#paul mccarntye x y/n
HC request! Paulie x fem! Reader, when he’s late for a date!
Of course!
cw: mentions of smoking, drinking, and briefly death.
So you arrive at the restaurant, thanking the valet for looking after your car. Your heels click on the pavement as you look up at the yellow glow.
You don’t know how on earth Paul got a place like this and would manage to eat without the press or an army of fans on his tail, but the crystal chandeliers and the soft violin music from the back gave you a hint why.
You catch a glance of yourself in the mirror, you have done your hair up so that it was put in a sixties-style swirling bun (if it’s long enough), wore a beautiful red dress with a crinoline skirt and strappy sleeves, adorned with white heels, a pearl bracelet, small white gloves, and diamond earrings complete with makeup. You felt beautiful.
As you walked in, you asked the host, donned in a pressed white blouse and a black vest “I am here for a reservation for Y/L/N, has a young man arrived here yet?”
The host shook his head and said: “no, he is not here, but would you like to be led to your table?”
This surprises you. Paul is such a perfectionist you knew he would normally show up somewhere at least an hour early. 
“Oh, uhm, sure” you say.
After a few minutes and a couple sips of water, you look around at the place fully. There are little booths, secluded. A soft, white-yellow glow radiates from the lights above. You smell the heavy perfume and cigar smoke from a few tables ahead of you. Women with necks dripped with jewels and men adjusted their ties and straightened their jackets.
After people watching, you realize Paul hasn’t shown up.
After you read through a white menu the size of your head, he still hasn’t shown up.
After the second reading of everything on the menu to pass the time with some mild amusement, from the martinis to the raspberry cheesecake’s in full or small sizes, there is still no sign.
Your head is reeling through the possibilities, 
It’s not his fault, perhaps there is the traffic you think after you order an appetizer. You’re famished.
As the minutes pass the appetizer arrives, your imagination starts reeling.
He’s running away to Antarctica with ten groupies and going to join a murder cult you muse worriedly.
You take nimble bites, torn between your anxiety and disappointment and the rumble in your stomach that sometimes catches a snooty glare from old ladies draped in fur coats.
You are about to order a dinner for yourself with a drink to go with it when you feel a sudden hand on your shoulder in the midst of your menu perusing and almost shriek!
“Paul! What on earth-what is happening!” you ask him.
You then look at how handsome he looks: his hair is grown out some but still neat, and he is in a dark suit that makes his eyes shine bright and beautiful. Though his face is a little red and his chest huffs some.
“Oh, Y/N, please forgive me it was...it was my dad. He showed up and surprised me and I couldn’t just leave him, oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry” he pleads, he even takes your hands in his and kneels down almost.
A part of your brain wants to give him a good dressing down for not alerting you or to dress down his dad but then Paul blinks a lot and lowers his head and speaks a little softly.
“Y’know, today’s the anniversary of...me mother. She...she died this day, remember?”
Suddenly, your grip on his hands lighten.
“Paul...you’re right...I forgot I’m so sorry, it’s a hard day for you.”
So you both enjoy the appetizer and a light drink when an idea hits you.
“Paul...your father shouldn’t be alone on this day too, wanna bring this dinner over to him? He might need some food as therapy?”
He smiles brightly “nothin’ sounds better than that, Luv, and he’d be ‘appy to see yew.”
Taglist: @queenlover05
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Tutoring the Beatles in a foreign language Hc, blurb, anything you want;))
Ofc!!! Let me do German as the language since that is the non-English language I am the most familiar with.
cw: swearing
Paul would be the most studious one. He would pay close attention to you and want to get every one right.
One day he brings over flashcards of all of the various articles in German: die, das, der, and when to use which one. You are so impressed you consider having him teach the others and he said it would be worth it to be by your side with a wink.
John would be the naughty one always getting in trouble. He would stick pencils up his nose to get the others to laugh but as soon as your head it turned he’s normal. “I’m jus’ takin’ notes, Y/N!”
Though he would be that bastard in class who barely studies yet somehow retains information. So when you ask him to have a conversation with you in German about the weather, he says “Meine Schoenheit, die Sonne ist hell, mag deinen Augen” (My beauty, the sun is as bright as your eyes”), hitting on you in German which make you smile and bite the inside of your cheek.
George would get into the beauty of the language. He would spend hours looking up words to see what they mean but when it comes to having to try to order something in a restaurant blank out.
“Uhhhhm, ich mag...chocolate?” he would say, so then when you correct him and he gets it right, he has a big smile on his face (you bet he has all the food names memorized).
Ringo would be the most stressed about it and worry in class, so when he manages to hold a conversation very well he cries a little bit. “Ringo, don’t fret! You’re doing well and it’s fine if you make a mistake!”
He enjoys writing in German a lot and sometimes writes you sweet little notes. “Danke Schoen fuer die Klasse I'm Deutsch, Liebling!” with a cute doodle of all of them (thank you very much for the German classes, darling!). He likes the causal little phrases because it’s the real deal for the people.
So you teach him to swear  in German, like Scheiss (shit) and Arschkalt (ass cold) and he loves to use them.
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