#pawnshop London
copinghex · 12 days
Sincerely yours, me | T.S
Summary: Tommy receives anonymous gifts and letters. All the signs point to a single conclusion - he has a secret admirer.
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The first gift was misinterpreted, as harmless as it could be, a man like Tommy wouldn't simply eat anything sent to him.
Sitting in the kitchen with a cup of tea, Polly waited for Tommy to get home. On the table, a delicate box from a nearby bakery and a letter caught everyone's attention, not only for the gesture but also the date.
If anyone would search for Thomas Shelby in city registers, all they'd find would be his army register, indicating his date of birth was 19th September, months earlier than the true date, a cold Wednesday morning of November. Whoever sent the gift was close enough to the family to not be fooled by the erroneous papers.
That day, Tommy entered the kitchen in quick steps, unconsciously or not, he always worked more on his birthday, not being particularly fond of celebrating.
“Is anything special about the age of thirty?” Polly asked.
“...no,” noticing the suspicious gifts on the table, Tommy reached for the letter, the envelope contained no information other than his own name, “who bought this?”
“No one, it was left on the door this morning,” she turned the box to show him the bakery’s name, “the place isn't cheap, they wouldn't leave it at the door without someone to collect it,”
“So someone ordered and left it at the door,” Tommy concluded.
“What does the letter say?”
The first thing Tommy noticed was the calligraphy, it wasn't neat nor horrendous. He could see the author tried their best to look nice.
Dear Tommy,
Originally, I was excited to write you this letter. Now that I have your cake and shall deliver it tomorrow, it makes me question if this was a good idea.
I believe birthdays are meant to be celebrated with those we have dearly. You seem to think otherwise, nevertheless, I hope you (and your family) enjoy the flavor I picked.
I wish I had bought you a gift as well, I had an eye on a pocket watch from a pawnshop in London, it'd seat nicely with a brown three piece you have, unfortunately my budget is not endless.
I hope you enjoy your birthday and wish you all the happiness, prosperity and good fortune.
Sincerely yours, me.
P.S I've taken notice I mentioned the cake spent a day in my house, if the thought ever crosses your head, do not worry, it cannot have spoiled, I kept it on the ice box all the time ♡
“So?” Polly questioned.
“Take a look at the calligraphy,” he handed her the letter, “does it look familiar?”
“Not at all, I can check in the books, but it's too neat to belong to any of our men, also there's a heart in the end,”
“Alright,” he sighed, “I want you to go to the bakery and ask who ordered it, then ask all the neighbors about the person who left it at the door, anything is useful,”
“Oh, for Christ's sake! I've things to do but to investigate a birthday cake!”
“Polly,” Tommy opened the box, “whoever sent this is watching from close, what do they plan to do with all this information? It can't be good,”
“Alright,” she sighed, “I'll ask, but I bet is nothing more than some of the neighbors’ daughters wearing her heart out for you,”
“Fucking finally,” John suddenly entered the kitchen, “Polly said we'd only eat when you arrived,”
“No one is going to eat,” he looked at the cake, the white topping could be easily deduced as vanilla while the bottom was chocolate.
“What?! What not?”
“We don't know who fucking sent this, it can be poisoned,”
“Or someone wants to send a message,” Polly added.
“Or it's just fucking cake,” John argued, “ugh, forget it,”
As John left, Tommy threw the box in the trash, the light sweet scent rose up to his nose and looking superficially, it seemed like nothing but an innocently sent birthday gift. He wouldn't risk it though, if he was wrong about it, it'd be shameful to die over a piece of cake.
Weeks went by without further information, all the bakery was able to tell was that the person who made the order was a woman, nothing they hadn't already deduced. The dust settled, with no signs of danger or special dates coming by, nothing disturbed Tommy's routine.
The second gift was delivered by Scudboat, at the end of a shift in the betting shop he sneaked his head into Tommy's tiny office with a bulky envelope.
“Tom? I'm going home,” he said.
“See you tomorrow,” Tommy didn't lift his eyes from the papers on the desk.
“Someone left this on my desk today, it's for you,”
His shoulders dropped in a tired move, one more problem was everything he didn't need, “Who did? Did you see?”
“No, we had a full house today, I'm sorry, man,” Scudboat left.
First, a wooden horse fell from the paper. The delicate miniature wasn't bigger than a pocket watch, but the details revealed it was made by talented hands.
Dear Tommy,
Although throwing the whole cake away did offend me, I admit I'm the one at fault for this huge miscalculation, I have no enemies myself and yet, I'd be hesitant to eat something anonymously sent to my door.
Therefore, please accept this horse as a gift instead. It sat dusting up on my shelf for way too long, if you ask me, it resembles Monaghan boy.
Sincerely yours, me.
Tommy placed the miniature in the corner of his desk, it immediately set amongst his other belongings as if it was made to be there.
Slightly crumbling the paper, he fought the urge of ripping it apart, no harm was done and he couldn't find any subtle threats between the lines, but the thought of being observed made him tremble.
The possibility of someone being truly in love with him crossed his mind and was quickly shaken off. Tommy knew he wasn't lovable, at least not anymore, at most it must be infatuation from a stupid woman.
Putting the letter in a drawer, he carried on with his paperwork.
The third gift came three weeks later, when Tommy thought she had given up on him. A worn out bracelet he recognized from an Appleby fair, years ago he bought one for Greta Jurossi and managed to sneak up some more while the seller turned around to get his change. He remembered distributing them amongst her friends.
Those faces were all blurred in Tommy's memory now, shadows from a past that seemed so distant it felt like another life.
The envelope wasn't neat like the previous ones either, delivered by Ada herself, all she offered as explanation was an entertained smile and a “read the letter, Tom”
Relief washed over him learning that Ada was the one collecting information. The worry’s weight left his shoulders and then, the whole scenario felt as laughable as a joke.
It has come to my attention that my letters do you more harm than good. What a shame, I had planned to toy with you a while longer, but seeming it doesn't have the expected effect, I believe there's no option other than revealing myself.
I assure you I never intended harm and Ada was of great help in keeping an eye on you. Please, do not be upset at her, she was manipulated by having me watching Karl whenever needed.
Thomas, you are very dear to me, I've made it clear through the last few months, because of it, I'll be at the Garrison this Friday from 17:00 to 18:00, at the last table in the corner, we've never been complete strangers so you'll recognize me.
All I ask you is to not show up with selfish intentions, to mock me or satisfy your curiosity. I want to be someone close to you, someone you trust and perhaps like. If this possibility exists, come meet me, if your heart is permanently closed, I understand, but please do not come.
Sincerely yours, //////////
Tommy slowly put the letter down, the red scribbles where her name should be evoked sympathy within him. He imagined a simple girl, a silhouette between Greta's friends, switching pen colors and ruining the end of a tidy letter.
Lighting up a cigarette, he rubbed his tense brow, decisions that involved others were always harder and he doubted he'd get used to it someday.
He also couldn't deny curiosity was eating him alive, he needed to know who was sweet enough to look away from the atrocities he committed after France and still love the man he became.
Love, the word sounded so foreign to him he made a decision. He'd go to the encounter, even if he wasn't sure he wanted a relationship, having someone who loved him would be useful.
The week went by fast, around a quarter to five Tommy ordered everyone out of the Garrison, two cups and a whiskey bottle waited with him. He wouldn't define what he felt as excitement, perhaps satisfaction in finally closing that case.
Leaning on the counter, he stared at the doors, a hesitant shadow showed up on the glass panel, the knob moved down and a few seconds passed until she got in.
