#pat jourdan
harrisonarchive · 1 year
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George Harrison, 1987; photo by Aaron Rapoport.
“Really sweet guy. He had those eyes. I only saw them one other time; Dylan had those eyes. They can look right through you, right into your soul. I never thought I’d see them again but Harrison had them.” - Al Kooper, Lancaster Online, 2009
“[T]he first time I saw him [was] at the door of the Art School canteen, asking for John, this teenage schoolboy with the most beautiful dark eyes. The Institute, as the boys school was called, shared a courtyard with the canteen, and Paul and George used to call in at lunchtimes. George had a depth that was evident even then — much younger than us art students, but ages deeper.” - Pat Jourdan, The Beatles Ireland Book of Condolences for George Harrison, 2001
“He had this way of looking at you that made you feel you were without limitations. It just went straight to your heart. Once you’d been with him, he had this way of making you want to bring out a truer version of yourself, unlocking something. It was profound and electrifying, and it can still bring prickles to the back of my neck.” - Olivia Harrison, Huffington Post, 2014 (x)
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muzaktomyears · 11 months
Recollections of Liverpool School of Art 1957 - Pat Jourdan
We all gathered at the front hall that September morning and John Lennon, Tony Carricker and Jeff Mohammed were sitting together on the marble steps. John and Terry were wearing their old school blazers with the pocket-badge removed, while Jeff, already about 25 years old, was wearing a speckled tweed jacket. The office window had the register for us to sign, and a small selection of art materials to buy.
We were never taught how to draw, how to create or handle a line, construct shapes via pencil, pen and ink or charcoal or the dreaded Conte crayon which we bought every Monday from the office by the front door. Two colours of Conte - black or terra cotta. Everyone preferred the terra cotta as it made any scratch look as though it was something by Leonardo da Vinci.
We were plunged into the Life Room, Room 73, with no preparation, just with half-imperial sized paper, 2B pencils or crayons. I conscientiously went round the outline of the model (Mrs Dornan or June Furlong?). We were all skating on thin ice, unassisted, only criticised by the lecturer, Phillip Burton, a small Welshman. Most of the lads were embarrassed, they said later.
So I went carefully round the model's edges and produced something like pale tramlines, week after week. Phillip Burton eventually brought me some of John Lennon's drawings, bold black simple lines. "Look at these definite statements. This is what you should be aiming at. See, here and here." He pointed out how one dashing line completed the top of an arm or the slope of a hip - all in one flow, finished. I looked at them and saw the difference. John was not present, he may have finished and gone down to the canteen.
Mr Wiffen's weekly subjects started off with a cup and saucer, then a teapot, a humpback bridge, painted in black and white special poster colour. We were out drawing the Protestant Cathedral on Friday 4th October 1957 (the Catholic one was not yet built). Thursday 17th October we were in Princes Park, hugging trees, to learn that trees - especially winter trees - were not just flat silhouettes. We each had to put our arms around a tree. It was hilarious. It looked like something from the Goon Show. This was 'Elements of Drawing' with Mr Wiffen, who always wore a white overall like a scientist.
One painter, Tony Byrne, had been to the Tate Gallery show of American abstract painters. He bought sheets of hardboard and decorators' paint, and started painting on the floor. John Lennon made fun of him (as he did of many people) and watched Tony painting on the floor. The next evening, John did one perfect floor-based painting and left it at that. He was quick to absorb whatever was new, and then move on.
When we returned in the autumn term, John was wearing a smart black corduroy jacket and I remarked how good it looked. "I'm wearing it because of my mother, the daft git walked between a tram and a car and got squashed," he said sharply. I did not know if he was being his usual sarcastic self, or if it could possibly be true - no one else had mentioned her death. So, I said, 'What a pity, that was really awful' and other sympathetic remarks, being puzzled about what he meant. It was never discussed again at all.
The college suddenly had also had a sort of investigation about our productivity, and John gave me his more outlandish drawings to hide in my locker on the top corridor. "They won't find them here, I've got to show them all my sketchbooks," John said. They turned out to be the foundation of his book, In His Own Write, in 1964.
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newestcool · 10 months
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Jourdan Dunn backstage at prada s/s 2009 rtw Makeup Artist Pat McGrath  Newest Cool
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ornithorynquerouge · 1 year
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Pat Cleveland & Donna Jordan - Charles Jourdan shoes, c. 1965 © Guy Bourdin
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secondquarterglow · 2 years
Life updates
Phew. It’s been a busy summer, hasn’t it? I feel like I’ve done and experienced a lot which is great! It wasn’t too overwhelming but it definitely felt like I spent my time well. Thank you God for your guidance and grace 🥰
Especially now that my energy had risen significantly, I’ve been enjoying life even more. 
1. First life update, a new macbook pro! my 2013 Mac decided that it didn’t want to do any heavy work like video editing anymore. 2022 is the birth of my new M1 Macbook pro and I couldn’t be any happier with a new powerful computer!
