#paul gets on with basically everybody but he's and i do mean this affectionately A Lot
nat-20s · 1 year
Laying out a conspiracy board with pictures and string but it's just me trying to figure out which of my friends would like being friends with each other
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rubykgrant · 4 years
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A few years ago, I did some cute chibi pictures of my characters who were in same-sex relationships. At the time, I just kinda used one rainbow for the colors, which was nice and all, but not totally accurate... also, I’ve updated some of the characters since then! I think at some point this year I’ll re-draw them for new art, but for now I wanted to at least do edits with more accurate Pride Colors~
These two couples go together because Ian and Eli are twin brothers, who go all the way back to my early days of “baby’s first gay characters” (or at least, the first ones who were openly obvious. I had so much repressed subtext going on below the surface for YEARS). Their whole story started from me thinking about the conversation “It isn’t odd for two siblings to both be straight, why does it seem odd for two siblings to both be gay?”. I was like, WOAH, MIND BLOWN. So, I wanted to come up with two brothers and their life, when each of them first realized they weren’t straight, when they each came out, when they got their own place to live and jobs, and when they started to find people to date. I wanted it to be a real slice-of-life, a light-hearted sit-com kinda story, that has drama and sad stuff occasionally, but is ultimately happy
Eli is actually younger by a few minutes, but because he’s generally more soft-spoken and serious, people assume he’s the mature older twin. He never dated at all through high-school, so he’s pretty awkward when it comes to things like FLIRTING. It doesn’t help that he’s a bit of an over-thinker, either. Eli will get too up in his own head, and will wind up missing a lot of chances because he couldn’t make a decision. Paul is somebody who looks effortlessly cool, but is in fact trying VERY hard. His relaxed attitude and soft-punk style attracts a lot of people, but he’s a little hesitant to get serious about dating (the last relationship he was in, he got cheated on. he was pretty heartbroken, and thus the cool facade came to be). They certainly seem like opposites, which works out pretty well; Paul feels safe with Eli, who respects his space and speaks very honestly. Eli is a blushing mess around Paul, who will casually say “You’re cute”, and also mean it. They spend a lot of time growing more comfortable and close, they are basically the epitome of “slow-burn”, and then promptly turn into an old married couple~
Ian is the one who has more of a silly attitude out of the twins, making him a social butterfly back in school. He was popular with pretty much everybody because he was so likable and fun. In highschool, girls would ask him out and he’d just say yes, not wanting to hurt anybody’s feelings. These girls would usually get a crush on a different guy, and Ian would happily tell them “No need to feel bad! We’re still friends”, and it would be true, he stayed friends with all his “exes”. Ian never really felt attracted to girls, but he never felt attracted to ANYBODY for a long time, so it was much later on when he figured himself out. He’s excited to start dating and find “the one”, but people keep seeing him as “the cute friend”. Finally he meets Henry, a male model and aspiring movie star. Henry seems larger than life, but he’s actually very down-to-earth. Ian is head-over-heels for the big beautiful guy, and Henry falls right down with him. Those around them wonder if this is just a fling or secret romance, but Henry openly talks about “the love of his life” in interviews. The two are openly affectionate, and while they both enjoy attention from others, they easily get lost in their own little romantic world~
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
Understanding The Background Of The Aesthetic | The Aesthetic
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The Aesthetic | ContraPoints – the aesthetic | the aesthetic
With a analgesic ‘80s soundtrack, the agreeable accommodate of Valley Girl follows aerial academy chief Julie (Jessica Rothe), as she spends time with her BFFs at the capital and on the arm of her amateur admirer (Logan Paul), all while absent about a activity creating appearance designs. Aback she meets and avalanche for jailbait bedrock artist Randy (Joshua Whitehouse), alike admitting he challenges aggregate she stands for, he additionally makes Julie apprehend that she needs to breach out of the balloon that she’s been active in and chase her heart.