Her eyes widened seeing the pub empty, a shiver ran down her spine as her eyes met his squinted ones. She gulped, frozen at the entry. Tommy sized her up and his gaze softened, an afternoon tea at the Jurossi’s house years ago, he'd barely noticed her, apparently she had noticed him.
“You came,” she greeted.
“I was curious,”
“Tommy, I asked you to not-”
“Yeah,” he interrupted, “it was brave of you to keep me in the dark for so long,”
“It was barely two months,”
“Could've been much more if so you decided,”
“Why would I? You didn't see to enjoy my… admiration at all,”
Pouring them drinks, Tommy called her to the counter. She shyly smiled as he handed her a glass and made a tiny toast.
“It was clever,” he complimented, “I recruit clever people,”
“So this is business focused?” she looked down, disappointed.
“Amongst other things,” with his glass, he lifted her chin, “I think we can achieve great things together,”
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tombraiderfan900 · 1 year
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Rennes’ Pawnshop
Painting on the background from Rennes’ Pawnshop level from Tomb Raider - Angel of Darkness. It is an engraving from the Illustrated London News from 1867. It is called L’Abri or “Sleeping child with dog” by Giorgio Bonavia, Britih artist from Maltese origin.
Found here: https://www.lookandlearn.com/history-images/U315581/LAbri
Original here. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006992716&view=2up&seq=609&size=125&q1=L%27Abri
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kewwie-pie · 1 year
I'm going through some absolutely TERRIBLE art block rn, so I made a pair of lazy reverse omens edits for crowley and Aziraphale! (Can you tell which one I put more effort into💀)
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Here are some fun facts about my reverse omens crowley/Raphael and Aziraphale/Ezra! :
Raphael drives a 1970s beetle! It's nearly the same color as his suit but a little lighter.
Ezra's "full name" is Azirafell C. Phore (pronounced like the explosive).
Ezra's animal companion is a swan!
When Raphael and Ezra first met on the wall, Ezra admitted to stealing Raphaels sword and giving it to Adam and Eve. When asked why, Ezra said, "If I didn't, things wouldn't be nearly as interesting now, would they?"
If you asked this question after the non-apocalypse, they'd simply reply with "out of guilt, I suppose. The poor things."
Raphaels style got stuck in between the 1950s and 1960s while Ezra's got stuck in the 1970s and 1980s as he got completely sucked into goth culture.
Everywhere Ezra goes trails of black feathers follow
Raphael owns a small home in central London. He mostly owns it so that all his plants have a home. Ezra, on the other hand, owns a recordstore/music related pawnshop.
Raphael is very proud of his mustache.
Animals have a tendency to crowd the angel when he steps foot inside st. James park
Ezra's has a whole list of nicknames for Raphael:
Booboo (ironically)
Kittenwiskers ( Ezra saw that one fucking scene in sherk 3 and decided to start calling Raphael that ironically just to annoy him)
The list goes on for much longer because Ezra invents something new every day
Raphael has one nickname for Ezra, and it's birdie
Ezra invented Ikea while they were drunk
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calamity-calliope · 1 year
Who is the Amicable Pawnbroker?
His pawnshop is not for from Wolfstack Docks. It's an easy walk there from the pier. As you approach, a sign in bold red lettering hanging in the window catches your eye.
Next to the sign is a neat little pamphlet box, lovingly decorated with delicate paintings of Neathy flora. There's still a few brochures in there. You might as well.
Why is the Pawnbroker out?
Business matters, the brochure assures you. The Pawnbroker likes to take his business out to zee on occasion. He's in London every other week or so, unless waylaid.
How can I find the Pawnbroker?
The brochure provides a photograph of the Pawnbroker. He's a black-haired fellow with nearly trimmed sideburns and a small, well-kept mustache. He's wearing a peacoat much too big for him and a white turtleneck sweater. Beneath the brim of his fisherman's cap are eyes hidden by dark spectacles. He's smiling broadly into the camera. You suppose it would be hard to miss a man like this in a crowd.
Beneath that: a description of his ship, the steam schooner Calamity! and an adjoining photo of the large calliope fixed to the deck. The brochure advises you to listen for the Calamity! if you cannot see her. Sound advice.
Where does the Pawnbroker work?
All over, apparently. Though there's a fine line he refuses to cross when it comes to traveling East, and he never stays too long in the Iron Republic. But he sets up shop wherever the markets allow, or else sells from his ship.
Just what does the Pawnbroker sell, exactly?
Anything you can think of. Furniture, tools and weapons, "miscellaneous trinkets", and especially instruments. Maybe some things that aren't entirely legal. Don't tell the constables, though. If you want it, he probably has it.
Can I arrange a meeting?
Of course. Any time, any place, any subject. He just loves a good chat...
You tuck the brochure in your pocket. Good to know. Maybe good-old-fashioned happenstance will lead your paths to cross. For now though, you're plenty satisfied with speculation.
(Meet the Pawnbroker)
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schooloftuneage · 1 year
Lesson 3: This is not a test...
Rick Rubin is one of the most influential producers in the music biz. He turned Linkin Park from what could have been a two-album flash in the pan into one of the deepest acts in alternative music (no kidding, A Thousand Suns remains one of this berk's top 20 albums of all time). He introduced the world to more iconic acts than I can count. And before all that… he was in a shitty punk group that was more known for fake fights and fake arrests than anything else. (His dad was a policeman and would pretend to arrest Rick when he got into planned altercations with planted hecklers - an attempt at getting traction that failed.)
But at the same time, Rick was keeping his thumb on the pulse of the New York music scene, and when he found out about a few rapidly growing groups that were turning out incredibly danceable music with an antiestablishment ethos, his first thought on listening to them was that it was Black Punk Rock.
The music in question was, of course, hip hop.
Let's delve in.
Hip hop was influenced by numerous sources - talking blues, disco, R&B - and tracking all those down would be great, but we're going to truncate slightly today, because A) I'm saving a lot of that for a later lesson, and B) because the most pertinent one is actually disco, believe it or not. See, like punk rock, there was a single spark that ignited the movement, and while it was slower to burn, it had the perfect kindling. The place was in the slums of the south Bronx, in a rec room at 1520 Sedgewick Avenue. The person was DJ Kool Herc, who spun records for dance parties there.
The above documentary gives us a good glimpse at how Herc did his thing. Today we just know it as basic mixing, but back in the day, this kind of thing was revolutionary. Add in an emcee - Coke la Rock - who would handle the microphone while Herc was mixing, and you had the first emcee-deejay combo.
Over time, more groups came together. Grandmaster Flash picked up Herc's skills, and then hammered them down, bringing them to new heights of awesomeness. He couldn't even try to get on the mic while he was mixing, too focused on the beats he was crafting, so he got an enterprising B-boy they called Cowboy to do the honors. Over time he amassed a group of five emcees to work with him - Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. The Treacherous Three, the Funky Four (Plus One More) - you can see a sort of theme in these early groups. Rap battles were a thing, inheriting a little bit of gang battle ethos from their founders - early rap adopters the Zulu Nation were ex-gang members who were trying to veer into a more constructive direction, and they did so well.
But for most, the genre was locked away. Sure, rapping was easy enough to do, but to be a real hip hop artist you needed a deejay, and that equipment was expensive. As I said, the spark was there, but it needed kindling.
And just as punk had its watershed moment in 1977 in London, so hip hop did in 1977 in New York. On July 13th, NYC had a city-wide blackout that lasted just over a full 24 hours. A mob mentality decended over the city, with widespread looting… and in the aftermath of these riots, a lot of expensive sound equipment made its way into the hands of enterprising would-be deejays, either through their own actions or through pawnshops who didn't ask questions about where the equipment came from in the weeks after the blackout.
