ronsudsud · 26 days
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lauren-ce · 2 months
Arknights has some great grandfathery characters! Underneath his harsh facade, Woodrow is shown as a truly caring and patient teacher to Jessica.
Now I'm preparing to read Guide Ahead, and here's Patrizion, subtly ribbing his granddaughter about chasing fallen angel pussy
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arkiwii · 4 months
hello Liberi's Birdcage Tm as a fiaexu enjoyer, i would like to know, what're your thoughts on the chicken herself fiammetta? i adore her and her themes personally
u can call me kiwi or whatever (i didn't know people would call me by my blog's name LMAO)
my my, Fiammetta. she's a lot to talk about. i have, SEVERAL thoughts about her. well, I firstly got interested in her character as well as Mostima's thanks to a friend, so I'm not as much as involved as this person is, and most of what I've learned comes from our conversations. But you know, having people share about a character they like makes you Realize Things
also I hope I won't disappoint you by saying that I'm not into Fiaexu, so I won't be able to give opinions or analysis on it. like i said to someone, Fiaexu is the good ending. and man I want her to get the bad ending.
my memories of Guide Ahead are quite blury and Laterano isn't the lore I'm the most involved into, mostly because it's Complicated. I'm more of a person involved in a character's development and their mentality, and good for me, Fiammetta is full of angst and anger
what I particularly love in her? it's her "obsession" for Mostima (and Lemuen, but it's way more marked towards Mostima). i dont mean obsession as in "she likes her", i mean obsession as in This Girl Has A Problem. Her Operator Record in particular was putting an accent on it and it was delightful. Fiammetta decided to be Mostima's overseer, not because Mostima needs an overseer, but because Fiammetta was worried for Mostima. and who could blame her! Lemuen got shot down, Mostima has fallen, lost her Empathy, and is now banned from Laterano. it's only natural that Fiammetta was worried, and scared to lose someone she deeply cares about.
Turns out. Mostima is doing very fine on her own. Fiammetta thought that Mostima wouldn't be doing fine, and that's the opposite rather. so Fia puts herself through lies, convincing herself that she's here to keep an eye on Mostima, to help her, or whatever... then there's this line Patrizion says in her Operator Record. "Fia, it's not Mostima who needs you. You are the one who needs her."
that was a fucking ROCK thrown at my face i can tell you
Fiammetta always has been this one person to look cold, to look like she doesn't care about anyone, then you discover she has attachment issues. the incident with Andoiain in particular was the cataclysm. she almost lost two of her most precious friends. you BET she wants to put this man in hell. she doesn't care about anything else, this whatever ideal of Laterano he has, the Key and the Lock, whatever; she wants this man to DIE because he tried to take HER friends LIVES.
and because of this, because of her choices, she's throwing her life around. she's destroying herself. ironically, considering her thematic as a phoenix and her talent. but it's literally what is happening. she's just combusting slowly.
she could have a good life! become an Apostolic Knight! be with her adoptive dad! fight for Laterano! but no, instead, she actively decided to follow Mostima-I-Don't-Care around while telling herself a million excuses as of why she does it, "I don't want her to reveal secrets", "I need her to find Andoiain", "she needs my help"
AND of course Mostima being Mostima, her whole "I don't give a fuck about people" behavior is only worsening it, she tries to get away from Fiammetta but also can't escape her, it drags Fia to get ever more clingy... I'm pretty sure Mostima cares about Fia, deep inside, but she handles it just SO SO badly instead of just Having A Conversation
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anyway, so Fiammetta? 10/10. i love this bird. i want her to get an alter where she gets better. or worse. Fiammetta the Renatus or whatever. im drooling about it
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This Artwork will be the cover for my new demo Noctambulant. New music coming soon my dear Demons. #music #patrizion #atwork #darkwave #darkpop #cover #a_work_in_progress
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