2. Went to Rome (Spring) and Amsterdam (Summer). Two new European cities that I know I can easily go back to and enjoy my time! Rome was overwhelmingly beautiful (in the best way possible!) Jourdan and I had the best time and I’m grateful to have experienced it with him. I loved every minute of it!
Amsterdam was with the girls and it was fun! Perfect weather and a good balance of chill and activities. I loved the food! Pickled herring sandwich, I’m coming back for you!!!
3. My 3 day cardiac work week is working! I don’t feel overwhelmed. My PMS is now easier to manage and I’ve had less breakdowns recently. Win! Patting myself on the back for making the best effort to get myself out of that dark season. Thank you self, I love you and I respect you so so much!
4. Modelling. My curiousity about this industry is not going away so I better address it now before it’s too late. Tomorrow, Che and I will go back to London and see Kim. She’s happy to host us and she’ll be doing the shoot to. I’m very excited. There’s these silly voices in my head that’s already telling me lies but I rebuke them! Life is beautiful and life experiences are meant to be expanded. This is the start.
5. Che is now moved in here in the flat! I’m living with a sister again and it feels right. We will keep the house clean for sure! The atmosphere of 37 is already changed. We have more space, new fresh furnitures, it feels light and airy. It’s all good in the hood!
6. I’m now 32! We are feeling good within ourselves. We know how to ride the waves and consistency will be the next goal in life!
Thank you Papa God. This is all for you glory!
0 notes
emma-what-son · 3 years
How Sir Philip's son cast a spell on Emma Watson: The super-woke Harry Potter star and the playboy son of the disgraced Topshop tycoon - it's hard to think of a more unlikely romance, writes ALISON BOSHOFF
One can almost see her eyebrows raised in quizzical disdain. Hermione Granger would surely disapprove.
Pictures emerged this week of Emma Watson, the serious-minded Harry Potter actress and eco-warrior, hopping out of Sir Philip Green’s family helicopter in Battersea, South London. Curious, some would think, given Emma’s long-standing war against fast fashion, that she would accept a lift from the fallen King of the High Street.
More curious still, however, is that Emma, 31, has apparently been enchanted by Brandon Green, Sir Philip’s 28-year-old son, whose longest relationship to date seems to have been with a Belarusian bikini model. Could there be a more unlikely romance?
Aside from both being awash with money —Brandon is an heir to a £2 billion fortune, while Emma is said to be worth about £59 million —they appear to have almost nothing in common. Yet according to a friend, a certain magic is in the air.
‘Brandon has been wooing Emma,’ says one source. Another says: ‘They are an item, although she hasn’t met the family yet.’
Emma, who once mused about being ‘self-partnered’, has certainly had more suitors than her single status would have you believe.
At 17, an early boyfriend was rugby player Tom Ducker, but her most serious romance seems to have been with another rugby player — and fellow Oxford student — Matt Janney, with whom she broke up in 2015.
Then there was another Oxford student, Will Adamowicz. The relationship lasted from 2011 to 2013.
She was then seen out and about with actor/producer Roberto Aguire, whom she first met in 2005 on the set of Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. She also seems to have a particularly weak spot for young tech millionaires, as she has dated at least three of them, most significantly U.S. entrepreneur William ‘Mack’ Knight, whom she split from in late 2017 following a two-year romance.
Then came a six-month love affair with handsome Glee actor Chord Overstreet. They broke up during the summer of 2018.
She was then spotted sharing cocktails with tech CEO Brendan Wallace, a New Yorker, now 38, who is co-founder of a venture capital fund. By summer 2019 she was rumoured to have moved on to another tech millionaire, Brendan Iribe, CEO of Oculus.
She most recently split from her boyfriend of two years, businessman Leo Robinton.
It’s a longer list of amours than you might expect for someone who claims to be ‘self-partnered’, but then Emma is a woman who solemnly examines her life.
‘The boyfriends or partners I’ve had have generally made me feel really cherished. They have built me up,’ she said.
Quite how Brandon — who featured in Tatler’s ‘most eligible’ list in 2014 and was once caught patting Kate Moss’s bottom — fits into Emma’s orbit of admirers, remains to be seen. Although, like Emma’s other admirers, he does have a job running a tech investments company.
So who is this handsome young man — and what does Emma see in him?
Born in 1992, he was raised in Monte Carlo with big sister Chloe. His mother, Tina, is resident in the tax haven and was the ultimate owner of the Arcadia group, which went into administration last year. He went to the principality of Monaco’s International School.
To say his was a gilded upbringing would be an understatement. A source in Monaco says: ‘All the time he was growing up, the Greens would never fly commercial, always in their private jet.
‘They have a private chauffeur and in the family penthouse at the Roccabella building in Monaco there are uniformed maids standing to attention in every room just in case someone needs something. That’s the lifestyle Brandon was born into and has always thought was completely normal.’
He and Chloe have the use of the 109ft yacht Lionchase — Sir Phil has the 295ft Lionheart —which is moored in Monaco in the winter and cruises around the Med all summer.
I’m informed that his mum will pick up ‘seven-figure’ boat bills for the pair of them at the end of the season without blanching.