Now, there is much - MUCH - to say about this scene… but as I'm delving in, I'm realizing that someone else has already done this lesson, and arguably done it better than I could ever dream of doing it. Cartoonist Ed Piskor has done a series, Hip Hop Family Tree, that chronicles the early rise of the scene beautifully. And in the spirit of the early rap bootlegs that we're going to be discussing… you didn't get it from me, but hereyago:
That's twelve issues of greatness right there.
Now, with THAT link dropped, let's talk seminal moments for the origins of hip hop.
The first track on wax that was nothing but a deejay showing off their mixing prowess? "The Adventures of Grandmaster Flash on the Wheels of Steel". This one was even more notable because Sugar Hill Records didn't like paying royalties to artists that they sampled, and tended to use original compositions rather than having Flash or other deejays mix in the background (which, yes, was kind of insulting to the art of the deejay…). Also, please note, there are NO editing tricks here. This was just Flash at his best, and he laid the whole track down in only four or five takes.
The first rap "superstar", arguably, was Kurtis Blow. At the very least, the man was both responsible for the first gold record in the hip hop genre and the man who brought it to Soul Train, with "The Breaks".
And now, we're going to zig-zag-zig back to an earlier point.
The early hip hop scene was full of bootlegs. Some were recordings of live events - Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five had a full live track that had never been released recorded, and it's still more popular, as the studio version lacks the passion of the live recording. (Bozo Meko's version of 'Flash it to the Beat', fyi.) Unscrupulous producers would record artists in the studio under the guise of 'letting them play around' and release their work under different names - and again, that happened to the Furious Five, with "We Rap More Mellow" being released as the work of The Younger Generation. And then there were bootleg compilations released for the deejays - packages of "essential" disco songs pressed as unofficial collections, distributed behind the counter of record stores.
Our TRACK OF THE WEEK is the first of those. A recording of a live event - something that we now recognize as the first rap battle, Busy Bee Starsky vs. Kool Moe Dee. A battle that Starsky phoned in because he assumed he'd have no real competition, and Moe came loaded for bear for. This one's a slaughter, kiddos.
And we're gonna have a lot to say about hip hop in the future... but for now, that gets you to the starting line.
Class dismissed.
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dealmxkerofgold · 1 year
New verses
I've been thinking lately about my Rumple and Belle a lot and how to integrate them in other fandoms so I ended up with a couple of verses fresh from the oven, so to speak:
political/modern human au – Rumple is a fixer known only as Mr Gold (his pseudonym) and Rumplestiltskin (a playful nickname he's been given by people because no one knows his first name or even if Gold is his actual surname), one of the best of his kind, some say even the best, who can get practically anything done as long as his price requirements are met (more often than not it's not even money but a favor, a bauble etc – think, things Rumple usually asks for in his deals), working for people from both sides of the law and any social circle/class, from the very lows to the presidents and kings
modern human au 2 – Rumple is Mr Gold, a very private, mysterious and reserved pawnshop owner in New York/London/any other city suitable for your muse... also, one of the richest and most influential people in the city/country... basically, Mr Gold but not in Storybrooke
detective/modern human au 3 – Rumple is detective Weaver, the "toughest cop on the block", in New York/London/any other city suitable for your muse... basically, Weaver but not cursed
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punkmacabre-arc · 1 year
shortly after what happened at the casanova club with astra & being checked into ravenscar by his friends: chas chandler, gary lester & annie - marrie flynn, ( all members of mucous membrane . . . john never was quite the same & they feared the worse with his mental health ⎯⎯ of his own detriment but also from his experience with nergal & sending an innocent soul to hell. ) packed away all of constantine's things into crates & stored in a storage unit by the docks. some things include are:
his entire vinyl collection ( mostly the clash, buzzcocks, poison girls which were a gift from his sister, the odd spice girls & other local punk bands from the liverpool / london area. )
a black fender telecaster bought from a pawnshop, leftover band shirts from local gigs & some handmade.
stolen pint cups & ash trays from pub benders.
childhood photos ( an unfinished baby book done by his mother; photos from scans, possible other names & the only photo of them together. another set with his sister, cheryl, at political marches, snuck in house parties, & the first time they went to the bay as kids. )
old journals noting first experiences with demons, occult books checked out from the library that've been overdue for decades.
a haunted menorah, a smalltime demon trapped seven ways.
film camera full with expired film.
old school uniform, small fiction book collection from high school & some school reports ( terrible attendance. full of detentions. could go far if genuinely put in the work. needs to stop telling teachers to slag off. )
the storage unit has been left locked ever since, with constantine immediately fleeing to san francisco after two years of constant checking in & checking out at ravenscar. the key remains in cheryl's care to this day, ever so willing to give her brother the key ⎯⎯ or even yet, go with him ⎯⎯ if only he'd ask . . .
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libidomechanica · 2 months
He fountain that she unweeting … I well content
A ballad sequence
Meantime Gulbeyaz’ brow: here comes a     ball; the trouble the use of timely fruit bush where there will     know is, that is nothing
to the meadow your witchcraft o’     Beauty you greatly more: you have? Three fields, and Gouls in clay!     No fault I am here
and he drew ill his breath, and if     that old ruin or wild Princess of her sweetness hardly     he who, after Colin
cloute, that will owe my heart I do     hear, but Shakspeare’s, and stormy women, the Doric mothers’     feelings from every
harp, unless than one? The clergy     take amiss, because a fool’s captured our tale, of which oft     avenged: heavy as soil.
He fountain that she unweeting     … I well content. Eating in an abyss. She lifts the present     pardon their Lips. The
dinner, they please to mone. Of     Englishwoman’s eyes proceedings teach it divination is—     the air of her you’ve loved
adventurous chamber or the     great Professor Kant. Shed its applause. Outside swells, and now     by their pains get only
in mere talking of the whole soul     on me she summit, and prove the house, the human specie can,     upon Salámán how
should not Life be equally, when     possesse? Save you didn’t see me weep so sore, then by more truth;     and if one should best becomes
a wayward Babe, and if those     poor wretch, in this moment in his lungs, who turn a lady     to speak as yesterday.
You stink like two doves will decide,     until this time in the mere sighing and queen, but Turkish     phrase offended. And as
I drew at my fault, it is to     beare: when the funds at warfare. If single beauteous influence     that aim and cleaved
to two and without the debt shoulders,     if rather that inward became, and, tremble. Outward     she put his existence,
seeke a better prie; what we’re a     slender acacia would have known a lover’s sight, and morbid     eye, to take the moment
as a bitter than the value     might sun glorifies thence the prizes; he had recently     increasing; thy mermaid’s
songs did lend a dreadful things     ladies want, save a proud rider on the whole gazette of     the webbing its roof, and
so must tell us what the deed,     thou pluck’d: were the color and frighten’d my top teeth. Between     the Welkin shone her
approbation their array; and Persian,     maintain that sweet coral the long canto the Eye and     play it well as
ministerial trade. A shadow stile     to dwell, and with his prey, light she wander at will be time     is sharp spear, whose rod’s comfort:
there when dreams I prefer the     duration or the pawnshop windows and me, giving than     you have the poet here?
And agèd Shadow, Cynara!     Are you once again an inch of sweet words, of love: this hole     your sweet and cries, and tear. And as the wood the cry remain     unto the background, there is London hisses? And henceforth     no create himself for
pay. To recreation, even     the fire was this violent remedy be tried to theyr flocks     into some sorteth like sunny gems on any slight and     look’d one of though she was fond of a faith, too—filled with his     shield, where blood should he the
suspicion free. Who was a mother,     but having need of caulking, for more than words, embracements     were of the late. White man not a chef come down his     shadow flits and flies to set up vain pretences to love     a cheek a dye of what
to thee: ah Christian dogma rather     difficult commander; tis strain courage dwells; And must     the happy state: let this act of inurbanity, selfish,     and dead pretend to this high delight of earth, and what’s     still small hands, and plague, Vertue
is music and of Chian wine! A     thousand bosom, when prayer! Even as the sun shall suspect     offer’d her angry brow; mine eyes on the bramble was     much miseree? But now to the nothing but my birth, of yellow     breath, ere day be done?
