom and Anthe to patch major tears. Maybe it was a bad idea to let the clothier with modern clothing, but then again Arceus created the Arc-Phone.
For some reason, fire-type shampoo existed albeit more closely resembling oil. She had a massive everstone collection from failing to pick up evolution stones in distortions. Items like soda cans had to be melted down because they genuinely didn’t belong in the past. Pencils were okay to use out in the open as long as she was carefully using them up. The escape rope’s durability had been downplayed since Scizor and Steelix played tug of war with longer ones.
While she was reviewing her collection, Uxie found a user manual for the tent she privately used on long expeditions. They seemed to be smiling as they read through each page. Said galarian-manufactured tent at the moment was hidden in her Ursaluna’s den for safekeeping. It held up well against the weather in the Icelands.
If only most of the items she found weren’t broken, then Caitlin could remain stress-free.
—(My first actual snippet! A little wordy yet I like what I wrote. Distortions can be messy.)
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distortstep · 5 years
let’s! talk! about! religion! in sinnoh!
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or, at the very least, my interpretation of it. before i start, i have to state that it would be wrong for me to pretend that sinnohian lore has no connection to christianity. however, i do think it’s important to note that in japan, christian imagery is used in the same way that ancient greek imagery is used in a lot of western media - that is to say, for the aesthetisim rather than a deeper meaning. ( “Because Christianity is an uncommon religion in Japan we thought it would be mysterious. […] we just thought the visual symbols of Christianity look cool.” - Assistant Director of Evangelion. ) as such, i don’t think it’s very fair to base the sinnohian religion directly off of christianity when it ignores a lot of cool lore !  sorry for the length in advance bc oh my god.  tl;dr: sinnoh religion is based in the belief that arceus created the universe and that the difference between people and pokemon is artificial. rather, people and pokemon used to be interchangeable, and humanity should strive to repair this severed bond with pokemon and become one once more as arceus intended.  ( if you only want to read a section, skip down to ‘practice of believers’ ) 
the basics: while you can debate whether or not all of this is true, this seems to be how sinnoh folklore, and hence the main religion, perceives all these beliefs.  when there was nothing, arceus, the original one, was born from an egg. the shards of the universe became each of the typing plates that arceus wields. the power of these plates are shared among all pokemon. arceus then created dialga, palkia, and giratina, though giratina had been forgotten through history. from these three, matter and antimatter are made. to bind space and time, azelf, uxie, and mesprit are created, and of them spirit is created. with the universe now made, arceus went to slumber in the hall of origin, only to be awoken by the azelf flute.  this is probably the most basic and well known understanding of the religion in sinnoh both in universe and out of universe, give or take a few things. however, once you go into the sinnoh folklore stories, i think a bit more detail of the religion and beliefs shine through! some of these might be a stretch but bare with me.
folklore and belief:  the connection between pokemon and people as with little separation is heavily emphasized in sinnohian folklore, with variation moving to the idea of evolution of humans from pokemon or, what will be argued here, that pokemon and people are no different at all. “ There lived a pokemon in a forest. in the forest, the pokemon shed its hide to sleep as a human. awakened, the human dons the pokemon hide to roam villages. “ - sinnoh folk story 2  “ People and Pokémon, too, were but the same presence. As I understand it, people and Pokémon shared the spirit and awareness. They should have understood and accepted each other then. Because they shared the same spirit, people and Pokémon intermingled. People took the place of Pokémon, and the opposite also held true. “    - hiker, arceus triggered event in pokemon platinum.  however, the most obvious example of this is in sinnoh folklore 3. though it was changed in localization, i’ll be using the original japanese to emphasize the point.  “ there were once pokemon that married people. there were once people that married pokemon. this was a normal thing because long ago people and pokemon were the same. “  followers of sinnoh’s religion not only believe in the creation of the world through arceus’s hand, but that there serves no meaningful distinguishment between humans and pokemon. this would explain a seeming ability for the people of folklore to be able to communicate with pokemon, and why it is heavily believed that ghosts of people can turn into pokemon. the spirit of the two are the same, and the connection the two had as one has been lost in the current day. practice of believers:  this is mostly headcanon stuff, but when you enter the cathedral, an older woman and a child both speak about the connections of people to pokemon - with the former, it’s about how pokemon and people both should be judged on character rather than weakness and strength, and with the latter, if humans and pokemon join hands, the world will be one.  followers of arceus believe that humans and pokemon were the same in the past, able to not only work together, but trade places in the world. this is the ideal state to create peace in the future and must be strived towards. however, through the hubris of humanity, people to begin not only see pokemon as separate from them, but as their inferiors. using pokemon as tools, hurting pokemon, treating them without care for their own benefit, it came to be that the spirit of humanity and pokemon was severed.  in order to create a future in which pokemon and people are the same once more, just as arceus intended, Their followers believe that the bonds between pokemon and people must be strengthened so the spirit can be reforged. once this ideal is recreated, true peace and happiness of all will be obtained. some followers of arceus believe that once the bond is fixed, arceus will awaken from Their slumber and return to bless the world. others believe that arceus will awaken and return only to cast judgement upon the world - not based on those who follow the world of arceus, but rather smiting the wicked who harm pokemon. the topic of the morality of trainers is somewhat contested - some followers believe that to catch pokemon is not only unnatural but puts humans in a ‘ master and slave ‘ situation with their pokemon; hence, trainers and all others who catch pokemon are only causing harm. this belief is only popular among a small subset of followers, however. most commonly, it is thought that through the catching and raising of pokemon, the bond of people and pokemon can be properly rebuilt. in this understanding, the capture is not forced upon a pokemon, but rather a willing action from the pokemon to fix the spirit from their end too.  if you are to love and see a pokemon as your friend, your family, your child, and if your heart and just and true, your spirit will have been permanently welded with the spirit of your pokemon, and the two of you are as one, inseparable even after death. this is the ideal of a trainer and what will bring the world back to its roots. it is said that those virtuous who have seen legendary pokemon, let alone interact with one, have have met this ideal, and are viewed very highly by the followers of arceus. 
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