Brandon’s 2005 Bar Mitzvah caused a stir. It was held at the Grand-Hotel du Cap-Ferrat, with entertainment provided by Beyonce, Destiny’s Child and Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli. There were 300 guests over three days, all hosted by Sir Phil, who was then the boss of Topshop, BHS and Dorothy Perkins, all part of the Arcadia group.
When he was younger, Brandon seemed to be happy to join Chloe in a celebrity-packed party lifestyle. Locals say he was ‘practically living in Monaco’s Sass Café and partying until dawn every morning with a bevy of models’ in his 20s.
Kate Moss — a friend of his father — spent much of her 2011 honeymoon break with Jamie Hince on board his yacht and they got on famously. In 2013 he was spotted playfully groping Moss’s bikini-clad bottom while on holiday in St Barth’s. At the time he was 21.
When she was 21, Emma Watson had been famous for a decade and had just finished making the Potter films.
While Brandon found life one long, joyful party, she was struggling introspectively with having money and acclaim. As she recently said: ‘I’ve often thought, I’m so wrong for this job because I’m too serious.’
She felt physically sick when she found out how much money she had earned from the Potter films, and considered not renewing her contract to complete them.
Following stellar A-levels, she took an English degree at Brown University in Rhode Island — over five years, due to disruption from filming.
Brandon Green doesn’t have a degree. There was some idea that he might buck the family trend and go to university, but Sir Phil told an interviewer at the time: ‘It’s up for discussion,’ and evidently it was decided that was not the right path.
Instead, he spent years learning the ropes of the fashion business with Sir Philip and working for Arcadia.
As the BHS scandal raged in 2016 — after Sir Philip sold the company to a bankrupt, with a hole in its pensions provisions — and the company went bust, Brandon was sent to host a table at the Met Gala Ball in New York in his father’s place.
For three years, he was also a regular at the Topshop show at London Fashion Week, sitting with model Jourdan Dunn and chatting to Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour.
He began to go to Cannes, again as part of Topshop’s presence at the film festival, and to attend the Amfar charity gala on the arm of girlfriend Maryna Linchuk, a Victoria’s Secret model who towered over him.
But when Chloe became more involved in the family business and started designing shoes, Brandon stepped back from the spotlight.
They are a close family, all the more so since the woes that beset the Arcadia Group and Sir Philip before it collapsed. In fact, this seems to have acted as a wake-up call for Brandon.
A source said: ‘Once Philip fell from grace so badly, all the A-list celebrities and many of the world’s elite dropped the Green family completely. It really shook them up.
‘There was a party in Monaco that a family friend threw for them in the middle of the BHS pensions scandal. Brandon looked around aghast and said to Tina, “We don’t know anyone here!”
‘They felt the world hated them. Philip would fill his days doing laps of Monaco on foot with his bodyguard and personal trainer. Tina would busy herself in her art gallery or with her interior design business. There were a lot of tears; it was an awful atmosphere for the staff and for the family.
‘Brandon could see how transient popularity is and how big A-list stars had been using them for free holidays on their yachts for years. The whole experience sparked a “woke-over” in Brandon.
‘He got very interested in biodiversity and saving the oceans. He does a lot of charity and advocacy work with both Monaco’s Prince Albert’s Foundation and Princess Charlene’s Foundation. He is a trained deep-sea diver, he is very into fitness and gets involved with galas and charities that help the planet. He does frequent beach clean-ups and whatever he can to help.
‘It’s all very low-key, as he doesn’t want to be seen to be doing charity work for PR. But he’s been getting Tina to donate a hefty amount of money to charities that help save the planet too, saying they should do some good with their huge fortune.’
A second source says it is now Brandon, rather than Chloe, who is the apple of Tina’s eye, and he who is seen as the one who will eventually turn the family’s public reputation around.
A friend says: ‘He is very disciplined, intelligent and keen on study. He reads a lot, he travels a lot. He’s polite and well-mannered. Whatever he does, he embraces it fully. His parents are proud of him.’
His hobbies include skiing, at which he excels. He trains almost daily and took part in a gruelling cycling and swimming charity event last year for Princess Charlene of Monaco’s charity, going from Corsica to Monaco.
The friend adds: ‘He eats right and doesn’t drink or party — he is a very nice young man.’
How Brandon came to meet Emma, whose woke credentials may prove challenging for his family, is somewhat unclear, although it is believed his newfound interest in charitable ventures may have steered him her way.
Last year Miss Watson joined the sustainability committee at Kering, the owner of top fashion brands such as Gucci. She was labelled ‘Hollywood’s queen of ethical dressing’ by Vogue.
She has been taking a break from acting after appearing in the 2019 film Little Women but remains an active advocate for ‘race and gender justice’ via various charities. In 2014 she became a UN Women Goodwill ambassador, and she also ran a feminist book club, Our Shared Shelf, on Twitter.
She loves writing poetry, jigsaws, cats and nights in.
Her first purchase with the Potter millions was a ‘brick-like’ Toyota Prius. She said: ‘It’s sensible and boring, like me.’