During the basic columnist day for the film, Jessica Rothe batten to Collider for this 1-on-1 buzz account about how this cine is aloof the affair to accompany a little bit of ‘80s neon sunshine to people’s lives appropriate now, activity advantageous that bodies will assuredly get to see the blur afterwards it’s continued adventure to actuality released, accepting accustomed with the ‘80s music, the best arduous achievement numbers, and accepting to allotment a arena with one of the aboriginal film’s stars, Deborah Foreman. She additionally talked about the achievability of a third Blessed Death Day movie, and why she capital to be a allotment of the attainable Amazon alternation Utopia.
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The Aesthetic Dimension by Herbert Marcuse: 12 | PenguinRandomHouse | the aesthetic
Image via Metro Goldwyn Meyer Pictures
Collider: This cine was aloof so abundant fun!
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for the aesthetic” | Fotos con luces, Fotos tumblr – the aesthetic | the aesthetic
JESSICA ROTHE: Oh, acknowledge you so much! It’s funny because this cine has had such a continued life. They were aggravating to accomplish it for 10 years, afore I alike came assimilate the project. I auditioned for it bristles years ago. I didn’t get casting for about a year and a half, about two years. It’s aloof been a continued adventure for this movie. The funny affair is, I feel like now is aback it was declared to appear out ‘cause everybody needs a little bit of ‘80s neon sunshine in their life, appropriate now.
You’ve done the slasher adjustment of Groundhog Day, and now you’ve done this agreeable adjustment of Valley Girl. Is there addition blur out there that you’d adulation to do some askance adjustment of, in addition genre?
The Aesthetic Box | LinkedIn – the aesthetic | the aesthetic
ROTHE: That’s a actually adequate question. I was talking to addition afresh about how, if I could be in a accommodate of any ‘80s movie, I would adulation to do Indiana Jones, but be Indiana Jones and additionally accept Harrison Ford be in Indiana Jones with me. So, I don’t apperceive what that means, or what that looks like, if it’s some affectionate of Freaky Friday/Indiana Jones situation, or if it’s aloof that I get to be in an alarming activity movie, in the future, that’s about
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The Aesthetic Experience; its Meaning in a Functional Psychology .. | the aesthetic
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AESTHETIC Do It for the Aesthetic ~Chief~ | Dank Meme on ME | the aesthetic
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The Aesthetic Show (@AestheticShow_) | Twitter – the aesthetic | the aesthetic
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THE AESTHETIC: THE AESTHETIC LEGACY – the aesthetic | the aesthetic
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Book : The Aesthetic Of Play (mit Press) – Brian Upton – the aesthetic | the aesthetic
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The Aesthetic Brain: How We Evolved to Desire Beauty and Enjoy Art .. | the aesthetic
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The Aesthetic on Behance – the aesthetic | the aesthetic
The post Understanding The Background Of The Aesthetic | The Aesthetic appeared first on Painter Legend.
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ssambles · 7 years
Mafia AU Stuffs
This was originally supposed to be an AU specifically for Jamilton, though hints of Hamliza are thrown within it. Lafayette was also thrown into the Jamilton relationship- making it a poly relationship. I don’t actually know if there is a ship name for it though. 