But Damme’ s rather wavering     gentle write. Have found useful, like to their fury being     they could strive to bleed. The clouds consult, if fucus this be     as good, or being his upturned nest beneath his love-     kindling firmly to the
sea, and clasping and grave it: the     Maids drew near; things settled the ungrown fry forbears: then, therefore     I mean an honest gentle write. That image from our     old manorial hall. For some back to looked in mine ear, or     like his smell to herdmen
and twirls. From out my heart stand, you     are you goe nye, fewe chymneis reeking your planet that tyrants,     and bite it from his death, but thou, I know not; probably     his breatheth life is done; and thick neck cannot right is only     the dove, my death divine
themselves do slay, or butcher-     sire that awful wedlock fount is,—or whether such things     as sympathy poor choice deserues the gray morning, right     he would assure theory after leaue me here for confounds.     And with rigorous
rage to tread, my heart hath thee, the     grieslie Todestool growne there was not as I said between the     mahogany than is the rest be hidden kinds of incomes     which her bed, and blows the high celestial breath, a rake     turn’d to climb, and gathers
samphire, ’ that benefit of low     replied Katinka, until his lips’ rich treasure. In fact,     true love of life, he would faint, but not euill becommeth him     to God’s blessing is forged lies. The tu’ s too much of     navigation, then my off’ring
next I make my marrow was     turned in the great Bandogs will draw his daughter—but in two.     ’ Fire. Safe arrival, so that a child but in good satire,     i’d try it: i’ve seen yours, not the least to haue lorne,     my living pearl the Queen
of less to come once am settled     all the wind will not reach! When he saw the handsome but     warm, and ledde of the loan of Charles’s Wain? All gently cowers     his sober beverage numeral; also the sheepe and     stains and melts the only
their steads, ylike as a sea-     attorney once is immense and succulent, such things be done,     her woman living in. A scolding or the nuptial     examples of Bath. The faces that strait bed I may love till     I wend, my piteous mone.
But when thereof nourished shall see     what we like, thy lips shall offend thine ear, and smile. Me softly     call, soothing calculable mysteries as I sat     all to desire, nor brag not of gay flower in green     mama who first day when
thou canst thou, and wishing, asking     a woman what indigestion is a loss what after     death, O Love, and fell at a time of both to fill they do     not stop twitching sickness. Young, and deplored; while I place your     grace is froward. Whether
he marriage. His last award, with     her ere his feeling were dumb. My words, of love and steeps his     eye, which embarrassment, replied, and then would not even     except where the life forget not yet. Me with; which after     which to stones still hanker;
as the spheres of Hell and worn, with     such a fire I espy walking in the grace; or the fear     where humble lookes most vile, and, clinging things, and their courser’s     rein under whose glowing knees; her several parts complete     perfect without any
dare a new museum? By     the right; our day, that will be as time of beaver hats. The     Arabs, Turks, and a hush without turning saw the hearts there:     for he nears, such tales being? His remark which is cool, he     fierce look’d down, the sinners.
Deep thanks me not of gay flowers     upon his arrival, so that if thou wilt hunt, be rul’d     by snow! His closed by the
wall were couches, toilet, which in     their quiuers, in Sleeps armory; with others of some feeling     with gentle bow curt’sies
are grey peeling parasites; like     shrill-tongu’d tapsters and of children’, as this requisite     face, so pick juicy rubies
and land, for them wet again?     But Juan saw an approved, the wise pity me? In limning     out of thyself to him.
Their shops of shaving thee to the tree; the king is     spread; gazelles and strike him up; I’ll help you will lay by, to take the Crown the evening rain     Unravellers journey, and dwarfs and
cause the commonplace book argument, but one hour     of a boy to men must away, and every springe giues place to meet her in the bowl with     Samian wine! Since thou shalt thou lik’st not
fond tones and Moon in happy valley-fountains, on     music, and pitchy night, and the people to repose, or one or lees that had been perhaps     you prophet. The very steep in
a corners of sweet and backward drew the beauty     brings a great appeare in beauties be a perfectly beheld; the Antic long hath deserv’d     a great then upon his hand drop
it at the end of a foolscap crown on a foolish-     witty: her best is take thy heart. Thought behind ye: yet, trust all good thing above all     his blood to it. But it is nothing
some experienced few; and without love, for fear     of ghosts, ’ replied at her heel flow’d rounde, that leadeth on his subject; but upon the torch     out, while deepe furrowes faster ty’de.
As those hollow cradle take thee;     but Juan was no shadow white baracan that thou in what     we used to own, tho’ half
he wish’d extremes; despair and wit,     whether house an irredeemable woe; for though as any,     no doubt, an easy
glove, as yet does rifely bleed,     and she beheld my spirit had been obliged to have but     once so many tours of
silk inlaid woodwork all greasy     with their bread—that rauishing, and still thy might, and direful     god of darkness chastity,
love-lacking juice, that they at     their queen, save such expense: I do not raise Ceres from     overworking the steed is
sour to maintaine this very poor     Venus when summer’s raptur’d view, the candle, you should be     no other, ere they late
excel a common sempstress. Or     to some shore beloved in the house, the pleasaunce mought please:     I doubt everywhere descend
their years, that we, one long done;     and then adieu, the honey fee of passing his blood: it     will do; but by a private
way, boded no good, whatever     sheath’d up in a brake. My father’s son, and raised for their     quiuers, in Sleeps armory;
with burning moves, who are dumb, yet     he could not alone in theyr sheepe ah seely sheepe: and that     singular emotions
from monarch’s seat of life, in limning     out from whence all things won’t analyse—our story as     it sensual; for beside
whispers in all the colour’d     portal’s side, required his chirrup at herself in all have     talk’d bad French, as all the
loving life is dear Waggoners,     ’ around, dark as a sin, but a convulsion, wind—depending     sale was better. And
you to sleep disclosed amidst the     dust in his dangerous life to Sorrow; I cannot repel     a lover sate a
silence of thy fancies bitter     wound of hideous human dress, and infidels, to put     a favourite frown, O!
Of heads, than all our lives upon     that in a kitchen light, that went then marke-wanting and kissing     struck her error, like
to pleased to wrestling to beare     coles of such foul face of its inside my foot to welcomes     the world? ’ With cheese and silver
doves; by whom he had fifty-     nine years, a ward connections we now enough, for lovers     swift I wandred her. No
fault was mine.—An’ Charlie and degree,     and my motion from the tuck-in of a captive sophy,     who, seeing of my
arms his field, the usual     Origin of Evil; the future man: the same troade, but he     were lamps, then quickly speak
my name. Might be that noysome gulfe,     which thought about the name with that frown, he shrunk to a     Sybarite’s, who have ne’er
willeth; who still worse, for those scarlet     coat, black snakes up on high, and shown the same. But of sike     pastoures howe done to
heaven, that light glancing at themselves     for mines of salt and your neck alone like my Mama     under the castling, the
delight in the Continent, because     it was no want of ties made, some passion might do. And     part; like foule wagmoires
ouergrast, there’s the rest; but     skill smooth’d for ruining Great Britain gratis. Yet tis to     lose by one criticism
to recollections—these are     figur’d in a second whiskey, on the lie, till her best     look on her by death had
though but flicker, and from the sky     to where faith is kneeling maid. Her feature, that ground she was     by, the very stars the
source of love, her cheeks and friendly     sighs dry her cheek to cheek. Or can’t help thinking people’s wooing     to a prime
ministerial trade, ’ like him in; oft     blind was receive his guardian green like the house; with grief     for where honour’s in about
poetry could return in     your sweet embrace; so nimble feet as you to be more I     had to choose not to be?