Not that Emma is as staid as she says. In conversation with Gloria Steinem at an event in London in 2016, she revealed that she subscribes to a sex education website called OMGyes.
It’s a far remove from the days when she was cast in the Harry Potter films at nine years old, having been found via the theatre club she attended. She only completed filming the last Potter when she was 20, in June 2010.
Sources who knew her in the Potter days say her father Chris’s influence was paramount, even though she lived with her mother in Oxford.
The experience of growing up on Potter was so constricting and stressful, when the cast and crew held a ‘wrap party’ at Harry’s Bar after the final set of reshoots in 2010, she didn’t attend.
She said in 2017: ‘It’s something I’ve really wrestled with. I’ve gone back and quizzed my parents. When I was younger, I just did it. I just acted, it was just there.
‘I was finding this fame thing was getting to a point of no return. I sensed that if this was something I was ever going to step away from, it was now or never.’
Post-Potter, her films have been generally low-key. It is said she turned down the La La Land role that brought Emma Stone an Oscar.
Her £3 million London home was selected after she viewed it over Skype, because she can come and go unobserved.
That’s not to say her life is in any way normal: her social circle includes fashion figures such as Antoine Arnault of the LVMH dynasty, she has been the face of Lancome perfume and launched a collection with the ethical fashion label People Tree.
The question now is, will Emma finally find lasting love with a most unlikely Green?
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aslanjadecarlyle · 4 years
Master List of Black Creators, Owners, & Public Figures
Master List of Black Creators, Owners, & Public Figures
DISCLAIMER: I am fucking whiter than white. I compiled this list to boost black creators and public figures, but if I am overstepping at all PLEASE let me know! 
Also, I tried to research these in a timely manner. If anyone in these lists is problematic or should not be supported, let me know. :)
(Of course, this is only a TINY portion! Feel free to add more names, businesses, and creators!)
•Naomi Anderson
•Maya Angelou
•James Baldwin
•Lillie Mae Bradford
•Mari Copeny
•Frederick Douglass
•Ruth Ellis
•Erica Garner
•Alicia Garza
•Ernest Green
•Fannie Lou Hamer
•Frances Harper
•Langston Hughes
•Marsha P. Johnson
•Alberta Odell Jones
•Quincy Jones
•Martin Luther King Jr.
•Audre Lorde
•Bree Newsome
•Huey P. Newton
•Rosa Parks
-Bayard Rustin
•Sojourner Truth
•Harriet Tubman
•Madam C.J. Walker
•Ida B. Wells
•Malcolm X
Actors/Actresses & Directors:
•Yahya Abdul-Mateen II
•James Avery
•Angela Bassett
•Halle Berry
•John Boyega
•Levar Burton
•Nick Cannon
•Michael Clarke Duncan
•Zendaya Coleman
•Terry Crews
•Viola Davis
•Idris Elba
•Jamie Foxx
•Morgan Freeman
•Whoopi Goldberg
•Tiffany Haddish
•Skai Jackson
•William Jackson Harper
•Kevin Hart
•Steve Harvey
•Jennifer Hudson
•Ice Cube
•Spike Lee
•Phill Lewis
•Bernie Mac
•Eddie Murphy
•Keke Palmer
•James Pickens Jr.
•Chris Rock
•Will Smith
•Raven Symonè
•Denzel Washington
•Jesse Williams
•Chandra Wilson
•Oprah Winfrey
•John Witherspoon
Authors & Poets:
•Elizabeth Acevedo
•Tomi Adeyemi
•Kwame Alexander
•Maya Angelou
•Rena Barron
•Paula Chase
•Dhonielle Clayton
•Brandy Colbert
•Jay Coles
•Dana Davis
•Tanita S. Davis
•Sharon M. Draper
•Paul Laurence Dunbar
•Akwaeke Emezi
•Sharon G. Flake
•Kristina Forest
•L.R. Giles
•Whitney D. Grandison
•Nikki Grimes
•Justina Ireland
•Tiffany D. Jackson
•Kimberly Jones
•Claire Kann
•Kekla Magoon
•Janice Lynn Mather
•Tony Medina
•Candice Montgomery
•David Barclay Moore
•Britney Morris
•Bethany C. Morrow
•Greg Neri
•Nnedi Okorafor
•Tochi Onyebuchi
•Morgan Parker
•Junauda Petrus
•Ben Philippe
•Jason Reynolds
•Debbie Rigaud
•Ilyasah Shabazz
•Nic Stone
•Liara Tamani
•Mildred D. Taylor
•Angie Thomas
•Brian F. Walker
•Booker T. Washington
•Renée Watson
•Alicia Williams
•August Wilson
•C.E. Wilson
•Ashley Woodfolk
•Jacqueline Woodson
•Nicola Yoon
•Ibi Aanu Zoboi
Black-Owned Bookstores:
•Grassrootz Bookstore (Phoenix, AZ)
•Eso Won Books (Los Angeles, CA)
•Malik Books (Los Angeles, CA)
