#patton said “im a barbie girl 🤗”
rataticaisdreaming · 6 months
day 1 - chaos @intrualityweek
a chaotic makeup session 💄✨
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small fic under the cut 🥰💙💚
[Image Description - A chest up acrylic painting of Remus and Patton from Sanders Sides. Remus is wearing sparkly dark blue and green eye makeup, blue lipstick, green drop shape gems under his eyes, a spiky blue leather jacket with green highlights and a chain earring with three blue earrings on the top. He has red eyes, green long nails and nose brigde piercings. He has a penis and star sticker on his forehead, an R and smiley face one on his chin and a cherry one on his neck. He is holding his silver hair and applying red lipstick on his tongue. Patton is wearing sparkly pink makeup with small pink gems around it, a fluffy blue and white sweater and a pink and blue bear earring. He has a pink hairband with cat ears on his curly blond hair, light blue round glasses and blue eyes. He has a rat sticker above his left eye, a heart one on his nose, a blue heart one on his chin and a blue star and daisy sticker on his neck. The background is black with green and blue liquid dripping down, blue and green shapes behind the characters and sticker like exclamation symbols and sparkles. End I.D.]
Summary: Remus gets a snack during its and Patton’s makeup session.
Pairing: Platonic Intruality (it/its for Remus - he/him for Patton)
Word Count: 512
Warnings: One sex joke / Eating an uneatable thing / Mention of vomiting / Mild Hurt/Comfort / Remus being Remus
"No! Just because it says it's strawberry flavored doesn't mean it will actually taste like strawberry!"
"Only one way to find out Kitty Pat!"
At first, Remus dragged the lipstick across its tongue, leaving a thick red line. It gave a test taste while Patton admired his makeup to cope with the fact that his favorite lipstick would get eaten. Not that he minded tho, after all, it made the duke happy. He re-adjusted his cat headband and with a sigh, looked back at his makeup partner.
"Well…? Does it taste nice…?" he asked, half disgusted, half intrigued.
The other didn't reply, instead, it rolled the lipstick until the whole bar was exposed and bit the entire thing. Chewing with curious, thinking eyes, it spoke again.
"It's so creamy! Like a melted chocolate bar!" Remus said with its mouth full. Patton winced at the sight of its sharp teeth full of red lipstick, it made him gag and he had to look away.
"Please! Just swallow it already!"
"Oooh~ I might swallow another thing tonight if you let me, Cutie Pat" it said. Even when Patton had his eyes closed trying not to throw up, he could still see the smile and wink in that sentence.
Patton groaned at the joke and started tapping the table, looking for his water bottle. He whined when he couldn't find it, but when he did, he immediately regretted it.
His hand knocked the bottle, pouring water all over the makeup table. They both yelped and got up from their seats. Remus acted first, grabbing the bottle and lid to safely close it and put it on the ground.
It thought the small scare was over, but it heard a small whine coming from Patton and he looked distressed. Remus looked back at the table and no makeup got damaged, it was all closed. Only the brushes got wet. Before it could ask what was wrong, Patton grabbed its finger.
"It's all ruined… I'm sorry…" he said in a tiny voice, playing with Remus' finger.
"What's ruined?" it asked, giving the other both hands to fidget. "Nothing is ruined, leave that to me, c'mere.”
It discreetly waved one of its hands to clean up the mess as it guided Patton to the bed. It pulled a box from under the bed and placed it between them. Inside the box there were a lot of individual stickers and on pages. Sir. Froggie the Third was guarding the sticker box.
"Froggie!" he squealed, giving the stuffie a big tight hug. He had a rattle inside, perfect for stimming and calming down.
Remus randomly picked a sticker and pressed it on its neck, then grabbed two star stickers and pressed one on its forehead and one on Patton's neck.
The giggles coming from him caused Remus to smile, calming down as it saw that the other was having fun. They started picking up all sorts of stickers and placing them all over their faces and necks. They forgot about the accident and got a new look they both adored.
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