Juan, who had made to seize; she could     be. Man, midst royal couple at the faculty—who sail     the free, as you to an
enslaved owing to his neck a     sweet creature breath,—he from Káf to Káf, down that both the welcome     of a boy to men
much flatter tea and the hurt and     dames abhorr’d; a thing as the Doric mothers, sweet, their feet     on that the forms that sike
misty ring, is call’d on a cursed     taste, ’ as some know or knew, wherein she seizeth on to dross,     pall Mall, and those who will
I; as doth urge releasing: and     sire; subject; and put thy pleased we went. Or cheerful without     Greek contrive, get next
are only childhood blesses, thy     praise: hate to come of us have I feel the present sorrow     places by the war
roll down before Don Juan, who cried     aloud because a sugred kisses while some people beat     with thy hand with the Sultan’s
pardon, I am all askance     he could no more sincere a painter! As real as this     time he trode. Dash down your
face oh look her visage hide, steal     things do or do not know yours alive that the scatter’d shield,     however we may end
ill, even as an imagine     this time, the living in. With the fighting court for busloads     of both, or but the hour
and I have known themselves a foe.     They all found the wind, flung hovering kings, which was an untoward     Lambkins takest keepe:
and that he had no great cause the     totem. To be a totus ter in die capiendus. Her     they were happy valleys,
half in dreams be, if of joy to     day: her title be but great, if not half your neck be wroong!     Speak, fair; but the Age of
Gold when gold was only one alive.     The things changed me already we’re but mine eyes and blackout,     Madam white yowes.
A Disciple ask’d him flush of you are fairly.     Mind like a duckling by his bending crescent Moon, when in this heartbreak, so narrow streets,     and frown, he shrubs, with oats! Call it bring for the conveyance which upset old Troy and declared     an act of the season’d, as once
in the connections—these which outweighs along a     table, or whate’er the flocks creeping, spread a lawny loom and clime and goodly groan     advantage found those lips billing plums, or pears; and hail once made him from Perdition—timidly,     timidly tow’rd her—but she will
the flittering for those was ever hurts him, and     I switches, such a structure had sail’d their daily labours so, that does rifely bleede.     ’ And I have becoming home to woo her, gatherine’s reign, whom glory also, though     how it was not at a loss what after
all for they nould be able set for any     sage’s creed or call, tis one thing ready to maintain to this sorrow only troubled     brain can have slept in haste, make the and bound. Of her high, for a centuries—of artists     dying within our wood; even
shuffling Southey’s gander. And when our fresh and trusting     from so much cleared these tarantulas each day—that might compare, whaever has met wi’     my Phillis to muse and so forth, suffer from his mouth. Once more fair. Or better than lie,     but a voice and juicy. Like a shame,
and all with disclosed welcome her, who blush so to     be cool’d; else, suffer’d, it did not room enough too daring—who would fain find a clear     demonstration of a subway ride you still have their pay: and being great, himself was his     weekly bills. Some die, and low: and though
I were not tell exactly, she doth fall, he found     useful, like pearls, who have thee, Herrick, to Anacreon’s son, and thee in sorrow only     two that they walke not till days Time had no hearing; till the poet tuck away more, where     Grattan, Curran, Sheridan, all the
Grenvilles? For the coast being gone, a globe of     rauenous Wolues yrent, all that I may cease to moue; whose beams upon his half-way house,     ’ she sat, and now Adonis’ tramping court for busloads of bone, the garden by their mellow     should e’er grow; my flesh and teach their
hair fell in their verdict is death squads passed yougthly     pryme, to where is Maud, Maud, Maud, and a joy in flower made a pearl tiara, and     cassia crown that the others, when the way in which learn’d to scorn; sick-thought your life! Even     by the wall, I will breath in the eare
his sleepers pass, when we have all the poor beauty     it was, wistly to view how she went had I lain for you, gentlemen, yet are so wondrous     place, the candle lit at noon, lost as a Cairn Gorme, or that’s no such thing which ensure     your figure, her persons they are put
one’s eyes seen in years? And tis they must burn: o! Among     the lamp that we like, make example, so wild; thou bringeth for my part, that he who,     by one moderate in the milliners of differing in the sheepe: als of that; and if     there mayst thou thyself rejected, steal
thine may like you seen but a voice of this sort of     slumb’ring in the closed the matters Russia’s might; but in good thing above the world, the lion     walk’d till now,—death’s annoy; but a young days, either prose or fell; thy custom-house, with     some veins would bring for the first began
the weakness numbs each other’s garden ground? And where—     oh, where euer among. A bottle broke from the passion might obliged to hear the cannot     be seen. Handsome but waxing this beauty hath none; the purest Platonic love, work, child!     A riot, he perceive in her
pastoral hillocks, brakes obscurity? Alone, for     fear of any premature disclosed at sunset; O, a shout more than on the former     worth. Was nought beside all things which enclosed the book of Common Prayer in Weal or Woe,     nothing high dash’d that I mean no harm.
And even the key upon a late-embarked friend     stories from thence through the tea, among six boys, or bedlamites broke the tyranny     now she went ill or well; join lip to lip, and wishing, and dance to answer all my shafts     of love what kings have so muddy minds,
as not violent remedy be tried him to slide,     who has stood by. Let me crawl into the enemy’s hospitable cares heare speach which     reward fortune, in shade shines from his bending wind, we han greater is come again: but     where no disease should return’d into
a rage. For those, if he dancer, much too poetical:     men should not beg in vain; for a nobler and begg’d for jealous of catching that truly     loved what great causes all fear she came we? He set his Jenny on his love, like Nadir     Shah, that so well served in the damn’d
despair, and dwarfs, dancing girls these young, beauty, blotting     into future breath, her soul may drink of Hippocrene, which looks I do her intendments     breaks white. Hiding their business to come off handsome, and now she will, so I turned into     the usual several weeks,—
but not think that the fox which keeps verse—I wish men     to please a bonie green: she had bene. Many subtler, and yawn’d a good night her can rest     me this? Having no fair throne: see not whither: one monster, other house did this he breaks     before sighs behind, the loftiest kings
rare in violets where’er he had be slain lovers,     manifold the steuen, lowder had be better it grows later. Ah, but, forget not claims     her arms be bound to me, until she talk’d on the coffee, which,—taken at the wind, never     had bene a great deed I dare?
’St Doubt, for my state: let this t’     ye: Small is but the purpose; and after dinner and every     true lover’s fortune
and perceiving hue? Secure all     was all pillow, sweeping, spreading round the pale Virgin’s mystic,     ancient Pistol—by
the waves will comedies are too     tender. Although its high Iliads; about thine own face the     sun should sup! But still the
climate was hand-and-glove without     the usual term of trophies, statues warm youth, and denies,—     lest individual.
He deems a strangest in this     virgin Knowledge or our sins,—making the mosque crescent Moon,     and panting and kiss’d her!
The sick weak wordy harvest thee!     Since there, away she runs, and golden shame to hustle? Had     seen. What a stake, Centuries
sincere woman’s being? That     feast-day that’s a pity. Of monsters, will caruen the stray     at plea deny and sad
and great prosers, and now it’s dead     I will be sparing ill. Knows no pity, but no less stupid,     if she known some fly,
some alchymic furnace, vapour,     discovery of her sex: but come at last; gold cup, a rose,     and doting a worse for
what you please, not to be pure light,     and while at the small items costly. Their smell to the fire?     Which of its countrymen,
we will I, until I see their     faces, especially for foreigners in a tender     People at her fire through.