•Marcus Books (Oakland, CA)
•Shades of Afrika (Long Beach, CA)
•Shop At Matter (Denver, CO)
•Pyramid Books (Boynton Beach, FL)
•For Keeps Books (Atlanta, GA)
•Bunnie Hillard (Decatur, GA)
•Challenges Games & Comics (Decatur, GA)
•Semicolon (Chicago, IL)
•Wild Fig Books (Lexington, KY)
•Frugal Bookstore (Boston, MA)
•Loyalty Books (Silver Springs, MD)
•Loving Me Books (Detroit, MI)
•Source Booksellers (Detroit, MI)
•Mind’s Eye Comics (Burnsville, MN)
•Eye See Me (St. Louis, MO)
•Source of Knowledge (Newark, NJ)
•The Lit Bar (The Bronx, NY)
•Cafe Con Libros (Brooklyn, NY)
•Megabrain Comics (Rhinebeck, NY)
•The Schomburg Shop (Harlem, NY)
•Sister’s Uptown (New York, NY)
•Fulton Street Books (Tulsa, OK)
•Third Eye Bag (Portland, OR)
•Amalgam Comics (Philadelphia, PA)
•Harriett’s Bookshop (Philadelphia, PA)
•Uncle Bobbie’s (Philadelphia, PA)
•Turning Page Bookshop (Goose Creek, SC)
•Black Pearl Books (Austin, TX)
•The Dock (Fort Worth, TX)
•Loyalty Books (Washington DC)
•MahoganyBooks (Washington DC)
Other Black-Owned Businesses:
•228 Grant Street Candle Company (228grantstreet.com)
•Aamir Graphics (jaizthedesigner.mystrikingly.com)
•Ailey Extension (aileyextension.com)
•Aminah Abdul Jillil (aminahabdujillil.com)
•Anya Lust (anyalust.com)
•AphroChic (aphrochic.com)
•Basbaas Foods (basbaassauce.com)
•Beauty Bakerie (beautybakerie.com)
•Beauty Stat Cosmetics (beautystatcosmetics.com)
•BedStuyFly (bedstuyfly.com)
•Bel Lumière (thebellumiereco.com)
•Beneath Your Mask (beneathyourmask.com)
•Black Enterprise (blackenterprise.com)
•Black Girl Sunscreen (blackgirlsunscreen.com)
•Black Girls Run (blackgirlsrun.com)
•The Black Home (theblackhome.com)
•Black Pepper Paperie Company (shopbpco.com)
•Blavity (blavity.com)
•BLK MKT Vintage (blkmktvintage.com)
•Body Space Fitness (bodyspacefitness.com)
•Bold Xchange (boldxchange.com)
•Bolé Road Textiles (boleroadtextiles.com)
•Briogeo (briogeohair.com)
•Brooklyn Circus (thebkcircus.com)
•Brooklyn Tea (brooklyntea.com)
•Brother Vellies (brothervellies.com)
•Camille Rose (camillerose.com)
•Carlis Design Studio LLC (carlisdesignstudio.net)
•Castamira (castamira.com)
•CBAAF (comebackasaflower.com)
•Celsious (celsious.com)
•Cherry Blossom Intimates (cherryblossomintimates.com)
•Clare (clare.com)
•Cool and Casual Studios (coolandcasualstudios.com)
•CurlBox (curlbox.com)
•CurlMix (curlmix.com)
•Curls (curls.biz)
•Cushnie (cushnie.com)
•Custom Collaborative (customcollaborative.org)
•Diop (weardiop.com)
•Divine Nature Cosmetics (divinenaturecosmetics.com)
•Drift Taxi (thedrifttaxi.com)
•Edas (edas.store)
•Effortless Composition (effortlesscomposition.com)
•Essence (essence.com)
•Esusu (esusurent.com)
•Fix My Resume Services (fixmyresume.net)
•Flat Fifteen (flatfifteen.co.uk)
•Flaunt It Beauty Supply (flauntitbeautysupply.com)
•The Folklore (shopthefolklore.com)
•FUBU (fubu.com)
•Golde (golde.co)
•Golden Krust (goldekrust.com)
•Goodee (goodeeworld.com)
•Grillz and Granola (grillzandgranola.com)
•Hanahana Beauty (hanahanabeauty.com)
•Haus Urban (hausurban.com)
•HealHaus (healhaus.com)
•House of Aama (houseofaama.com)
•Iconoclast Fitness (iconoclastfitness.com)
•Ilé Ilà (ile-ila.com)
•International Smoke (internationalsmoke.com)
•Johanna Howard Home (johannahoward.com)
•Jones Bar-B-Q (jonesbbqkc.com)
•Jungalow (jungalow.com)
•Justice of the Pies (justiceofthepies.com)
•Kahmune (kahmune.com)
•KAI (kaicollective.com)
•KNC Beauty (kncbeauty.com)
•Kutula by Africana (shopkutula.com)
•Label by Three (labelbythree.com)
•LaQuan Smith (laquansmith.com)
•Lauren Napier Beauty (laurennapier.com)
•The Lip Bar (thelipbar.com)
•Lit Bklyn (litbklyn.co)
•Local European (localeuropean.com)
•Love Notes Fragrances (lovenotesfragrances.com)
•LUXE Honeymoons (luxe-honeymoons.com)
•Maison Noir Wines (maisonnoirwines.com)
•Maki Oh (makioh.com)
•Malene B (malenebarnett.com)
•Manual (manualphoto.com)
•Marché Rue Dix (marcheruedix.com)
•Marie Burgos Collection (marieburgosdesignthestore.com)
•Market*TING (market-ting.com)
•Mateo New York (mateonewyork.com)
•McBride Sisters Collection (mcbridesisters.com)
•Melanin Haircare (melaninhaircare.com)
•Mented Cosmetics (mentedcosmetics.com)
•MyaVana (myavana.com)
•Nandi Naya (nandinayanyc.com)
•Natty Garden (nattygarden.com)