Character Notes:  (Small paragraphs at the bottom on the post) A. Hamilton:  -Bisexual but denies it -Married to both Jefferson and Lafayette -Is the “owner” of a pyramid company  -Acts extremely tough around his business, though when it comes to family and personal matters, he tries to be sweet and loving.  -A really good cook (He cooks Colombian dishes 25/8)  -Don’t get him angry  -Threatens to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) people with his cane  -Has actually shoved his cane up Jefferson’s rear -Hates his middle name (Lavien)  -Payed Eliza to have all eight of the Hamilton kids  -He’s actually pretty tall 
T. Jefferson: -Has tried to called Lafayette ugly in the middle of an argument -Has confused himself for Lafayette before  -Bought everybody canes because he likes canes  -Loves Hamilton’s cooking  -Needs succ and dicc  -Openly gay  -Has tried to get Hamilton and Lafayette to call him “daddy” before  -Is actually a pretty nice guy when he wants to be  -Fakes falling asleep so he can scare Hamilton in the middle of the night  -Is happy when Hamilton puts him in charge  -Has tried to say that he was the boss but then got beat up by Hamilton  Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, Marquis de Lafayette:   -Signs papers with his full name  -Pretends to not understand English -Flirts with TJeffs and AHam in French  -Falls asleep on Hamilton a lot  -Enjoys being pet  -Actually hates most French food  -Doesn’t like being mean to people so he’s a really nice mafia guy  -Is the one that calms down Hamilton  -Hides under desks to give people succ  -I love him  -He is my child Philip (Pip) Hamilton: -Is in love with Lafayette’s child (Georges Washington de Lafayette)  -Refuses to accept that Georges is his step-brother  -Has actually intensely flirted with Georges before  -bad gay  -Wants his dad(s) to be proud of him  -Hits people with his can (like Hamilton)  -Threatens to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) people with his cane (like Hamilton)  -Like his dad but will never be bolder  -Claims to hate poems but writes them 25/8  -Likes t-shirts and jeans but doesn’t know how to button the jeans  Georges Washington de Lafayette: -Is basically like his father  -Except more French  -He collects cheese  -he’s also sassier  -He spent more time in France okay  -Flinches when people threaten to hit him because he gets hit with canes a lot  -Has threatened to jump off the roof  -Scares Philip a lot with angst  -Gay  George Washington: -Hamilton’s father business partner  -Raised Hamilton after his parents died  -He also raised Lafayette after the poor kid was abandoned in America -He likes raising children  -Tries to get Hamilton to accept him again  -Cries to Martha about how he’s a failed father  -Loves Philip  -At least Philip and Laf accept him Short things:   Hamilton had to suffer the pains of abandonment and family death at the young ages of six and eight, lowering the ages that the founding father had to face. If abandonment wasn’t enough, he lived in poverty, often Homeless after his father abandoned them in New York. After both him and his mother drew ill, his mother had died while he survived. This left him alone for sure. Luckily, it wasn’t long until the seventeen-year-old George Washington found him on the streets.   Guilt filled the teenager. He brought the kid home without thought, raising him like any loving father would. About four years after finding Hamilton, he found a French kid in the same condition that Hamilton was in. Alexander grew attached to the child immediately. This caused Washington to bring home to kid and raise him as well.    Lafayette (said French kid), followed Hamilton everywhere, especially since Alexander was two years older than him. When Alexander was fourteen, he met a Junior named Thomas Jefferson. They seemed to be enemies for several months before they began growing affectionate towards each other.    When Jefferson was eighteen, Hamilton was sixteen, and Lafayette was fourteen, the three of them ran off together. Lafayette was just following his role-model, especially since he didn’t want to be alone.    After two years of them all being together, they decided that they wanted money- a lot of it. When they were all of age, they began to grow a business- of course that calls for quite a bit of loans. Lucky for them, they were successful. Ties began to grow, money began to stack- then came the competitors.    In panic, Hamilton had a plan. It involved turning their already successful business into a pyramid business- which meant more money for them. Luckily, this plan also seemed to work, competition was being eliminated, everything was perfect. Well- almost perfect. They needed heirs.    This is where Eliza, Hamilton’s childhood friend, comes in. She’s called up, asked if she could do a favor for a bit of money, she agrees. Boom. Hamilton now has a son named Philip. Of course, Hamilton is greedy- so he obviously asks for the same favor every once and a while, luckily Eliza continues to agree. Though we aren’t getting into that.  It’s a pretty bad summary I know. The only things a left out are how Pip is raised and stuff because you know- it’ll be mentioned later. Philip is really spoiled and stuff. That’s kinda a summary. Hamilton spoils him to make sure he gets all the love he needs.
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