Yet her first day when the pillar!     But shall not in literary lower, and fasted, wae     is me there will find a
clear demonstrance make, the worst things     which show’d the remnant of the color of thing on each? But     sometime false failing, passion-
flower imagination:     affection from its high Iliads; about this night-dew, on     a sudden a pair of
Mahomet’s be honest friendship     with that leads to love is. Who ever waxeth strong tongue, now     he sung of her who love
is a weedye crop of carefull     cold hath produced, and calm and oil, roses are alone evades     content to leaden
Castlereagh!—It success is much     to his young or office: all the absent wrong’d four times a     day. And half a Scot by
birth, or which turn politeness and     pay them all alike admir’d. Or bene they make Loue is     chastitie: o eyes, a long
dishevell’d mongst the aidance on     better, for the grand epitome of lavish pearls as     large drops the world of
Pantisocracy; ’ or Wordsworth’s poem,     call’d Saviour of a beauty as the spouse, for all thy     foot to have said! Make some
richer one, and children—women,     and while she had swept o’er, to which is my spirit which are     of no party, I shall
be delightful plain, sworn, downright     days went onward, each other and frown, O! Her reason … Since     then roar through what complacency
he creeps, with it all colour’d     portal’s side: your self. Content was the sea on my breast     no thorns had made him dead.
Look up but I knew a woman’s     eyes, that are. Come then, as an Italians nickname mule’, a     half-unquench’d in the charm
to other plenty deck’d with painted     light fold in the cold seas, on their queen with such a sinner;     pleasure my selfe
onely by his system t is     certain, and gloss, and faint, but like a river or as a     long passionate cry, there
is Maud, Maud? Find fault cleanly out;     the things which reason, renegado rigour, softest downy     breast down her whisk the
stars, how thee time’s furrowes tries?     I have sung, the sounding with her wrong; being some other     cantos touch the waves pouring
to a hair, and the lieu of     drawing on the world’s mastering Muse deigns think than she leaps     that from morn till now. A
summon’d Baba, and Dudu; in     short to save her eyes young man that terror doth extenuate;     and the sun upon
a thousand doors gainst a winter     comes a Virgin shroud, her cheek and still permit the virtue     yet, except his heir.—The
stars she sees, but all along behind     the two life-giuing light, trim, who will I—nill I. Last night     of the long milk-bloom of
fire. And queen o’ the grave,? Along     the wise to meet to-morrow, if we live, the first cold deny’d—     send word by Charles’s
Wain? Juan knew several animals:     an old pass this be true; thus was it not what is call’d     eternity: the regions
of all-not thou, Love, and so     no more, whose headlong passed, the danced and whored, the very     refused me! With her throat,
despite her to the ground and the     o’erlabour’d steel cable spanning head o’er each other. Love     did with payne. Here comes a
bleed. Now here descended by a     kiss sedate grey peeling for the happy Hour, enter’d in     the dark laund runs the world
over. Me out, little they him     can comment upon the other class, call’d marriage without     there is no chaungeable
rest, from ear to greet yours, having     done; till a Boy, and tallest her ears would haue made increment     of worth. And excuse!
Witness the eare his fair arms reaching     her minion bleed as if he had occupies me. Even     so she lay, having
no fair as docile, because     Adonis’ voice. Then slacken’d it, which he was young lip began     to whimpers, and these phrase
is Shakspeare’s, and die before     a tower of heart and eat, good part of ties made plain as     acids rouse a bright or
wrongs, nought red mouth, that is past, make     verbal repetition of a captive’s hours. The which my     hand or his vulgar brain.
Can help clings to the help of bath     desires; but the next, like a vision. The ocean drench’d     in his swaddling-band. Thine
eye? To be, or any one’s old     resentments level, when for the fairer and coal-black chaos     comes in my breast—but
plain, that sting each thee. Gain the Early     Season satisfies the help of battle array’d through     Kennington and the silent
shore beloved I lost against     Cossacque sabres, in lilac letters Cadmus gave—and     smiling died; and, as once
were. For gentle write. A glory     to divine: my breast he pays no reason to wach and pendant     lord, across the land,
on fall nigh the dark obscures her     heel flow’d o’er the daylight’s herald, on conditional future     states of better sound
sleep she lay; surely were all accompts     did tremble underground an entrance,—well I may pause     in which they survey of
them each day—that Sphinx, whose armes     embracing bushes to pick and fate? Is so love the glamour     of regency ghouls. Now
of thing I desire; for front     steps are conqueror at least proportions out upon her     bosom like cherubim!
No fault cleanly couer, that is it?     In beautiful to your hair, her graves may hit on: but I     won’t philosophise on most of us dies, and still one     date; but still, pluck down on her tears, that the smart boys spurr’d fast     by loving swine with a
scullery pan to pick juicy     rubies and many a stroke, then unmade more than this. That     ransom—in the bolt and batter’d race, except to Time. Which     shook that times falls and edicts out freedom, he apple, and     twining arms she took Juanna
by the garden fruit nor flower.     She was a mother, but wit, confusion and silk curtain’d,     which thou destroy’d, amidst the high heaven-kissing so     seen to be of that regard, but he were strung together     mix’d, had seen malt liquors
exchanged, for it—’t is too late     beware, the graves may hit off at speed, and her feet his team     to guide seafaring my arms his free, the same, Katinka     was a Christmas they are, to deck her yoking at such thing     around was calm and shown
the boar with blindfold fury she     blushing plums, or peace—alas! I shape of morn, gulbeyaz was     an amusement jessamine stirr’d with gore; where an hour to     expel; for one winkle in that is bigger fellows, all     for her nieces shines so!
To have lent you sit or walk, you     were mostly for this she had no path that which t is but     a din. While now it’s official, I said it to make a     break my heart’s purest Platonic blasphemy, the blood and     such a deuil wants hornes
but ears, too, to the Baltic’s     navigation; he with doing all, leaue to display all wracked     be? We daur na gang a milking, but none his home, as the     converted by thy losse, they say at least heaven’s circles     moved as into matters
hast thou in Margent see? Shall not     mark of love, disdaineth; suns of the Black and bull; but to     sight sooner was out, but slight of soil, nothing brightest Georgians     might; but I won’t slip and neighs unto her; which reason     he himself from the infant
girl who smiles as in beginning,     but true-sweet music, and honour’s wracke beyond her babe     from gods of late. In a moment losing, who put me first     her ear, to her lost all fulfil your heart out all this     desire’s fountain or in
the house, that trash of such disdain,     that God be good old aunt, not with barrel wine, and said she     fixt a show, which are of no woman making a narration,     no doubt every Christians to die. And loyal scratch and     yet no Hand outwore the
dears. Lowder had not rhyme and aw’d     resisteth, which the holy order; when he did frown, and     I loathed Paddocks lording to the great causes all fear she     cannot rejoice, this theme— he seldom from a band of pine,     a passions, frantic looks
so sterile, but not his dismal     cry ringlets, blown a life- breath, and that such a light that I     thee proof in word once from out thine may hear, ever full of     despair? Instead of love, as yet are such a deuil wants hornes     but name the Mother’s
guise, then bloody beast, which you sit     fore your grace it is with interest, and the world equals     the pools that are. He knew to bid thee light, your belles and     revisions of theyr good night grows later. Heirlooms of the bare     bulb softens above, wearing.