•Neighborhood Fiber Co. (neighborhoodfiberco.com)
•Nerdz World (nerdzworld.com)
•NightLight Pediatric (nightlightpediatrics.com)
•Nude Barre (nudebarre.com)
•Octave Jewelry (octavejewelry.com)
•Oma the Label (omathelabel.com)
•Orange Culture (orangeculture.com.ng)
•OUI The People (ouithepeople.com)
•Partake Foods (partakefoods.com)
•Pat McGrath Labs (patmcgrath.com)
•Peace & Riot (peaceandriot.com)
•Peju Obasa (pejuobasa.com)
•People of Color Beauty (peopleofcolorbeauty.com)
•Pipcorn (pipsnacks.com)
•Post-Imperial (post-imperial.com)
•Pottery by Osa (potterybyosa.com)
•Rebecca Allen (rebecca-allen.com)
•Red Bay Coffee (redbaycoffee.com)
•Reparations Club (rep.club)
•Riot Swim (riotswim.com)
•Rochelle Porter (rochelleporter.com)
•See Line Ceramics (seelineceramics.com)
•Sheila Bridges (sheilabridges.com)
•Sincerely, Tommy (sincerelytommy.com)
•The Sip (thesipsociety.com)
•The Sixes (thesixes.com)
•Slashed by Tia (slashedbytia.net)
•Sol Cacao (solcacao.com)
•Sol Sips (solsipsnyc.com)
•Something Unique Accessories (shopsomethingunique.com)
•T.A. (shop-ta.com)
•Tackussanu Senegal (tackussanusenegal.com)
•Tactile Matter (tactilematter.com)
•T&C Management Tax & Financial Services (https://xu625-feb5c6.pages.infusionsoft.net )
•Telfar (telfar.net)
•TLZ L’FEMME (tlzlf.com)
•Total Resistance (thetotalresistance.com)
•Tree Fairfax (treefairfax.com)
•UniBuyz (unibuyz.com)
•Unlimited Treasures Chest (utchest.com)
•Unsun (unsuncosmetics.com)
•Unwrp (unwrp.com)
•Uoma Beauty (uomabeauty.com)
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The models can rock it... how can you?
“If women in my family can’t all wear it, I don’t want to make it.” 
The iconic 22 year old and the father of fashion have collaborated and it’s perfect… for everyone! Zendaya is extremely passionate about clothing for all shapes and sizes, her inclusive range consists of figure flattering, belted midiskirts that come in denim or oxblood leather (which are more pricey), topped with multicolored Lurex striped sweaters, silk shirts in a funky, zodiac-inspired print, cropped or halter tops. 
“Tommy had been doing more of an ath-leisure vibe, and I wanted to do something that tapped into what Tommy had done before, which is tailoring. Everything has structure but an ease and effortlessness to it. We’re also doing gowns, which Tommy has never really done before”
The magnificent show took place at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées on Avenue Montaigne. The runway was converted into a ‘70s roller rink, covered in disco lights with a light up floor.  With over 1000 guests the theatre was full of excitement and passion. Previous Hilfiger collaborators including Gigi Hadid, Janelle Monae, Yara Shahidi and Luka Sabbat enjoyed the show front row. 
The runway was graced with models such as Pat Cleveland, Veronica Webb, Beverly Peele, Halima Aden, Winnie Harlow and Jourdan Dunn, celebrating multiple generations. They owned the runway while Grace Jones brought down the house with her hit “ Pull Up to the Bumper”. 
Enough with the facts, time to talk about how YOU can wear it. 
How to:
Be a Boss Bitch:
A constant theme throughout the collection that Zendaya promotes in her own life is girl power and being an independent woman. What says that more than a sexy and sophisticated power suit? The models clearly rock it but how can you? No one said you had to buy the whole fit so why not buy one item and dress it up or down, whatever suits you ;)! The white satin blazer sits at $295USD and can be styled over a million ways. A true statement piece. 
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Show off your Curves 
The Zendaya Sparkly Stripe Tank Dress, along with many other pieces, is the perfect dress to show off your body. The dress is white and maroon with thin tank stripes and hits about shin height. By wrapping the maroon tie up belt around the waist of the dress it creates the perfect waistline, sucking you in and accentuating your curves. Perfect for a night out with a basic heel or a summer lunch paired with a white sneaker, this dress is extremely versatile and is definitely a must need this season. The Zendaya Sparkly Stripe Tank Dress is priced at USD$199.50. 
