#pats walter this guy can fit so much trauma and horrible life choices
kivaember · 6 months
Soooooo, Walter and Michigan….. who’s what in the relationship…?
who's what what? :ua
if you're asking who's the top or bottom, then it's like, well. neither of them really. they're both switches, though Walter's the more assertive in what he wants and his boundaries, while Michigan is very much a "go with the vibe" kinda guy. walter does get fucked more on average tho than michigan, but that's just bc sometimes he wants to lie down and stop thinking about The Horrors (the possible future of the Coral assimilating all of humanity) for a bit by Michigan giving him multiple religious experiences.
actually im just gonna ramble in general about their relationship in apv-verse here: HOO BOY DOES MICHIGAN DO ALL OF THE EMOTIONAL HEAVYLIFTING HERE. the guy's a total jarhead, but even he possesses enough emotional intelligence to semi-seriously navigate a relationship while walter's just a complete dumpster fire of a mess crammed underneath an impenetrable shell of :|
saying that they actually work out fine.... which was exactly why walter ended up running off from ganymede for his ~mission~ bc he got spooked over how comfortable he was getting with michigan and how he was thinking less and less about his future plans to burn the coral and more what his life in general would be like.
moving on??? in this fucked up house??? not on walter's watch.
when michigan ran into him again on rubicon, they hadn't seen each other in like, well over 20 years at least with minimal contact. michigan just found it funny how little walter had changed... and kind of depressing.
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