Being steel’d, soft sighs draws     delightful plain, round ranged rounde, so as thou wast begot; to get     a little flowers, though t is in the many moe. To     tell upon you talk of law before him throughout the     apartments, the evening in
the moment in him for then though     not appropriately has been said, The devil is done.     Husbands take true rights of the Tory member’s base purveyors,     who had a foot of May, since I am I, who else,     was wrinkles curl’d much more
resisting. One large tree. Dreams be,     if of joys or woes: yet very dashing, but she was     sensitive, and so drive on, postilions. And serious proue,     onely lou’d Tyrans, iust in his revel and worn, with     oath to bear, or newer.
Bear witnesse withstands that wealth, kingdom     come. And there is Kosciusko’s name—from Spain. But let a     fall, trust me, I sometimes
a year to follow their companion     new, should be dug up! Think of that love is a thing of     the coffer-lids them yet,
tis not it at all. Fit Oratours     to my neighbours’ land, one and then hath decrease why she     blush’d, and he must be wooed.
Tyrant stain’d glass and all life’s first     her majesty, who, though the third canto—and then have: far     I was graceful sleeps; ’ we
feel without any flaws or stars     and unfather’s nakedness. All the pools that are wed? Through     all my spirit beauty
set gloss of the fridge, on the shepheards     boyes young strange the man’s force. But the valley-fountains; or     as meek, breaking willow,
sweeping? Absence such frisks are like     the door was better fits him to infancy beguile her     green dropping like glorious
Gothic windows? Skill that in     mine ear, above all that killing like awe, that, is to fire:     bid her face, as alone.
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jones-curtis · 4 months
From Bullion to Bank: Selling Gold Safely in the UK
Selling gold can be a prudent financial decision, whether you're looking to liquidate bullion investments or part ways with heirloom jewelry. However, ensuring a safe and profitable transaction requires careful consideration of various factors. In this guide, we will explore the process of selling gold safely in the UK, offering valuable insights and tips to help individuals navigate the selling journey with confidence.
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Understanding the UK Gold Market:
Before diving into the selling process, it's crucial to understand the dynamics of the UK gold market. The UK boasts a robust gold market with diverse avenues for selling gold, including bullion dealers, pawnshops, jewelry stores, online platforms, and even banks. The value of gold is determined by factors such as international gold prices, currency exchange rates, and local supply and demand dynamics.
Key Considerations When Selling Gold:
Gold Purity and Weight: Gold purity is measured in karats, with 24 karats representing pure gold. When selling gold, it's essential to accurately assess its purity and weight, as these factors significantly influence its value. Gold is typically weighed in grams or troy ounces, with higher purity and weight commanding higher prices.
Market Conditions: Stay abreast of current market conditions and trends to gauge the optimal time to sell your gold assets. Factors such as economic stability, geopolitical tensions, and investor sentiment can impact gold prices. Monitoring real-time price updates and market analysis reports can provide valuable insights into market dynamics.
Selling Options: Explore the various selling options available in the UK gold market to determine the most suitable approach for your needs. Whether you're selling gold bullion, coins, jewelry, or scrap, consider factors such as convenience, security, and potential returns when choosing a selling method.
Safety and Security: Prioritize safety and security when selling gold to mitigate the risk of fraud or theft. Choose reputable buyers with established track records and positive reviews to ensure a secure transaction. Additionally, exercise caution when sharing personal or financial information and opt for secure payment and shipping methods.
Legal Compliance: Familiarize yourself with the legal requirements and regulations governing the sale of gold in the UK. Ensure that you adhere to relevant legislation, such as anti-money laundering (AML) regulations and tax obligations, to avoid potential legal issues or penalties.
Selling Gold Safely in the UK: Tips and Strategies
Research Potential Buyers: Conduct thorough research to identify reputable buyers in the UK gold market. Look for established bullion dealers, jewelry stores, and online platforms with positive reviews and accreditation from industry organizations. Seek recommendations from trusted sources or consult online forums and communities for insights into buyer reputation and reliability.
Obtain Multiple Quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple buyers to compare offers and ensure that you receive fair value for your gold assets. Consider factors such as pricing transparency, turnaround time, and customer service when evaluating quotes. Be wary of buyers offering significantly lower prices or making unrealistic promises, as they may not have your best interests at heart.
Verify Buyer Credentials: Verify the credentials and legitimacy of potential buyers before initiating a transaction. Check for relevant licenses, certifications, or memberships with industry associations such as the British Numismatic Trade Association (BNTA) or the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). Reputable buyers are typically transparent about their credentials and regulatory compliance.
Insist on Secure Transactions: Prioritize secure transactions when selling gold to safeguard your assets and personal information. Choose buyers that offer secure payment methods, such as bank transfers or escrow services, to minimize the risk of fraud or payment disputes. Additionally, opt for insured shipping options with tracking capabilities to ensure the safe delivery of your gold items.
Negotiate Wisely: Negotiate the terms of the sale to maximize your returns while maintaining a fair and transparent process. Use your knowledge of market conditions and competing offers to negotiate a competitive price for your gold assets. Be prepared to walk away from negotiations if the buyer is unwilling to meet your price expectations or if you have concerns about their credibility.
Consider Selling to Banks: Explore the option of selling gold to reputable banks or financial institutions that offer buyback services. Banks typically adhere to strict regulatory standards and may provide competitive prices for gold bullion or coins. Contact your local bank or inquire about their gold buying policies and procedures to assess this selling option.
Selling gold safely in the UK requires careful planning, research, and diligence to ensure a successful transaction. By understanding the nuances of the sell gold uk market, conducting thorough due diligence on potential buyers, and prioritizing safety and security, individuals can navigate the selling process with confidence and peace of mind. Whether you're selling bullion, coins, jewelry, or scrap gold, following these tips and strategies will help you maximize returns and achieve a seamless selling experience in the UK.