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Channel your inner 70’s chick
Do you want to look like a 70’s babe but don’t want to look like you just fell out of a time machine? Well, lucky you because we’re here to help you integrate pieces form the collection into what’s trending right now. The flared jeans and cropped collared singlets are classic 70’s vibes but too bold for some to rock alone. Pairing the flared jeans with a cropped sweater or a t-shirt bodysuit can modernise the look yet still have Stevie Nicks vibes. The Zendaya High waist bootcut jeans come at AUD$199. 
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jeeez-louise · 5 years
10 of the best shows at Fall Fashion month
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9/10 - Tommy Hilfiger (Paris)
Ex-Disney star Zendaya has been killing it on the red carpet with her style choices recently, so it only seems fitting that she collaborate with a top designer. Tommy X Zendaya brought representation to the runway with an all-black cast of differing shapes, sizes, and ages as a tribute to the women who paved the way for people of colour in the entertainment industry. “We’re paying homage to these women who changed our legacy… and allowed for me and so many others to be here,” Zendaya said in a preview with Hilfiger. “This is about saying we appreciate you and we love you.” The collection was a celebration of everything disco with high-waisted denim, cat suits, platform heels, plenty of metallic, and seventies tailoring. Models Pat Cleveland, Winnie Harlow, and Jourdan Dunn graced the runway as well as trans model Leyna Bloom. Grace Jones danced down the runway to Pull up to the Bumper in a striped rainbow blazer, gold leotard, thick gold waist belt, and thigh-high boots to close the show. The price tags are just as fun as the clothes themselves with nothing in the collection costing more than £500, and some pieces coming in at as little as £50. In a first for Tommy Hilfiger, the collection features a wide range of sizes. “Size inclusivity has been important to me always. If women in my family can’t all wear it, I don’t want to make it,” Zendaya told WWD.
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lamergelee · 5 years
TOURNÉE TAWADA ! Dear All, Yoko Tawada, qui participe au prochain numéro (OR) de La Mer gelée, sera très prochainement en France pour plusieurs lectures et rencontres, ainsi qu'un concert avec la jazzwoman Aki Takase. Vous êtes cordialement conviés. Mercredi 23 janvier 2019 Maison Heinrich Heine, Paris Récital littéraire de Yoko Tawada et Aki Takase, musicienne, de 20h à 21h30. Réservation nécessaire. Maison Heinrich Heine Cité internationale universitaire de Paris 27C, boulevard Jourdan 75014 PARIS Jeudi 24 janvier Bibliothèque de l’École des Mines, Paris Rencontre avec Yoko Tawada, animée pat Linda Koiran et Bernard Banoun, son traducteur. Avec une lecture trilingue, à 19h. Rencontre coorganisée par les éditions Verdier, les éditions La Contre Allée, l’École nationale supérieure des Mines de Paris, la Librairie des Éditeurs Associés, la Sorbonne et le CIERA. Réservation souhaitée : [email protected] Bibliothèque de l’École des Mines 60, boulevard Saint-Michel 75006 PARIS Vendredi 25 janvier Université, Villeneuve-d’Ascq, et Théâtre du Nord, Lille De 13h à 15h : Rencontre avec Yoko Tawada et Bernard Banoun, son traducteur, animée par Jessica Wilker et Carola Hähnel-Mesnard, autour de la pluralité des langues (allemand, japonais, français), de la traduction et des possibilités inattendues de l’intraduisible. Rencontre organisée par le département de lettres modernes de la faculté des humanités de Lille, en collaboration avec le département de germanistique et la bibliothèque EGNS de la faculté LLC. Bibliothèque des Humanités Université de Lille – Campus Pont de bois Bât. A, salle A1.727 3, rue du Barreau 59650 VILLENEUVE-D'ASCQ À 19h : Rencontre, animée par Céline Telliez et Jessica Wilker, avec Yoko Tawada et Bernard Banoun, son traducteur, dans le cadre de « Fictions d’Europe. Un regard d’écrivain sur l’Europe », avec Roberto Ferrucci, Emmanuel Ruben. Entrée gratuite, réservation obligatoire : 03 20 14 24 24. Théâtre du Nord Grande salle 4, place Charles-de-Gaulle 59800 LILLE Samedi 23 février Festival Lettres d’Europe et d’ailleurs, Paris Dans le cadre du festival Lettres d’Europe et d’ailleurs qui se déroulera cette année sur le thème « L’écrivain et l’animal », table ronde « Les bêtes sont-elles les miroirs des hommes ? » avec Yoko Tawada et Agata Tuszyńska. Librairie polonaise 123, boulevard Saint-Germain 75006 PARIS
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harrisonarchive · 10 months
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Photographed in Wallasey on December 17, 1961; photo by Albert Marrion.
