#pastel beige aesthetic with slightly orange accents
aquickstart · 6 months
in the spirit of saltburn being set in the early '00s just revamped my desktop blog colors to match those of an ungodly screenshot of oliver standing in the blue-green light at his bday party. unimaginably deep solid blue with horribly bright teal accents is now the vibe we roll with in case you were wondering
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aprilskyforever · 6 years
Tmblrvision 2018 aesthetics
Majorly based on the vibes I get from the melodies. Sometimes lyrics as well, but not always.
Italy: indoor fountains, rooms with glass roofs and greenery, humid air, black marble, big flowers and orchids
Serbia: a club. Lasers, majorly green. Smoke. 
Luxembourg: a meeting of an antifascist organization; painting banners, worn out couches, cloudy skies, asphalt, army boots. Bold black, matt cherry red.
Canada: thin white fabric; curtains moving in the wind from an open window. Old apartments. Cigarettes. A couple in a fight but it’s mostly the silent treatment; tension.
Czechia: running in fields and meadows, hot air balloons, road trips, playing hide and seek. Pastel yellow and green.
Belarus: summer night time; campfires, sneaking off into the forest, warm air, looking out over a lake, maybe skinny dipping. Earthy colors.
Austria: dark red and long nails, blinding sunlight and a clear blue sky, a ride on a yacht.
Finland: a gym; synchronized dancers, tight and revealing clothes, sweat, arousal. Dark gray and neon colors.
The Netherlands: pink smoke, diving into a pool, modern dance choreography
Norway: pearl white and pastel shades, snow covered mountains, white foxes, crystal clear brook water, wedding cakes with lesbian cake toppers
Montenegro: downtown in a metropolis at night; banners and neon signs everywhere, so many sounds and sights it’s overwhelming for someone who’s not used to it.
Estonia: fog on a residential street, rain, dawn. Denim. Dirty hands. Heavy but determined walking.
Latvia: riding in a helicopter over a coniferous forest. Seriousness, like you’re on a mission. Low saturation.
Tunisia: purple, black and dark gray, majestic goth, old haunted castles. Large halls, Victorian dresses.
Armenia: silver and metallic green. Futuristic, ultra-modern. Long corridors, glass skyscrapers.
Albania: magenta, like a teen girl’s bedroom. Posters. Hidden journals. Stealing alcohol from the parents’ cabinet.
Germany: amber and gold; sand, evening sun. Barbeques. Salty breeze.
Greece: walking into a club, light blue drinks, gold hoop earrings, white jeans
Denmark: calling your friends after a first date, blood orange bed spreads and accent walls, white suit jacket, freshly brewed coffee
Portugal: loneliness, walking home at 3 AM, smoke, pouring rain
Australia: white rocks and mountains, gray/off-white and beige shades. Wide views. Cloudy skies.
Ireland: watching your love interest in a classroom, feeling trapped, high wasted jeans and t-shirts, lemonade yellow and light wood tones.
Moldova: ocean after dark, reflection of the moon, deep purple, insomnia
Spain: glowing scarlet red, dancing close to each other, beach parties, string lights in all different colors, carbonated drinks
Georgia: neon blue, hotel bars, hooking up with a stranger
Bulgaria: feeling uneasy in a club, metallic blue/purple and cold silver, being followed at night, shady businesses, gambling
Romania: being alone in a movie theater, monotone life, longing for something different, running without aim
Cyprus: blue soda, swimming pools, palm trees, DJ booths
Belgium: green apples in champagne, peach colored apartment complexes, riding a commuter train, high bridges over rivers
Turkey: large rugs, spices, gold and red, dance battles
Slovenia: black and red with strobe lights, deals made over restaurant tables, smashed glass, cigarettes in holders, gloves
Ukraine: magenta and turquoise, bubble gum, foam, blinking lights, throwing paint; making modern art
France: navy blue and ombre wood tones, attic apartments, giving flowers, dancing down a street
Russia: exploring a small Mediterranean town on a sunny day, fruit and juice, green apples, oranges and lemon, tiled streets, making silly faces in a mirror
Croatia: driving a car in the dark, wondering where your life is heading; being alone with your thoughts.
Azerbaijan: resting in a hammock in a lush garden, dark wooden floors and walls, red wine, fluffy carpets, seducing looks, everything might seem fine but it’s not
Switzerland: aggressively pink, sharp eyeliner, blonde curls, frilly dresses, tearing the heads off dolls, smoke and flashes, spilled drinks
Morocco: whispers in your ear, cognac, fire places, playing footsie, the scent of thick vanilla, coffee and hazelnuts
Egypt: awaiting a storm, angst, avoiding problems, fog, dim lights, feeling like you’re the only person on the subway train although you’re clearly not
Iceland: being outside in winter with not enough clothes on, dark skies and blue hills, smoke when you breathe, feeling someone’s heartbeat, tension and yearning
Malta: raspberry red, the first curious encounter and the first serious fight, slamming doors, regret and forgiveness, peach and strawberry tea, home parties, dancing in the kitchen at 2 AM, growing as a person
Slovakia: forest cabins, overgrown gardens, mustard yellow, uneven and old wooden floors, rugs, morning dew and mist, home cooked jam, violins
United Kingdom: being down in the gutter but having enough, wet cliffs, wild ocean, feeling powered by nature
Bosnia & Herzegovina: fighting demons in your head, waterfalls, white on dark background
Libya: cruising along a beach in the sunset, milkshakes, tanned skin, drifting minds
Israel: kaleidoscopes, strobe lights, color bombs, painting with your whole body, being chased
Sweden: smiling through pain, handwritten notes, family days at the beach, gravel, wanting more from life
Hungary: dark but friendly woods; moss green and silver black brooks, dancing barefoot, scent of pine and fir, crackling fires
Poland: blood red and silver, preparing for battle, old books, blacksmiths, feeling the wind in your hair
Algeria: fighting for justice, late nights at desk, children’s eyes, marches, abandoned houses
Lithuania: checkered pink and orange constantly changing, stop-motion animation, dancing in the crowd at a concert
San Marino: a circus; slightly unsettling but still captivating, hypnotizing patterns, bright colors and a lot of them, robots
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