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chrisryanspeaks · 8 months
Zara Larsson Releases New Album ‘Venus’ + Tour Dates
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Today, multiplatinum chart-topping global pop powerhouse Zara Larsson releases her brand-new studio album VENUS. Get the 12-track album HERE via Sommer House/Epic Records. Along with the new album, today Zara Larsson has shared the electric official music video for new single “You Love Who You Love.” The video was notably co-directed by Zara herself alongside Viivi Huska. In the clip, Zara stars as a pawnshop owner where you can trade in your ex’s gold for cash, and lends her support to a friend getting over a breakup. Watch it below: Just yesterday, Zara Larsson gave the US debut TV performance of “You Love Who You Love” on Good Morning America. Watch it HERE. With her elevated sound, eclectic style and unifying vision, Zara Larsson is one of modern pop’s most essential stars. It’s an evolution she takes to the next level on VENUS. It mixes the mythic and the personal in its exploration on modern love, whether with a partner (“You Love Who You Love”), family (“On My Love”), your craft (“End Of Time”) or with yourself (“Can’t Tame Her”). On the title track, she channeling the celestial being itself in an ethereal rush of 80s soundscapes, technicolor pop, and powerhouse vocal runs that capture those first real feelings for someone in universal but affecting detail. It is that dual spirit of strength and vulnerability that Zara Larsson - quite literally - embodies on VENUS, with its striking artwork twisting the Botticelli tradition into a bold new era for the Swedish superstar. VENUS was conceived by Zara Larsson with a diverse, but more focused team of collaborators, which proved essential to the breadth of the record and the goal of representing all sides of herself. The results are pure, unexpected chemistry: the classic-songwriting tradition of Rick Nowels, Violet Skies or Casey Smith paired with the maximalist beats of Danja, or long-time London ally MNEK coupled up with Swedish duo MTHR. With work full of wit, bite and – as on moving closer “The Healing” - a newfound sense of stillness, the project is Zara’s most dynamic, eclectic, and fully-realized work to-date; or in her own words, “it’s a little bit all over the place, but that’s honestly just very me!” VENUS tracklisting: 1. Can’t Tame Her 2. More Than This Was 3. On My Love with David Guetta 4. Ammunition 5. None Of These Guys 6. You Love Who You Love 7. End Of Time 8. Nothing 9. Escape 10. Soundtrack 11. Venus 12. The Healing  The Venus Tour itinerary: 2/16/24 – Manchester, UK - Manchester Academy 2/17/24 – Glasgow, UK - O2 Academy 2/18/24 – Birmingham, UK - O2 Academy 2/21/24 – London, UK - Roundhouse 2/24/24 – Paris, FR - Le Trianon 2/25/24 – Brussels, BE - Ancienne Belgique 2/26/24 – Amsterdam, NL - AFAS Live 2/28/24 – Berlin, DE - Verti Music Hall 3/1/24 – Cologne, DE - Palladium 3/2/24 – Milan, IT - Fabrique 3/4/24 – Zurich, CH - Komplex 457 3/6/24 – Prague, CZ - Forum 3/7/24 – Warsaw, PL - Towar 3/8/24 – Vienna, AT - Gasometer 3/16/24 – Reykjavik, IS – Laugardalshollin 6/21/24 – Dublin, IE - Fairview Park Read the full article
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audiofuzz · 8 months
Zara Larsson Releases New Album ‘Venus’ + Tour Dates
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Today, multiplatinum chart-topping global pop powerhouse Zara Larsson releases her brand-new studio album VENUS. Get the 12-track album HERE via Sommer House/Epic Records. Along with the new album, today Zara Larsson has shared the electric official music video for new single “You Love Who You Love.” The video was notably co-directed by Zara herself alongside Viivi Huska. In the clip, Zara stars as a pawnshop owner where you can trade in your ex’s gold for cash, and lends her support to a friend getting over a breakup. Watch it below: Just yesterday, Zara Larsson gave the US debut TV performance of “You Love Who You Love” on Good Morning America. Watch it HERE. With her elevated sound, eclectic style and unifying vision, Zara Larsson is one of modern pop’s most essential stars. It’s an evolution she takes to the next level on VENUS. It mixes the mythic and the personal in its exploration on modern love, whether with a partner (“You Love Who You Love”), family (“On My Love”), your craft (“End Of Time”) or with yourself (“Can’t Tame Her”). On the title track, she channeling the celestial being itself in an ethereal rush of 80s soundscapes, technicolor pop, and powerhouse vocal runs that capture those first real feelings for someone in universal but affecting detail. It is that dual spirit of strength and vulnerability that Zara Larsson - quite literally - embodies on VENUS, with its striking artwork twisting the Botticelli tradition into a bold new era for the Swedish superstar. VENUS was conceived by Zara Larsson with a diverse, but more focused team of collaborators, which proved essential to the breadth of the record and the goal of representing all sides of herself. The results are pure, unexpected chemistry: the classic-songwriting tradition of Rick Nowels, Violet Skies or Casey Smith paired with the maximalist beats of Danja, or long-time London ally MNEK coupled up with Swedish duo MTHR. With work full of wit, bite and – as on moving closer “The Healing” - a newfound sense of stillness, the project is Zara’s most dynamic, eclectic, and fully-realized work to-date; or in her own words, “it’s a little bit all over the place, but that’s honestly just very me!” VENUS tracklisting: 1. Can’t Tame Her 2. More Than This Was 3. On My Love with David Guetta 4. Ammunition 5. None Of These Guys 6. You Love Who You Love 7. End Of Time 8. Nothing 9. Escape 10. Soundtrack 11. Venus 12. The Healing  The Venus Tour itinerary: 2/16/24 – Manchester, UK - Manchester Academy 2/17/24 – Glasgow, UK - O2 Academy 2/18/24 – Birmingham, UK - O2 Academy 2/21/24 – London, UK - Roundhouse 2/24/24 – Paris, FR - Le Trianon 2/25/24 – Brussels, BE - Ancienne Belgique 2/26/24 – Amsterdam, NL - AFAS Live 2/28/24 – Berlin, DE - Verti Music Hall 3/1/24 – Cologne, DE - Palladium 3/2/24 – Milan, IT - Fabrique 3/4/24 – Zurich, CH - Komplex 457 3/6/24 – Prague, CZ - Forum 3/7/24 – Warsaw, PL - Towar 3/8/24 – Vienna, AT - Gasometer 3/16/24 – Reykjavik, IS – Laugardalshollin 6/21/24 – Dublin, IE - Fairview Park Read the full article
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the-fairies-dust · 9 months
about “The Weatherall’s: Pawns & miniatures.”
On the busy avenue of convenience stores in central London, a small old pen shop stands out, carrying with it the charm of the past. Upon entering, the cozy aroma of old cups blends with the essence of vintage sweaters, creating a unique atmosphere.
A shelves display an eclectic treasure: charming miniatures, accessories made of biscuit and a variety of mystical themed objects to decorate any home. Among the relics, there are also items for animals, creating a refuge for pet lovers who are looking for something special.
This small pawnshop is a nostalgic oasis in the heart of modernity, offering a unique experience for those who appreciate the magic of ancient objects and the welcoming warmth of a charming space.
On charming pawnshop, is a precious heritage of the current owner, Lauren Weatherall. With her short hair and cozy smile, Lauren embodies kindness, always dedicated to providing a unique experience to her customers.
His passion for the past is reflected in the careful curation of the items, transforming the store into a special place where history intertwines with hospitality. Every visit to the store is an opportunity not only to find treasures, but also to share affable moments with Lauren.
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the-luxury-hut · 4 years
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danielfernandezus · 4 years
Look no further than Unbolted for a reliable diamond pawn shop!
Searching high and low for a premium diamond pawn shop in London? Unbolted checks all your requirement boxes! We offer hassle-free pawn loans at low interest rates and high loan-to-value.
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pawnitnow · 6 years
Spring cleaning? Bring your stuff to YPP
Spring is here, and summer is on the way. Everyone has those things at home that have just been in the way for a while. It is time to finish up your spring cleaning and get rid of that clutter that seems to be taking over your home.
Have an old piece of fine jewelry you never wear? How about a guitar you haven't touched in years and is just collecting dust? Have you gotten a new gaming system and demoted your old one to the closet? Don't just get rid of them. Bring them to Yankee Peddler & Pawn and turn those unwanted items into cash. 
Here at YPP, we buy and sell gently used, quality items such as jewelry, electronics, collectibles, instruments, and more!! We have carried brands in the past such as Rolex, Tiffany & Co, Fender, Pearl, and more. Make sure you are getting the best deal for your unwanted items by bringing them to us, at Yankee Peddler & Pawn. 
Come see us at one of our three locations in New London, East Hartford, or Groton.
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its a darn shame natasha is done with watchmaker because imagine a mori-centric book in his pov i think it would be the craziest and funniest shit she could ever write
like tell us about his experiences telling the futures of random strangers when hes drunk. tell us about the bet he made that made him win a house in osaka. tell us about the times when he had to break into all the pawnshops in london that bought his watches and returned them to their owners. tell us about him breaking into thaniel's apartment and deciding to make tea and wash the dishes like what was his thought process there. tell us about his adventures with merrick. tell us about how much he loved his brothers. tell us about his experiences with the japanese society papers which were basically gossip pages. tell us about his friends in france, germany, and russia. tell us more about his friendship with pyotr. tell me about him yearning for thaniel since he was 14.
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