“[George’s passing] brings back clearly the first time I saw him, at the door of the Art School canteen, asking for John, this teenage schoolboy with the most beautiful dark eyes. The Institute, as the boy’s school was called, shared a courtyard with the canteen, and Paul and George used to call in at lunchtimes. George had a depth that was evident even then — much younger than us art students, but ages deeper.” - Pat Jourdan, The Beatles Ireland Book of Condolences, 2001 (x)
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yourhuge · 3 years
Poulailler Et Élevage Vente
Voici CHAMILIA Soldes - Charm CHAMILIA Argent 925/1000-Charm CHAMILIA Argent 925/1000 Blanc perle rose Email rose noir et jaune rock style pour cet automne. Nous vendons un grand nombre de sacs avec des styles différents. Le CHRISTIAN LACROIX Soldes - Boucles oreilles CHRISTIAN LACROIX Laiton-Boucles d'oreilles CHRISTIAN LACROIX Laiton aura souvent une teinte laiton brillant. Bien entendu, nous pouvons toujours porter des appartements avec eux, ce n'est pas un crime de mode, au contraire c'est genre de 50s. Annonce inconsistentlyi n'est plus possible de parler quand il s'agit de poster régulièrement mais c'est quelque chose que je me suis battu sur chaque seul jour. Il Système Co2 y a de nombreux magasins qui sont destinés à offrir ces types de sacs pour s'assurer que tout le monde est capable d'avoir la Agatha Discount - Bague Square possibilité de choisir parmi les diverseness. Il est aussi probablement un penchant pour le grand style, des arts, de la bonne musique, voyager et ce genre de chose. Et faites espace de vie pour les articles exquis qui prendrait la destination. Pourquoi son énorme comeback je vais blâmer celui-ci sur le lumbersexual tendance qui se passe sur une forte maintenant. Tout le monde rupture respectables. De plus en plus unique avec une élégance encore sous une forme simple faite avec des Eclairage Pour Aquarium Agatha Soldes - Bague COSMOS. Ces sacs ont tendance à être caractérisé leur la meilleure qualité supplémentaire riche céleri distinctif de chou particulier outre poche indétectable modeste en CHRISTIAN LACROIX En Promotion - Collier CHRISTIAN LACROIX Laiton-Collier CHRISTIAN LACROIX Laiton naturel sacs de flottement assurés CERTUS Moins Cher - Montre CERTUS Cuir-Montre CERTUS Homme, boîtier Rond, Bracelet Cuir Gris gérer en utilisant la fermeture de centrage, ils sont souvent tout au long de cuir suédé modérée oléagineux baisse Agatha Moins Cher - Accessoire Cheveux Scottish Ajoure croc couvrant comportement qui fournissent une très belle ainsi que épicurien sensation. Bien que je me rends compte que le gros problème était que pour moi, pour moi, le pouvoir de moi et m'a donné un sentiment de fraîcheur ultime vous kmow. Ce manteau est si parfait de l'été et je pense qu'il va être super avec collants en hiver aussi. Ulnaire t sacs Restaurant Hôtel Jan chemin Hôtel Jan pat, New Delhi à sa ulnaire restaurant offre une ambiance chic pour prendre la pleine jouissance Système Co2 d'une lumière filles JOURDAN Discount - Boucles oreilles JOURDAN plaqué Or-Boucles d'oreilles Créoles JOURDAN plaqué Or dîner de bougie avec ghazis direct. Ce genre de popularité pour ce faire peut être un petit faux-pas de bon renforcement des vaccinations à la recherche. Coatround dressblue Mesh overcoat choies. Ne pas ignorer le commentaire.
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womenbeltsen · 4 years
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Vintage Charles Jourdan Cognac Pat Leather Gold Tone Belt Paris France 40" https://ebay.to/2VvrfWb
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ornithorynquerouge · 1 year
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Pat Cleveland & Donna Jordan - Charles Jourdan shoes, c. 1965 © Guy Bourdin
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evilrashida · 7 years
what would you say makes a model? is there anything specific that you find you tend to like more or incorporate in your own style as well? i'm asking because i adore your taste! thanks in advance if you answer!
I love big eccentric personalities and amazing runway walks like Pat Cleveland, Debra Shaw, Stacey McKenzie, Kristen Mcmenamy, and Connie Fleming and even Tyra's goofy self. I love sexy girls like Oluchi, Gisele, Jourdan, Leomie, Beverly, Yasmeen, and Stephanie Seymour. I love the girls who don't have to do much but show up and look sickening like Sessilee Lopez, Alek Wek, Mayowa Nicholas, and Yasmin Warsame. I love girls who transform themselves into different characters like Linda Evangelista and Amber Valletta and the girl who I love the most who does it all imo Naomi 😊That's what I'm checking for.
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izayoi1242 · 5 years
In Paris, Zendaya Introduces Her Tommy Hilfiger Collaboration
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By ELIZABETH PATON A legion of black models including Jourdan Dunn and Pat Cleveland — and music by Grace Jones — help the party along. Published: March 3, 2019 at 09:00AM from NYT Fashion https://ift.tt/2NCHSuF via IFTTT
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